Posts Tagged ‘Processed Foods’

Why you should avoid Cottonseed oil

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013


There is a seemingly harmless substance that you
may be eating every day of your life. It is found
in a variety of processed foods. It is so cheap
and in fact it costs producers next to nothing to
manufacture. Why? Because cottonseed oil is
nothing more than a product of industrial waste
produced during cottonseed processing. Because it
is not considered a food product they can poison
it with sprays, weed killers and there is no
restrictions to how much.

Cottonseed oil is also genetically modified which
is grown from GMO seeds as well. It’s in processed
foods you are eating such as cookies, crackers,
salad dressings, desserts, and other foods, but
also in cotton swabs, clothing, personal care
products, and more.

In the early 1900 one of the world’s most
well-known products was born, “Crisco”,
Manufactured by Procter & Gamble, a company owned
by William Procter – a candle-maker, and his
brother-in-law James Gamble, a soap-maker.

Here is the story: A hundred years ago or so the
meat packing monopoly began regulating the pricing
of lard and tallow, which had formerly been the
primary ingredient used in the manufacturing of
candles and soap. Another factor affecting candle
sales was the growing use of electricity. Both
events were responsible for a decline in candle
and soap making and the market for these products
experienced a downturn.

P & G sought other ways to make some bucks by
1905; the company had ownership of eight
cottonseed mills in Mississippi. That’s when: Fat
in a can, Crisco was first introduced into the
market place.

What happened as results of this new cheaper

We had an increase in heart disease, infertility,
learning disorders, and a huge rise in cancer. You
are probably eating cottonseed oil and don’t even
know it. Check it out. Start reading every label
before you consume that next candy bar, or eat
your next cookie — you’ll be surprised. You can
just blow it off, but you are slowly poisoning
yourself and sooner or later you will feel the

Here are some products you will find that contain
cottonseed oil:

• Peanut butter

• Boxed cereals

• Crackers

• Cookies

• Packaged breads

• Salad oils

• Mayonnaise

• Dressings

• Marinades

• Margarine

• Other fake fats like shortening and artificial
“butter” products

On an annual basis, the U.S. uses over one billion
pounds of this toxic cheap cottonseed oil.

What are the other health hazards of cottonseed

Cottonseed oil is also absolutely loaded with
pesticides and other harmful chemicals, as used by
the cottonseed industry to ensure the mass
production of crops to keep up with demand. Also,
the cottonseed plant composition is high in Omega
6 content – one of the reasons people in the
developed world have such high numbers in obesity,
heart disease, and other degenerative diseases
like cancer. So why then, are these products so
ubiquitously found on the food markets? After
reviewing the history of the development of these
types of products, the answer should be clear –
it’s all hinged upon moneymaking and the success
of corporations seeking to use cheap, industrial
by-products as a means for generating profit.

What are better alternatives to cottonseed and
other industrial oils?

For cooking or frying:

• Coconut oil (use refined for high heat cooking
or frying)

• Palm oil

• Butter

• Ghee

Let me tell you why I am all over the cotton seed.
A few months ago I endorsed a product “So
Delicious” ice-cream. It taste great and as I was
eating this delicious treat I read the label and
sure enough it had toxic cotton seed oil in it.
Bummer. These days you have to read everything and
if you don’t know what it is check it out or don’t
eat it. If enough of us do that they will stop
selling junk food that destroys health.

“The food industry does not care about your health
and the health industry for the most part doesn’t
care about your food.”

When I teach someone an exercise, a meditation or
suggest a vitamin, mineral or food, I check it
out, use it myself and know what’s in it and how
it will affect your body/mind and spirit.

Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner

and learn the latest and the best meditations,
internal exercises and what will keep you healthy,
young and happy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Today there will be a meditation class at 7:00 pm
in my office.

The address is 18205 Biscayne Blvd #2214
Aventura, Fl 33160

You don’t want to miss this one!
Call Anastasia at 305-407-0120 to
let us know you are coming as space is
limited. See you there!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you feeling stressed?

Friday, January 4th, 2013

I had a real scar the other day. It was the middle
of the day and my office was filled with patients,
when my mother called from Michigan and said, “The
ambulance is here I am on my way to the hospital”
and hung up. Damn Ma, what was I supposed to do
with that info? How was I going to get in touch
with her? At 92 years young she sure doesn’t carry
a cell phone. What hospital was she going too and
should I hop on a plane now? My head was spinning.
I immediately called my son who lives near her and
No answer! I called my daughter-in-law, No answer!
Finally I called a good friend who lives near by
and she got the details for me and later called me from
my Mom’s hospital room. It was a sever stomach
pain that was diagnosed as “Diverticulitis- (a
bulging sac of the inner lining of the
intestine that become inflamed and infected). No
one knows exactly what causes the sacs, or pouches
of diverticulitis to form but it is painful and
puts you on the toilet seat most of the day.

I’m sure it all started from the foods they have
at the assisted living facility my mother lives
in. People who eat mostly processed food, as many
Americans eat, do not get enough fiber in their
diet. Processed foods include white rice, white
bread, most breakfast cereals, crackers, and

As a result, constipation and hard stools are more
likely to occur – causing people to strain when
passing stools. This increases the pressure in the
colon or intestines and may cause these pouches to

Symptoms of diverticulitis are more severe and
often start suddenly, but they may become worse
over a few days. They include:
•Tenderness, usually in the left lower
side of the abdomen
•Bloating or gas
•Fever and chills
•Nausea and vomiting
•Not feeling hungry and not eating

Although I later discovered that Mom had a few of
these symptoms she didn’t let anyone know until it
was too late and she was whisked off to the
hospital. They gave her a handful of antibiotics
and sent her home. She was told to take 2 in the
morning and one at night and although it helped
with the infection, the medicine killed off all
the friendly bacteria as well as the bad stuff.
She spent the next 10 days on the potty still suffering
with stomach pain and now has pain where the sun
doesn’t shine.

Now Mom doesn’t know what to eat and is afraid to
eat at all. I sent her acidophilus but of course
her doctor didn’t recommend it so she wouldn’t
touch it.
I didn’t know that I was going to be STRESSED. I
thought everything was going well on my end and it
was, but you never know when the universe will
throw you a spinner.
Thank God Mom is feeling better! We are not out of
the crisis yet but things are sure better.
When we are faced with stressful situations we
immediately go into flight or fight mode.
This affects two important systems:
1. The sympathetic nervous system
2. The adrenal-cortical system.

The next thing you know, your heart is pounding,
hormones are releasing that gets the body prepared
to deal with the situation to help you survive by
organizing you to either run for your life or
fight for your life.

In situations where the tiger is about to rip you
to threads this is a good thing. But when you are
just threatened by things like Family, Work, or
Money that’s the time to use the energy of the
stressful situation to transform the “Stress Into
Power” We are all confronted with stressful
situations daily and if you are not eating the
stress it’s eating you.

Yep even when Mom calls!
Get a copy now! There is no doubt stress is coming
one way or another. This program can save you
hours of mentally, physically and spiritually
Order Now and turn your stress into power!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The 9 Poisons that Can Shorten your Life

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I always told my students It’s Not Bad Dying
but getting sick is the pits. To keep yourself
healthy there are some things that you really want
to avoid.

1. Stress– it can kill you
Stress will take its toil on you and may actually
shorten your life if you don’t know how to use it.

2. Smoking
Tobacco use remains the most preventable cause of
death. Smoking can rob you of 10 years of life
and if you get cancer or lung disease you will
find out what I meant by the pits.
But your body can bounce back sooner than you
would imagine. In fact blood pressure and
circulation improves the quickest after quitting,
and your can significantly reduce the risk of

3. Stop eating processed foods
When I was a child my grandmother seemed to always
be in the kitchen and so was my mother. They
canned fresh fruit, made jelly, put up tomatoes,
pickles, peppers and relishes. Over the last 30 or
40 years there has been a shift to consuming more
processed foods by large multinational
corporations along with processing comes an
increase in added sodium, more saturated fat, more
sugar, and less fiber. The result? More,
cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

4. Sitting on your butt
Exercise, Exercise and more exercise. The more you
use your car the quicker it will ware out, but the
body is different. “Use it or loose it!” when we
exercise just 30 minutes a day five or more times
per week, you can extend your life by years.
Studies show that just 15 minutes a day can
increase your life span by another three years. So
get on your bike, roller blades, go to the gym,
take a walk and do something physical daily.

5. Anger
Anger can cost you years off your life. Levels of
stress hormone go up when you’re stressed or
angry, and cause havoc on your heart, metabolism,
and immune system. High cortisol has been
associated with greater mortality in a number of

6. Being a Hermit
Meet, Greet, visit friends and go out to eat!
Being social is a great longevity booster, it
boost your immune system, keeps you strong, while
being a hermit can be boring and put you in a
negative frame of mind and at risk of depression
and even heart attacks.

7. Letting Fear scare you to death
Fear can make your entire body contract causing
kidney problems, heart trouble and more. Chinese
medicine tells us that the opposite of fear is
gentleness. Exercises like yoga Tai chi and Qi
Gong can change your headspace bring more
gentleness into your life and keep you alive

8. Not sleeping
A good nights sleep can be worth Big bucks.
Getting a good night sleep can affect your
lifespan, not getting sufficient sleep or
disturbed sleep can effect your heart, cause
stress, depression, and heart disease.
Relaxing music and Meditation exercises can set
the stage for a good night’s sleep.

9. Good genes doesn’t always equal a long life

Work on health, avoid the 9 poisons

Having parents and grandparents who live into
their nineties and beyond is a blessing but it’s
only a third of the longevity secret.
Environmental and lifestyle, your diet and
exercise plus whether you’re exposed to toxins or
not and how much stress you experience play a big
roll in your longevity or lack of it. Also
relationships also play a huge role in how fast
you age and how long you might live.

Staying healthy is as changeling as you get older
and if you are still doing any of the 9 no, no ,
it’s time to wake up and start working on self
cultivation! You can change your health picture
around in no time at all and enjoy a quality life.
I have spent much of my life helping people turn
their health around for the better.

It’s a blessing to be healthy but you must work at

Health is a privilege!

If you are ready for a great life contact me and
I’ll give you a free consultation to make your
life better.

305-407-0120 Office

Private Coaching

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Consistency! Could that be the key to your Health?

Monday, July 18th, 2011

All day Saturday I was with a group
of 50 doctors at an exciting seminar
on nutrition. You may be asking
yourself, what’s so exciting
about nutrition anyway?

Food is our medicine or it should be,
but in today’s world there is so much
pollution in our water, soil and air that
we can no longer get the proper nutrition
from the food we eat. We need to
supplement our diets to stay in shape
and to have the energy we need to run
our lives as healthy and stress free as we can.

The type of food and the quality of your food
makes all the difference in our health and our
chances of longevity. Our food isn’t nearly
as clean as it was 30 to 50 years ago.

My mother who is 91 years old said,
“There was no such thing as organic
food when I was growing up, because
it was all organic.”
No, GMO’s, No poison sprays and
the fertilizers were all from the
compose pile, a real recycling system.
She went on to say,
“Your grandmother always had a garden
because food was expensive and that’s
how she helped feed the family.
I don’t know why people don’t grow
vegetable gardens today. If they
did they would have better food,
save money and give the children a
chance to see how things grow.”

As long as I can remember we always
had a vegetable garden, and my family
passed that knowledge down from
generation to generation. I always
plant a garden and my children
always have one too.
Gardening can help you with your
meditation and Qi Gong rooting
and grounding practices.

“The greatest gift of the garden is
the restoration of the five senses.”
~Hanna Rion

Unfortunately, for all of us the nutrients
in the soil have been depleted, and
food grown in soil has fewer nutrients.
Chemicals are used in raising both
plants and animals, particularly on
huge industrial farms. What they are
producing surely isn’t about your
health or mine, you can mark my words.

Our Diet lacks nutrients and relies heavily
on processed foods that include artificial
color, additives, flavorings, and
chemically altered fats and sweeteners.
There are many reasons why we might
want to pay attention to what we eat.
We especially need to pay attention when
we are sick so we can help our bodies
get the nutrients we need to heal.
There are many health benefits if
we look at food as medicine.

“Let your food be your medicine,
and your medicine be your food.”
~ Hippocrates

Getting the right nutrients into our
bodies are keys to optimum long-term health.
That’s why we need to supplement our
diet along with the right foods.
A multivitamin is the best starting
point for everybody and every BODY.

To put it in simple terms, you
wouldn’t supercharge your car if
the spark plugs were fouled out, would you?

I have tried many different vitamins
and supplements with thousands of
patients in the last 30 years. There are
many products on the market today
that aren’t worth a dime. You are literally
flushing your money down the toilet.

We have researched over 75 different
companies, and have found that
pharmaceutical grade dietary
supplements and vitamins are
the most valuable for long term health.

There is a difference between
something that is expensive and
something that is valuable to your health.
This formula will give you the most value
for the buck.
I have been working with a
team of researchers, nutritionist
and doctors to formulate the top
of the line in a full spectrum Multivitamin.

Qi Essentials “Multi-Four” is a combination
of three targeted nutritional formulas
packaged together to provide
convenience and comprehensive
nutritional support.

Don’t put your health on the back burner.
get on a consistent program to keep yourself
healthy. Order can order today at

“If you don’t have your health,
you don’t have anything.”

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi