Discover How Easy It Is To
Feel Healthy And Vibrant
At Any Age With...
Dear Friend,
The golden rules of having good health are diet, exercise, drinking clean water, avoiding toxins and avoiding injury.
Some of the "Golden Rules" are in our power and some you have to work on dutifully, in order to achieve- mastery. When I was younger, a lot of time was spent practicing the Martial Arts. One of the most valuable lessons I learned was to duck. If you can duck and avoid the hit, it makes no difference if the punch or kick, comes at you at a thousand mph.
No contact you're cool.
Just like a car or a train, if it doesn’t hit you you’re okay. Now, when it comes to toxins, the story changes. The toxins can be hidden in your food, water and the air you breathe. They can be tucked in our medicine, in the building materials our homes are made from and even our clothing can be filled with hidden poisons.
For the most part, our body processes things and pulls it out through the skin, liver, kidneys and lower intestinal tract.
The problem is that when we get blocked up, the toxins accumulate in our cells, blood, tissues and organs. Then they are stored there for any length of time and all kinds of health problems rear their ugly heads.
I hear complaints from patients all of the time. From gas, bloating, constipation, headaches, indigestion, fatigue to weight gain. They are mostley due to a build up of fecal matter on the colon walls, causing the body to reabsorb toxins.
Basically our digestive track is a large tube running from the mouth to the anus. If you put in good fuel (food) and clean water, everything does it’s job and moves through the tube unobstructed.
When You Don't Follow The "Golden Rules"
Of Health...You Start To Break Down The System
And Illness Is Bound To Follow.
That's when a detox program can save you from getting sick. And is a pre-cursor to longevity. Detox is short for detoxification and involves the removing of toxic substances from your body.
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As we age our bodies are exposed to so many toxins that our natural fight mechanism breaks down – and we experience some form of dis-ease. With obesity becoming more and more of a major health concern there has been a renewed focus on the link between the build-up of toxins and weight gain, especially with belly fat and waist size.
Globally, there are more than 1 billion overweight adults, at least 300 million of them are obese.
Don't let your diet plug you up, make you sick and fat.
The Amazing Product That I've Recommended To Hundreds Upon Hundreds Of My Patients
There is a product that I have been recommending to my patients and hundreds of them are getting great results. It's call Oxy-hydrate By Qi Essentials it oxygenates your body as it detoxes.
Oxy-hydrate magnesium peroxide compound contains detoxification properties that are a revolutionary in colon care.
A Natural detoxifier Oxy- hydrate works with nature's own powerful detoxifiers—oxygen and minerals —to create the perfect detoxification.
These two natural elements remove toxins, heavy metals, and other pollutants from the body quickly and with no adverse side effects. Oxy-hydrate actions quickly aid in the eradication of harmful substances from the body, yet will not harm friendly intestinal flora.
It naturally increases bowel activity as it detoxifies and oxygenates the entire colon. It breaks down the hardened deposits built up on the colon walls and facilitates easy, regular elimination.
Best of all, it is not a harmful laxative. The innovative formula helps to put needed moisture into the intestine, unlike other colon products, Oxy-hydrate will not weaken the colon muscle. It provides superior cleaning ability, yet is safe and gentle on all systems.
Here's How To Order...
A large 180 pill bottle sells for only $26 and can be shipped directly.
____Qi Essentials Oxy-Hydrate 180 Pill Bottle - $26 plus S&H
Note: All orders of Qi Essentials Oxy-Hydrate will automatically renew after 30 days. You can cancel at any time.