Posts Tagged ‘Monastery’

An Unwanted Hitchhiker

Friday, July 19th, 2013

Jocelyn returned from a meditation retreat at the
Taoist monastery in China the last week of May.
She’s an old friend and called me when she
returned and shared her adventure with me.
She told me that she had the opportunity to visit
Tibet and see where the Sky burials take
Living in the western world we never hear much
about death and any burial practices. In the USA
we are sort-of born from nothingness and then die
into nothingness. It’s like it all takes place off
How many of you have witnessed a birth or been
with someone when they died? Not too many of us
get to see the comings and goings of birth and
She told me of The Sky burial, it’s a funerary practice in Tibet
wherein a human corpse is incised in certain
locations and placed on a mountaintop, exposing it
to the elements and predatory birds. This practice
is known as jhator, which means “giving alms to
the birds.”
According to tradition there is no need to
preserve the body, as it is now an empty vessel.
Birds may eat it, or nature may cause it to
decompose. Thus, the function of the sky burial is
simply to dispose of the remains.

Last week Jocelyn gave me a call and said she
wasn’t feeling very well. She reported that she
had no energy and just wanted to sleep all the
She said, Dr. Wu Dhi I just feel horrible it’s
almost like I am not myself.
She told me that she needed to see me ASAP. The
next day she came into the office and I hardly
recognized her. She was drained and after an
examination I suggested that I come over to her
house to clear the energy and see what’s going on

We found that she picked up a hitchhiker-spirit on
her travels and it followed her home and was now
having a feast with her energy.

We set up an appointment to clear her home office
and do some Medical Qi Gong to clean and clear
the energy and send the hungry spirit packing.

We don’t hear much about this in America. It
definitely exists here but it is usually treated
as a mental problem.

I had images
This week I will spend 3 or 4 hours at her home
clearing out all the cobwebs, using a combination
of special mantras, incents and rituals to clear
cleanse and purify the house and property.

Sound spooky to you? It is just part of the
Medical Qi Gong work
If you ever need this kind of special work done
contact me and we can have a conversation and see
if it’s right for you.


I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr. Wu Dhi

PS write me if you just can’t seem get over a long standing illness, a chronic problem can be much more than a dis-ease

Stuck in your own comfort zone?

Friday, April 26th, 2013

There is a wonderful little story about two monks
who lived together in a monastery for many years
and they were great friends. Then they died within
a few months of one another. One of them got
reborn in the heaven realms, the other monk got
reborn as a worm in a dung pile. The one up in the
heaven realms was having a wonderful time,
enjoying all the heavenly pleasures. But he
started thinking about his friend, “I wonder where
my old mate has gone?” So he scanned all of the
heaven realms, but could not find a trace of his
friend. Then he scanned the realm of human beings,
but he could not see any trace of his friend
there, so he looked in the realm of animals and
then of insects. Finally he found him, reborn as a
worm in a dung pile… Wow! He thought: “I am
going to help my friend. I am going to go down
there to that dung pile and take him up to the
heavenly realm so he too can enjoy the heavenly
pleasures and bliss of living in these wonderful
realms.” So he went down to the dung pile
and called his mate. And the little worm wriggled
out and said:
“Who are you?” “I am your friend.
We used to be monks together in a past life,
and I have come up to take you to the heaven realms
where life is wonderful and blissful.” But the
worm said: “Go away, get lost!” “But I am your
friend, and I live in the heaven realms,” and he
described the heaven realms to him. But the worm
said: “No thank you, I am quite happy here in my
dung pile. Please go away.” Then the heavenly
being thought: “Well if I could only just grab
hold of him and take him up to the heaven realms,
he could see for himself.” So he grabbed hold of
the worm and started tugging at him; and the
harder he tugged, the harder that worm clung to
his pile of dung. Do you get the moral of
the story? How many of us are attached to our pile
of dung?

We all have a comfortable zone that we live in and
no matter what happens come hell or high water we
don’t want to change it. We get stuck in our own
snug dung pile. It could be an abusive
relationship or it might be a bad job that you’re
caught in.
Being addicted to lust, money, drugs or power is
just the human way. We get into a robotic pattern
and hate to leave it, no matter if it’s good or
bad. Whatever it is we get comfortable where we
are and we are either afraid or just too lazy to
move out of our comfort zone.

I’ve been stuck several times in my life, but
lucky for me I found a class, a workshop, or a
teaching to pull me out of the pattern and wake me
up. Maybe it’s just karma or my self-discipline
but I believe it’s more than that. You need to
want to wake up and I am sure you want to, that’s
one of the reasons you read my blog.

The best is getting a coach or a teacher who can
guide you on the path.

If you are truly seeking growth on a mental,
physical, spiritual way, stay tuned and watch my

YouTube channel

Get my prime programs the Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crane Qi Gong

and the Turn Stress into Power

and by all means join the

Qi Gong Inner circle

You don’t have to get all of them at once but get
started right now.
Let’s grow younger together.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr.Wu Dhi

The Tao of why your mother told you to never stick out your tongue

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

What’s up with the tongue
stuff, my mother always told me not to stick
my tongue out and I have been going
to doctors all my life and no one ever looked at my
Why do you want to see the tongue anyway?”

There is more to it than what your mother told you.
Tongue diagnosis has been used in
Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
It tells a story that you can’t get from a blood
test or a stool sample.
Our tongue can reveal a lot of valuable
information and when I was in school they spent
weeks going over all of the tongue stuff and what
to be looking for.

You can see what organ is affected and decide
what treatment to do. The tip of the tongue shows
changes in the lung and the heart. The sides give
me an indication if there is a problem in the Liver and
Gall bladder. Right in the center, shows the health of
the stomach and the spleen and when you look at the
very back you can see if there is something going on
with the kidneys. The color, shape movement,
appearance and even the coating give me a ton of information.

I have looked at thousands of tongues over the years
and once you know what you are looking for you
can nail the problem.

It is the same with Qigong practices after you have
been practicing for years you can know if the teacher
and the practice have any value for you.

When I was in China I trained with many different groups.
Some just had Maoist exercise programs,
that’s right Maoist – A No energy water down program.

On the other hand I spent some time at the
monastery at Long Hu Shan and I got some real gems.

If you don’t know, ya just don’t know.
I have been practicing, training and teaching for
decades and I can assure you I’ve got the real goods.
Practice and you will feel the Qi flowing through your
channels and meridians right away.

For more information on it go to:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi