Posts Tagged ‘Medical History’

How to Balance your Body

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Just this morning I had a lady come into my
office who was suffering from symptoms connected
to her menopause. She said, “I can’t
sleep, I wake up every few hours and I am burned
up, I sweat so much I feel like I am sleeping in a
sauna bath and it’s been going on for months.

We went over her medical history and she reported
that she has a cold right now, but doesn’t want to
take any medicine, no matter if it’s natural or not.
She reported having a chronic back problem and doesn’t
want address it either.
She also said that she is gaining weight and is
really depressed about that but not willing to
change her diet.
She said, “I drink coffee all day
and I am not willing to change my coffee drink
habits at all! I love my coffee, and will drink
6 to 7 cups a day.

It sounds to me that she loves her habits much
more than her sleep, her health, or the way she
looks. There is a mental emotional imbalance here
and she isn’t willing to look at it.

There are many different ways to treat illness and
balance the body and mind. Our body and mind are
so tightly coupled you would be amazed how much
one affects the other. There is a scientific name
for it; it’s called psycho-neuro immunology.
There is now a huge body of published evidence
documenting at the neurological and biochemical
level, how states of mind such as anxiety,
depression and anger affect the functioning of
immune system.

This patient really didn’t want to hear about that
either. I didn’t tell dare tell her this in her
delicate state, but I’ll tell you.

That coffee habit she has is warming up her entire
body, as well as over stimulating her mind and is
a stronga diuretic. Coffee has been used to
stimulate the mind and wake you up. It’s also
considered a mental stimulant, but if you are having extreme
night sweets it’s a No, No .

If the coffee isn’t organic they are using
poisonous herbicide and pesticide sprays. If you
think decaf is a good alternative, wake up and
smell the coffee. Petroleum based solvents are
used to make the stuff and it’s not the best for
your health.

Let’s get back to the patient; she drinks coffee
all day long, caffeinated until 3 or 4 in the
afternoon and decaf at night.
She can’t sleep why?
According to Chinese medicine she is damaging the
water element the kidneys and bladder. The excess
of coffee can be acting as a diuretic injuring the
balance between fire and water that’s the yin,
yang balance of the body.

When there is an imbalance in the water element
the fire element goes wild. As we all know if you
make a fire the heat will rise. In the body if
there is too much heat it goes upward as well and
will disturb the mind, hence the insomnia. Too
much heat could be the cause of the excess
sweating as well. If she wants to get back to a
good nights sleep she needs to cut down on her
beloved coffee and start loving herself.

When we practice Qi Gong and meditation a few
great things happen. We cool the body down. This
relaxes the mind and will allow for a better
nights sleep as well as harmonizing the balance of
our fire and water element.
Start practicing today.
I made it easy; you can now download the Yin Set
Right Now and begin.
Get Started, Get Balanced and Stay Healthy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. The Yin Set is a Medical Qi Gong prescription
that will balance and detox the major organs of
your body.

Get it now

Are you aging too fast?

Friday, April 12th, 2013

images-1Every Wednesday night for the last 5 years I have
been teaching a meditation class and sharing the
teachings of Internal Qi Gong work as well as
incorporating mythology like the use of imagery,
ritual, and metaphor. When we exercise our will in
such a manner as to bring about changes in one’s
state of mind and body, we Subtle the Body through
the practices involving the use of imagination and
perception to open chakras, meridian channels, and
energy flows.

This rare work impacts our life in such a way that
we grow beyond our old patterns. We move outside
the norm and begin to experience life differently.
We gain purpose, mission and self-worth outside
our own limitations and the limitations of
society. We reach a form of so called insanity.
We actually become in-sane rather than out–of-
sane, our view of the world changes and so do we.

In today’s world the pace has quickened, the old
patterns of life no longer work. We are forced to
become a-new or struggle with habits and patterns
that no longer work.

Just yesterday I had a lady referred to my office
with a common cold. She was brought up in a system
that her belief structure (BS) led her to believe
she needed only two things, Pain pills and

She had a fever and wanted it gone and didn’t want
to deal with any of the discomforts. As we went
over her medical history she shared that she was a
smoker and has been smoking for 40 years and
wasn’t about to quit. She also complained of a bad
cough and a chronic sinus condition. But her (BS)
wouldn’t let her change.
Fortunately, her sister insisted that she open up
and try something new.

That’s how I came into the picture. I explained
that although the antibiotics may eliminate the
symptoms temporally, they were not a cure and she
was going to wipe out her digestive system. We
needed to build up her immune system and change
her biological terrain. I explained that if we
look at the body as a garden and the soil is not
balanced in our garden, we will only grow inferior
plants. To grow health plants we need to balance
the PH of the garden, feed the soil proper
nutrients, which give it water and stay away from
poisons. Our body is the same. We need the right
stuff to stay healthy, exercise, drink water, good
food and right thinking, and to be able to handle
our stresses.
This made sense to her and we treated her with all
natural medicine, teas, herbs, homeopathic
medicine, heat acupuncture and massage.
I called her this morning and guess what? To her
amazement she got better!
The smoking will be the next challenge. She has
been using cigarettes for years to ovoid
confronting her emotions. I’ll let you know how it

If you are going through some health challenges
yourself, let me know about them. There may be
ways to let go of your own Belief Structure (BS)
and renew yourself.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have a group of serious students and
patients who are working hard to reverse their
aging bodies. They meet with me for an intensive
weekend of treatments, exercises and lifestyle
changes and we communicate via e-mail and Skype to
support the changes every month.
Are you ready to let go of your BS? Check out the private
coaching program
You will be glad you did! If you qualify for this
kind of program, you can reverse the aging process
in less than a year.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Eat, Smile, Stay, Happy and Detox from Sickness

Friday, June 15th, 2012

lan came in to the clinic 2 days ago to
get tuned up and see if he could get his emotions
under control. He was losing his temper all of the time,
he’d get in fights at least once a week and couldn’t stay
in any relationship for more than a few months without blowing up.
He’s got his own business and works hard as a professional diver
and is intense when it comes to work and just can’t leave the
intensity when he goes home.

I thought to myself why is he so wound up? What a cool job
he has, diving, looking for treasure, and seeing the beautiful
marine life and all of the romantic things that remind us of the sea.

As I questioned Al about his work, diet and activity he told
me that he really works hard spending most of his days under
boats scrubbing clean debris and barnacles from the bottom of the sea.

As we went over his medical history and what he was experiencing
he told me this. My problem is I work in water that is dirty
sometimes polluted and filled with oils, gas even raw sewage.
That’s why I came to see you– I know my system is toxic.

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves
of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the
ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by
themselves without wondering.”
-Saint Augustine

As soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew there was a problem,
he was loud, his nails are all gnarly, his jaw was clenched
and his complexion was chalky looking.
Although Alan doesn’t have any symptoms of any disease,
we all know he will sooner or later unless he makes some changes.

Al’s system is toxic from his environment. The skin is our
biggest detox organ and also absorbs toxins that will affect
the liver, kidneys and the colon.

The liver and kidneys are like large filters that clean
the toxins out but those filters get filled up with
poisons and then the entire body and mind will be affected.

The emotion of the liver is anger on the negative side and
kindness on the brighter side. Alan is exposed to toxins on a
daily basis and it is starting to show. He’s angry and really
doesn’t have any real reason to be. He makes good money, owns his
own business and is a friendly outgoing guy.
Nevertheless he’s pissed at the world.

In Chinese Medicine all of the signs point to a
toxic liver and liver Qi stagnation.
This can be easily he addressed. The first thing to do
is detox the liver and change his diet and move him out
of the polluted water at least a few days a week.
I put Alan on the 7 day Core detox program

I also got him to lay off the booze and caffeine for 30
days and changed the brown carbonated drinks for fresh clean water.
Although he moaned and groaned for the first 3 or 4 days of the
program he reported that he is starting to feel great and
he isn’t having fits of anger.

If you are feeling out of control, holding on to excess
weight and pissed there is an escape route for you that
will calm things down and it only takes a week to get it going.

The Core restore liver detox program:

You can order it right now and get started in a few short days.

Go to:

and order today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Why do I need Supplements? I eat only Organic.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Joe’s energy was sagging for weeks on end. He called and made an appointment for some one-on-one coaching and we got together on “Skype”.  After going over his medical history and life style habits, we came up with a plan that pulled him out of his slump.   

This is what he said:
“Dr. Wu, for the most part, my energy is good and I am in good health.
Sure I get those nagging pains here and there, but all in all my systems are


Approximately 3 months ago I started noticing that after work I would come home and that was it. I didn’t want to go out, see people or even read a book. In fact every time I started to read I’d fall asleep.
This was unusual for me, as I am very social most of the time.
I would even train after work but that was no longer possible.
I had no idea what happened.
When you told me  about your Multi-Four vitamin pack I decided to try it and see if it would help.

Well, it did and I am back.
My energy is good again, I am working out every night and reading, as I just finished another novel .
I am back to my old self  again! 


I have found a common denominator in most of my patients.
They lack in energy, vitality and stamina for the most part.
They blow their Qi, and lack in good nutrition. 
We all start off fine, however with the poor food choices, stresses in our daily life, pollution in the air, water and food we eventually suffer.
Our health mentally, physically and spiritually needs to be nurtured.
It takes more than your workout, more than your loving relationships and more than your internal practices to make the right choices in your exercise, food, drink and the quality of both of these.

That’s why I spent hundreds of hours working on this vitamin pack to give you the extra boost you need to continue at full blast without burning out. 

Here is what is in the Multi-Four pack: 
These high powered  Multivitamins are a combination of three targeted nutritional formulas  to provide a comprehensive nutritional support.

Each packet has 4 pills in it containing:
  A high quality, hypoallergenic, proprietary Multi-vitamin mineral blend, activated vitamin co-factors and patented Albion chelated mineral complexes in easy to swallow vegetable capsules. 
This formulation is specifically designed to maximize energy
and optimize body composition by providing therapeutic levels
of specific nutrients for insulin and glucose utilization.
 The  Antioxidant Formula has a blend of RosemarinXTM and Berr-XTM ORAC botanicals to provide comprehensive nutritional support. 
  An ultra-pure, cold water fish oil sourced from the arctic
water of Norway.
This highly concentrated and cholesterol-free natural oil, provides 300 mg of EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, which are a critical component to any foundation nutritional program.  It is stabilized with Vitamin E to maximize freshness.  For optimal compliance and absorption, it has been provided in a pleasant non-smelling enteric-coated soft gel.

The “Multi-Four” formula has been specially blended to give you all you will need to keep your system running smoothly and supplement your diet naturally. All come from the purest sources with the highest standards possible. 
The formula by Qi Essentials- “Multi-Four”
 They come individually packaged for freshness and quality.
Easy to swallow and all vitamins are 100% pharmaceutical quality.
All Qi Essentials Dietary Supplements are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) strictly followed to ensure that
Qi Essentials products are safe, properly identified, and of the highest quality.

Order now and receive your 30 day supply every month for optimum convenience and freshness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness, 

Dr. Wu Dhi 
PS. Even eating all organic will not give you all the essential vitamins
and minerals we need now.
Supplements are now a must in todays world.

If you have questions please write me at