Posts Tagged ‘Important Things’

Avoid the 3 Poisons of Worry, Struggle and Blame

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Avoid the three poisons of worry, struggle and blame

You’ve come up with a great idea, you took months,
even years to put it together, you did your
research, made the right contacts and everything
is set to go. There has been a tremendous amount
of planning and preparation done in order to get
your project ready for the big launch. You are
about to take the final leap of faith into the
abyss praying that everything will go as you
expected. That’s when it happened the
hole-freaking thing seemed to crumble right before
your eyes.

We may not be able to control a lot of things in
our lives, but one thing you can always control is
how you respond to a situation.

1. Take responsibility for the situation and avoid
the three poisons of worry, struggle and blame.
a. Worry -is just negative visualization and
whatever we visualize is what we bring into our
life. The key is to focus on what you want, not
what you don’t want.
b. Struggle- When you feel that you will be
left out of something or not have enough, one
becomes greedy, jealous and life seems like a
c. Blame- When you accuse others for your
problems and anything that doesn’t go your way.
Take ownership of your circumstance as a stance
and posture towards your situation.
2. Analyze where the breakdowns happened.
Acknowledge where you are now and decide where you
want to go from here. Ask yourself this, how can I
do it better? What have I learned? What’s the next
“Turn your Stops into Steps.”
3. Take Action! –After you have taken
images of your circumstances and evaluated
your mistakes, it’s time for action. Get up and
keep moving forward. What are the most important
things you should be doing- Keep life as simple as
you can and keeping the focus where it needs to
be. Keep up with your practices
4. Be grateful for what you have, for the
opportunity to learn and grow and get going again
The one who wins the fight is the one who is still
standing at the end.

I have had projects that I thought couldn’t fail,
they did.
I had projects that I thought would never work,
they worked.
The only projects that never work are the ones
that you don’t work.

I always take time out for a few essentials-SLEEP,
CAN FIND. (Diet)
The training that works the quickest and will give
you the most power are Internal exercises, the
Recharging Qi Gong and the Flying Crane Style Qi
Gong programs.

I sleep at least 6 hours a night and get in 8
hours per night and I eat organic as much as
possible. Eat smaller meals more frequently.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Locked Out?

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

imagesThis morning I tried to access my bank account
from my computer and guess what? I was locked out
– This isn’t good!

When you get locked out of anything, no matter if
it’s your house, your car or your bank account,
you know there is a problem that will cost you
time, energy and stress your body and mind.

Computer fraud and stealing identity these days is
happening way too often and when I was locked out
all the red flags popped up- Big Stressor!

One of my associates had someone steal his
identity a few months ago and before he knew it
someone had drained his bank accounts, opened
charges and was enjoying a holiday in France on my
friends’ expense.

Luckily he was able to recover his $50,000+ and
cancel all of his accounts. But it took days from
going to the police and making report after report
and calling every credit card he had to cancel and
change everything, his phone number, email
address, all the major cards and they even took
his frequent flyer numbers just to get back to
normal. It took days and you could see him aging
over night. So when I got locked out this morning
I freaked. I was at the bank as soon as they
opened and luckily for me it wasn’t a problem with
credit fraud. The bank’s computers were down for
an hour or so and that’s just when I decided to
log on.

Whatever it is in life we don’t want to get locked
out and when it comes to our health and well being
we want to be up on the cutting edge.

There are a few important things we all need to
beware of. For someone new to tell me that they’re
now on a gluten-free diet, because they can’t
tolerate eating bread, cookies, or cake anymore.
That’s a bummer!

I think the intolerant to wheat has to do with
the genetically modified toxins now in wheat, corn
and soybeans produces. Those products are now
literary unfit for human consumption. GMO wheat
is a perfect, chronic poison and it affects us
all. So if you think the food industry is
protecting our health, you’re dreaming. Read up on
GMO and what they are doing to your health.

Another important factor in staying healthy and
keeping your brain sharp is to take responsibility
for your own health. Read, study, practice and
learn all you can about the way your body and mind
functions. Beware of your diet, your exercise and
what your city and state are putting in the water
and air.

Qi Gong, Tai Qi and yoga are the exercises of
choice. They all work to protect the internal
organs keeping the body and mind flexible.

I have been practicing Qi Gong for over 30 years
and I am a living example that it works, if you work it.
I have friends, students and patients who practice
daily and guess what? They don’t take medicine,
they don’t have health problems and they feel 10
to 15 years younger than their actual age. The Qi
Gong works on the meridian system and keeps
everything flowing in the proper channels. As long
as Qi flows well in the meridians you will not
have blocked energy. Our blood always follows Qi,
brings oxygen and nutrients to our internal
organs. As long as our internal organs are healthy
we stay young and full of energy.

The key is in the consistency of your practice. I
can help you with that!

Start by getting involved! Join the Qi Gong inner
Today and we will get younger and healthier

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

What makes you Happy?

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

What makes you Happy?
Is it your health, relationships,
wealth, power or position?
A group of researchers came up
with a list of 10 of the most important
things in life that create happiness.

I discovered the article in
Reader’s Digest and began to think
a lot of what makes us happy.
Here is what they said:

“Over the last 70 years researchers
have been probing happy and unhappy
people, and they’re finally zeroing in on
the factors that make a difference.
What follows are the top ten. By the
way, the experts think your genes
account for about 50 percent of your
disposition; the other nine factors
make up the rest.”
1. Wealth-
Money can buy a degree
of happiness. But once you can afford
to feed, clothe and house yourself, each
extra dollar makes less and less difference.
Once your basic needs are met, money
only seems to boost happiness if you
have more than your friends,
neighbors and colleagues.

2. Desire-
How much stuff do
you need to feel good? In the 1980s,
political scientist Alex Michalos,
professor emeritus at the University
of Northern British Columbia in Prince George,
asked 18,000 college students in 39
countries to rate their happiness on a
numeric scale. Then he asked them how
close they were to having all they wanted.
He found that the people whose
aspirations — not just for money, but for
friends, family, job, health, the works — soared
furthest beyond what they already had,
tended to be less happy than those who
perceived a smaller gap. Indeed, the size of
the gap predicted happiness about five times
better than income alone.
This “aspiration gap” might explain why
most people fail to get much happier as
their salaries rise. Instead of satisfying
our desires, most of us merely want more.
The good life remained always just out of reach.

3. Intelligence-
Are smart people happier?
Intelligence has no effect. Some researchers
speculate that brighter people could have higher
expectations and thus be dissatisfied with
anything less than the highest achievements.
“Or maybe scoring high on an IQ test — which
means you know a lot of vocabulary and can
rotate things in your mind — doesn’t have
a lot to do with your ability to get along
well with people,” says Ed Diener, a
psychologist at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. He speculates that
“social intelligence” could be the real
key to happiness.

4. Genetics-
David Lykken, a behavioral
geneticist and professor emeritus of
psychology at the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, believes our feeling of well-being
at any moment is determined half by what is
going on in our lives at that time and half by
a “set point” of happiness, which is up
to 90 percent genetically determined and
to which we eventually return after
dramatic events, our happiness set point is
largely determined by our genes.
They have found that genetic variation
accounted for between 44 and 55 percent
of the difference in happiness levels.
Neither income, marital status, religion
nor education accounted for any more
than about 3 percent.

5. Beauty-
Good-looking people really
are happier. The most attractive faces are
highly symmetrical, and there is evidence
that symmetry reflects good genes and a
healthy immune system. Beautiful people
are happier because they are healthier.

6. Friendship-
family and friends because
of the social support that arises from the
importance of the extended family.

7. Marriage-
Married people are consistently
happier than singletons. Happy people are
more likely to get married and then stay married.
But anyone can improve his or her mood by
getting married. The effect begins about a
year before the “happy day” and lasts for at
least a year afterward.

8. Faith-
Karl Marx was fairly close
to the mark when he described
religion as an opiate for the masses.
Of the dozens of studies that have
looked at religion and happiness,
the vast majority has found a positive link.
They even live longer.

9. Charity-
Several studies have found
a link between happiness and altruistic
behavior. But as with many behavioral
traits, it is not always clear whether
doing good makes you feel good, or
whether happy people are more likely
to be altruistic.

10. Age-
Why are old people happier?
Some scientists suggest older people may
expect life to be harder and learn to live
with it, or they’re more realistic about
their goals, only setting ones that
they know they can achieve. With
time running out, older people have
learned to focus on things that make
them happy and let go of those that don’t.

“When I was 5 years old, my mother always
told me that happiness was the key to life.
When I went to school, they asked me what
I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down
‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the
assignment, and I told them they didn’t
understand life.” -John Lennon

Not everyone is born with a sunny
disposition, but experts agree we can
all learn how to bring more meaning
and satisfaction into our lives.

I have spent many years in
perfecting meditations, exercises
and adjusting my diet and mental
outlook to staying healthy and happy.
I practice every day and do what I
say and say what I do. It’s no accident
that I am healthy and happy. I practice
and train to be there and stay
there and so can you.

With My Help It’s Easy to Better
Your Previous Best!
Each day I receive over a hundred
emails from men and women
from all over the world. And
these well-meaning people
want me to reply to them, give
them all sorts of advice on subjects
too numerous to list right now.

Truth is I would LOVE to be able
to answer all of the emails –
So I formed the Qi Gong Inner Circle –
a “Members Only” community
where you CAN get access to me
as well as many other experts who
are happy to answer your health
and fitness questions on longevity
and anti aging, as well as encourage
you and support your drive toward
more successful and healthy living.

If you already have any number
of my best-selling products – I can
assure you, compared to what you
are taught when you’re a member
of the Qi Gong Inner Circle, well,
there’s no comparison. I go a whole
lot further. Guiding. Instructing.
Addressing the personal and individual
needs you have that cannot be
addressed in a book or set of DVDs.
What you’re getting is an “interactive
experience.” That’s FAR different than
quietly reading a book with no
feedback from me.

Believe me, one piece of advice from
me as well as the many fabulous
members already in the QGIC – can
put you on the FAST TRACK to success
in a heartbeat.

So jump aboard, my friend.
You’ve truly got nothing to
lose and everything to gain.

Important: Don’t forget that this
offer expires very soon.
Maybe even later today.
Jump on it NOW!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Make sure you click the link
below to enroll.

P.P.S. We will notify you in 24-72
hours to let you know your username
and password for the Qi Gong Inner Circle.
Some people, unfortunately, will not make
it in because they’re too slow to act.
Don’t be one of them.

How to Keep Cool, Naturally

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

The National Weather Service
issued excessive heat warnings
for wide areas of central and
eastern United States, saying
that the combined heat and humidity
could push the “real feel” temperature
to 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 Celsius)
through Saturday.
The thermometer hit 91F (33C)
but it felt more like 112F (44C),
according to

By the weekend, the heat wave
is expected to cover half of the
United States and affect nearly
150 million people.


The low pressure system that
barreled east was expected to bring
powerful thunderstorms with hail
to northeastern states.

“Do not take this threat lightly,”
the National Weather Service

The extreme temperatures
are particularly dangerous.
When it gets that hot it’s really
important to stay hydrated, we
all know the importance of drinking
water, but there are some other
important things to know to keep
us from de-hydrating.
Drinks like alcohol,
soda,other high sugar drinks,
and even coffee will dry you out.

Pure H2O is the safest to drink
and water with electrolytes will
keep you cool and
well hydrated.

Eat fruit– this will also
help to cool your
body off, my favorites are:

Here are a few of my formulas
for cooling yourself down
when it’s this hot.

Buy an organic pineapple;
it’s really important that the
pineapple is organic. Pineapples
are so sweet and bugs love them
as much as we do, so they spray
them with poisoned chemicals,
lots and lots of sprays! When I
lived in Hawaii, you would see
them spray them all the time. My
friend Gail used to go down to the
tide pools that were below
the pineapple fields to soak every day.
Although the fields were a hundred
feet above little did she know that
all that poison was leaching down from
the pineapple field into the pools.
Before she knew it she was sick
from toxic poisons. She is still
beautiful on the outside, but her
internal organs are all suffering.

So make sure you get an Organic Pineapple.
cut off the outside skin and instead of
throwing it in the basket, wash it well
and then put it in water and boil it for
about ahalf an hour.
Then you strain it and
pour off the juice and put in the
It’s a very cooling drink for the summer,
needs no sweetener and will keep you
hydrated and cool.

Another one of my special cooling summer
formulas I learned from Dr. Fu Dhi he’s
from Harbin China. Although Harbin
is one of the coldest places in China in
the winter,the summers are hot and
humid and when I went to school,
there was no air-conditioner.

This recipe is most likely thousands of
years old.
We all like ice cold watermelon, the
sweet red meat is cooling and
refreshing and people all over the
planet eat it, drink the juice and
you may think that’s the trick.
But wait there is more to the watermelon
than you would ever think.

The rind is rich in silicon and its
outer green skin is concentrated
in chlorophyll.
Rind can be used to keep you
cool as well.
You can take the watermelon rind
which is the white part, cut it up
into about one inch squares, add a
little salt and put it in the refrigerator
to cool for an hour or so.
Once it’s chilled,
you can add it to either vegetable
or fruit salads.

Also watermelon
rind can be juiced and drunk 1 or
2 oz. of the juice 2 to 3 times a day-
it will also lower your blood pressure,
but if you have a heart condition
leave out the salt.

Stay hydrated can also keep you
When I’m doing my Qi Gong practice
this time of year,
I focus on the kidneys and the spleen.
That’s the water and earth elements.

The Recharging Qi Gong program
is the perfect program to do all summer.
It will tonify your organs and cool
down your body mind and spirit.

I wish you the Best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi