Posts Tagged ‘Kidneys’

Is your Energy Flowing or Not?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, I teach a
meditation class in my office.
It’s based on Internal exercises practices
They are the
opposite of external exercises like swimming,
boxing, wrestling, tennis, weight lifting, etc.
While external exercises may produce an attractive
body, they often do so by depleting the energy of
the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. That
causes a number of illnesses and ages you quicker
than you would think. Internal exercises like Qi
Gong are designed to energize the entire body,
balance all of the energy levels and heal as well
as strengthen our internal organs. Internal organs
are designed to correct posture, keep you more
grounded and are based on the five element theory;
fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

One thing that I always emphasize and work on in
the meditation classes is the breathing and the
pathways of energy in the body known as the
meridians. Once a person gets proficient in the
micro cosmic orbit (the spiritual digestive
system)– they’ll easily be able to feel the
energy in the meridians and along the pathways to
balance the body, mind and spirit. When I do an
acupuncture treatment, I am always working with
the meridians, they are like a series of energy
rivers running through the body. There is one for
the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen,
heart, small intestines, bladder, kidneys,
pericardium, triple heater, liver and gallbladder
– plus more.

These rivers of energy carry the Qi or energy all
through our bodies. If there is a blockage
mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually or
psychologically, the rivers of energy get blocked
and the next thing you know you have some form of

When we work with the Qi Gong exercises,
meditations and breathing, we open up those
blockages and the Qi flows properly, balancing
body, mind and spirit.

Personally I practice these types of exercises
daily. I teach my patients and students these
exercises. I make videos about them like the
Flying Crane Qi Gong and Recharging Qi Gong and
much more to the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

If you are ready to turn your health around 360
degrees get on the program!

Join up and get the big three:

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Recharging Qi Gong

Qi Gong Inner Circle

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Eat, Smile, Stay, Happy and Detox from Sickness

Friday, June 15th, 2012

lan came in to the clinic 2 days ago to
get tuned up and see if he could get his emotions
under control. He was losing his temper all of the time,
he’d get in fights at least once a week and couldn’t stay
in any relationship for more than a few months without blowing up.
He’s got his own business and works hard as a professional diver
and is intense when it comes to work and just can’t leave the
intensity when he goes home.

I thought to myself why is he so wound up? What a cool job
he has, diving, looking for treasure, and seeing the beautiful
marine life and all of the romantic things that remind us of the sea.

As I questioned Al about his work, diet and activity he told
me that he really works hard spending most of his days under
boats scrubbing clean debris and barnacles from the bottom of the sea.

As we went over his medical history and what he was experiencing
he told me this. My problem is I work in water that is dirty
sometimes polluted and filled with oils, gas even raw sewage.
That’s why I came to see you– I know my system is toxic.

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves
of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the
ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by
themselves without wondering.”
-Saint Augustine

As soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew there was a problem,
he was loud, his nails are all gnarly, his jaw was clenched
and his complexion was chalky looking.
Although Alan doesn’t have any symptoms of any disease,
we all know he will sooner or later unless he makes some changes.

Al’s system is toxic from his environment. The skin is our
biggest detox organ and also absorbs toxins that will affect
the liver, kidneys and the colon.

The liver and kidneys are like large filters that clean
the toxins out but those filters get filled up with
poisons and then the entire body and mind will be affected.

The emotion of the liver is anger on the negative side and
kindness on the brighter side. Alan is exposed to toxins on a
daily basis and it is starting to show. He’s angry and really
doesn’t have any real reason to be. He makes good money, owns his
own business and is a friendly outgoing guy.
Nevertheless he’s pissed at the world.

In Chinese Medicine all of the signs point to a
toxic liver and liver Qi stagnation.
This can be easily he addressed. The first thing to do
is detox the liver and change his diet and move him out
of the polluted water at least a few days a week.
I put Alan on the 7 day Core detox program

I also got him to lay off the booze and caffeine for 30
days and changed the brown carbonated drinks for fresh clean water.
Although he moaned and groaned for the first 3 or 4 days of the
program he reported that he is starting to feel great and
he isn’t having fits of anger.

If you are feeling out of control, holding on to excess
weight and pissed there is an escape route for you that
will calm things down and it only takes a week to get it going.

The Core restore liver detox program:

You can order it right now and get started in a few short days.

Go to:

and order today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Become a Smoothie

Friday, April 27th, 2012

Become a Smoothie

Cora Bell called me this morning.
She has been plagued with every woman’s
fear, bloated belly and too much junk in her trunk.
She asked me, “Do you think it’s just water weight ?
“How much water should I drink a day anyway?”

Well it depends on the health of your kidneys, how
hot the temperature is and how much exercise you do.
If your kidneys are healthy you can usually drink six,
8 oz. glasses of H2o a day with no problem, but if you
drink more than that your kidneys may not be able to
handle it and you are asking for trouble.

Anything over the 6 cups can strain the kidneys and the
excess will remain in your body. It can actually travel
back into your blood stream to be eliminated through the
skin by sweating.

However if it’s not hot outside and you don’t do much exercise,
the water will be retained in the skin causing bloating and
you’ll look and feel fat even if you’re not. As more wastewater
comes to the area of the skin where water is already being
trapped, the tissue will bloat up even more.

Remember, only fresh water is eliminated in your urine.
Here is the bad news: when that wastewater is retained for
months or even years it becomes mucus-like that gelatin
substance hardens and you get lumps and bumps in places
where you don’t want it.

It makes you look old and out of shape. You may be looking
in the mirror and asking yourself, what is that?

It’s the waist water in solid form. It looks like fat but
it is toxic wastewater H2O caught between the tissues.
You may know it as cellulite, those bumps and lumps on your
hips, thighs and buttocks. You can’t exercise it off, diet it
off or hide it. However there are ways to get that smooth
young looking behind again:

1. Strengthen your kidneys
2. Drink no more than 6 glasses of water a day
3. Take an infrared sauna twice a week.
4. Start getting deep tissue massage

Cora, you are in luck! I offer an entire program to get you
back to your younger body in record time. We have an infrared
sauna and a combination of deep tissue work and detoxing your
kidneys liver and colon. You will have your young looking body
ready for the bathing suit season.

If you can’t come to Miami start off by getting the Yin Set.
It’s Five simple exercises that will strengthen your internal organs.
Get an instant download of the special report right now and smooth yourself!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

The Tao of why your mother told you to never stick out your tongue

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

What’s up with the tongue
stuff, my mother always told me not to stick
my tongue out and I have been going
to doctors all my life and no one ever looked at my
Why do you want to see the tongue anyway?”

There is more to it than what your mother told you.
Tongue diagnosis has been used in
Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
It tells a story that you can’t get from a blood
test or a stool sample.
Our tongue can reveal a lot of valuable
information and when I was in school they spent
weeks going over all of the tongue stuff and what
to be looking for.

You can see what organ is affected and decide
what treatment to do. The tip of the tongue shows
changes in the lung and the heart. The sides give
me an indication if there is a problem in the Liver and
Gall bladder. Right in the center, shows the health of
the stomach and the spleen and when you look at the
very back you can see if there is something going on
with the kidneys. The color, shape movement,
appearance and even the coating give me a ton of information.

I have looked at thousands of tongues over the years
and once you know what you are looking for you
can nail the problem.

It is the same with Qigong practices after you have
been practicing for years you can know if the teacher
and the practice have any value for you.

When I was in China I trained with many different groups.
Some just had Maoist exercise programs,
that’s right Maoist – A No energy water down program.

On the other hand I spent some time at the
monastery at Long Hu Shan and I got some real gems.

If you don’t know, ya just don’t know.
I have been practicing, training and teaching for
decades and I can assure you I’ve got the real goods.
Practice and you will feel the Qi flowing through your
channels and meridians right away.

For more information on it go to:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

The Keys to Vital Energy

Friday, April 13th, 2012

I want to thank all of you who wrote to me
asking for more information about the meridians
and how they are used in Chinese medicine and how
all of this applies to Qi Gong longevity practices.

Lets face it, we are all getting older every day and
unless you do something about it you are headed for the
traditional medical treatments, that’s a program that we
would all like to avoid. A lifetime of drugs and surgery
can and will ruin the quality of your life and make you old.

We all know the symbol for Yin and Yang –it’s very popular today
in Kung Fu schools, tattoo parlors and even in the media.
But do you know what the real meaning of the symbol is?

“The ancients envisioned their world in two halves – masculine and feminine.
Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power, Yin and Yang.
When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world.
When they were unbalanced there was chaos.”
― Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

In Chinese medicine it stands for two of the most important organs in our
bodies, the Kidneys water and the Heart Fire.

The kidneys are considered the root of life, the Yin aspect of life.
They store the jing (our sexual energy) they are ruled by the water
element and if your kidneys are weak you’ll most likely have a sore back,
loss of your libido, hearing problems, hair loss and even sore knees.

The kidneys are the source of all Yin and Yang in the body.
The kidneys also have to do with psychic authority or will,
memory, cleverness and knowhow.

If you are having problems with your bones, and teeth, the root
cause can be the kidneys.

People that come into my office every day
with one big problem, BACK PAIN.

Here is what they say, “I can’t do the things I used to because
I have no Umpf, my get up and go has got up and gone.”

Most of these problems come from weak kidneys. But you can rejuvenate
and revitalize your kidneys and your back and improve your energy from
the inside out. I put together a program in the seventies that restores
your back and gives you your power back and I still use it
today with amazing results.

Yes I updated it and added more exercises and now it’s being used by
thousands of people all over the world to eliminate their back pain and
regain their energy. I will show you how you can instantly strengthen
and relax the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your back with simple
but highly effective exercises that you can do in just a few minutes every day.
I’ve made this program so easy for you to get.

You will receive Dr. Wu Dhi’s
“Eliminate your Back Pain DVD” within days.

Enroll NOW by placing an order for the
‘Eliminate Back Pain’ and feel good again.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happinss

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Smart Way to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Everyday I get a slue of questions
from students and patients about acupuncture and
meridian systems. For the most part, most people
are OK with my explanation of the meridians, but when
I start talking about the triple warmer, I can see peoples
eyes roll. So it’s time that I try to unmask what the
mysterious Triple Warmer is all about.

In China it’s called the San Jiao and controls water ways of the body.
The triple warmer has a name but no form. They say the (TW) implies
fire and fire is necessary to control the water in the body.
It controls the water and water movement, thus balancing the
water and heat in the body.

The triple heater connects with all of the other meridians,
it is the over structure laying over all specific organ functions.

They call it the Triple burner because there are three different parts.
The upper burner is in the area of the Lungs and the heart.
It comes in like a mist or a fog and it spreads out and fills in
things, it is in charge of nourishing the flesh, bones and joints
and it regulates the pores.

The middle burner is the stomach, spleen and intestines.
It corresponds to foam and has a churning effect. It is said to
be the part that cooks the grains and filters down wastes and residues.

The lower burner corresponds to the Kidneys, Urinary bladder and the
liver and is said to be like a swamp. It is responsible for separating
the clear from the murky and evacuates the waste materials.

According to Donna Eden, it is our primal survival system, it fights
off illness in our bodies and is also known as our flight or fight response.
Unfortunately, it has not evolved along with the changes in our society.
Keeping the triple warmer balanced is especially important because many
aspects of our modern way of life are registered as invaders by our
triple warmer causing it to fight. You know your triple warmer is
overloaded if you can’t ever relax, even after meditation, or if you
generally feel anxious all the time. 

Because triple warmer is a survival function it can pull energy away from
other systems leading to immune disorders, stress, chronic fatigue
and many other uncomfortable emotions/actions.

Although it’s a little known meridian, I use it every day balancing out
health problems in young and old.
If you’re having a health issue and you haven’t been getting the results
you want from your treatments, contact me at 305-466-1977
(ask for Anastasia and she will transfer you). I have been doing
alternative health care for years and there may just be a treatment for you
that can turn your health picture around 360 degrees.

If you are in Florida we can set up a private weekend or a Skype
consultation where we can actually see each other and go over your
health needs. We may be able to unravel hidden problems.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Happy New Year

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Getting ready for the water Dragon year
I started by inviting the Dragon into my home
last week. I hung up red Chinese lanterns,
bought all of the incenses, wine, and sweets and
set up the dragon fountain to honor and invite the
legendary animal in 2012. I woke up at 4:00 am to
honor the dragon energy and the new moon into my
home for good luck, health and wealth for the year.

Noodles are the traditional dish for the New Year
and I’ll cook fish for dinner. The Dragon is coated
with mysterious colors. Chinese consider that the
dragon is unpredictable, untouchable and people
cannot see its head and tail at the same time.
Therefore, we might see something unexpected
happening in 2012.
The water Dragon is an energetic year characterized
by movements and changes.

The Fung Shui experts are predicting an
increase in epidemics and health risks involving viruses.
Therefore, diet, hygiene and exercise will be very
important this year. The more responsibility you take
for your own health the better off you will be in the Dragon year.
As it’s a water dragon, pay more attention into
keeping your kidneys and bladder healthy.
There can also be stomach problems so eat healthy,
fresh and clean food. Get a good vegetable wash and
clean your fruits and veggies very well.
The water element sits on the earth element which
sounds like there will be a lot of mud stirred up.
I always urge you to practice, this year it will be the year to do so.

“Hang a metal wind chime in the South-East of
your home,”-that’s a Fung Shui protection.
We can expect more natural calamities such as
floods and earthquakes. The water element have
to do with fear on the negative side and gentleness
on the positive side, so be more gentle with yourself
and others and the year will be a lot smoother for you
and your family.
I have been spending more time working on
Yin practices like the Yin set that clears and tonifies
the internal organs. It is very gentle, calming and
works wonders on the
Lungs, Kidneys, Heart, Liver and Spleen.

You’ll find these magical exercises in the
Recharging Qi gong program.

Go to:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth ad Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Stay Bug Free While Traveling

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I am about to do some
holiday travel for a few days.
I will be flying up North for
some alone time to write,
meditate and relax.
Although I love to travel, air travel
isn’t as much fun as it used to be.
Especially if you’re on commercial
flights! There is no real food, small
seats and lots of time delays.
When you fly for hours with a group of
people from all over the
World, you never know what bug you can pickup.

Things like colds, flu’s, coughs
or something much worse. I am thinking of
wearing a mask so I am not breathing in
everyone’s germs.
We all know that the airports aren’t the healthiest
places with the over crowded planes filled to
capacity with a bunch of stressed out
people herded into flying machines with crying
babies, bad air, rude employees,
and pissed off passengers.

When I first took a flight years ago, you would
get dressed up to go somewhere and order your
food in advance. You felt you were one
of the privileged to fly. It’s still exciting to
travel for me and it’s one
of the keys to wealth and opportunities in the
Chinese Fung Shui—

Whenever I travel, I make sure I am
in tip top shape.
I always prepare for my trips in advance
to avoid getting
stressed out.

When traveling, you can avoid stressing out
and stay healthy as well.
Here’s how I do it:

1. A few weeks before I hit the road I
start my program.

I increase my meditation and my Qi gong,
paying special attention to the
water element- the Kidneys and the Adrenals,
this builds more internal power
and you can blow your stress away easily.

2. I really Beef-up on my vitamins and
minerals, especially the Vitamin B,
Vitamin C and I take the Chinese tonics
if I am going into the cold.

3. Sleep is really important to keep you stress free.
Get a good nights sleep the day before you travel.
I always travel with my own pillow that makes
every bed I sleep in feel comfortable.

4. Eat good meals with protein and veggies for a
few days before you travel and on the trip.
While traveling, make sure you’re well nourished
and stay light on the carbs, skip the coffee,
chocolate and alcohol.

5. I drink at least 2 quarts of pure water to stay
well hydrated. Flying will dehydrate
your entire system and prune you out.
You may not realize it, but you can easily
suffer from dehydration on airplanes,
especially on long flights. That’s because
air in an airline cabin is usually much dryer than the air on Earth.

6. Keep your colon healthy and your
bowels moving. I increase the amount of oil I ingest.
I like Udo’s oil 3.6.9, you can pick it up at the
health food store and good pure fish oil.

The vitamins and minerals that work the best
for my patients and me are:

Oxy-Hydrate; a powerful one that keeps
the colon healthy.

Adrenal Qi boosts your adrenal glands to keep you stress free.


If you are traveling this holiday season,
have fun and stay healthy!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sex and Longevity Magic

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

“Oh yes, wait a minute Mister Postman, Wait Mister Postman
Please Mister Postman, look and see
 (Oh yeah) 

If there’s a letter in your bag for me Please Mister Postman) 

Why’s it takin’ such a long time
 (Oh yeah)”

These are THE MARVELETTES lyrics – to a song of my childhood
‘Please Mr. Postman.’

I receive a ton of letters every day and
here is what a student wrote me yesterday.

“Dear Dr. Wu Dhi,
I was very pleased to find
this web-site. I wanted to thank you
for your time for this wonderful read!!
I am definitely enjoying every little bit
of it and I have you bookmarked to
check out new stuff you blog post”.

I really like hearing from all of you and I welcome your questions
On health, meditations and longevity practices.
This week I got a slew of letters
and emails asking for my secrets to longevity
and how to increase sexual energy. Maybe it was the full moon
that sparked the love vibe.

Gerald a 68 year old male from Las Vegas, Nevada wrote me and said:
“Dr. Wu,
I am suffering from low libido and
I just can’t seem to get it up when necessary.
So I always have a pocket of pills for those special moments.
My question is,
Do you think I can improve my
sexual health by taking these little helpers?

Dear Gerald,
The hard-on pills that are on the market are a Scam!
You heard me right -a Scam!
All they do is temporally increase the blood flow to
your love tool and if you don’t get a heart attack and
die- you are just pretending you’re a superman for a moment.

Your hard-on pill isn’t a cure and in fact can be a curse.
It certainly will not make you a
better lover. You may be able to slam it for a while
but you’re just fooling yourself.

Tere can be real magic in your bedroom if you
know how to use Qi the correct way to strengthen
your internal organs.
Let me tell you the real secret and how I learned it.

I found out that the Chinese would practice internal
Exercises to strengthen their kidneys –this is one of the secrets
To staying young, sexually strong and healthy.
You can keep your prostate healthy and your sex tool
working strong way into your seventies and maybe even to the eighties,
If you can keep the kidneys strong and healthy.

In the Recharging Qi gong program I teach the secrets
of strengthening the kidneys, keeping you strong and
sexually alive without any pills, medicine or creams.
Want to stay on top of your game for years?

Get the Recharging Qi gong program now and be all you can be.

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Celebration of our Good Health

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Before the Fast

According to the Jewish calendar, it’s now the year 5772.
That’s a lot of years and a lot of tradition, the holiday started last Wednesday night, September 28th. It’s called Rosh Hashanah, meaning “the head or first of the year.”

The next Ten Days begins with Repentance, and concludes with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. It’s a time of introspection, forgiveness, and hope for a year in which we do better than we did in the past year.
This holiday is known for the custom of eating apples dipped in honey, symbolizing the sweetness of coming year may bring.

Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on the day when, according to tradition, the first humans were created; this is when people celebrate Rosh Hashanah as the birthday of the world and of humanity. The people from all over the world embark upon the serious task of examining their lives and repenting for any wrongs they have committed during the previous year. They are encouraged to make amends with anyone they have wronged and to make plans for improving during the coming year. It’s all about making peace in the community and striving to be a better person.

One of the traditions that I always do at this time, when the season changes from summer to fall is fasting and forgiveness for any wrongs I may have done. This tradition is in alignment with both the holiday and the season.

I fast for many reasons.
First there are millions of people all over the world fasting at this time.
It is sort of a collective consciousness of fasting because it makes it easier to do, like having waves of energy push you along making the fast easier.
Second fasting has a significant spiritual benefit. It helps to focus more on spiritual parts of our being.
The third reason is for all the health benefits.
A fast will give our system rest and help clean out toxins from our bodies.
Benefits of fasting are:
*Detoxification of the digestive system, liver and the kidneys
*Cooling of the core body temperature. This increases the bodies Growth hormones to keep you younger.
* A feeling of rejuvenation and extended life expectancy

There have been significant studies that conclude; less caloric intake will extend life.
Yes, it’s true, fasting is one of the longevity secrets. There are many reasons to consider fasting as a benefit to one’s health; the body rids itself of the toxins that have built up in our fat throughout the years. The body heals itself, and repairs all of the damaged organs during a fast. Finally there is good evidence to show that regulated fasting contributes to Longevity.

What I have found in my years of practice, is if you pay attention to your diet, do the right exercises like yoga and Qi gong and don’t hold on to the stresses in life you —you will stay disease free and live a happy life!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi