Archive for the ‘Qi Gong Inner Circle’ Category

Do You Trust Them?

Friday, June 3rd, 2016
We don't trust politicians. Why? They lie.

We don't trust the food industry. Why? They lie.

We don't trust Big Pharma. Why? They lie.

Corporations are in business for one reason - to
make a profit. Your health and well-being are not
considered if there is no money in it. 

The lie seems to be the norm and, thanks to TV
advertising and the news, we are the victims of
being dumbed down. 

The other day, I turned on the TV for a moment.
There was a reality show on about a family that
was going to take a river trip, but the mother had
to have ten teeth pulled out that rotted in her
mouth. Who watches that stuff? I shut it off as
quickly as I could grab the remote. The cable
companies are broadcasting trash and people
mindlessly are watching it. It teaches you
nothing, shows you backwoods alligator hunters,
and moonshine stills, a dynasty of Ducks, and news
that has no relevance to you or making this world
a better place to live in. 


You can make a difference, make your brain
function better, and get healthy all at the same

You have to take the bull out of your life.

Get on a regular Qi gong program, and use those
hours to train power and Qi into your body, mind
and spirit. Start out with the Flying Crane Qi
Gong. It's easy to learn, fun to do, and your hand
chakras will open in a few workouts.

Start training with me on a regular basis by
joining the Qi Gong Inner Circle. You will be
getting teachings on Qi gong, meditation, energy
work, healing, and much more.

If you are a TV watcher, look at what's going to
be on the tube for a week in advance, program your
TV or set your clock, and only watch that, if you

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi
Do you trust them?

The Elixir of Immortality

Monday, March 21st, 2016

The Elixir of Immortality


Elixir of Immortality

An Exilir for Immortality. Healing your body from illness is a multi-phase process that we overlook in the West. According to Tibetan Buddhist medicine, an attitude has to be generated that illness is a blessing. That’s a strange one if you live in the West, for sure. An illness is a signal that you are doing something
fundamentally off balance. If you continue on that
path, you will have more anxiety and disease. The
sickness provides an opportunity to grow, to see
where we’ve gone out of balance and correct it.
This may seem a little harsh, but it gives us an
opportunity to develop compassion, practice
virtue, overcome pride and release oneself from
aversion to pain and unhappiness. You can build your own elixir of immortality!  In the Qi Gong
Inner Circle, I share deeper information on how to
deal with illness and death for your growth. If
you are not a member yet, let me share this
valuable information with you and your loved ones.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

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Do you Trust Your Grocery Store?

Monday, January 11th, 2016

Do you Trust Your Grocery Store?
In today’s world, you really have a hard time
trusting your own Grocery store   and people in the medicine business. Just when you think “natural” means it’s healthy, you find out that it isn’t so and is just an advertising buzzword. Even when you are buying organic, unless you read every word on the label, you could be buying just a few ingredients that
are organic and the others are questionable. As
for the fruit and veggies, we all hope that
“organic” means no chemical sprays or other

Eating off the land is one of the best ways to
nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Working in
the garden is a great way to de-stress from work,
and a joy to see one’s efforts grow. A garden
grows at its own pace – you can’t rush it or slow
it down. It needs just a few things to grow: the
right soil, water, and sunlight. If the pH of the
soil is too acidic, you’ll get a poor crop. If the
garden isn’t watered, your garden will dry up and
die. If there is no sunlight, nothing happens at
all. A garden is very similar to our bodies. We
need to keep our internal system more alkaline
than acidic to stay healthy and, without a doubt,
we need to stay hydrated. As far as the sunlight
is concerned, it’s one of the biggest factors in
keeping us happy, vibrant, and free from
depression and anxiety.

This year, I planted 2 all-organic Feng Shui
gardens that are both 9’x9’, a magic number. One
is filled with tomatoes and 6 different varieties
of lettuce, onions, garlic, and lots of turmeric.
The other garden has ginger, peppers, cabbage,
spinach, lemongrass, chives, and broccoli. But
wait, there is more. I planted 7 banana trees, a
dozen of pineapples, and a wall of passion fruit.
Now, I am busy with watering, weeding, and chasing
bugs away. Setting up the garden is as important
as planting. I first divide the space into 9 equal
parts, one for each square of the “ba gua” plus
one for the spiritual part. Then, I plant using
the garden as my meditation.

To find out more on how to use your environment as
your meditation, join the members of the Qi Gong
Inner Circle and get all the goodies.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Do you know what's in your food

Do you know what’s in your food

Dr. Wu Dhi

Who are You feeding this Year?

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015

Who are You feeding this Year?

