Posts Tagged ‘Kidneys’

Longevity Walking Add Years to Your Life

Monday, August 19th, 2013

My early morning training involves walking; in
fact I walk every day for at least 30 minutes.
Sometimes it’s fast other times it’s a slow
meditation walk and I always include at least 250
steps backwards. You may be asking yourself, why

When you walk backwards it brakes up different
patterns in your body and mind. The more different
possibilities you add to your body and or mind
makes you more flexible, improves your balance and
gives you a new way of looking at the world.

When I was in China I would see people walking
every morning in the parks and many of them were
walking backwards. I asked my Master, “Why are
they walking backwards? Was it a meditation, some
kind of Chinese exercise or what?” He laughed and
explained in his best English, “It’s for many
things, walking backwards not only improves your
balance, but it opens up your vision and
strengthens the kidneys and relieves back and knee
pain.” I tried it and was amazed at how well it

Try it !

You will be surprised how fast your body will heal
and how much sharper your mind will become.
Walking no matter how you do it can make a big
difference in your health picture. Even just
taking a short walk for 30 minutes a day cuts the
chances of becoming diabetic by more than half.

The Benefits of Walking:
• Cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 %
• Reduces hypertension
• Walk ing cuts the risk of cancer
• Women who walk have a 20 % lower possibility of
getting breast cancer
•Improves the immune system
• Men who walk 30 minutes a day have a
significantly lower level of prostate cancer
• Strengthens the heart
• Strengthens bones
• Improves the circulatory system
• Generates positive neuro chemicals
• When you walk every day, your body is healthier
and stronger. A single 30-minute walk can reduce
your blood pressure by five points for over 20
• Reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs
• Walking helps the body heal quicker. It keeps
the body healthy. It improves our biological
health, our physical health, our psychosocial
health, and helps with our emotional health.
Walking will add year’s to your life and a smile
to your entire being.

Walking is just one of the ways I stay young and
healthy, add the Qi Gong, meditation and proper
diet and your chances of a long healthy life will
increase by 50% or more.
I’ll teach my students how to do, what to do, and
why we do it in the Qi Gong Inner Circle

Join us today and get on with it ASAP.
Hurry, your time is running out!
Find out more here

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to detox in only 7 days

Friday, June 7th, 2013

If you realize it or not your health is one of the
most valuable things you possess.

It’s more important than money or your
relationships.If you lose your health you lose

Do you know how much money Steve Jobs left when he

Well he left all of it!

Many of us spend very little time understanding
how to maintain our bodies in optimal health. We
don’t pay attention to our health until it begins
to fail and then it can be too late.

Our main detox organs are our Liver, Kidneys and
the Intestine. If they are too toxic you will
notice a bunch of nasty stuff you never wanted to

Our liver works to remove toxins that we encounter
from the food we eat as well as toxins produced by
our bodies. When the gastrointestinal tract is not
functioning optimally, your liver has to work over time.
Normally, the immune system, liver
and kidneys work together to remove toxins at the
same rate as they are encountered.

When toxic levels are too much our body’s capacity to
remove fails and we get sick. We can have toxins
stored in our bodies for years without
experiencing any negative symptoms, but once the
toxins becomes too high, we are in for big problems.

These days toxins come everywhere-from the air we breathe, the water
we drink, the food we eat and the emotional toxins
we are continually bombarded with.

We are exposed to more pollution today
than any other period in history. During the past
100 years, approximately 75,000 new
chemicals have been released into
 environment. Our body
 was not
designed to deal with all these toxins. By
lowering the amount of exposure to these
environmental toxins and taking steps to cleanse
out those that have accumulated in your body, you
will feel better and reduce your risk of illness.
Toxic over load can cause:
• Constipation

• Chronic diarrhea

• Food allergies

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Malabsorption syndromes-
a decreased
ability of the digestive tract to digest and
absorb nutrients from food

• Poor digestion

• Stomach acid

• Bad breath

The liver is the main organ of detoxification in
your body. When it’s not in tip top shape
Every other system in our body is
compromised. Most of the toxins we
are exposed to are fat-soluble –they stay in our
systems permanently and start to negatively affect
on your organs and age you before your time.
The liver, colon, kidney,
heart, brain, lungs, skin and endocrine system
(hormones)are all effected.

I have seen hundreds of people suffering from
various health problems and most of the problems
come from the gut. By detoxing the Liver, Kidneys
and large intestine you can restore your health
the quickest.

The Liver is the key to starting
your detox program. I start my patients on a 7-day
program called the Core Restore Program

In just one week you will Reduce incoming toxins in
to the body and boost the liver’s ability to
eliminate the incoming toxins. There are three
main goals of the Core Restore Program:

1. REMOVE – By eliminating the incoming burden
of toxins from your diet and lifestyle

2. RESTORE – supporting the processing and
elimination of toxins achieve this.

Drinking Core Support and taking PhytoCore
capsules will help to enhance Phase I and II
detoxification pathways in your liver, as well as
support healthy functioning of your digestive
system during the detoxification process.

The detox program will help you move forward in
body, mind and spirit.

Get started Now
and stay healthy and we will grow younger

Lets get started.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


June 21st is the Summer Solstice, a time to spend
in meditation, and restore your health. I suggest you
get up early that day before the sun comes up and
you begin your day with a meditation and Qi gong practice
and drink 3 quarts of pure
water. That will set your day. Than you can party
on and bring in the summer in a healthy way.

Sexual Power is Power

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

I know a group of guys who are years younger than
me and work hard and also have an active family
life. One is in his mid 50’s, two in their mid
40’s and a younger guy who just turned 26. They
golf, lift weights, Ski and play sports. But, for some
reason all of their blood work came back showing
low testosterone (LOW -T). They are now
all on supplements and some of them are even
injecting themselves with testosterone to try and
bring their levels up to normal. I find this very
unusual. Could it be their diet? Their stress
level? Or the wrong type of exercises?

When you start artificially feeding your body with
testosterone, what happens is your body actually
becomes lazy and stops producing it. This causes
the old ‘No Led in you pencil” syndrome. Although,
I am years older I have been focusing on internal
exercises that stimulate and strengthen the
kidneys, move the energy and keep the led sharpened.

It’s highly unusual for the 26 year old but he has
been losing too much Jing. In Chinese Medicine,
the Jing feeds your sexual energy, your internal
fluids, your vitality and keeps you young! If you
do the correct exercises, you can strengthen your
internal organs but if you are not paying
attention, losing vital fluids every time you make
love, believe it or not you are draining yourself,
aging yourself and you can end up with low back
pain, hair loss, knee pain, tinnitus and sexually

, order this
program today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS Sexual vitality is the secret to a long life
and an exciting one as well. Learn and practice
click on the link and learn more.

The best time to drink water and why

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Jack Frost is alive and well in most parts of
northern USA. My friends and family report
freezing cold weather and are bundled up in their
winter cocoon. I don’t miss old man winter a bit.
I did enough cold, ice and snow when I lived in
Michigan and Colorado. Sunny Miami Beach is for me
this time of the year! Although it’s been
unusually warm in the high 70’s and even in the
80’s this time of the year, not bad and I am
surely not complaining!
What we are getting in the Sun Belt is strong
winds daily but as long as the ocean doesn’t rise
too quickly….. I am good.

In the Chinese five-element system this time of
the year, “Winter” is ruled by the water element
and corresponds to the Kidney and the Urinary
Bladder. It’s represented by the color blue
or black, has a salty taste and is most associated
with ears, hearing and alert-stillness. The
direction is north and the negative emotion
is fear, and the positive one is wisdom /Awe. As
you would expect the environment is cold,
of course it would be “it’s winter time.”
You may have forgotten how important it is to stay
hydrated all winter. We usually think more about
hydration in the hot summer, but winter cold
weather can dry you out like a prune. There is
less moisture in the air, you are in heated homes
most of the time all of this can suck you dry.
Water is the drink of choice to keep your system
well hydrated.

How many folks do you know who say they don’t want
to drink anything before going to bed because
they’ll have to get up during the

Why do people need to urinate so much at

Gravity holds water in the lower part of
your body when you are upright (legs swell). When
you lie down and the lower body (legs etc.) seeks
level with the kidneys, it is then that the
kidneys remove the water because it is easier. We
need water to help flush the toxins out of your
body; I bet you didn’t know this; there is a
correct time to drink water… Very Important!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes
its effectiveness on the body: Two glasses of
water after waking up helps activate internal
organs. One glass of water 30 minutes before a
meal helps digestion, one glass of water before
taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure and a
glass of water before going to bed can help avoid
stroke or heart attack.

Also drinking water at bed time will help prevent
night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are
seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up
with a Charlie Horse.

If you have a
blockage in your digestive system your entire body
is out of whack. The problem is that when we get
blocked up, the toxins accumulate in our cells,
blood, tissues and organs. When they are stored
there for any length of time all kinds of health
problems rear their ugly heads. Basically our
digestive track is a large tube running from the
mouth to the anus. If you put in good fuel
(food) and clean water, everything does its job
and moves through the tube unobstructed and you
feel good.

Don’t let your diet plug you up, make you sick and

There is a product that I have been recommending
to my patients and hundreds of them are getting
great results. It’s called Oxy-hydrate by Qi
Essentials. It oxygenates your body as it detoxes.
Oxy-hydrate magnesium peroxide compound contains
detoxification properties that are revolutionary
in colon care.

A Natural detoxifier Oxy- hydrate works with
nature’s own powerful detoxifiers—oxygen and
minerals —to create the perfect detoxification and
hydration to your colon.
Best of all, it is not a harmful laxative. The
innovative formula helps to put needed moisture
into the intestine.
It provides superior cleaning ability, yet is safe
and gentle on all systems.
A large 180-pill bottle sells for only $26 and can
be shipped directly to you.
Take a good look at this one, it’s a winner!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to stay warm this Winter

Friday, December 28th, 2012

Winter is here again and now the days are getting
longer in the Northern hemisphere. Depending where
you live you could see as much as 8 minutes more
of light a day.
I have already started my winter organic garden
with lettuce, onions, garlic and tomato’s as well
as a host of herbs. My organic garden will produce
food for about 5 months and I know it’s organic
for sure. The garden does more for me than just
produce food; it is a way to stay in touch with
nature, stay grounded and a wonderful way to

In Chinese Medicine, the different seasons of the
year are associated with certain organs of the
body. Winter is ruled by the Water element, which
is associated with the Bladder and the Kidneys.
Chinese Medicine sees that the internal organs are
related to the physical symptoms of a person. For
example, the bladder and the kidneys are nourished
by the cold climate in the winter, but extreme
coldness or wetness can also injure them like deep
stiffness or pain, especially in the low back and

The ears are the sense organs
associated also with the Water element.
Interesting enough, the kidneys and ears are
shaped similarly. A water element disharmony in
the cold season can cause problems of the ears or
hearing. Another association to the water element
is the bones and any changes in the head ike hair
loss and premature graying may also suggest an
imbalance of the water element.

The specific
emotional imbalance associated with water element
is fear; and fear can itself injure the Bladder
and Kidney organs. On a brighter note, the
positive emotion is gentleness; being gentle to
yourself as well as to others.

I like to go to sleep early in the winter and
sleep in a little later. During this time of year
it helps the immune system keep everything strong
and healthy.

I’ll eat more root vegetables and have a hardy
soup for dinner at least a few times a week. Here
is one of my favorite recipes that will keep you
warm all winter and the kidneys tonified and warm.

Dr. Wu’s Tonifying Lamb Stew
I made this recipe many times in the colder months
and it keeps your entire system warm. The Lamb
stew is excellent for stomach problems, a good
source of iron and essential oils. It nourishes
the liver, kidneys, tendons and strengthens the

2 lbs. of lamb
1 Garlic head
1 kohlrabi cubed
Fresh Rosemary (excellent stomach and nerve
Burdock Root (source of iron and essential oils)
Lotus Root (crunchy texture cools the blood and
stimulates the appetite)
1 Parsnip
1 cup of Sliced Carrots
2 Red potatoes
2 Cubed Turnips
2 cups of fresh Okras cut in half
2 cups Shou wu chih (tonifies blood, nourishes the
liver, kidneys, tendons and strengthens bones)
¼ cup Brags liquid amino acids
1 Tsp. Olive oil
Himalayan Sea Salt to taste
A Few shakes Cayenne pepper
Pure filtered or spring Water
¼ cup of Black fungus

Cooking instructions
1. Cut the lamb into about 1 inch squares. Place
on a skillet, I prefer the old iron ones, and add
about a cup full of olive oil. Add ½ of garlic and
cook in the skillet till meat is brown. Next,
place the browned meat in a large pot. Add about ½
gallon of water. Cook for about an hour or 2 until
the meat is nearly done.

2. While it’s cooking, add a sprig of fresh
Organic Rosemary. Then add the sliced thinly
Burdock right after; it takes the longest to cook.
Stir in the turnip and kohlrabi at the same time.
Let it boil for a while and then add the potatoes
and lotus root and then the 2 cups of Shou wu
chih. Stir in the other half of the garlic and the

3. Once it’s cooked, add the sea salt, cayenne and
olive oil. Serve.

In the past I have made this dish with venison, or
elk it’s just as good but you may have to add more
olive oil.

Winter is my favored time in South Florida. The
temperature is in the high sixties and the low
seventies and the humidity is low. I am on the
beach every morning doing the Recharging Qi Gong
program. It works on keeping all the organs
healthy and keeps me limber. If I only had one
exercise program to do for my overall health this
would be it, The Recharging Qi Gong program is the
first choice with thousands of people now
practicing in 7 different continents.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to get through the Holidays Stress Free

Friday, December 28th, 2012

In Chinese medicine they say that as long as you
have strong healthy kidneys you will stay young
and vibrant and have a good sex life. Once the
kidneys are weakened from over work, stress or
excessive sexual activity the body first reaches
adrenal exhaustion; your energy is “kaput” you may
even experience different aches and pains, hearing
difficulties, and no libido!

Here’s what I recommend to my patients:

• Reduce carbohydrates and stimulants.Yep! Coffee
& red bull
• High-quality nutritional supplements, including
essential fatty acids from fish oil, and adrenal
• Qi Gong exercises– they help build Qi and Jing
• Relax, meditate, go out in nature
• If you are healthy, start taking some wild
white ginseng (but if you’re sick- Don’t take
Ginseng, it will trap the disease in your body)

Your body needs time to heal from stress. I
suggest taking Adrenal boosting vitamins like
B-complex; which includes Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6,
folic acid, and biotin. They help reduce the
negative effects of stress, fatigue and will help
strengthen the body’s immune system. It’s ideal
for those people who lead stressful lives and
experience exhaustion easily. Adrenal support
vitamins helps the body adjust to certain types of
reactions during the alarm phased of stress. It
also increases resistance to environmental changes
that can cause stress for some individuals. These
adjustments should help return the body back to a
state of balance.

The holiday season is fun, exciting, joyful,
loving and can be a bit hectic with more traffic
on the streets, the stores are filled with not so
courteous shoppers and the over abundance family
and friends can be a burn out.
So get those vitamins in your belly ASAP.

What I have been doing is eating more berries for
breakfast after my Qi Gong practice, they are
great antioxidants, easy to digest and delicious.

I start off with the Recharging Qi Gong

and finish up with the Flying Crane program
and do the automatic move for 9 to 36 minutes
depending how much time I have. It’s a great way
to start the day, fill the body with Qi and is a
great de-stressor.

I wish you the beat in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Strengthen Your Creativity

Monday, December 10th, 2012

Last week Miami was lit up with more than holiday lights.
The city was buzzing with artist, art collectors,
art dealers and art enthusiasts from all over the world
that came to Miami for “Art Basel” –
one of the major art events in the world and it was huge.

I spent days on the art trail seeing some of the most
creative pieces of work both new and old.
One thing I really noticed more than ever was people were
friendlier,more helpful and had a better attitude everywhere.

Happy times make for happy people,
and creativity can make you Happier.

We are all born with a great deal of creativity
but most people have it squashed, as they get older.
Interesting enough creativity is also our sexual energy
and according to Chinese medicine that’s what rules
the water element our (kidneys and bladder).

It’s true some people are more creative than others
and are born with a unique talent,
but if you want to nurture your talent there things you
can do to be more creative.
There is a technique in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
called mirroring and matching where you emulate
the person you want to be like.
This can be a big help in enhancing your creativity.

I have also used this technique in my spiritual work
following my Master in his habits like eating the same foods,
doing the same exercise and observing what he does.
There is a story of Guru that goes to the river to bathe
and do his morning prayers. He than then took some
rocks and piled them up and began his ritual.
Unbeknownst to the Master his students also piled up the rocks
and began their prayers and bathing rituals.
When the Guru got out of the river he asked the students,
“why they piled up rocks?” One student said,
“Because you did Master.” One brave student asked,
“Master why did you pile the rocks up?
Is it a special kind of blessing?”
The master said “I did it so when I get out of the river
I would know where my clothes are when I get out of the river”.

To be creative you need to ask a lot of questions.
First learn by observation then study
and embody what you have learned and then open up your creativity.

How can you enhance your creative ability?
Observe the habits of creative people,
identify the ones that you feel will work for you
and then make a plan to cultivate them.

1. Ask lots of questions. Keep asking what, why, when,
where and how.
This will keep your mind open and increase your child like
nature and your creativity.

2. Failure is not an option
Realize that the energy that creates great ideas,
also creates errors.
Know that failure is not really the opposite of success.
Both failure and success are on the same side of the spectrum.
You can actually fail yourself to success.

3. Value ideas of others and yourselves.
Write down your ideas whenever they occur no matter
if silly or impossible, you never know it may be workable

4. Embrace challenges.
Challenges bring the best out in us and
give us an opportunity to go beyond our own limitations.

5. Be full of enthusiasm.
This enthusiasm is the fuel for their journey;
the more excited you are about your project the more
creative you can be.

6. Don’t be satisfied with the normal.
Creative people are acutely aware of their
dissatisfactions with the way so called
normal and strive to improve on every situation.

7. Be persistent.
Never give up, it may take time and energy but as long
as you stay on purpose it will happen.
Sometimes I find the more creative the idea, the longer
it takes for it to be appreciated.

8. Be optimists.
Have the attitude that there is no problem that can’t be solved.

9. Become a problem-solvers
They are always looking for a solution to the problem they
will try this or that until the problem is solved.
They see a problem as an opportunity this stimulates the mind
and ones intercreativity.

Creativity and creative people can make a big impact
on you and our earth. Our mind needs to be stimulated
every day in as many different modalities as possible.

Study Qi Gong, learn the magic square, go dancing,
read a book on a new subject try different foods
and open up to all the creativity around you.

Give someone a different kind of present for the holidays
send them a copy of the Flying Crane Qi Gong
be different, be open be creative.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Detoxify for the Fall season!

Friday, September 21st, 2012

I have a good friend who has been involved in
the military for years. He fought in the Korean War
when Douglas MacArthurthe was the president.
He actually did battle on the
front line to defend our country and has the
battle scars to prove it.

He has been retired from active duty for years now
and seldom talks about his war experiences, but
whenever he does he says it was heavy.

He has been seeing a doctor at the Veterans
administration (VA ) for his health care and up
until the last year everything has been OK– just
the usual aches and pains but nothing else.
But as time goes on unless you are actively
involved in keeping your body, mind and spirit in
tip top shape systems can fail.

Last week he went to the VA for a problem that he
was having with his digestive system, the dreaded
constipation syndrome that led to a painful
It seems that he wasn’t moving his bowls for 4 or
5 days in a roll. You can imagine
the toxins that back-up, ferment and rot when
there is no release. It affects the liver and
causes problems with the kidneys and even the
brain is effected.
In his
unfocused state he plowed into a can in the
parking lot of the VA. He not only totaled his
car, the air bag opened with an explosion crushed
his chest, fractured his hand and sprained his
neck. He lost his hearing in the left ear and
broke his new glasses.
What a mess!
All of this could have been avoided if only he had
followed the simple rules of detoxing the body.
1. Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of pure water
a day and not more that 8
2. Eat 2 heaps of fruit a day and the same
with veggies
3. Exercise daily it helps massage your
internal organs and keeps the Qi and blood moving
4. Don’t wait for the pain to come before you
do something about your health
5. Detox at least 4 times a year

I have been keeping my body and mind in great
shape by doing exercises that keep my internal
organs healthy to balance my Ph and detoxing my
body every season change.

As we move into fall the detox, it is more
important than ever to keep you healthy all
winter. You can avoid the cold and flu season and
stay fit as a fiddle!

Get on the program today and order the Core detox!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. He’s doing much better, still some pain in the chest
He is doing the detox program and he reports that everything is
along moving.

How Neural Therapy can affect Qi and Blood flow

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Energy medicine has deep roots in acupuncture
meridian therapy. The meridians are like a series
of rivers running through the entire body. They
flow to every organ, muscle and channel of our
bodies. If there is a blockage mentally,
physically, emotionally or spiritually it will
affect the smooth flow of Qi and a blockage of
energy will surely ensue, resulting in some form
of dis-eas of body, mind or spirit. A good point
to remember is blood always follows Qi. If there
is a blocked Qi flow (Qi stagnation) you will soon
see what we call in Chinese medicine (blood

Clinical manifestations of blood Stagnation are:
• A Dull/dark complexion, purple lips, purple
• Pain that has the quality of boring in, fixed
and stabbing and may be worse at night
• Abdominal masses that do not move
• Bleeding with dark blood and dark clots
• Polycythemia – thrombotic disorders as
myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular
disease and deep vein thrombosis; an increase in
blood viscosity that leads to reduced blood flow,
splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, acne rosacea,
urticaria, leg ulcers, loss of vision
• Essential Thrombocythemia – spontaneous
bruising, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding, thrombotic
occlusion of arteries, myocardial infarction,
stroke, gangrene, intestinal infarction, splenic
• Platelet Defects – easy bruising, epistaxis,
intestinal bleeding, persistent menorrhagia,
mucous membrane bleeding in the mouth
• Vascular and Nonthrombocytopenic Purpura – easy
bruising, epistaxis, excessive bleeding after
surgery or during menstruation; result of scurvy
(Vitamin C deficiency)
• Disorders of Blood Coagulation
• Coagulation factor defects – hemarthrosis with
hotness, redness swelling and pain and muscle cuff
atrophy; compression neuropathy, cerebral
hemorrhage; intrarenal bleeding & hematuria,
intestinal bleeding and obstruction
◦ Vitamin K Deficiency- newborn hemorrhagic
disease, hemorrhage
◦ Thrombophilia – venous thrombosis,
arterial thrombosis

If there is a disturbance in the body there could
very well be a blockage in the flow of Qi and

Scars from an old injuries or operations can cause
the Qi to stagnate or be blocked, that can lead to
blood stagnation and a host of health problems.
When I was in Switzerland I had the opportunity to
spend some time at Dr. Thomas Rau’s clinic where
they have combined many of the eastern theories,
like the flow of energy in the meridians with
traditional medicine. One of the most successful
treatments that I brought back with me is neural
therapy to open up Blocked Energy Fields. (BEF)

is both an effect method of
diagnosing and treating illness and pain caused by
disturbances of the body’s electrophysiology.
(Cardiac electrophysiology is the science of
elucidating, diagnosing, and treating the
electrical activities of the heart.) These
electrical disturbances, called “Blocked Energy
Fields (BEF) are manifestations of cell membrane
instability and typically cause abnormal autonomic
nervous system responses. A blocked energy field
may be found in scars, the ganglia, teeth, or an
internal organ.

(BEF) is blocked energy that has an unbalanced
electrical potential than surrounding tissues. The
smooth flow of Qi is disturbed and dis-ease can
result in the nervous system, cause chronic pain
and dysfunction of normal systems.
A scar may cause back pain, migraine headache,
chronic stomach pain or cellular disturbances
affecting the immune system as well as sexual
When a patient comes into my office for the first
time, I examine the entire body for scars from old
injures and operations. This is an over looked key
to unlocking a patient’s health problems. The
blocked energy in a meridian changes circulation
to a body part when a trauma affects that area of
the body. (BEF) develops when the system control
does not return to normal after the trauma.
You can find a blockage by palpate over scars and
trouble spots as well as testing the patient’s
muscle strength using applied kinesiology,
computerized regulation thermography, heart rate
variability or some of the other advanced energy
measuring devices.

If the tissue is not receiving adequate
circulation, from a blocked energy field, it will
be less energetic and not have as strong an
electromagnetic charge.
If I find a BEF, I’ll inject it with a local
anesthetic and maybe a homeopathic as well to open
the blocked energy. Caine anesthetics are cell
membrane stabilizers and act on interference
fields in the same way that lidocaine does in
treating irregular heartbeat.
I have found that the effect of injecting the
blocked energy fields is almost immediate. There
is sometimes sudden relief of symptoms—but
typically this will occur within a few days.

Occasionally, patients will feel faint for a few
minutes after neural therapy injections. This may
be triggered by, low blood pressure caused by the
injection or the fear of needles. Use a very small
needle (27 gage) and this cuts down on the fear
factor for most patients.

If your patient is on anti-inflammatories,
anti-depressants, anti-hypertensives medications,
you may get a poor response with neural therapy
treatments. They tend to block the autonomic
nervous system, antibiotics; poor nutrition, lack
of mineral and vitamin deficiencies must be
corrected to achieve the best results. Also toxins
like, drugs, tobacco and alcohol may cause a poor
response to neural therapy. Environmental toxins
such as solvents, herbicides and fungicides affect
some people so ask in your initial intake about
all environmental hazarders like cleaning supplies
even perfumes can block the energy flow.

The metals in dental amalgam fillings, especially
mercury, poison the autonomic nervous system and
may defeat neural therapy as well.
For more information you can contact me at or Google Dr.
Thomas Rau in Switzerland.
I Wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Dr Wu Dhi

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Dr. Wu Dhi

Qi Gong longevity practices don’t always look like what they really are

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

I was training this morning with a group of
students and a noisy crowd of people were playing
volleyball not to far from us. They came over
after their game and wanted to know why we were
doing these strange looking exercises with such
leisurely movements.

One guy said,
It reminded me of a fable that my father read to
me when I was a young child.

An Ant nimbly running about in the sunshine in
search of food came
across a Chrysalis that was very near its time of
The Chrysalis moved its tail, and thus attracted the
attention of the Ant,
who then saw for the first time that it was alive.
“Poor, pitiable
animal!” cried the Ant disdainfully. “What a sad
fate is yours!

While I can run hither and thither, at my
pleasure, and, if I wish,
ascend the tallest tree, you lie imprisoned here
in your shell, with
power only to move a joint or two of your scaly
tail.” The Chrysalis
heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.
A few days after,
when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but
the shell remained.
Wondering what had become of its contents, he felt
himself suddenly
shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a
beautiful Butterfly.

“Behold in me,” said the Butterfly, “your
much-pitied friend! Boast
now of your powers to run and climb as long as you
can get me to
listen.” So saying, the Butterfly rose in the air,
and, borne along
and aloft on the summer breeze, was soon lost to
the sight of the
Ant forever.

Some times things don’t appear to look like much
until you start to explore deeper into the
purpose. Qi Gong exercises work on the internal
Organs like the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and
the spleen to feed the organs with energy, oxygen
and blood to retard the aging process. Hence Qi
Gong is considered a Longevity practice. The
purpose is to cultivate “Life Energy” and keep you
healthy from the inside out. Qi Gong has roots in
Chinese medicine dating back thousands of years.
It’s an anti aging practice of aligning breath,
movement, and awareness for, healing, and
meditation. Traditionally it’s viewed as a
practice to cultivate and balance Qi “Intrinsic
Life Energy.”

There is an ancient Chinese saying:
“If you practice external exercises you have to
practice internal exercises, but if you practice
internal exercises you don’t have to practice
external exercise.”

Qi Gong practice involves rhythmic breathing
coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid
movement, to guide Qi (Energy “through the body.”

If you practice on a regular basis you can develop
a super human energy, which allows access to
higher realms of awareness, and awaken one’s “true

I use a combination in my training of both
external exercises and internal to stay young and
healthy. The visualizations combined with the
actual exercises will work on changing your
internal channels and open up your energy flow.
The Yin set is a series of exercises that will
enhance the internal organs as well as open up
visual pathways to enhance your health and
wellbeing in a shortest amount of time.

The program is downloadable for instance access.

In short, you’ll make so much progress so fast
you’ll probably shock yourself as well as your

Get the program now and practice it daily for the
next 4 weeks and you will feel the difference in
how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi