Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual Aspect’

What the heck is a Shen disorder?

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

You may be wondering what exactly is a Shen
disturbance or Shen disorder and how it can affect
you. What your traditional doctor calls a ‘mental
illness,’ or ‘psychiatric disorders,’ Chinese
medicine calls that a Shen disorder.

The term Shen
has a wide range of meaning, and may refer to:

• A persons spirit -the aliveness of mind
• The psycho-spiritual aspect of the Heart, as
the heart rules the mind
• The liveliness and sparkle in one’s eyes, or
the color in one’s complexion are good indicators
if your Shen is good or not.

When I think of a Shen disorder, it most often
is about our spirit, either as a reference to the
whole psycho-spiritual nature of a person, or as
the spirit which resides in the heart. When you’re
in love, your Shen is usually good and when you
experience emotions of jealousy your Shen is most
likely out of balance and disturbed. Each organ
system in Chinese medicine has a psycho-spiritual
component to it.
Here is a list of things that you could experience with a Shen problem
1. Kidneys- fear, fright and the lack of courage
2. The Lung- has to do with depression sadness and
3. Spleen –Worry, it controls focused thought
4. Liver –anger, Indecisiveness, confusions, lack
of courage and rage
5. Heart –Anxiety and restlessness

Unknown-1 If there is an imbalance in an organ
there is an imbalance in the Shen and vise versa.
The Shen is the spirit of the Heart organ and
governs all the other psycho-spiritual elements of
the body. It enables a person to be calm and have
a good sense of humor, and plays a big part in
your creativity and expression of love. When the
Shen becomes disturbed, one may experience
delirium, anxiety, nervousness and del usional
behavior. To balance Shen disorders the Shen must
be rooted again by anchoring the Shen, and enables
the healing of the Spirit.

Treating these conditions involves working at
several levels at the same time. The symptoms must
be eased, whether they are anxiety, worry, fear or

The eradication of ‘mental illness’ is possible
without drugs but it’s a project and takes time.
I believe we can heal anything if we feed it with
the right diet, exercise and treatments, any
condition can be improved substantially, or
eradicated altogether with the right program.
I’ll use treatments of acupuncture and herbs but
most often the Medical Qi Gong is the key to
releasing the blockages and restoring the body,
mind and spirit to health again.

Call the office at 305-407-0120 and set up an
appointment today, if you are not able to come to
Florida we can set up a long distance treatment.
We will meet on Skype to go over your condition
and symptoms and determined a treatment plan that
will work for you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Creativity, the 2nd Chakra and Sex

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2012

Health has more aspects to it then you would
Health has the mental, physical, emotional and
spiritual aspect to it.
If any one of these components is out of balance
you will have pain and suffering.

It may manifest as one of the three poisons:
Worry, Struggle or Blame.
It can be turned around in a split second to aim,
contribution and participation.

1. Aim- The intention to reach your goal and
accomplish it

2. Contribution- Give back to the community, your
state, your country and the world

3. Participation- Get involved in life share with
others and give more of yourself to others

When we start working together your health will
Your sex life gets better, you become more
creative, your humanity unfolds and your heart

My friend Richard Stocker wrote this after I gave
him a treatment.
Check this guy out he is a creative wizard.

Chatty guy
another reply
I want to know
will you give it a try?
Let’s talk about health
you know it’s our wealth
gotta keep it together
or the rest is a mess.
This one’s for real
you’re gonna cop a good feel
start turning your wheel
with a new squirt of grease.
Can we get it going?
It’s not a bum steer.
Give it just a few months
you’ll have nothing to fear.
Get rid of some stuff
that’s making it tough
to be the old you
the jumpin’ young buck.
Give me a call
I’ll get you going
we’ll set it up
get this seed sowin’.
Tell me you agree
Call me today
Be my testimonial
Be the top of my leg.
Be the friend you are
Then happy you did
We’ll get better together
then dance a new jig.

I really appreciate Creativity.
No matter if it’s a song, dance, art, a good book
or a poem.
Creativity is said to be ruled by our 2nd chakra
as well as

Art by Richard Stocker

Creativity opens up more than one could imagine.
Although modern medicine is based on science, our
body, mind and soul
are based on creativity. If your creativity is
dead your life is bland.
The importance of love, sex, creativity, music and
will keep you young, happy and give you a world of

Every month I create a new DVD for a group of
select people
all over the world on Health, Longevity,
Developing your Energy,
Building better Relationships and increasing your
Life Force.

The Qi Gong Inner Circle will change your life and
give you tools to increase your Longevity.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Setting your Goals and Accomplish them in 6 weeks

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

he 4th of July is here and gone again.
Half of 2012 is finished and it’s time to take an inventory of what you have accomplished over the
last 6 months. Let’s take a look at the 8 major aspects that can affect us and make sure you are
going in the direction you want to be going. First ask yourself a few questions:

• Do I have a solid plan in place?
• Does that plan have checks and balances that will keep me on target?
• Do I know what I want?
• Do I know why I want it?
• What action do I need to accomplish this?

According to ancient Chinese, Feng shui the Bagua is used to determine the balance in all of the
characteristics of life. It’s one of the main tools used to analyze the energy of any given space,
as well as all aspects of your life. Bagua literally means “8 areas.” The 9th area is the spiritual
aspect. Take a look at your carrier, relationships, family, your finances, spirit, travel, projects,
self cultivation and your success patterns. Are they in balance?
When you are balanced every aspect of your life will be working in harmony.

Many years ago my Master spoke to me about moderation. At that time I didn’t have a clue of what he
was talking about. I was more of the excessive compulsive type. If one was good 2, 3 or 4 seemed
better to me.

Luckily I had some good habits established. As a young man my father enrolled me in marshal arts
classes before I was even a teenager. My excessiveness was exercise, healthy diets, and study. I
thought I was just doing great but years later I see what my master was talking about.

My excessive diets, over training and studying for hours were burning me out. I was using up
valuable energy and burning Qi quicker than I could produce it. Eventually I woke up from these
excessive patterns and my life started to balance. My business got better, I received the
acknowledgements, degrees and rewards I was looking for.
My career took off, my relationships opened up and my health internally and externally came into
balance. Balance doesn’t happen on its own. It takes some work and some guidance. It was back in
1984 when the “Lama on the mountain” first taught me this Bagua formulas and things started to come
together. I learned how to look at every aspect of my life and have all bases covered. I have been
using the formula ever since to balance my life and have shared the formulas with thousands of
patients, students and friends.

Here is what we have found- when there is a system in place:
-You become more accountable to yourself
-You get more of what you want
-Your health mentally, physically and spiritually gets better
-You accomplish more with grace and ease
-You invoke growth and establish patterns of success

I taught a 2-day workshop in Miami Beach on how to use the formulas and apply them into your life.
The two days were video recorded and professionally edited and I have put these DVDs into a learning
package which includes all of the notes that shows you the how’s and the why’s.

Ready to change things around to give you more energy, vitality, balance finances, and your

If, the Answer is YES, this program is for you.

Order this week and I’ll also send you a free bonus Bagua to keep your house and office in harmony
and perfect balance.

Get your program today:

I wish you the best in
your Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi