Posts Tagged ‘poisons’

Are you in a Spiritual crisis?

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Sam called me and seemed troubled. This isn’t
typical of him at all. He is a swimmer and is
usually in great shape! He is very active in the
community as a teacher and contributes both his
time and resources to help others. When I saw him
he said, “I am going through a spiritual crisis. I
feel that I am losing my spiritual roots, I don’t
feel like myself, I am losing my connection with
the work that I have devoted my life too.” Sam
works as a priest and helps whenever and where
ever he can. I was flattered that he came into see
me for some help.

I know what he’s going through. I had a few
spiritual crisis’ myself over the years. Sometimes
it comes from over work or stresses. You push too
hard or get tempted by the worldly things or the
flesh and before you know it you get lost on the
path resulting in a drying up of spiritual insight
and perception.
A Spiritual crisis can come from one of the follow
-Not sharing emotional and spirit ual insights with
colleagues that work with you in the same field.
-Getting into a rut from performing repetitions in
your meditations. (Like doing the same practices
mechanically with no true spiritual energy behind
-No divine hook-up. Working with others and
forgetting to connect to spirit. This will
definitely drain you.

-Worry, struggle and blame (the three poisons). If
you have a hidden agenda or you are too rushed it
will disturb your meditation, drain your power and
can cause spiritual burn out.

-Getting caught up in guilt, self-blame shame,
lack of gratitude all these can result in the loss
of spiritual vision.
One must connect to the divine, be open, honest to
receive and send.

When you’re involved in spiritual work no matter
if it’s with a group or your individual practice
there are rituals that can include a trance like
state, communications with your ancestors and
different deities, and even sacred drumming and
dance. I have found similar practices in the
Native American, The Tibetan Buddhists, and the
Taoists practices and even in the Jewish and
Christian practices. It’s never about the dogma or
the politics of the church when it comes to spirit
although some groups may want you to believe that
it just not true.
I have studied and personally worked with many
different groups over the years and if you can
follow the different practices of any spiritual
group it all seems to lead to the same place, A
Devine energy that opens you up and makes your
life better. Spirit is much more than a group of
people getting together to pray and do social
I practice daily and teach the members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle the fastest and direct route to
opening up spiritually.
Join us in opening up your internal centers

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Avoid the 3 Poisons of Worry, Struggle and Blame

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Avoid the three poisons of worry, struggle and blame

You’ve come up with a great idea, you took months,
even years to put it together, you did your
research, made the right contacts and everything
is set to go. There has been a tremendous amount
of planning and preparation done in order to get
your project ready for the big launch. You are
about to take the final leap of faith into the
abyss praying that everything will go as you
expected. That’s when it happened the
hole-freaking thing seemed to crumble right before
your eyes.

We may not be able to control a lot of things in
our lives, but one thing you can always control is
how you respond to a situation.

1. Take responsibility for the situation and avoid
the three poisons of worry, struggle and blame.
a. Worry -is just negative visualization and
whatever we visualize is what we bring into our
life. The key is to focus on what you want, not
what you don’t want.
b. Struggle- When you feel that you will be
left out of something or not have enough, one
becomes greedy, jealous and life seems like a
c. Blame- When you accuse others for your
problems and anything that doesn’t go your way.
Take ownership of your circumstance as a stance
and posture towards your situation.
2. Analyze where the breakdowns happened.
Acknowledge where you are now and decide where you
want to go from here. Ask yourself this, how can I
do it better? What have I learned? What’s the next
“Turn your Stops into Steps.”
3. Take Action! –After you have taken
images of your circumstances and evaluated
your mistakes, it’s time for action. Get up and
keep moving forward. What are the most important
things you should be doing- Keep life as simple as
you can and keeping the focus where it needs to
be. Keep up with your practices
4. Be grateful for what you have, for the
opportunity to learn and grow and get going again
The one who wins the fight is the one who is still
standing at the end.

I have had projects that I thought couldn’t fail,
they did.
I had projects that I thought would never work,
they worked.
The only projects that never work are the ones
that you don’t work.

I always take time out for a few essentials-SLEEP,
CAN FIND. (Diet)
The training that works the quickest and will give
you the most power are Internal exercises, the
Recharging Qi Gong and the Flying Crane Style Qi
Gong programs.

I sleep at least 6 hours a night and get in 8
hours per night and I eat organic as much as
possible. Eat smaller meals more frequently.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Are your loved ones Sucking your Energy

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

An Energy Vampire will spread fear around like
it’s going out of style, just to suck you in.
Their conversations are about fear that really
doesn’t exist and they set traps for others to
fall into so they can suck the Energy from you.
For the most part they lack close friends and any
kind of long lasting relationships. An Energy Vampire
will set up situations to suck others into their
negative energy to drain them of life, love and

Do you know anyone who carries fear around with
them like a bag of treats, ready to share it with
anyone who will to listen to your sad pathetic
Beware of those people who are always saying
things like- “I don’t know about you but if this or that
happens I’m really screwed.” “I don’t know what I
would do.” “I’m totally freaking out about it,
aren’t you?” They tell their Sad Sack story over
and over to whoever will listen and that’s one of
the ways they hook their teeth in to suck you dry.

I have seen them suck the joy out of their own
family, their mates and even their children. They
force friends and family to try and calm them
down, as they suck the life and energy out of the

Beware, if you have a clinging person around you
that needs to be constantly held or indulged like
a little baby, chances are they are sucking you
dry. They are drawing upon your strength to feed
and when you try to pull away they squeal and cry
like they are two years old even if they are

Well, it’s high time to take
responsibility for your own pile of dung and do
something about it before friends, family ditch
you totally. Your mother, father, sister, brother,
husband, wife and even your children may still be
with you physically but they will resent you for
stealing their life force.

We all get stubborn now and then but if you are
stubborn to the point of ridiculousness, it’s time
to wake up. The Tibetans say that all of this
comes from the “Three poisons” Worry, Struggle and
Blame. If you find yourself or friends who are
living in a place of doubt, not believing anyone
and always blame others for misfortune, chances
are they are caught in the endless circle of
Worry, Struggle and Blame others for their own

But you can change this pattern. images-1 That’s all one needs to
do, but you have to be the one who does it. No one
else can even help you. I know patients who see
physiologists, doctors and even healers but until
they take responsibility for their own health,
they will be stuck and be sucking on others
energy. I taught a class to a group of doctors,
healers and physiologists to give them tools to
keep themselves free of energy. Three Poisons
Sounds the program included the formulas on how to
recognize the patterns and how to pull yourself
and your clients, friends and family out of this

The entire program was recorded and put on DVD’s
to learn and grow out of old patterns. You can
order the program today by clicking here.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to end Worry, Struggle and Blame forever

Monday, January 7th, 2013

I have been sharing clients with a medical doctor
for the last few years and now she is dissatisfied
with the arrangement. According to her the
patients that come in to see me are getting better
too quick. I thought that was the goal, but
apparently for some doctors that’s not it. The
truth is the other doctor is stressed to the max
and doesn’t know where to turn. So the easiest
thing is to blame others for the problems and I
seem to be in the line of fire.

This is a normal human response when one doesn’t
want to take responsibility for what’s put in their plate.
They blame others for the situation.
We have all done this at one time or another,
but it’s far from healthy in any situation.

There is a teaching that comes from the Tibetan
Buddhist tradition of spiritual work. It’s called
the “Wheel of Life “and shows the emotional states
or realms of consciousness often associates with
the unaware states of awareness. It’s depicted by
a painting called a mandala and is often on the
doors of the monetary so the monks are reminded to
wake up and not be caught up in “The Three Poisons”.

In the middle of the mandala is a picture of a
pig, a snake and a peacock. These symbolize “The
Three Poisons”-worry, struggle and blame, also
known as ignorance, greed and aggression,
according to the Buddhists this is the root cause
of suffering and dissatisfaction.

Surrounding the center sphere of the painting are
beings on the path of spiritual evolution.

This is one of the most important teachings to
freedom and get on with life in a positive
harmonious way. The teaching gives you a formula
to move away from “The Three Poisons” and leads
you into a world of wisdom, compassion and
transformative power.

“As Long AS OUR ACTIONS are dominated by anger
(blame) ignorance (worry) and pride (Struggle), we
are lost in a world of illusion, spinning in an
endless cycle from which we will not escape.”

We have put together a package called
The Internal Mantra Program
that teaches in detail the internal workings of
this ancient work that includes a DVD of the
teaching, a powerful CD interview with Eluv and a
rare CD giving you the practice and the
formula for transformation.

Don’t wait for the universe to smack you in the
face. Get the program today and start the

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Creativity, the 2nd Chakra and Sex

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Health has more aspects to it then you would
Health has the mental, physical, emotional and
spiritual aspect to it.
If any one of these components is out of balance
you will have pain and suffering.

It may manifest as one of the three poisons:
Worry, Struggle or Blame.
It can be turned around in a split second to aim,
contribution and participation.

1. Aim- The intention to reach your goal and
accomplish it

2. Contribution- Give back to the community, your
state, your country and the world

3. Participation- Get involved in life share with
others and give more of yourself to others

When we start working together your health will
Your sex life gets better, you become more
creative, your humanity unfolds and your heart

My friend Richard Stocker wrote this after I gave
him a treatment.
Check this guy out he is a creative wizard.

Chatty guy
another reply
I want to know
will you give it a try?
Let’s talk about health
you know it’s our wealth
gotta keep it together
or the rest is a mess.
This one’s for real
you’re gonna cop a good feel
start turning your wheel
with a new squirt of grease.
Can we get it going?
It’s not a bum steer.
Give it just a few months
you’ll have nothing to fear.
Get rid of some stuff
that’s making it tough
to be the old you
the jumpin’ young buck.
Give me a call
I’ll get you going
we’ll set it up
get this seed sowin’.
Tell me you agree
Call me today
Be my testimonial
Be the top of my leg.
Be the friend you are
Then happy you did
We’ll get better together
then dance a new jig.

I really appreciate Creativity.
No matter if it’s a song, dance, art, a good book
or a poem.
Creativity is said to be ruled by our 2nd chakra
as well as

Art by Richard Stocker

Creativity opens up more than one could imagine.
Although modern medicine is based on science, our
body, mind and soul
are based on creativity. If your creativity is
dead your life is bland.
The importance of love, sex, creativity, music and
will keep you young, happy and give you a world of

Every month I create a new DVD for a group of
select people
all over the world on Health, Longevity,
Developing your Energy,
Building better Relationships and increasing your
Life Force.

The Qi Gong Inner Circle will change your life and
give you tools to increase your Longevity.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The 9 Poisons that Can Shorten your Life

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I always told my students It’s Not Bad Dying
but getting sick is the pits. To keep yourself
healthy there are some things that you really want
to avoid.

1. Stress– it can kill you
Stress will take its toil on you and may actually
shorten your life if you don’t know how to use it.

2. Smoking
Tobacco use remains the most preventable cause of
death. Smoking can rob you of 10 years of life
and if you get cancer or lung disease you will
find out what I meant by the pits.
But your body can bounce back sooner than you
would imagine. In fact blood pressure and
circulation improves the quickest after quitting,
and your can significantly reduce the risk of

3. Stop eating processed foods
When I was a child my grandmother seemed to always
be in the kitchen and so was my mother. They
canned fresh fruit, made jelly, put up tomatoes,
pickles, peppers and relishes. Over the last 30 or
40 years there has been a shift to consuming more
processed foods by large multinational
corporations along with processing comes an
increase in added sodium, more saturated fat, more
sugar, and less fiber. The result? More,
cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

4. Sitting on your butt
Exercise, Exercise and more exercise. The more you
use your car the quicker it will ware out, but the
body is different. “Use it or loose it!” when we
exercise just 30 minutes a day five or more times
per week, you can extend your life by years.
Studies show that just 15 minutes a day can
increase your life span by another three years. So
get on your bike, roller blades, go to the gym,
take a walk and do something physical daily.

5. Anger
Anger can cost you years off your life. Levels of
stress hormone go up when you’re stressed or
angry, and cause havoc on your heart, metabolism,
and immune system. High cortisol has been
associated with greater mortality in a number of

6. Being a Hermit
Meet, Greet, visit friends and go out to eat!
Being social is a great longevity booster, it
boost your immune system, keeps you strong, while
being a hermit can be boring and put you in a
negative frame of mind and at risk of depression
and even heart attacks.

7. Letting Fear scare you to death
Fear can make your entire body contract causing
kidney problems, heart trouble and more. Chinese
medicine tells us that the opposite of fear is
gentleness. Exercises like yoga Tai chi and Qi
Gong can change your headspace bring more
gentleness into your life and keep you alive

8. Not sleeping
A good nights sleep can be worth Big bucks.
Getting a good night sleep can affect your
lifespan, not getting sufficient sleep or
disturbed sleep can effect your heart, cause
stress, depression, and heart disease.
Relaxing music and Meditation exercises can set
the stage for a good night’s sleep.

9. Good genes doesn’t always equal a long life

Work on health, avoid the 9 poisons

Having parents and grandparents who live into
their nineties and beyond is a blessing but it’s
only a third of the longevity secret.
Environmental and lifestyle, your diet and
exercise plus whether you’re exposed to toxins or
not and how much stress you experience play a big
roll in your longevity or lack of it. Also
relationships also play a huge role in how fast
you age and how long you might live.

Staying healthy is as changeling as you get older
and if you are still doing any of the 9 no, no ,
it’s time to wake up and start working on self
cultivation! You can change your health picture
around in no time at all and enjoy a quality life.
I have spent much of my life helping people turn
their health around for the better.

It’s a blessing to be healthy but you must work at

Health is a privilege!

If you are ready for a great life contact me and
I’ll give you a free consultation to make your
life better.

305-407-0120 Office

Private Coaching

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are Organic Foods a Scam?

Friday, August 10th, 2012

There are people who just think that the entire
organic thing is a scam.
To sell food at a higher price and rip the public
off and play on their fears of sickness.

Well it’s time to wake up!
When you are buying conventional foods you are
getting much more than you think. Conventional
could be interpreted as pumped up with chemicals,
sprayed with poisons and picked green.

I know sometimes you don’t have a choice. When I
go into a restaurant, for the most part I know
that I am not going to get organic food but there
are some foods that are really heavily sprayed and
fertilized and should be avoided.

Here is a list of the worst foods to eat if they
are not certified organic:
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries
4. Peaches
5. Nectarines
6. Spinach, Kale, collard greens
7. Grapes
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Potatoes
10. All lettuces
11. Cherries
12. Blueberries

Environmental groups say the worst foods contain
47 to 67 pesticides per serving and although our
government says consuming pesticides in low
amounts is not harmful- don’t believe them for one
It is critical that you know what you are eating
if you want to maintain good health.

The list is based on pesticide tests conducted
after the produce was washed with USDA
high-powered pressure water system. So for the
most part you can’t wash it off.
Peeling can help, although you have to take into
account that the pesticides are in the water so
the fruits and vegetables suck up the pesticides
through the roots and they can’t be removed.

What can you do if you want to eat those foods?
Plant your own fruit trees and grow an organic
garden and if you don’t have the room you can
always grow organic sprouts in your own kitchen
like lentil, radish, sunflower, mung bean alfalfa,
broccoli, peas and wheat sprouts. They are all
live foods and really healthy for you and a good
source of nutrition.

The body ages from having too many toxins
affecting our organs, (Toxin overload).

Now if you could imagine having a garbage can that
you keep throwing things in it, eventually it will
get full. When that happens, garbage starts to
spill out and the next thing you know you will
have flies, rats and pests. You can spray, and
poison as much as you want but the pests will
eventually come back as long as there is garbage
to eat. If you want to eliminate the problem, the
garbage has to be removed and the can cleaned out.

The human body is the same. These days we can’t
avoid toxins. It’s in the air, water and the
foods we eat.

Our system tries to filter it out through the
liver and the kidneys but eventually our bodies’
filters get filled up with toxins and the pests we
get come in the way of disease.

But don’t worry there is a solution that has
worked for thousands of health conscious people.

The Core Restore Liver Cleanse Kit:

It is a comprehensive 7-day diet, lifestyle and
nutrition program to reduce your toxic burden. The
program will improve hormone balance, reduce total
toxic burden and reveal chemical sensitivities as
well as food allergies. It will give you a
scheduled health maintenance program, simplify
complex gut issues and reinforce healthy lifestyle

We all do regular maintenance on our cars. Are you
doing the maintenance you need to do on your body?

Detox now and stay healthy

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Eat, Smile, Stay, Happy and Detox from Sickness

Friday, June 15th, 2012

lan came in to the clinic 2 days ago to
get tuned up and see if he could get his emotions
under control. He was losing his temper all of the time,
he’d get in fights at least once a week and couldn’t stay
in any relationship for more than a few months without blowing up.
He’s got his own business and works hard as a professional diver
and is intense when it comes to work and just can’t leave the
intensity when he goes home.

I thought to myself why is he so wound up? What a cool job
he has, diving, looking for treasure, and seeing the beautiful
marine life and all of the romantic things that remind us of the sea.

As I questioned Al about his work, diet and activity he told
me that he really works hard spending most of his days under
boats scrubbing clean debris and barnacles from the bottom of the sea.

As we went over his medical history and what he was experiencing
he told me this. My problem is I work in water that is dirty
sometimes polluted and filled with oils, gas even raw sewage.
That’s why I came to see you– I know my system is toxic.

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves
of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the
ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by
themselves without wondering.”
-Saint Augustine

As soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew there was a problem,
he was loud, his nails are all gnarly, his jaw was clenched
and his complexion was chalky looking.
Although Alan doesn’t have any symptoms of any disease,
we all know he will sooner or later unless he makes some changes.

Al’s system is toxic from his environment. The skin is our
biggest detox organ and also absorbs toxins that will affect
the liver, kidneys and the colon.

The liver and kidneys are like large filters that clean
the toxins out but those filters get filled up with
poisons and then the entire body and mind will be affected.

The emotion of the liver is anger on the negative side and
kindness on the brighter side. Alan is exposed to toxins on a
daily basis and it is starting to show. He’s angry and really
doesn’t have any real reason to be. He makes good money, owns his
own business and is a friendly outgoing guy.
Nevertheless he’s pissed at the world.

In Chinese Medicine all of the signs point to a
toxic liver and liver Qi stagnation.
This can be easily he addressed. The first thing to do
is detox the liver and change his diet and move him out
of the polluted water at least a few days a week.
I put Alan on the 7 day Core detox program

I also got him to lay off the booze and caffeine for 30
days and changed the brown carbonated drinks for fresh clean water.
Although he moaned and groaned for the first 3 or 4 days of the
program he reported that he is starting to feel great and
he isn’t having fits of anger.

If you are feeling out of control, holding on to excess
weight and pissed there is an escape route for you that
will calm things down and it only takes a week to get it going.

The Core restore liver detox program:

You can order it right now and get started in a few short days.

Go to:

and order today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

A Note from the Master

Monday, March 26th, 2012

The other day I wrote about the
ALARMING problem we are all having
with our health and the health system.
Grandmaster CP wrote back to me this
morning and here is what he said:

“I must say I agree with you, but this is
nothing new, this all started way back in
the 60’s when things really started to take
off with the supplement industry.
Now the same supplements don’t seem
as strong; in fact they do not do what
they used to do at all.

You see, it is more than the Government
raising the prices and lowering the quality,
they just do not care if the people of this
country can afford to be healthy or not.”
-Universal Blessings and
May Your Chi Flow Abundantly

-Grandmaster CP

Master CP, thanks for writing and getting
back to me so quickly. I want you to
know I appreciate your feedback and
all of you who take the time to write.

Most of the Baby boomers are going through
similar problems and if you are younger get
ready because here it comes.

The reason I am constantly reminding you to
practice, train and practice more is that training
will pay you over and over with big dividends.

As we age our bodies, mind and
emotional state go on automatic more
and more. We are creatures of habit and
basically don’t like change unless it is
changing to something we like better.
So drill, practice and train those positive
health habits in your body and mind.
At least when your robot goes on
auto-pilot you will be doing healthy
longevity practices

If you aren’t taking supplements start, they
Help and make
sure you are eating organic as much
as possible- grow sprouts, plant a garden,
use fresh herbs and make sure you wash all
of your fruits and vegetables.
This time of the year in Florida, it is
harvest time and every night I pull handfuls
of fresh vegetables out of the garden and I
am eating them within five minutes of
picking them.

I also use an amazing vegetable wash
(Miracle soap II) it’s not expensive,
works great and helps pull poisons and
toxins out of conventional fruits and produce
and gets the bugs off of organic foods as well.

If you can’t or just don’t have time to get
the Miracle soap you can use the Food Cleansing Bath.
It is a definite option for produce as well
as poultry, fish, meat and eggs.

Food Cleansing Bath can get rid of
pesticides, parasites, bacteria and other
contaminants can be removed from food
with a simple soak. The active ingredient in
‘Bleach’-sodium hypochlorite, breaks down
into salt and water.

The bath has been around for years and decades!
Military families stationed overseas in southwest
Asia, China and Turkey have used it through the
recommendation of our state department.

People have reported that foods lasts up to two
weeks longer in the refrigerator, there is no
metallic aftertaste with store bought fruits and
veggies, meats are tenderized and the natural
flavors enhanced.

Here is how to do the bath:
Use only the highest quality bleach.
Take a 1-teaspoon to 1 gallon of purified water.

Place the foods to be treated into the bath for
the designated length of time according to the
following chart.
Remove the food from the bath; place them in
clean water for ten minutes, and Dry all
foods thoroughly and store.

Leafy vegetables—–15 minutes

Root, thick-skinned, or fibrous veggies—-30 minutes

Thin-skinned fruits, such as veggies, plums, peaches—30 minutes

Thick-skinned fruit, such as citrus, bananas and apples—30 minutes

Poultry, fish, meat and eggs—-20 minutes

If you start washing your foods they will stay
fresher and be much healthier for you and your family.

Whenever I can, I eat organic. I plant a garden
every year and take supplements and train everyday.
These are all part of the longevity practices
–Healthy Body, Health Mind and Healthy Spirit.

I know you hear me say this all the time.
In order to stay healthy you must take care of all
three- Body, Mind and Spirit. In Chinese medicine
they call it the Three Treasures. Whatever system
you study and practice it all comes back to you taking
responsibility for YOU.

I am here as a coach, a guide and a teacher so we
can all get through the lessons by learning and growing
into all that we can be.

The supplements that I take are research tested
and proven to be the highest of quality. Qi Essentials
“Multi -4” they give me the best bang for the buck.
Take a good look and if I were you ‘I’d try um out!’

I am sure you will be well pleased.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Secret Healing Mantra Revealed!

Friday, January 27th, 2012

Larry called me on the evening
of the Chinese New Year and told
me he was suffering big time and
couldn’t understand why.
He was brought up with loving parents,
went to good schools, always had a job,
a nice home and yet he suffered every
day from lack of ‘something.’
Like so many of us these days when the
world is in turmoil, we feel out of sorts
for no apparent reason. It’s not really
depression, sadness or melancholia.
It’s more like a feeling of emptiness or
maybe feeling some sort of limitations.
I explained to Larry that all of the
limitations we have are our own. We block ourselves from
being successful, healthy and happy and blame
others for our misfortune. That’s when he started to sob,
saying that others seemed to always block his success,
how he never really got a chance, how others beat him out
of jobs, money and opportunities. He was really suffering.
My Master told me long ago that pain is mandatory,
but suffering was optional. If you hit your thumb with a
hammer it is painful, but if you are still complaining about
it years later- that’s suffering.
Causes of human suffering from the
Buddhist perspectives are like immense traps
known as The Three Poisons.
They are Worry, Struggle and Blame.

1.We worry about what will happen, how we will
survive and will we have what we need?

2.We struggle and push others out of our way,
thinking that there will not be enough for us.

3.We blame others for our shortcomings; these are
all poisons that keep us trapped like rats in a cage.

These poisons are the source of our
unquenchable thirst and the root cause
of all of our harmful illusions, keeping
one stuck in painful existence.
It’s time that you free yourself from
sickness, mentally, physical emotionally
and spiritually.
You can transform worry, struggle and
blame into Aim, Contribution and Participation
in a heart beat!
This technology is thousands of years old.
When I first learned this meditation,
I practiced morning, noon and
night until I discovered the power of Subliminal
I Discovered A Way To
Take 365 Days Of Spiritual Practice
And Shrink It Into A Single Afternoon!

With Subliminal programming of the meditation,
I just let it play as background music while I
work, relax, sleep or play.

You’re not going to believe how GOOD these
CD’s will make you feel. It’s incredible!

The bulk of your “achievement power” is
in your subconscious mind!
The Subliminal Mantra CD utilizes a
powerful combination of these methods
which can reach your subconscious mind
at a great accelerated pace because it
completely bypasses all interference from
the conscious mind.

As you relax and listen to the energizing
Mantra, you will be gently guided through a
powerful transformational experience that will obliterate
The Three Poisons of “Greed,” “Hate” and “Ignorance,”
into a positive new you. These practices invoke love,
kindness, generosity, and selflessness.

Order NOW and change your life for the better.

The Internal Mantra Program

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi