Posts Tagged ‘Meditation’

The 2013 Anti-Aging Conference

Friday, December 20th, 2013

I just loved the entire concept of being at the
21st World Congress for Anti-Aging for my
birthday. This was a great way to start a new year
and a good affirmation to staying young. The
astrologers that I know say that every 2 hours on
the day of your birthday will be an indicator of
what your coming year will be like.

Here is an example:

I got up at 6 in the morning and did my meditation
and internal practices, so theoretically the month
of December should involve a lot more meditation
and internal practices. I am at the longevity
congress so the theme that I set for this year
will all be an indication of every month of the
coming year and I plan to do everything I can to
stay young and healthy and without a doubt I will
be sharing all these discoveries with you.

The conference had some of the top researchers in
world on anti-aging plus some famous people that
we all know; Susan Summers, Governor IMG_5545and a large group of martial arts
movie stars.

I had a chance to personally speak to Don (the
Dragon) Wilson. He is Don “The Dragon” Wilson-
considered the greatest kickboxing champion in the
sport’s history. Don is a native of South Florida,
he won 11 world kickboxing championships, and you
may remember him from the Batman forever movie or
if you are a martial arts fan he has been in a
host of movies. He doesn’t fight anymore but is
still in the movies and he said that his main
focus these days is “HEALTH and LONGEVITY”

Yes we are all interested in health and anti-aging
and the older we get the more interesting it gets.
This is nothing new to me. I have been interested
in Longevity since I was in my twenties. That may
sound strange to you or maybe you thought I was
trying to overcome some disease, but that wasn’t
the case. I got interested in the idea from my
martial arts practices and the teachers I had.

My goals were to be healthy in body, healthy in
mind and to be stronger physically, sexually and
aware spiritually. You will be hearing a lot more
from me this year and the years to come about
anti-aging and longevity. Ways to keep you disease
free, meditations, techniques and ways to keep
yourself stress free, as well as what vitamins to
take, what foods to eat and what to avoid.

And let’s not forget about the internal exercises
that will keep you balanced and disease free. I
personally wake up early every morning long before
the sun comes up and start my practices. I highly
suggest you do the same. Set your goals and put
together a program that will give you the maximum
amount of energy for your efforts. I tell all my
students to pick up a copy of the of the Magic
Square workshop.

This will give you the tools to first, set your
goals in each domain of your life and then you can
move forward with ease.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. If you want to make the most of your time and
energy, you need a map or a plan to get you there
the fastest way.

The Magic Square workshop will do that for you.
Get a copy today!

Longevity Walking Add Years to Your Life

Monday, August 19th, 2013

My early morning training involves walking; in
fact I walk every day for at least 30 minutes.
Sometimes it’s fast other times it’s a slow
meditation walk and I always include at least 250
steps backwards. You may be asking yourself, why

When you walk backwards it brakes up different
patterns in your body and mind. The more different
possibilities you add to your body and or mind
makes you more flexible, improves your balance and
gives you a new way of looking at the world.

When I was in China I would see people walking
every morning in the parks and many of them were
walking backwards. I asked my Master, “Why are
they walking backwards? Was it a meditation, some
kind of Chinese exercise or what?” He laughed and
explained in his best English, “It’s for many
things, walking backwards not only improves your
balance, but it opens up your vision and
strengthens the kidneys and relieves back and knee
pain.” I tried it and was amazed at how well it

Try it !

You will be surprised how fast your body will heal
and how much sharper your mind will become.
Walking no matter how you do it can make a big
difference in your health picture. Even just
taking a short walk for 30 minutes a day cuts the
chances of becoming diabetic by more than half.

The Benefits of Walking:
• Cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 %
• Reduces hypertension
• Walk ing cuts the risk of cancer
• Women who walk have a 20 % lower possibility of
getting breast cancer
•Improves the immune system
• Men who walk 30 minutes a day have a
significantly lower level of prostate cancer
• Strengthens the heart
• Strengthens bones
• Improves the circulatory system
• Generates positive neuro chemicals
• When you walk every day, your body is healthier
and stronger. A single 30-minute walk can reduce
your blood pressure by five points for over 20
• Reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs
• Walking helps the body heal quicker. It keeps
the body healthy. It improves our biological
health, our physical health, our psychosocial
health, and helps with our emotional health.
Walking will add year’s to your life and a smile
to your entire being.

Walking is just one of the ways I stay young and
healthy, add the Qi Gong, meditation and proper
diet and your chances of a long healthy life will
increase by 50% or more.
I’ll teach my students how to do, what to do, and
why we do it in the Qi Gong Inner Circle

Join us today and get on with it ASAP.
Hurry, your time is running out!
Find out more here

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Who is in charge of your Future?

Monday, August 5th, 2013

A few weeks ago I was walking in the park and a
woman who was raggedy dressed and looked like she
was down on her luck came up to me and said hello
to me. I thought maybe she was hitting me up for
some spare change. I said hi and thought nothing
of it. She then called me by name and told me who
she was, I looked into her eyes and apologized to
her and I said, I can’t remember how I know you.
She said, “It’s me Gloria you know me from high
school.” I still didn’t recognize her. I thought
to myself I don’t know this woman at all. She told
me her full name and I was stunned.
I would have never recognized her in a thousand
years. She looked very old, with bags under her
eyes, she had straggly yellowish gray hair, a pale
complexion, and she was over weight and had a very
low vibration. I told her it was nice to see her.

Although I was shocked, I tried not to show it on
my face. She was a knockout in high school. Gloria
was tall, blond and beautiful and all the guys
were crazy about her.
She told me that she made some bad decisions in
her life and now is paying for them. She was now
divorced from a bad marriage, her family stopped
talking to her, she lost her job and went through
all her money, all bad news.
Although our encounter was brief it had a big
impact on me. I thought about her for a few days.
How such a beautiful girl could end up as a bag
It all comes down to what decisions we make and
how you orchestrate your life. The decisions you
make daily, weekly and through the years will
bring your future to you. Yes, we are in charge of
our own future.
Every decision you make affects your life for the
better or worse.

Bag Lady

Bag Lady

Most of my friends thought I had gone off the deep
end. (Many of them are not around any more) It
takes both energy and a willingness to stay on top
of your health and well-being,
It’s well worth it.
Do you want to learn how to make those Changes
That Will Last For A Life Time and Keep You
Up To Date With The Latest In Energy
Medicine Training, Qi Gong, Powerful Life
Changing Meditations
and the latest in
Longevity practices and Alternative Medicine…
Are you ready to Discover The Path To A Long And
Powerful Disease-Free Life

The investment is in your life. Learn and practice
how to stay around for many more healthy years.
Join me in an adventure that will save your life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

This is the 7th year of the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Make it your lucky 7 and join now!

Honor our Warriors

Monday, May 27th, 2013

Today is Unknown
To honor our men and women who have served our country and lost their lives fighting for ourFreedom. There have been so many wars and so much loss of life in the name of Freedom that it is overwhelming.
One would think that this time in the evolution of man we would all work together asa world to make things better for all of us.

To make sure that everyone has food and shelter and good health instead of working to take advantageof others. Now, I am not a communist and I don’treally care for the way communism runs, but it seems that people are so jealous and so envious of others in the name of their God that they try to take advantage of one and another.

I personally thank all of the fallen soldiers who served our country to make this a better place.
This Memorial Day like most Memorial Day’s people forget the meaning and Partayyy! Partayy means BBQ’s, Pina Coladas, going to the beach, hangingout and relaxing.

Take a moment out of your long weekend and remember somebody served our country to make this a beautiful and safe place.

Freedom is not Free.
It is like our health. You have to work for your health and fight for your health. You only remember it when it’s gone and then it’s too late.

This weekend I will have more free time than usualand for sure I am going to train, work out,stretch more and relax. I will spend some of my day in meditation, some in relaxation and try to open up on every level to make my life and the people I come in contact with,like you better.

I spend a lot of time putting together programsand teachings to educate all of us about our health, what the best exercises are and what nutrition would be the best for us in order to give us a healthy and happy life. If you all ready have some of my programs, take the time on this long weekend to practice and if you don’t own any get one or two now, go to
And click the tab on top that says programs. There is a detox program, The Polynesian Salt WaterPurification
that works so incredible and you can do it at the beach and feel great!

If you don’t h ave the Yin set already, it’s a download, and you can order it and have it right now. It is instant gratification that will work on your heart, your spleen, your lungs, the kidneys and the liver to keep you healthy, strong, happy,and most of all well-balanced. These are only two of the products that will make your life better.

I wish all of you a happy and safe Memorial Day!
Keep on Practicing!
Dr. Wu Dhi

Having Faith that you will be directed to the right place

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

I really appreciate all of your great suggestions
on which car I should buy. You may know that I was
brought up in Detroit, “The Motor City”. Back in
the days when I was growing up, it was the car
capital of the world, the Headquarters of the Big
3- GM, Ford and Chrysler.

Living in Detroit mostly everybody was into cars
but I was an unusual kid more into the martial
arts, working out, meditation and longevity
practices. Cars never really interested me.

Maybe that sounds strange to you but I was really
hyperactive all the time with lots and lots of
undirected energy. Today they would have drugged me
with a number of ADHD medications like Wellbutrin,
Adderall and maybe some Ritalin to calm me down.
The list of drugs that they give kids today goes
on and on and it’s not especially healthy for them
in the long run.

Lucky for me, my Dad put me in martial classes and
when I got home from a 2 hour workout, I was ready
for a good nights sleep.

Mini-Cooper-Countryman-S-Images (3)
This was my start on the path to staying grounded in longevity
practices and meditations as well as becoming a teacher and a doctor

Anyway, let’s get back to the new car. I looked at
Hondas, Toyotas, Lexus’, Audi’s, Chevy’s,
Volkswagen and the new Cadillac’s. I finally
found the one I wanted.
It’s safe, strong sporty
fast and guess what?
The one I wanted drank gas like it
was still $1.00 a gallon and it just didn’t feel
right to be talking and teaching people to be
greener and not getting on the program myself.

I was beside myself as what to get and I was
starting to stress out about it to the point that
my focus and concentration was being disturbed.

I decided to drive to a dealership around 10 miles
from my office and just get a car and be done with

I was driving for over an hour, I thought I knew
where it was but I must have made a wrong turn
somewhere and when I called the dealer he said I
was still 20 minutes away. I pushed on and when I
got there I was at the wrong dealership but they
had a great selection of cars.

I walked around the showroom and the lot and then
I saw a cool looking car; a Mini Cooper
Countryman. It looked like a Mini on steroids, it
is much higher, longer and wider and this one had
a fuel-injected system. Really fast and handled
like a sports car, 27 miles to the gallon in the
city and over 35 on the highway. I ended up
getting the Mini and it’s fun to drive.

A Mini wasn’t what I was looking for and the
dealership wasn’t the one I thought I was going to
but it turned out this was the best car at the
best price and the best one I drove.

It’s the same with our health. We think we know
what we want and believe it will be the best for
us but, it takes a lot of searching and looking
around and sometimes we luck out and go to or do
the right thing and then you’ve got it.

We work years and years on our health, our studies and
getting educated. We want the best of the best for ourself
and our family.
It’s a must to avoid toxins mentally, physically and spiritually
if you want to have a healthy long life.

This kind of info is important to patients and
students. It’s all about staying balanced.
If you want to learn more, change your life and retard the aging process
join the Qi Gong Inner Circle today and I’ll send you DVD
filled with longevity secrets every month.
Join me and the members today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you staying young?

Friday, May 3rd, 2013

imagesWe all want to live as long as we can without
suffering and to have our body, mind and spirit in
good condition for as long as possible.

Why do some of us crumble under pressure and have
sickness and old age creep up while others live to
a ripe old age? Is it fate, luck or do you believe
when your time is up you’re gone?

I have spent decades exploring the Eastern systems
of longevity, diet, exercise and meditation and
now at last there are scientific advances from the
Western systems of health that may bring the two
systems together.

To extend your life and improve its quality there
are a host of things you can start today, even if
you have been sick you can redirect your health
and longevity picture. What you are doing now is
what counts; the good news is you can positively
affect your health and longevity, if you are

We all have genes that are affected by our
lifestyle and the environment we live in. If you
have been spending your days working in a factory
filled with toxic chemicals and you are a
worrywart, still smoking cigarettes and filling
your gut with beer, sodas and fast foods, the
chances of you breaking down quicker is very good.

A man ninety years old was asked to what he
attributed his longevity.
I reckon, he said with a twinkle in his eye, it’s
because most nights I went to bed and slept when I
should have sat up and worried.
-Garson Kanin

Unfortunately we don’t make it easy for longevity
in the West. Our older population is pushed to
the side and so are the sick and handicapped. Our
society is all about constant stimulation and
selling product with no regard for the long-term

The Eastern traditions are more about prevention
and wellness and staying in balance. Acupuncture,
herbs, diet, Qi Gong, yoga and meditation have
been around for thousand of years and the focus is
longevity, health and the quality of life.
Here are some of the things that you can start
today to insure your long life and keep you

• Cut down on your calorie intake- Much
research has shown that reduced calorie intake can
increase health and longevity.

• Eat 80% vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
More or less eat a semi-vegetarian diet 20%

• Practice meditation –It will calm your
spirit and having a relaxed spirit is one of the
secrets of longevity.

• Less weight- more life: drop some weight
and your energy will increase

• Practice Abdominal breathing daily –it will
keep you centered, build inner strength and give
you a sense of stability.

I have been practicing Qi Gong and meditation for
years and I can tell you without a doubt you can
reverse the aging practice, you just have to start

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Order a copy of Recharging Qi Gong today and lets
grow younger together.

Preparing for the Chinese New Year

Friday, February 1st, 2013

It’s already February!
The Chinese New Year is just about upon us. In China,
the celebration starts on February 4th this is
when most people take a vacation and travel to see
their family. They clean their house, put up
decorations, light incents and get fireworks ready
to bring in the New Year! the Year of the Black water Snake.
Usually,snakes are more comfortable when they are in their
own element of fire but this year the snake is in
the opposite element, the element of water so we
can look for imbalances in the weather, in the
environment and somewhat in our lives but don’t
fear. We can balance our own lives by staying
grounded, rooted in our meditation and our
practice. There are a few things that I always do
before the Chinese New Year at my house.

-Make sure that the house is clean in every room.
If there are any old things that you no longer
use, throw them out or give them away.

-Get some good incents and burn it every day from
the 4th until the 10th feeding the spirits and
harmonizing the house.

-I always put up decorations and you can get them
at the Chinese market or any of the Chinese
stores. I get colorful red lanterns and hang them
up. I will put pictures of Chinese Wealth and
prosperity symbols on my windows and doors

-Have sweets and wine available for both drinking
and offerings

-Every night for the entire week I will make
offerings of wine, incents, meat and sweets by
putting them on a plate outside to feed any hungry

-I make sure that I do my Qi Gong every day and
spend time in meditation every night bringing in
the New Year.

This year eat a healthier
diet, practice daily and put more attention into
your meditation and the offerings that you make to
others for their well-being.

The practice of Qi Gong will ground you and give
you a center that cannot be shaken no matter of
there are storms in the weather, internally or

If you are not practicing, it is time to get on
the stick before the snake bites you in the …..

Order the Flying Crane Qi Gong package today with
no delay:

Stay tuned for our next newsletter

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

There is a Big Black Water Snake Sale coming your way!
Stay tuned to get some incredible goodies!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is this The End of the World?

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

hey say it started on my birthday 12/12/12.
It was an Awesome Day for me !
12-12-12 stimulated lovebirds, counting on the date to be
ever lasting. 12+12+12=36

Symbolism of #9
*Number of the patience, the meditation.
*It is the expression of “the power of the Holy Spirit”.
*Symbolize the plenitude of talents, the reward of the tests.
*Symbol of the creation and the life as a rhythm and development.
*As a product of 3 x 3, is perfection, the symbol of the virile power
*Nine = the one who accomplishes the divine will.
*The eternal number of human immortality.
*Being the last simple number, it is the number of finalization
*This number is sacred in Egypt and in Greece.
*Number of the man, as a numeral symbol of his gestation
*Number symbolizing the nocturnal and terrestrial things
*Number of the hierarchy, represented by nine choruses of the Angels.
*Represent the three divine manifestations in the three plans
*A fortunate number, associate to the eternity.

For me it means a completion and great year.
No mater how you look at it, as Bob Dylan once said

“Things are a Changing”.

The Dooms day crowd say the 21 of December is the END
and it could be really ugly like what happen in Newton Mass
or amazingly wonderful.

The best any of us can do is to be present, calm,
conscious, strong and elevated.
The most effective and time-tested way to achieve such a
state is through Meditation and Qi Gong.
History tells us that Qi Gong and Meditation really works
to calm us down and increase our energy at the same time.

Yogis have been practicing for thousands of years.
Current scientific studies show the amazing,
proven effects of meditation to recover from disease and
increase the quality of our lives.

Since the holidays are known as a time of high stress,
I put together program two programs
Turn Stress into Power
The Internal Mantra Program
that will carry you through the holidays with ease.

Take care of yourself, manage your stress and be radiantly bright.
NOW is the time, more than ever to rev up your personal practice
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How a Cold can make you Feel Better

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Last week was a rough one for me. I had a
cold/flu/fonk thing that knocked my socks off and
put me in bed for 4 days, I haven’t had a cold in
the last 6 to 10 years and this one hit me like a
ton of bricks. Sometimes when one gets sick it all
starts when you’re pushing your self too hard or
get off your program- that’s when we are the most
I am a doer and sometimes I am so into my doing no
matter what it is.
I forget to just STOP and Recharge.

These last few days were out of control, I wanted
to keep on going but the universe took over and
stopped me, if I liked it or not…..

A special friend sent me this You Tube link to
remind me to relax and enjoy.

It’s a good reminder to open up, be more flexible,
(not as ridged), understanding and loving.
Although it’s just a little cartoon it has a big
message for all of us who get so focused on this
or that and forget to give more love to oneself
and others and to be flexible in body mind and

I am back to full power again a lesson well
learned. I thank all of you for cards and emails
wishing me well.
Thank you,
Thank You,
Thank you!

Although I was knocked down for a few days, it
allowed me to reflect relax, rest, sleep and to go
deeper in my meditations.
The down time started with a day of TV which was a
big brain suck, so I turned that sucker off and
went back to the basics.

• Meditation
• Relaxing
• Centering
• Grounding
• Soft music

The basics brought it all back together and what
emerged was a healthier stronger me. I am back to
training practicing, writing, teaching and sharing
this increasable work with you again.
It is a pleasure to give to others as we receive
more every time we give. It’s a universal law
“What ever you give, whether it’s money, time,
donations, labor or anything else within your
life, including love, you will receive the same
back multiplied 10 times.” I am not sure who wrote
that one but it works.
I encourage you to stop everything right now. Take
a deep breath and be thankful for your health and
all you have.
You can change your stress into power by just
opening up to it.
In the Turn Stress into Power program, I show you
techniques to transform stress into useable

Practices to get on top of the wave of life and
feel great.
Order the program today and transform your stress
into POWER!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr Wu Dhi

Why is Black Friday black?

Monday, November 26th, 2012

No one really knows why black Friday is black.
Maybe it’s because all of the stores open early
before the sun comes up and close after the sun
goes down and the days are getting shorter. Soon
it will be the winter solstice, December 21st, the
shortest day of the year, so there will be a lot
more blackness. Nobody really consulted me about
the name, the day after Thanksgiving but if they
did I would call it, ‘THE THANKFUL SALE!’

I would
make this the season all about thankfulness!

I am so thankful for all of YOU!
For reading my blogs, for watching Dr. Wu Dhi’s
YouTube station and for all of your wonderful
comments and following my teachings to keep
yourself healthy and young!

I have spent more than half of my life working,
studying, researching longevity practices and I am
so thankful that I am able to share this with all
of you. I plan on doing a lot more this coming
year and sharing more information with you to keep
you healthy, strong and young!

I decided to offer you my most valued possession,

Although all of our time is limited and we can
never recover it, its everyone’s most valuable
possession, it’s how we use our time that will
make the difference in every aspect of your life.

This last year, I have coached many people on
their health, internal exercises, longevity
practices and meditation. In fact, I speak to some
of you on Skype every month to go over your
progress and keep you on track!

I have decided to offer you an incredible
opportunity at incredible savings!
Dr. Wu’s private coaching program!

Click here and check out the BIG THANKFUL SALE!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi