Posts Tagged ‘Organic Garden’

How to stay warm this Winter

Friday, December 28th, 2012

Winter is here again and now the days are getting
longer in the Northern hemisphere. Depending where
you live you could see as much as 8 minutes more
of light a day.
I have already started my winter organic garden
with lettuce, onions, garlic and tomato’s as well
as a host of herbs. My organic garden will produce
food for about 5 months and I know it’s organic
for sure. The garden does more for me than just
produce food; it is a way to stay in touch with
nature, stay grounded and a wonderful way to

In Chinese Medicine, the different seasons of the
year are associated with certain organs of the
body. Winter is ruled by the Water element, which
is associated with the Bladder and the Kidneys.
Chinese Medicine sees that the internal organs are
related to the physical symptoms of a person. For
example, the bladder and the kidneys are nourished
by the cold climate in the winter, but extreme
coldness or wetness can also injure them like deep
stiffness or pain, especially in the low back and

The ears are the sense organs
associated also with the Water element.
Interesting enough, the kidneys and ears are
shaped similarly. A water element disharmony in
the cold season can cause problems of the ears or
hearing. Another association to the water element
is the bones and any changes in the head ike hair
loss and premature graying may also suggest an
imbalance of the water element.

The specific
emotional imbalance associated with water element
is fear; and fear can itself injure the Bladder
and Kidney organs. On a brighter note, the
positive emotion is gentleness; being gentle to
yourself as well as to others.

I like to go to sleep early in the winter and
sleep in a little later. During this time of year
it helps the immune system keep everything strong
and healthy.

I’ll eat more root vegetables and have a hardy
soup for dinner at least a few times a week. Here
is one of my favorite recipes that will keep you
warm all winter and the kidneys tonified and warm.

Dr. Wu’s Tonifying Lamb Stew
I made this recipe many times in the colder months
and it keeps your entire system warm. The Lamb
stew is excellent for stomach problems, a good
source of iron and essential oils. It nourishes
the liver, kidneys, tendons and strengthens the

2 lbs. of lamb
1 Garlic head
1 kohlrabi cubed
Fresh Rosemary (excellent stomach and nerve
Burdock Root (source of iron and essential oils)
Lotus Root (crunchy texture cools the blood and
stimulates the appetite)
1 Parsnip
1 cup of Sliced Carrots
2 Red potatoes
2 Cubed Turnips
2 cups of fresh Okras cut in half
2 cups Shou wu chih (tonifies blood, nourishes the
liver, kidneys, tendons and strengthens bones)
¼ cup Brags liquid amino acids
1 Tsp. Olive oil
Himalayan Sea Salt to taste
A Few shakes Cayenne pepper
Pure filtered or spring Water
¼ cup of Black fungus

Cooking instructions
1. Cut the lamb into about 1 inch squares. Place
on a skillet, I prefer the old iron ones, and add
about a cup full of olive oil. Add ½ of garlic and
cook in the skillet till meat is brown. Next,
place the browned meat in a large pot. Add about ½
gallon of water. Cook for about an hour or 2 until
the meat is nearly done.

2. While it’s cooking, add a sprig of fresh
Organic Rosemary. Then add the sliced thinly
Burdock right after; it takes the longest to cook.
Stir in the turnip and kohlrabi at the same time.
Let it boil for a while and then add the potatoes
and lotus root and then the 2 cups of Shou wu
chih. Stir in the other half of the garlic and the

3. Once it’s cooked, add the sea salt, cayenne and
olive oil. Serve.

In the past I have made this dish with venison, or
elk it’s just as good but you may have to add more
olive oil.

Winter is my favored time in South Florida. The
temperature is in the high sixties and the low
seventies and the humidity is low. I am on the
beach every morning doing the Recharging Qi Gong
program. It works on keeping all the organs
healthy and keeps me limber. If I only had one
exercise program to do for my overall health this
would be it, The Recharging Qi Gong program is the
first choice with thousands of people now
practicing in 7 different continents.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is life Hitting you in the Schnozzle?

Friday, September 28th, 2012

One never knows what can happen from one moment to
the next, we plan our next move and then the
universe does what it wants and we either freak
out or go with the flow. Imagine for a moment that
something is flying at your nose at 100 miles an
hour. If you meet that force with your nose it’s
going to hurt. But if you move just slightly the
object will miss you and although it could have
landed on your noodle it didn’t.
Some people go through life face first; they are
always getting hit with whatever the universe
flings at them.
When I was in my twenties I spent a lot of time
practicing Aikido, a that
teaches how to use energy. The motion of the
attacker is redirected rather than opposing it.
Aikido training is mental as well as physical,
emphasizing the ability to relax the mind and body
even under the stress of dangerous situations.
That’s where I learned to redirect energy and not
oppose it.
If you are a Steven Seagal movie fan, Aikido is
his main fighting form.
If a force is coming at you it’s a form of energy
(Qi) there is no bad or good to it. Just pure
energy and when you learn to direct the force no
matter if it’s a punch or a verbal attack it can
be redirected to your advantage.
I grow an organic garden every year and harvest
tomatos, radishes, 3 or 4 different kinds of
greens, lettuce, plus a lot more food.
I live in Florida so my gardening usually gets
going around the winter solstice and goes strong
until late May.

If there is no rain, the soil dries out and there
are a ton of bugs that love to munch on my organic
garden and this is bad. But if you come to Florida
during the winter and you live in the north you
surely don’t want rain. You are hoping for sunny
beach days. So the dry warm weather is good. See
there’s really no good or bad it just is……..

There is always good to be found in everything.
You just have to stay on top of things so you can
know where, when and how.

I have been training and practicing internal
exercises, meditation and working on my health for
years and it has paid off big time.
People my age are on a slew of medicines from
anti- depression to sleeping pills. They are
taking medicine to take a dump, regulate their
blood pressure, control their cholesterol and make
their weenie hard.

I haven’t taken any of that stuff and I am healthy
and strong. I exercise everyday and have a smile
on my face a bounce in my step and so do my
students and patients.

That’s how it’s supposed to be.

If you are stuck in the drug cultures, seeing one
doctor after another and sick and tired of being
there, lets work together to get healthy strong
and happy.

There are a few ways you can get started.
Join the Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive a
teaching every month on internal exercises,
meditations and healing techniques to keep you
stay healthy, young and vibrant or if you are
ready for a total change with the quickest results
sign up for the private coaching program and
receive a one-on-one coaching and training for the
entire year.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Are Organic Foods a Scam?

Friday, August 10th, 2012

There are people who just think that the entire
organic thing is a scam.
To sell food at a higher price and rip the public
off and play on their fears of sickness.

Well it’s time to wake up!
When you are buying conventional foods you are
getting much more than you think. Conventional
could be interpreted as pumped up with chemicals,
sprayed with poisons and picked green.

I know sometimes you don’t have a choice. When I
go into a restaurant, for the most part I know
that I am not going to get organic food but there
are some foods that are really heavily sprayed and
fertilized and should be avoided.

Here is a list of the worst foods to eat if they
are not certified organic:
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries
4. Peaches
5. Nectarines
6. Spinach, Kale, collard greens
7. Grapes
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Potatoes
10. All lettuces
11. Cherries
12. Blueberries

Environmental groups say the worst foods contain
47 to 67 pesticides per serving and although our
government says consuming pesticides in low
amounts is not harmful- don’t believe them for one
It is critical that you know what you are eating
if you want to maintain good health.

The list is based on pesticide tests conducted
after the produce was washed with USDA
high-powered pressure water system. So for the
most part you can’t wash it off.
Peeling can help, although you have to take into
account that the pesticides are in the water so
the fruits and vegetables suck up the pesticides
through the roots and they can’t be removed.

What can you do if you want to eat those foods?
Plant your own fruit trees and grow an organic
garden and if you don’t have the room you can
always grow organic sprouts in your own kitchen
like lentil, radish, sunflower, mung bean alfalfa,
broccoli, peas and wheat sprouts. They are all
live foods and really healthy for you and a good
source of nutrition.

The body ages from having too many toxins
affecting our organs, (Toxin overload).

Now if you could imagine having a garbage can that
you keep throwing things in it, eventually it will
get full. When that happens, garbage starts to
spill out and the next thing you know you will
have flies, rats and pests. You can spray, and
poison as much as you want but the pests will
eventually come back as long as there is garbage
to eat. If you want to eliminate the problem, the
garbage has to be removed and the can cleaned out.

The human body is the same. These days we can’t
avoid toxins. It’s in the air, water and the
foods we eat.

Our system tries to filter it out through the
liver and the kidneys but eventually our bodies’
filters get filled up with toxins and the pests we
get come in the way of disease.

But don’t worry there is a solution that has
worked for thousands of health conscious people.

The Core Restore Liver Cleanse Kit:

It is a comprehensive 7-day diet, lifestyle and
nutrition program to reduce your toxic burden. The
program will improve hormone balance, reduce total
toxic burden and reveal chemical sensitivities as
well as food allergies. It will give you a
scheduled health maintenance program, simplify
complex gut issues and reinforce healthy lifestyle

We all do regular maintenance on our cars. Are you
doing the maintenance you need to do on your body?

Detox now and stay healthy

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Finding a Good Spiritual Teacher

Friday, June 1st, 2012

How do you find a good teacher
when it comes to internal practices?
Meditation and Spiritual work in general?

“It is said that when the student is
ready the teacher will appear.”

Although I believe this is true, when
you are ready your teacher you need to
be prepared for their arrival.

I grow an organic garden every year filled
with a multitude of vegetables radishes,
tomatoes, eggplant, peppers,
cucumber, lettuce, garlic and onions,
spinach, squash, zucchini and a lot of
green leafy stuff that I don’t know the name of.

I don’t just through the seeds in and
expect to get food. It takes work. I first
have to turn the soil over, add fertilizer,
dig the holes, plant the seeds or plants and
then I have to water them and just the right
amount and there has to be lots of sunshine
but not too hot. I am continually picking
bugs and slugs and snails off and pulling
weeds out and this gives me a nice garden
with plenty of great organic food.

It’s the same with spiritual WORK. One
needs to cultivate a practice daily, meditate,
exercise, diet, right thinking and reading the
right kinds of books. It takes seeking; going to
lectures, joining with right minded people and
then a teacher has a place to land in your life.

I know this because I spent years studying,
reading, practicing and praying to be open
enough so a teacher could come into my life
and I was lucky as many showed up. I have
studied with different teachers–with a host of
teachings from many different schools and
traditions Taoist teachers, Buddhist teachers,
Hindu, Sufi, Jewish and Christian.
Every one of these teachers had a valuable
lesson for me to learn. Spiritual teachings
are like a giant puzzle, it seems like every
teacher has a piece and they are all valuable
and fit somewhere in your life to make you
the person you are today.

I consider myself fortunate to have worked
with Spiritual teachers for a greater part of
my life and the teachings I have learned I
share in these letters, in the meditation classes
I teach, the workshops I give and to the
members of the Qi Gong Inner circle.

If you feel you are ready to receive more
pieces to your puzzle, I invite you to join
me and the members of the
Qi Gong inner Circle.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi