Posts Tagged ‘Hidden Agenda’

Are you in a Spiritual crisis?

Friday, August 16th, 2013

Sam called me and seemed troubled. This isn’t
typical of him at all. He is a swimmer and is
usually in great shape! He is very active in the
community as a teacher and contributes both his
time and resources to help others. When I saw him
he said, “I am going through a spiritual crisis. I
feel that I am losing my spiritual roots, I don’t
feel like myself, I am losing my connection with
the work that I have devoted my life too.” Sam
works as a priest and helps whenever and where
ever he can. I was flattered that he came into see
me for some help.

I know what he’s going through. I had a few
spiritual crisis’ myself over the years. Sometimes
it comes from over work or stresses. You push too
hard or get tempted by the worldly things or the
flesh and before you know it you get lost on the
path resulting in a drying up of spiritual insight
and perception.
A Spiritual crisis can come from one of the follow
-Not sharing emotional and spirit ual insights with
colleagues that work with you in the same field.
-Getting into a rut from performing repetitions in
your meditations. (Like doing the same practices
mechanically with no true spiritual energy behind
-No divine hook-up. Working with others and
forgetting to connect to spirit. This will
definitely drain you.

-Worry, struggle and blame (the three poisons). If
you have a hidden agenda or you are too rushed it
will disturb your meditation, drain your power and
can cause spiritual burn out.

-Getting caught up in guilt, self-blame shame,
lack of gratitude all these can result in the loss
of spiritual vision.
One must connect to the divine, be open, honest to
receive and send.

When you’re involved in spiritual work no matter
if it’s with a group or your individual practice
there are rituals that can include a trance like
state, communications with your ancestors and
different deities, and even sacred drumming and
dance. I have found similar practices in the
Native American, The Tibetan Buddhists, and the
Taoists practices and even in the Jewish and
Christian practices. It’s never about the dogma or
the politics of the church when it comes to spirit
although some groups may want you to believe that
it just not true.
I have studied and personally worked with many
different groups over the years and if you can
follow the different practices of any spiritual
group it all seems to lead to the same place, A
Devine energy that opens you up and makes your
life better. Spirit is much more than a group of
people getting together to pray and do social
I practice daily and teach the members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle the fastest and direct route to
opening up spiritually.
Join us in opening up your internal centers

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Free yourself from Mass Media

Monday, May 6th, 2013

images-2I was listening to Jared Cohen on TV today. He is
a brilliant guy who is a geopolitical advisor and
the Director of Google Ideas. Also known as Ideas,
it’s a cross-sector, inter-disciplinary “think
tank dedicated to understanding global challenges
and applying technological solutions. A few years
ago he predicted “Governments will be caught
off-guard when large numbers of their citizens,
armed with virtually nothing but cell phones, take
part in mini-rebellions. He went on to say that
the future revolutions will be easier to start but
they will be harder to finish. The accelerated
pace of movement making will get lots of people
into the streets, and even lead to more dictators
being toppled. But when a dictator falls and the
dust settles, technology can’t replace the need
for real leaders and functioning institutions,
both of which take many years to emerge and

I really agree with Mr. Cohen. Although technology
is making great changes all over the world and
making the planet a more global community, we will
always need strong leaders. The word Doctor, Guru
and Lama all come from the same root word TEACHER.
We will always need strong leaders to uplift us
and to educate the masses. If there is a
government, a leader or anyone who limits your
growth, or your education, BEWARE they have a
hidden agenda that is most likely not in your
interest. A dictator is basically someone who
wants to control you, keep you ignorant and
enslave you.

The reason I practice and teach Qi Gong and
Meditation is because it gives you away to free
your body, mind and spirit. A way to free yourself
from the machinery of enslaving your being.
An hour of practice a day can change the way you
see things and free you from being enslaved by the
media, government and the food Nazis who want to
keep you sick and stupid.

Free yourself, free your mind and body and get on
the program today. Join me and the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle and I’ll send you the latest
techniques in Qi Gong, Meditation and health care.

Join us now

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi