Posts Tagged ‘Blockages’

The beauty of Computer Regulation Thermography

Friday, July 12th, 2013

The beauty of Computer Regulation Thermography

Dr. Cuenca from Santa Cruz, California will be in
Miami again on July 25th for a week to test
patients with the CRT (Thermography) to determine
if there are any under functioning, over
functioning or blockages held in the body. I have
had this test numerous of times over the years and
it gives a picture of your health long before any
symptoms show up.
I recommend it highly.
By the time you are getting symptoms the dis-ease
is well rooted in your body and much harder to
The beauty of images-1is
that you can find hidden blockages 6 months to 1
year before symptoms show up. This test is used in
most clinics in Europe and the treatments used are
with Homeopathic remedies, herbs, neural therapy
and diet to keep you healthy and dis-ease free.
Thermographic reads 119 body points taken with a
very sensitive, non-invasive, and radiation-free
sensor. Measuring the lymphatic & endocrine
systems, breasts, teeth, major organs, and more.

When there are disease processes in a human body,
the body’s organs respond differently to stress. A
physiological response from these stressed organs,
called the visceral cutaneous reflex, makes
detection possible by way of distinguishing
differences in skin temperature with thermography.

As with any thermographic device, temperatures out
of normal range can indicate areas of potential
concern and then be treated and brought back to
internal stability or homeostasis with natural
drug-free treatments.

Begin your journey into a younger, healthier,
vibrant you and contact my office and schedule an
appointment for the testing and treatments.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Your Body needs a Spring Cleaning

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

I am expecting Dr. Cuenca from Santa Cruz
California to be in my office on April 4th for a
few days to test patients and determine where the
blockages are held in the body. I have had this
test numerous times over the years and it gives
you a picture of your health long before any
symptoms show up.

By the time you are getting symptoms the dis-ease
is well rooted in your body and much harder to
The beauty of images-1is
that you can find hidden blockages and treat it
6 months to a year before anything shows up.

CRT is a test is used in most clinics in Europe and is then
treated naturally with homeopathic, herbs, neural therapy and diet
to keep healthy and dis-ease free.

Dr. Cuenca forwarded this spring cleaning for me
to share with you.

Are you suddenly having the urge to organize the
closets, start a new project, or begin a cleanse?
If so, you are in alignment with the energy of
Spring. It’s the time for spring cleaning out
your closets and detox your liver, too!
During this time of year, the body naturally
begins cleansing itself from excess oils, fats,
salt, carbohydrates, and animal proteins by
releasing a flu or cold. Some may suffer
mysterious bodily aches and pains, and don’t
understand why. This is the liver’s way of
releasing toxins and cleaning house.

We can aid our liver through this natural
cleansing process by eating lightly prepared
meals, less food overall, eliminating animal
products for a specific period of time, and/or
fasting from food entirely.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spring
correlates with the Liver and Gallbladder
meridians. Fasting can help relieve the pent-up
stagnation of winter (physically, emotionally and
spiritually). Spring-cleaning the body is
essential for physical and spiritual healing.
Every spring, begin to eat lighter foods (salads,
sprouts, spring soups, fish) and reduce heavy
animal proteins and fats for a few weeks. You
could follow that up with three days of The Master
Cleanser (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne
pepper, water).

While doing the Master Cleanser, abstain from food
entirely and only drink the liquid for a short
period of time (three days). I feel that the body
and soul are pretty clear and 72 hours works
perfectly for most body systems.

Here is a partial list of what you can do to start
your “Spring Cleaning”:

Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Add ¼ tsp.
vitamin C crystals to each glass of water (it’s a
natural heavy metal toxin chelator).
Have a dark leafy vegetable salad every day
One cup of miso soup with sea vegetables the night
before you begin the cleanse
Make a liver tonic: 4 oz hawthorn berries, 2 oz
red sage (salvia), and 1 oz of cardamom seeds.
Steep 24 hours in 2 qts. Water. Add honey. Take 2
cups daily.

For the next 3 days…

On rising: take 1 lemon squeezed in water; or 2
tbsp. cider vinegar in water with 1 tsp. honey.
Breakfast: carrot-beet-cucumber juice. Add 1 tsp.
spirulina to any drink.

Mid-morning: take a green veggie drink; or an
organic green super food powder in water or
vegetable juice.

Lunch: have a glass of fresh carrot juice, or
organic apple juice, or a cup of liver tonic.

Mid-afternoon: mint or green tea.

Dinner: have another carrot juice or a mixed
vegetable juice, or hot vegetable broth

Before bed: a pineapple/papaya juice with 1 tsp.
Royal Jelly

The best detox foods for spring:
▪ Asparagus
▪ Dandelion
▪ Dark greens tender leaves
▪ Scallions
▪ Strawberries
▪ Cabbage
▪ Broccoli
▪ Leeks

Avoid “bad” fats:
Avoid trans fats and saturate fats and choose
cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive,
hempseed or flaxseed oils.

Eat what’s in season: Seasonal cooking is one of
the best way to eat fruits and vegetables at their
peak freshness, making them more delicious and
nutritious than ever.

Eat more raw food:
Raw food brings you vitamins, minerals and
precious enzymes that could otherwise be
destroyed by cooking. Eating more raw fruits and
vegetables is also a great way to detox

Go vegan:
Heavy food such as meat can be difficult to

It also creates more metabolic waste that
your body has to detox afterward. Give your body
a break by introducing more vegan and
vegetarian meals in your diet.

Drink water:
Water is the ultimate detox food. It’s probably
one of the easiest and cheapest things to do to
kick-start a healthy detox diet; drink more water.

Lemon water:
Start out the day with a half glass of warm lemon
or lime water without any sweetener. The warm
lemon/lime water stimulates a sluggish liver and
alkalizes your tissues.

Tender greens:
Spring brings bright green new shoots. It’s the
ideal time to introduce you to new delicious and
alkalizing greens. Dark leafy greens have a
milder flavor when they are young. Add baby
spinach and other young field greens for a
mineral-rich liver cleansing diet.

Milk thistle and dandelion root:
These two natural herbs are commonly used to
protect and cleanse the liver. Milk thistle is the
protector, and dandelion root is the cleanser.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is great for liver health. Studies have
shown large quantities of vitamin C flush out
fats and repair liver damage.

B complex:
All the B’s are helpful, especially B12, which
has been used to help hepatitis patients.

Avoid or minimize alcohol and all over the
counter and prescribed pain suppressant drugs
containing acetaminophen, a known liver toxin.

This toxic world stresses our livers. Restoring a
tired liver and maintaining its healthy cleansing
functions are vital for overall health.

If you would like to begin your journey into a
younger you contact my office and schedule an
appointment for the testing and treatments.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

If you haven’t been tested yet, call me today 305-407-0120 and
discover your anti-aging program today.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Real Doc Talk

Wednesday, March 20th, 2013

I had lunch with a group of doctors today and we
were all sharing what we did in our practices. I
was surprised that the two cardiologists have
never done any surgery and only balance patients’
medicine. I thought they did a lot more.

The Chiropractor said he never gives any medicine,
herbs or vitamins. When I asked him why he said,
“I have a busy practice and only see PIP cases
(Personal Injury Protection) and the medical
doctor works for HMO and said he doesn’t have time
to go to the bathroom. He sees up to 60 people a
day and is fried.

My practice is a lot different. I only see 6
people a day and usually spend an hour or more
with them.

My doctor friends were shocked and asked me what
kind of practice is that.
I told them it’s a true family practice.
I believe that if someone or something is
unbalanced in the family, the entire family is
sick and it can even be the house they live in.
I could see the eyes rolling when I told them that,
there were even a few snickers. Then the questions started
flying around the table.
What do you mean the house is sick?
How does my wife’s health affect me?
You see kids? I thought you just stuck people with

Although I am licensed as an acupuncturist, there
is far more to my practice than you would think. I
have been in practice for 20 years in Florida and
practiced NLP, Postural integration, postural and
structural alignment,Fung Shui, Medical Qi Gong and
have been teaching meditation and Qi Gong for over
35 years.

So when I see a patient I am looking at them from
many different aspects. The treatments are all
customize to suit the individuals’ needs and
sometimes I have to go to their house to go over
and clear up any blockages that may be causing them
or their family any harm.
Yes Houses get sick, too much clutter or old negative
energy or even the landscaping can effect the moods
and health of the home and your family.

When the meeting was over a few of the doc’s
wanted to know if I’d be willing to work with them
and take a look at their homes. I told them to drop me a note
at Dr Wu Dhi@gmail and I’d see what I could do.

I also went over the coaching program that I
offer. It’s amazing and people are getting some
great results in their health, relationships
happiness and even financial break-through.


Join the elite members of Dr Wu Dhi’s group and
transform your life.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is your Energy Flowing or Not?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, I teach a
meditation class in my office.
It’s based on Internal exercises practices
They are the
opposite of external exercises like swimming,
boxing, wrestling, tennis, weight lifting, etc.
While external exercises may produce an attractive
body, they often do so by depleting the energy of
the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. That
causes a number of illnesses and ages you quicker
than you would think. Internal exercises like Qi
Gong are designed to energize the entire body,
balance all of the energy levels and heal as well
as strengthen our internal organs. Internal organs
are designed to correct posture, keep you more
grounded and are based on the five element theory;
fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

One thing that I always emphasize and work on in
the meditation classes is the breathing and the
pathways of energy in the body known as the
meridians. Once a person gets proficient in the
micro cosmic orbit (the spiritual digestive
system)– they’ll easily be able to feel the
energy in the meridians and along the pathways to
balance the body, mind and spirit. When I do an
acupuncture treatment, I am always working with
the meridians, they are like a series of energy
rivers running through the body. There is one for
the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen,
heart, small intestines, bladder, kidneys,
pericardium, triple heater, liver and gallbladder
– plus more.

These rivers of energy carry the Qi or energy all
through our bodies. If there is a blockage
mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually or
psychologically, the rivers of energy get blocked
and the next thing you know you have some form of

When we work with the Qi Gong exercises,
meditations and breathing, we open up those
blockages and the Qi flows properly, balancing
body, mind and spirit.

Personally I practice these types of exercises
daily. I teach my patients and students these
exercises. I make videos about them like the
Flying Crane Qi Gong and Recharging Qi Gong and
much more to the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

If you are ready to turn your health around 360
degrees get on the program!

Join up and get the big three:

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Recharging Qi Gong

Qi Gong Inner Circle

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Weekend with the Master

Friday, August 12th, 2011

Last weekend Stephen flew
in from Toronto for a private
coaching session with me.
A few weeks ago he called and
said he was going through a crisis
in just about every part of his
life and he needed a complete
tune-up physically, mentally and
spiritually. He flew in Friday night
and I picked him up at the Ft. Lauderdale
airport. We had dinner and went over
his program and treatment plan
for the next two days.

Early Saturday morning we started at
6 o’clock on the beach for the Qi Gong
training. This works on all levels
incorporating the Taoist and Buddhist
internal meditations, advanced Qi gong
practices, the internal energy work and
the advanced sexual practices.

After breakfast we took a little break and
later that morning Steve met me at my office.
We went over his blood work, diet and started
the treatments with acupuncture,
Medical Qi Gong, and Neuro-Therapy
which is all the homeopathic and
vitamin injections.

In the private coaching sessions we
work from morning until night. It’s intense
working on all levels at once to get the
maximum amount of growth in the least
amount of time. By the end of the
weekend he reported more energy than
he ever had and I could see and feel the
increase in his energy levels.
The one-on-one sessions are powerful;
there is a lot of information and
knowledge passed along in a very
short time.

The reason I insist on extensive blood
work is because it gives me a scientific
pictures of what’s going on internally.
The energy medicine gives us insight into
meridian health and quality of energy flow
and the Medical Qi Gong gives us a look
into both the spiritual openings, blockages
and where they needs to be addressed.

One formula that I use that is really
helpful is the magic square which allows
the student to set their goals on 9
different levels and balance all the domains.

That evening he came over to my
house so we could catch a bite to eat.
He had a ton of questions on just about
everything he saw, felt and experienced.

Over dinner we reviewed the weekend
and came up with a 3 month plan as
well as a 2 week plan, this way the
changes are made and checked.
This formula is a sure fire way to
revamp your system mentally,
physically and spiritually.

Years ago I was trained by multi
tasking and it proved to make me
the person I am today.

When you multi task, you do
everything at once. I got up in the
morning and started the meditation, right
after the meditation when other students
would go back to their rooms to rest and
get ready for the day, I immediately
started breakfast for 80 people, as I
was one of the chief cooks. When the
students were busy cleaning up for breakfast,
that’s when I was working on 2-3 patients,
and when the teacher started the program,
I was the first one in class and every time
there was a break I had a project to do.
I cut my sleep down to only 3 hours a night
and worked out and meditated in those
hours that most people were sleeping.
When you do this type of intensive and
multi task, you push yourself through
blockages that you may have mentally,
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
This is a way to promote maximum
growth in the least amount of time.

This is exactly what I pushed Steve
through for those 2 days. If you’ve
got the cojones to make changes in
your life and you want it now,
contact me for a one-on-one coaching session.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi