Posts Tagged ‘Friend Richard’

Creativity, the 2nd Chakra and Sex

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Health has more aspects to it then you would
Health has the mental, physical, emotional and
spiritual aspect to it.
If any one of these components is out of balance
you will have pain and suffering.

It may manifest as one of the three poisons:
Worry, Struggle or Blame.
It can be turned around in a split second to aim,
contribution and participation.

1. Aim- The intention to reach your goal and
accomplish it

2. Contribution- Give back to the community, your
state, your country and the world

3. Participation- Get involved in life share with
others and give more of yourself to others

When we start working together your health will
Your sex life gets better, you become more
creative, your humanity unfolds and your heart

My friend Richard Stocker wrote this after I gave
him a treatment.
Check this guy out he is a creative wizard.

Chatty guy
another reply
I want to know
will you give it a try?
Let’s talk about health
you know it’s our wealth
gotta keep it together
or the rest is a mess.
This one’s for real
you’re gonna cop a good feel
start turning your wheel
with a new squirt of grease.
Can we get it going?
It’s not a bum steer.
Give it just a few months
you’ll have nothing to fear.
Get rid of some stuff
that’s making it tough
to be the old you
the jumpin’ young buck.
Give me a call
I’ll get you going
we’ll set it up
get this seed sowin’.
Tell me you agree
Call me today
Be my testimonial
Be the top of my leg.
Be the friend you are
Then happy you did
We’ll get better together
then dance a new jig.

I really appreciate Creativity.
No matter if it’s a song, dance, art, a good book
or a poem.
Creativity is said to be ruled by our 2nd chakra
as well as

Art by Richard Stocker

Creativity opens up more than one could imagine.
Although modern medicine is based on science, our
body, mind and soul
are based on creativity. If your creativity is
dead your life is bland.
The importance of love, sex, creativity, music and
will keep you young, happy and give you a world of

Every month I create a new DVD for a group of
select people
all over the world on Health, Longevity,
Developing your Energy,
Building better Relationships and increasing your
Life Force.

The Qi Gong Inner Circle will change your life and
give you tools to increase your Longevity.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi