Posts Tagged ‘Compass’

Eat, Smile, Stay, Happy and Detox from Sickness

Friday, June 15th, 2012

lan came in to the clinic 2 days ago to
get tuned up and see if he could get his emotions
under control. He was losing his temper all of the time,
he’d get in fights at least once a week and couldn’t stay
in any relationship for more than a few months without blowing up.
He’s got his own business and works hard as a professional diver
and is intense when it comes to work and just can’t leave the
intensity when he goes home.

I thought to myself why is he so wound up? What a cool job
he has, diving, looking for treasure, and seeing the beautiful
marine life and all of the romantic things that remind us of the sea.

As I questioned Al about his work, diet and activity he told
me that he really works hard spending most of his days under
boats scrubbing clean debris and barnacles from the bottom of the sea.

As we went over his medical history and what he was experiencing
he told me this. My problem is I work in water that is dirty
sometimes polluted and filled with oils, gas even raw sewage.
That’s why I came to see you– I know my system is toxic.

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves
of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the
ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by
themselves without wondering.”
-Saint Augustine

As soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew there was a problem,
he was loud, his nails are all gnarly, his jaw was clenched
and his complexion was chalky looking.
Although Alan doesn’t have any symptoms of any disease,
we all know he will sooner or later unless he makes some changes.

Al’s system is toxic from his environment. The skin is our
biggest detox organ and also absorbs toxins that will affect
the liver, kidneys and the colon.

The liver and kidneys are like large filters that clean
the toxins out but those filters get filled up with
poisons and then the entire body and mind will be affected.

The emotion of the liver is anger on the negative side and
kindness on the brighter side. Alan is exposed to toxins on a
daily basis and it is starting to show. He’s angry and really
doesn’t have any real reason to be. He makes good money, owns his
own business and is a friendly outgoing guy.
Nevertheless he’s pissed at the world.

In Chinese Medicine all of the signs point to a
toxic liver and liver Qi stagnation.
This can be easily he addressed. The first thing to do
is detox the liver and change his diet and move him out
of the polluted water at least a few days a week.
I put Alan on the 7 day Core detox program

I also got him to lay off the booze and caffeine for 30
days and changed the brown carbonated drinks for fresh clean water.
Although he moaned and groaned for the first 3 or 4 days of the
program he reported that he is starting to feel great and
he isn’t having fits of anger.

If you are feeling out of control, holding on to excess
weight and pissed there is an escape route for you that
will calm things down and it only takes a week to get it going.

The Core restore liver detox program:

You can order it right now and get started in a few short days.

Go to:

and order today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi