Posts Tagged ‘Health System’

Ready or not the Flu season is here!

Wednesday, October 24th, 2012

Your head aches and so does every muscle in your
body. You’re cold one minute and hot the next.
Your throat is scratchy and you’re starting to
cough. Most likely you’ve got the flu.

But what do you think is worse the Flu or the Flu

Experts believe it’s the vaccinations.
We all know if our immune system is strong we stay
healthy no matter if exposed to bacteria, fungus
or a virus.

The established health system never ever talks
about building the immune system. The ads on TV
never promote preventive health and most doctors
never give you ways to keep yourself healthy.

There is no money in keeping you healthy! If you
are healthy they can’t sell you a pill, cough
medicine, something to open your sinuses, eye
drops or a drop of that nasty tasting stuff to
knock you out for the night. If you are healthy
they can’t sell you a thing and the BS flu shot is
just another way to pull money out of your pocket.
The flu shot is just a shot in the dark by the
drug companies. They have no idea what virus is
going to hit you 6 months before it gets here,
basically they are guessing or making it up that
they know.

They are lying to you and I and people are buying

1.) There is no evidence that the flu vaccine is
any more effective than a placebo. Also the shots
are only able to protect against certain strains
of the virus, which means that if you come into
contact with a different strain of virus you will
still get the flu.

2.) Injecting vaccines can actually lead to
serious health problems including harmful
immunological responses and a host of other

3.) The vaccination for the flu virus lowering of
the immunity.

4.) The Flu vaccines contain strains of the flu
virus that makes you more susceptible to pneumonia
and other contagious diseases.

5.) The Flu vaccines contain mercury, a heavy
metal known to be hazardous for human health.
Mercury toxicity can cause memory loss,
depression, ADD, oral health problems, digestive
imbalances, respiratory problems, cardiovascular
diseases and many more such serious health

6.) There is mounting evidence that flu shots can
cause Alzheimer’s disease.

7.) The Center for Disease Control appoints a
15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP). This committee is responsible
for deciding who should be vaccinated each year.
Almost all the ACIP have a financial interest in
immunizations. It’s all about the money and may
have very little to do with your health and

8.) There is enough evidence that shows that the
ingredients present in the flu vaccinations can
actually cause serious neurological disorders.
Flu shots are much more dangerous than you could
imagine and it is best to rely on natural ways to
protect against the flu rather than getting
yourself vaccinated.

Isn’t it remarkable that our public health
officials never promote building the immune system
and the only thing they promote to avoid the flu
is get a shot?

To stay healthy one has to:
• Recharge the immune Reserve- The immune
system requires critical nutrients and abundant
energy supplies to increase stamina and achieve
peak immune potential

• Immune fitness- Immune preparation and
training helps build a strong defense system with
the accuracy and stamina to respond to any immune

• Acute Immune Challenge- Apply proven
strategies to initialize a smart, powerful immune
response and overcome acute immune challenges

The Recharging Qi Gong program

can open up the blocked energy and eliminate the
stress that may be causing your immune system to
be compromised.
Order your program today and stay healthy this
fall and winter!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr Wu Dhi

If for some reason you are unable to Act Now and
get the complete Recharging Qi Gong program, do
yourself a favor and order the Yin set right now.
It will get you started today and I will refund
the price of the Yin Set if you get the Recharging
Qi Gong program after.

Yin Set

Recharging Qi Gong

A Note from the Master

Monday, March 26th, 2012

The other day I wrote about the
ALARMING problem we are all having
with our health and the health system.
Grandmaster CP wrote back to me this
morning and here is what he said:

“I must say I agree with you, but this is
nothing new, this all started way back in
the 60’s when things really started to take
off with the supplement industry.
Now the same supplements don’t seem
as strong; in fact they do not do what
they used to do at all.

You see, it is more than the Government
raising the prices and lowering the quality,
they just do not care if the people of this
country can afford to be healthy or not.”
-Universal Blessings and
May Your Chi Flow Abundantly

-Grandmaster CP

Master CP, thanks for writing and getting
back to me so quickly. I want you to
know I appreciate your feedback and
all of you who take the time to write.

Most of the Baby boomers are going through
similar problems and if you are younger get
ready because here it comes.

The reason I am constantly reminding you to
practice, train and practice more is that training
will pay you over and over with big dividends.

As we age our bodies, mind and
emotional state go on automatic more
and more. We are creatures of habit and
basically don’t like change unless it is
changing to something we like better.
So drill, practice and train those positive
health habits in your body and mind.
At least when your robot goes on
auto-pilot you will be doing healthy
longevity practices

If you aren’t taking supplements start, they
Help and make
sure you are eating organic as much
as possible- grow sprouts, plant a garden,
use fresh herbs and make sure you wash all
of your fruits and vegetables.
This time of the year in Florida, it is
harvest time and every night I pull handfuls
of fresh vegetables out of the garden and I
am eating them within five minutes of
picking them.

I also use an amazing vegetable wash
(Miracle soap II) it’s not expensive,
works great and helps pull poisons and
toxins out of conventional fruits and produce
and gets the bugs off of organic foods as well.

If you can’t or just don’t have time to get
the Miracle soap you can use the Food Cleansing Bath.
It is a definite option for produce as well
as poultry, fish, meat and eggs.

Food Cleansing Bath can get rid of
pesticides, parasites, bacteria and other
contaminants can be removed from food
with a simple soak. The active ingredient in
‘Bleach’-sodium hypochlorite, breaks down
into salt and water.

The bath has been around for years and decades!
Military families stationed overseas in southwest
Asia, China and Turkey have used it through the
recommendation of our state department.

People have reported that foods lasts up to two
weeks longer in the refrigerator, there is no
metallic aftertaste with store bought fruits and
veggies, meats are tenderized and the natural
flavors enhanced.

Here is how to do the bath:
Use only the highest quality bleach.
Take a 1-teaspoon to 1 gallon of purified water.

Place the foods to be treated into the bath for
the designated length of time according to the
following chart.
Remove the food from the bath; place them in
clean water for ten minutes, and Dry all
foods thoroughly and store.

Leafy vegetables—–15 minutes

Root, thick-skinned, or fibrous veggies—-30 minutes

Thin-skinned fruits, such as veggies, plums, peaches—30 minutes

Thick-skinned fruit, such as citrus, bananas and apples—30 minutes

Poultry, fish, meat and eggs—-20 minutes

If you start washing your foods they will stay
fresher and be much healthier for you and your family.

Whenever I can, I eat organic. I plant a garden
every year and take supplements and train everyday.
These are all part of the longevity practices
–Healthy Body, Health Mind and Healthy Spirit.

I know you hear me say this all the time.
In order to stay healthy you must take care of all
three- Body, Mind and Spirit. In Chinese medicine
they call it the Three Treasures. Whatever system
you study and practice it all comes back to you taking
responsibility for YOU.

I am here as a coach, a guide and a teacher so we
can all get through the lessons by learning and growing
into all that we can be.

The supplements that I take are research tested
and proven to be the highest of quality. Qi Essentials
“Multi -4” they give me the best bang for the buck.
Take a good look and if I were you ‘I’d try um out!’

I am sure you will be well pleased.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi