Posts Tagged ‘Life Span’

The 9 Poisons that Can Shorten your Life

Monday, August 27th, 2012

I always told my students It’s Not Bad Dying
but getting sick is the pits. To keep yourself
healthy there are some things that you really want
to avoid.

1. Stress– it can kill you
Stress will take its toil on you and may actually
shorten your life if you don’t know how to use it.

2. Smoking
Tobacco use remains the most preventable cause of
death. Smoking can rob you of 10 years of life
and if you get cancer or lung disease you will
find out what I meant by the pits.
But your body can bounce back sooner than you
would imagine. In fact blood pressure and
circulation improves the quickest after quitting,
and your can significantly reduce the risk of

3. Stop eating processed foods
When I was a child my grandmother seemed to always
be in the kitchen and so was my mother. They
canned fresh fruit, made jelly, put up tomatoes,
pickles, peppers and relishes. Over the last 30 or
40 years there has been a shift to consuming more
processed foods by large multinational
corporations along with processing comes an
increase in added sodium, more saturated fat, more
sugar, and less fiber. The result? More,
cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes.

4. Sitting on your butt
Exercise, Exercise and more exercise. The more you
use your car the quicker it will ware out, but the
body is different. “Use it or loose it!” when we
exercise just 30 minutes a day five or more times
per week, you can extend your life by years.
Studies show that just 15 minutes a day can
increase your life span by another three years. So
get on your bike, roller blades, go to the gym,
take a walk and do something physical daily.

5. Anger
Anger can cost you years off your life. Levels of
stress hormone go up when you’re stressed or
angry, and cause havoc on your heart, metabolism,
and immune system. High cortisol has been
associated with greater mortality in a number of

6. Being a Hermit
Meet, Greet, visit friends and go out to eat!
Being social is a great longevity booster, it
boost your immune system, keeps you strong, while
being a hermit can be boring and put you in a
negative frame of mind and at risk of depression
and even heart attacks.

7. Letting Fear scare you to death
Fear can make your entire body contract causing
kidney problems, heart trouble and more. Chinese
medicine tells us that the opposite of fear is
gentleness. Exercises like yoga Tai chi and Qi
Gong can change your headspace bring more
gentleness into your life and keep you alive

8. Not sleeping
A good nights sleep can be worth Big bucks.
Getting a good night sleep can affect your
lifespan, not getting sufficient sleep or
disturbed sleep can effect your heart, cause
stress, depression, and heart disease.
Relaxing music and Meditation exercises can set
the stage for a good night’s sleep.

9. Good genes doesn’t always equal a long life

Work on health, avoid the 9 poisons

Having parents and grandparents who live into
their nineties and beyond is a blessing but it’s
only a third of the longevity secret.
Environmental and lifestyle, your diet and
exercise plus whether you’re exposed to toxins or
not and how much stress you experience play a big
roll in your longevity or lack of it. Also
relationships also play a huge role in how fast
you age and how long you might live.

Staying healthy is as changeling as you get older
and if you are still doing any of the 9 no, no ,
it’s time to wake up and start working on self
cultivation! You can change your health picture
around in no time at all and enjoy a quality life.
I have spent much of my life helping people turn
their health around for the better.

It’s a blessing to be healthy but you must work at

Health is a privilege!

If you are ready for a great life contact me and
I’ll give you a free consultation to make your
life better.

305-407-0120 Office

Private Coaching

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dr. Wu Dhi’s Longevity Secrets

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

I was reading the “Baby Boomers guide to Longevity”
and I was impressed on what they had to say about how
you can increase your life span and improve your health.
Here is a summary of what they said about
‘The Time Honored Energy Practice Qi Gong:’

“We know that stress ages us. It tires out and weakens the
immune system. Eventually, chronic stress will start to show
up in our joints and aging skin. This makes Qi Gong, an ancient
energy practice from China, an especially effective Anti-Aging Remedy.”

In China, Qi Gong is the name given to the study, practice, and
cultivation of Qi (chi), which mean’s “Created Energy.”
The word ‘Gong’ comes from GongFu, which refers to energy and time.
Although there are different ways to perform Qi Gong, most practices
involve breathing exercises and a series of carefully choreographed
movements or gestures designed to facilitate the flow of Qi (chi).
A consistent Qi Gong practice has the ability to strengthen physical
power, increase mental alertness, endurance, and promote long life.

As it relates to longevity, Qi Gong is especially important because,
in addition to restoring and moving lost Qi, it also replenishes the
blood. As we age, our blood supplies dwindle and our bodies become dry,
brittle, and less elastic. In both Western and Chinese medicine, it is
our bone marrow that maintains healthy levels of red and white blood cells
– the fluid that protects and nourishes the body. The Qi Gong exercises that
I teach and practice restore the suppleness of this marrow, which in turn
strengthens the brain and enhances our mental capacity.

In addition, medical studies have found that Qi Gong practice reduces
sympathetic activity (the fight -or-flight responses that are activated
under stress) in the central nervous system. At the same time, Qi Gong
increases parasympathetic activity, which is restorative and most active
during periods of rest. Qi Gong is considered a viable therapy for
protecting the heart, lowering blood pressure, and reducing anxiety,
all without the need for drugs!”- Well said.

Personally, I have been practicing and teaching Qi Gong for 35 years and
have a Masters in Medical Qi Gong from the International institute of Medical Qi Gong.
I can say without a doubt that my practices have kept me younger and healthier.
I take no medicine, feel great I haven’t had any operations and my sexual
energy is great! I have to say that all of my organs function well.
My brain and memory are only getting better and I want to share this with you.

Yes, you can avoid dangerous medicine, going under the surgeon’s knife and restore your health.

I have two ways that you can learn this wonderful system. On Sunday
March 11, 2012 at 8:00 AM I will offer you an opportunity to restore
your youth by joining the 6-week Flying Crane Qi Gong class in Miami Beach.
If you’re out of town and can’t make it to Miami, don’t worry I have you covered.
The Flying Crane Qi Gong program has been professionally recorded and edited in an
easy to learn format that you can play on your TV or computer. You will also
receive some great free gifts with your program!

Order your copy today to make your body, mind and spirit look and feel younger!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Call Anastasia at 305-466-1977
to sign up for the class and receive your free gifts!