Every year, around the holidays, we seem to eat

more, drink more, and socialize more than any

Are you feeding your good or bad wolf?

Are you feeding your good or bad wolf?

other time. It’s the season to be jolly and visit

friends and family. But there is more than food

that we eat for nourishment. Long ago, I heard

this story…

There was an old Cherokee Indian teaching about

life to his grandson. “A fight is going on inside

me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight

and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is

anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance,

self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies,

false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued,

“The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope,

serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,

empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

The same fight is going on inside you – and inside

every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and

then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you



choice. Change is always possible. The first step

is to have a clear understanding of what’s going

on. If you have been feeding the evil wolf, vow to

change it. Habits are tough to break, and changing

them requires something that we forget to practice

— Patience.

Our lives are a series of ongoing classroom

discussions where everyone is our teacher and

every situation contains a lesson for us. As you

develop patience, you will see the lessons more

clearly and learn life’s lessons quicker. It’s

called AWARENESS! A lesson will keep repeating

itself until you learn it. Wake up, smell the

roses, and your life will improve by leaps and

bounds overnight. Never let a lesson slip by. It

will be back with a vengeance quicker than you can


Learn the internal exercises, how to meditate, and

the benefits of alternative medicine. How? Join me

and the members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle, and

I’ll guide you through A PROCESS OF LESSONS to

make your life better. 

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi


Wednesday, December 23rd, 2015


It’s now the first day of winter. The holiday
season is here! There is a Santa Claus to be found
in every corner, ringing his bell. The churches
are in full glory, preaching the Scripture of the
birth of Christ. It’s a glorious holiday season,

Is the scripture for real?

Is the scripture for real?

but there is a danger in the scriptures. All
religious scriptures are the documents of someone
else’s experience of their god; it’s not your
experience, it’s someone else’s. Even if the good
book is an exciting story and inspires you, it’s
NOT the same as experiencing it yourself.

We all have different experience with love and
romance and what we call love and feel from our
expression of love. Everyone has a different
experience of what love is and does. “Romeo and
Juliet” was a beautiful love story, but it’s not
mine or yours. We all have a different expression
that makes up our life. It’s the same with our
experience of God. Maybe we had an experience with
the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, or an awakening from
a personal experience that opened us up. I have
many patients that have had a trauma from an
illness that has awakened them up and changed
their life forever. This happens to many cancer
survivors; they change their diet, the way they
think and act, and their belief structure. Insight
comes to people in a multitude of ways and, then,
they are not their old selves, whoever they were.
Remember the world’s religions are not at war with
each other. At the heart of all religions, you
will find love and compassion. Never limit
yourself by what you have read, no matter whose
holy book it is. The dogma of a religious
organization can actually limit your own spiritual
growth. Be open and loving, and forgive others.

“Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as you can.”
— John Wesley

And make that your religion.

I wish you a beautiful winter season with love in
your heart, for yourself and for others.

Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. I’ll be revamping the Qi Gong Inner Circle
over the holidays and you will be receiving new
great stuff all through 2016. If you aren’t a part
of our Qi Gong Inner Circle, join us today

Life is Short, Make Sure you Enjoy every moment of it!

Friday, November 20th, 2015

imagesDeath and dying may be a scary thought to you but,
like it or not, Old Man Time has his eye on you.
Once you recognize how precious and how short life
really is, you are most likely to make it more
meaningful, and live your life to the fullest.
Usually, this realization only comes with
maturity. When I was 17 years old, I can remember
my Dad told me this, “Son, life is short. Make
sure you enjoy every moment of it.” At that young
age, I really didn’t get what he was telling me,
but it stuck in my mind all these years. “Life is
short. Make sure you enjoy every minute of it.” I
knew it was important, as Dad didn’t give advice
like that unless he thought it was of great

The way in which we live our lives and our state
of mind at death directly influence our future
lives. It is said that the aim of a spiritual
practitioner is to have no fear or regrets at the
time of death. Those of us who practice to the
best of our abilities hopefully will die in a
state of great bliss. I was fortunate to be with
my mother when she passed away. She told all of us
it was her last day just hours before she died.
Although she was 95 years young, her brain
functioned as if she was in her thirties. That’s a
real blessing. She wasn’t sick, and she was very
much awake and aware of what was going on. Mom
called her friends and family and talked for
around an hour to say her goodbyes. Then, she told
my children and grandchildren, “Do you know what I
am doing? I am dying. It’s part of life; you are
born, you live, and then, you die.” She passed a
few hours after that with a smile on her face. I
have read of yogis, gurus, and lama’s dying
consciously, but I never experienced it first hand
and would never dream that my mother would leave
in such an awake and elegant manner.

The only thing that can help us at the time of
death is our mental and spiritual development. I
guess Mom was more developed than I knew. My
youngest son, Damion, asked his grandmother,
“Grandma, what do you need of me?” She told him to
plant a tree in her name and call it “Betty Boop”
after her. My Mom’s name is Elizabeth, but she was
liked to be called Betty. Damion called today and
told me that the tree in front of San Xavier
Church, the one founded in 1692, may be the place
where the first Betty Boop tree is going to be
planted. It’s the oldest intact European structure
in Arizona. It seems like the old tree in the
courtyard of the current church has died, and my
son offered to plant the Betty Boop tree there.
The planting of the tree and the energetic energy
of Betty Boop will be a blessing for the church.

Do you want to learn more about the energetic
energy and how to use it? If you do, join me in
the Qi Gong Inner Circle

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

Have You Ever Wondered Why We Wear Costumes On Halloween?

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015

IMG_0026Have You Ever Wondered Why We Wear Costumes On Halloween?

It all started long ago around this time of the
year as summer came to an end. People would gather
for the fall harvest, and the medicine men, known
as shamans, would do rituals for the changing of
the seasons. Masks and costumes were used to hide
one’s face at these ancient rituals. The mask
would act as a symbol allowing for communication
with the spirit world to ward off evil spirits.
The person’s costume was to attract and absorb the
power of the animal represented by the mask.
Halloween costumes may have originated with the
Celtic Druid ceremonial participants who wore
animal heads and skins to acquire the strength of
a particular animal. Through this connection, the
shaman can call upon the strength of the bear, the
swiftness of the horse, or the pinpoint sight of
the eagle. The animal protects the shaman,
instructs him, and becomes a vehicle for his soul
in the other worlds. Both wild and mystical
animals have spiritual counterparts that can
become guides and helpers in various ways. The
protectors that I use in my personal totem are the
green dragon of the East, the red phoenix of the
South, a white tiger of the West, and the black
turtle of the North. Of course, shamans use
different animals for different tasks and, as you
evolve in your practice, your animal
spirit/proctor can change in form and the specific
task they do.

If you are the kind of person who enjoys these
kinds of teachings, you’ll appreciate the
teachings in the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

Learning How to Learn

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

Learning How to Learn

It was back in the early seventies is when I put my energy into learning how to learnI moved my
family to Southwestern Colorado. It was the year
before the ski opened, and there were only 400
people living at 8,945 feet above sea level. It
was the most beautiful place you could imagine.
Telluride sits in a box canyon. Steep, forested
mountains and cliffs surround it, with Bridal Veil
Falls at the head of the canyon. The winters were
long and cold, and we heated our home with wood.
We had an Ashley wood stove that pretty much kept
us warm all winter. It took around 10 cords of
wood to go through a winter in the mountains. A
cord of wood is 8×4 inches and 4 foot high. That’s
a lot of chopping and splitting to heat your
house, but I did it every winter for years. When
you cut and split your own wood, you get a lot of
heat out of it. You heat up your whole body when
you go logging, and even more when you split it.
That was a real wo rkout that you can’t get at a

When you live in a small town, you know just about
everyone, and everyone knows you. For the most
part, everybody was friendly and would give you a
helping hand if needed. Telluride was a magic
place, and many a friend would come to visit, both
winter for the skiing and summer to enjoy the
beauty of the Rockies.

Around Thanksgiving, my friend, Jerry, came to
visit on his way to California and stayed with us
for a few weeks before he decided to make
Telluride his home. I don’t think he ever got to
California. One sunny morning in September, I was
headed up the mountain to do some logging. Jerry
volunteered to give me a hand. He had no idea what
he was in store for. He’s a city kid, and this was
his first logging experience. Now that I think
about it, it was my second, or maybe, third
logging adventure as I was brought up in the same
big city that he was. As we drove up the mountain,
we could see that there were dead trees standing
on both sides of the road. I had a brilliant plan.
I decided to cut down one of those 40- or 50-foot
trees and have it fall on the road, so all we had
to do was cut it up and fill the truck. I found a
nice tree and cut it, so it would fall on the
road, ju st like I planned. The only thing I didn’t
realize was, when the tree hit the road, it
jack-knifed back and hit me right in the nose! I
was out cold. The next thing I remembered was
Jerry carrying me to the car, and with super human
strength, moving a 40-foot tree off the road, and
driving me to the hospital. I can remember going
in and out of consciousness on the ride.


Learning How to Learn

After that, my life changed radically. I left the
mountains soon after that near-death experience,
and I have devoted my life to health, healing, and
spiritual growth ever since. For three decades, I
worked with my Master, learning all I could about
longevity, meditation, and the process of learning
how to learn. Then, in 2007, I began sharing this
work with a select group of people who wanted to
learn the ways of mastering the internal self. I
called the group, “The Inner Circle,” and
we have been going strong since we started.

If you are ready for a learning adventure that
will last you a lifetime, join us today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu Dhi

Here comes the full moon

Friday, July 31st, 2015

Here comes the full moon

In a few days, we are going to have another full
moon. This can be an opportunity for you to
improve your health and well-being at the same
time. We all absorb more into our bodies when the
moon is full. If you are open and aware, you can
gather a ton of Qi on the 3 days before the full
moon and the new moon. That’s why, I make sure
that I increase my practice time for the 3 days
before the full moon and, especially, on the full
moon day.

This month, we have 2 full moons. When that
happens, we call the 2nd full moon a Blue Moon.
Although there is a lot more Qi available to us at
the time of the full moon, we can absorb both the
good and the bad stuff much easier. So, it will
serve you more if you stay focused on the
positive. Eat a clean diet, or fast for the day on
both the full and new moon. It is easier to clear
the body of toxins when the moon is full, but also
easier to get toxic. Be careful of what you take
in for the next few days and who you hang out
with. You want to avoid being in polluted places
where the air quality is poor. Hanging out with
toxic people is as bad as eating a handful of
Full moon Take some time to change the
air filters in your house, eat clean food, and
increase your intake of water. Maybe even take a
break from solid foods, and do a juice or water
fast for the day of the full moon. I often do the
Master Cleanse on the day of the full moon.

Here’s how to do the Master Cleanse:

On the day of the full moon, all you take into
your body is lemonade, around 6 to 8 glasses. You
can also drink as much water as you want. The
emphasis of the Master Cleanse is to eliminate
toxins from your body. It is important to make
sure everything you inject is pure.

Here’s how to make the Master Cleanse Lemonade:

2 tablespoons of organic fresh-squeezed lemon or
lime juice (No bottled juice!)
2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup (I like the
grade B since it has more minerals in it)
1/10 teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper (This is a
tricky one; be careful, you don’t want it to hot!)
10 ounces of filtered water

Mix all of this together. Drink around 6 glasses a
day. If you are new to fasting, just do it on the
full moon for breakfast and lunch, and have a
salad for dinner. If you are more adventurous, do
the Master Cleanse for 3 days, and you can build
up to 9 days.

WARNING: If you have been abusing your body, only
do the full moon day until you get those toxins
out of your body.

Let us make this full moon a magical one. Do a
ritual to energize your body, mind, and spirit.

If you want more of this great information on a
regular basis, join the Qi Gong Inner Circle and I’ll send you the
real goods on health, internal exercises, and

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Developing the Second attention

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

Developing the Second attention

What does it mean to develop the second attention?

Why would you even want to develop second
attention in the first place?

When we work to cultivate anything, it starts with
the earth element. To make it complete, we need
all the elements to grow and work to our fullest
capacity. The sun is the fire element, the metal
element gives the minerals we need to nourish the
soil, the water element is necessary for growth,
and the wood element is the sprout that turns into
the mighty oak tree, a strong full grown system.

On the spiritual realm, cultivating the extra
attention is the cultivation of awareness.
Spiritual awareness is the process by which we
begin to explore our own being in order to become
whole, and reunite our spirits with our physical
bodies in a commonality of purpose. imagesYou might say that developing of the
extra attention is likened to moving from a raft
all the way up to a yacht.

Your goal would be to first develop the extra
attention, and then to be able to hold the extra
attention in your entire body. Here is a simple
exercise to begin to develop your second
• Place your attention on your less dominant hand,
and feel what’s going on. It may become warm,
heavier, or you may feel a tingling sensation.
Just notice it and observe. Make no judgments.
This is an exercise in observing.
• As you go through your day, as many times as you
can remember, place your attention on your hand
even when doing other tasks. In a short time, you
will start to develop the second attention. And
even when you are dreaming, try to remember to
place your attention on your hand. This practice
will keep you lucid in your dreams and will
decently open up your awareness in the wake state.

Want to find out more about developing more
awareness and opening up your consciousness? I am
sure you do. The members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle are receiving about the information and
teachings every month. I invite you to hop onboard
before the ship sails. I am opening up the
membership to another 50 people and that’s it. If
you are ready to open your mind, cultivate your
second attention, and skyrocket your spiritual
growth, join us today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi