Posts Tagged ‘Tibetans’

Are your loved ones Sucking your Energy

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

An Energy Vampire will spread fear around like
it’s going out of style, just to suck you in.
Their conversations are about fear that really
doesn’t exist and they set traps for others to
fall into so they can suck the Energy from you.
For the most part they lack close friends and any
kind of long lasting relationships. An Energy Vampire
will set up situations to suck others into their
negative energy to drain them of life, love and

Do you know anyone who carries fear around with
them like a bag of treats, ready to share it with
anyone who will to listen to your sad pathetic
Beware of those people who are always saying
things like- “I don’t know about you but if this or that
happens I’m really screwed.” “I don’t know what I
would do.” “I’m totally freaking out about it,
aren’t you?” They tell their Sad Sack story over
and over to whoever will listen and that’s one of
the ways they hook their teeth in to suck you dry.

I have seen them suck the joy out of their own
family, their mates and even their children. They
force friends and family to try and calm them
down, as they suck the life and energy out of the

Beware, if you have a clinging person around you
that needs to be constantly held or indulged like
a little baby, chances are they are sucking you
dry. They are drawing upon your strength to feed
and when you try to pull away they squeal and cry
like they are two years old even if they are

Well, it’s high time to take
responsibility for your own pile of dung and do
something about it before friends, family ditch
you totally. Your mother, father, sister, brother,
husband, wife and even your children may still be
with you physically but they will resent you for
stealing their life force.

We all get stubborn now and then but if you are
stubborn to the point of ridiculousness, it’s time
to wake up. The Tibetans say that all of this
comes from the “Three poisons” Worry, Struggle and
Blame. If you find yourself or friends who are
living in a place of doubt, not believing anyone
and always blame others for misfortune, chances
are they are caught in the endless circle of
Worry, Struggle and Blame others for their own

But you can change this pattern. images-1 That’s all one needs to
do, but you have to be the one who does it. No one
else can even help you. I know patients who see
physiologists, doctors and even healers but until
they take responsibility for their own health,
they will be stuck and be sucking on others
energy. I taught a class to a group of doctors,
healers and physiologists to give them tools to
keep themselves free of energy. Three Poisons
Sounds the program included the formulas on how to
recognize the patterns and how to pull yourself
and your clients, friends and family out of this

The entire program was recorded and put on DVD’s
to learn and grow out of old patterns. You can
order the program today by clicking here.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi