Posts Tagged ‘Meridians’

Got Gas?

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Mary Ann moved here from Argentina, started a
family, and for the last ten years or so
everything was going just fine. She felt safer and
adapted to life in the USA like a duck does to
water, and it helped that she moved to Miami since
almost everyone speaks Spanish. Mary Ann is a
perfectionist in just about everything she does
and has been very successful with everything she
put her mind to.

When she came in my office she hemmed and hawed
before she even told me what was going on. She
looked very healthy, young and in her late
twenties, with a great looking smile, beautiful
long black hair, she turned heads when she
walked into the room.

We talked for a long time and she told me that she
stopped dating, going to parties, didn’t really do
much shopping, or even going out into public. Mary
Ann has been going to the gym for years and loved
to stay in shape, but something happened 4 or 5
months ago and she has stopped all public actives.

I scanned her energy fields to see if I could pick
up something that was out of balance in her energy
body- the meridians or chakras, but I wasn’t able
to pick up much more than an imbalance in the
digestive system. Mary Ann is a worrier and she
worries all the time. In the middle of our
conversation she uncontrollably started to cry and
then told me her story.

“A few months ago for no apparent reason I
started to get uncontrollable gas. It happens
every time I eat anything and it smelled so bad,
and it’s really embarrassing.”

This is a problem for any of us, but to a young
woman this is also a total embarrassment as well
as a possible health problem. According to the
National Institutes of Health, the average person
passes intestinal gas 14 times a day and produces
about 1 to 4 pints of the stuff.

The foods we eat can be a factor in the production
of gas. The carbohydrates in some foods are not
completely digested in the small intestine. When
these undigested sugars reach the colon, they are
fermented by the bacteria that normally live in
the colon. This fermentation often results in gas.
The most common source of undigested carbohydrate
is lactose, or milk sugar, which is found in dairy
products. Intestinal bacteria step in to aid the
process and this fermentation causes gas.
Another common source of gas is beans. Beans
contain a sugar that cannot be digested by the
human intestine. Besides beans and dairy products,
many fruits and vegetables are gas producers.
Certain colon bacteria are capable of digesting
these substances, producing hydrogen, methane, and
carbon dioxide in the process. Excessive gas is
the result.

What can you do to Reduce Excessive Gas?
• Eat slowly and don’t talk while eating.
Chew your food thoroughly, instead of gulping it
• Increase your physical activity.
• Reduce your lactose products such milk
skim milk, and cottage cheese. Yogurt is usually
well tolerated by lactose- intolerant people.
• Avoid sorbitol and fructose. Sodas and
hard candies that contain sorbitol and fructose
sugars cause extra gas.
• Too much fiber will increase your gas,
especially if you increase the amount too quickly.
• Presoak dried beans and dispose of the
water. This helps remove the gas-causing starches.

The Chinese have an exercise that seems to work
great to eliminate embarrassing gasses.

images The system of Chinese nutrition is a
healing system that’s on its own. Not only is it a
healing system, but it is also a disease
prevention system. The great advantage of Chinese
medicine is it treats the whole person and not
just the disease. If you take a look at the
five-element chart, the elements are Fire, Earth,
Metal, Water and Wood. The metal element is what
rules the lungs and the large intestine. There is
a color for each element as well as a positive and
negative emotion. For example: the metal color is
white and the negative emotion is sadnes s and
grief, the positive is courageousness and valor.
When walking, we are moving energy in the body and
working the metal energy that works the lungs to
bring more blood and oxygen to our cells and the
large intestine that starts the peristaltic action
to move the toxins out of you body.

It’s been a few weeks now and she eliminated all
milk products, and beans. Mary Ann reports that
she walks at least 100 steps after every meal and
the tooting is just about gone. In fact, she came
to the beach with a few of her friends to learn
the other exercises to improve her digestion.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. The exercises that I have been doing for the
past 30 years work on your internal organs to
improve their function and rid the body and mind
of toxins that will age you long before your time.
Getting involved in these programs will improve
your health and well-being quicker than any other

I suggest you start out with the Flying Crane Qi
Gong and after practicing for 90 days, write me
and I will be more than happy to guide you into a
better you.

Dr. Wu Dhi

What are those Big Red Spots all over his back?

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

The rage in Hollywood is Cupping.
….And the movie stars are looking like an octopus
kissed them.
Cupping is one of the oldest methods of healing
used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

The earliest recorded use of cupping dates to the
early fourth century; one textbook included an
entire chapter on “Fire Jar Qi,” a type of cupping
that could alleviate headaches, dizziness and
abdominal pain.

Originally, practitioners would use hollowed-out
animal horns for cups, and place them over
particular points or meridians. When I lived in
Maui I went to see a healer who only used the
horn, a single edge razor blade and a candle to
create the suction needed for the treatment.

I have been using a hand pump to pull out all the air
inside the cup to create the vacuum instead of fire.

Some years ago my mother had a bad backache and
although she wasn’t really sure about all this new
Chinese work that I learned but she let me try cupping
on her. Any way I was a little nervous myself as
at that time I learned the technique but didn’t
have much practice.
I got everything ready,the cups, a candle, some
alcohol and a lighter. I did everything that I
learned, but I didn’t realize that the cups got
hot, so when I placed them on my mom’s back she
yelled, “You burnt me, you burnt your own mother”.

The next day I bought the cups with the suction
bump and eliminated fire once and for all.
The vacuum created by the lack of oxygen anchors
the cup to the skin and pulls it upward on the
inside of the glass, as the air inside the jar is
gone. Drawing up the skin is believed to open up
the skin’s pores, which helps to stimulate the
flow of blood, balances and realigns the flow of
Qi, breaks up obstructions, and creates an avenue
for toxins to be drawn out of the body.
The cups are usually left on the skin for about 5
to 10 minutes. Several cups may be placed on a
patient’s body at the same time. Sometimes I will
put some oil or medicine on the skin so I can move
the cups around to loosen up things and bring more
energy to the body.

Cupping is used to treat respiratory conditions
such as bronchitis, asthma, and congestion;
arthritis; gastrointestinal disorders; and certain
types of pain. I have also use cupping
to treat depression and reduce swelling.

Cupping is safe, if you don’t burn your
mother by mistake, it can cause some swelling and
bruising on the skin but thats normal. The spots are gone in a few days.
The skin under a cup is drawn up, the blood vessels at the surface of the
skin expand. thats why why we get circular
bruises on the areas where the cups were applied.
These bruises are painless and are a good topic of conversation

Cupping is becoming very popular these days. Stars
like Victoria Beckham, Geri Halliwell, Paris
Hilton, David Arquette, Lady Gaga and Andy Murray
they all have one thing in common – circular marks
on their back that looks an octopus was sucking on
them. Even Jennifer Aniston was seen with some
circular marks on the red carpet.

I use cupping in my office just about every day to
treat colds, coughs, asthma, back pain and pain
with great success. If you come into my office be
sure to ask for a cupping treatment along with
your acupuncture treatment.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Call my office and set up an appointment today

PSS check out the pictures on youtube

Increase your Power and Energy

Monday, January 28th, 2013

We have all heard of the placebo effect.
“It is the measurable, observable, or felt
improvement in health or behavior not attributable
to a medication or invasive treatment that has
been administered. The placebo effect is not mind
over matter; it is not mind-body medicine. ‘The
placebo effect’ has become a catchall term for a
positive change in health.”

In a medical study, researchers will give half of
the group real medicine and the other half a sugar
pill. The sugar pill is considered to be placebo
and more than half of the time the person
receiving the sugar pill gets better, thats more
than just the power of suggestion. It is believing
that something will work, so it works! This is
true in many medical studies but when it comes to
Qi Gong, you need to practice.

I have been doing Qi Gong for the last 30 years
and I have no illness, no sore muscles, no
digestive problems and my sexual activity is as
good as ever. The other day I went on a film shoot
to demonstrate some Qi Gong and mediation
exercises with 2 professional photographers. They
are both 1/3 my age. I did exercises, stretches,
meditations and much more. We shot all day at
to 5 different locations all over South Beach and
we finally ended up in the Wynnewood area, one of
the hot spots for lifestyles, art and cool
restaurants in Miami.

Even though they are much younger than me, the 2
photographers were exhausted! Yet my energy was
still peaking! They said, “we had enough!” and my
energy was buzzing for hours. Went I returned home I wrote a blog, took a sauna, meditated and got to bed around 11
My usual day starts at 6 a.m. with
meditation, exercise and breakfast. I’m in the
office till 7 at night and I am full of energy all
the time! It’s no placebo and it’s not in my head
but it’s the nature of what the internal exercises
can do for you if you practice daily. Internal exercises,
stimulates the body, mind and spirit. It opens up
the meridians, the chakras and strengthens your
sexual energy.

In 2006 I put together a program of 36 of the most
powerful exercises to rewire our systems. It’s
called the Recharging Qi Gong. It consists of a
book, a guided practice DVD, an instructional
training DVD,
5 CD’s on:
1. Sexual Vitality
2. Internal secrets of Qi Gong
3. Compassion, the path to Mental Well-being
4. The Spiritual keys to Qi Gong
5. The 5 Elements of Transformational Power

This program is a must do program yo activate
the internal channels. Order today and rewire your internal

….. Be more Powerful
……… more Dynamic
………… more Energetic
……………… Stronger

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS The Recharging Qi Gong Program will change your mental,
physical and spiritual bodies in a matter of 90 days or sooner.

click on the link to order Now and I’ll send it out today.

Is your Energy Flowing or Not?

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, I teach a
meditation class in my office.
It’s based on Internal exercises practices
They are the
opposite of external exercises like swimming,
boxing, wrestling, tennis, weight lifting, etc.
While external exercises may produce an attractive
body, they often do so by depleting the energy of
the heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. That
causes a number of illnesses and ages you quicker
than you would think. Internal exercises like Qi
Gong are designed to energize the entire body,
balance all of the energy levels and heal as well
as strengthen our internal organs. Internal organs
are designed to correct posture, keep you more
grounded and are based on the five element theory;
fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

One thing that I always emphasize and work on in
the meditation classes is the breathing and the
pathways of energy in the body known as the
meridians. Once a person gets proficient in the
micro cosmic orbit (the spiritual digestive
system)– they’ll easily be able to feel the
energy in the meridians and along the pathways to
balance the body, mind and spirit. When I do an
acupuncture treatment, I am always working with
the meridians, they are like a series of energy
rivers running through the body. There is one for
the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen,
heart, small intestines, bladder, kidneys,
pericardium, triple heater, liver and gallbladder
– plus more.

These rivers of energy carry the Qi or energy all
through our bodies. If there is a blockage
mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually or
psychologically, the rivers of energy get blocked
and the next thing you know you have some form of

When we work with the Qi Gong exercises,
meditations and breathing, we open up those
blockages and the Qi flows properly, balancing
body, mind and spirit.

Personally I practice these types of exercises
daily. I teach my patients and students these
exercises. I make videos about them like the
Flying Crane Qi Gong and Recharging Qi Gong and
much more to the Qi Gong Inner Circle.

If you are ready to turn your health around 360
degrees get on the program!

Join up and get the big three:

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Recharging Qi Gong

Qi Gong Inner Circle

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Tao of why your mother told you to never stick out your tongue

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

What’s up with the tongue
stuff, my mother always told me not to stick
my tongue out and I have been going
to doctors all my life and no one ever looked at my
Why do you want to see the tongue anyway?”

There is more to it than what your mother told you.
Tongue diagnosis has been used in
Chinese medicine for thousands of years.
It tells a story that you can’t get from a blood
test or a stool sample.
Our tongue can reveal a lot of valuable
information and when I was in school they spent
weeks going over all of the tongue stuff and what
to be looking for.

You can see what organ is affected and decide
what treatment to do. The tip of the tongue shows
changes in the lung and the heart. The sides give
me an indication if there is a problem in the Liver and
Gall bladder. Right in the center, shows the health of
the stomach and the spleen and when you look at the
very back you can see if there is something going on
with the kidneys. The color, shape movement,
appearance and even the coating give me a ton of information.

I have looked at thousands of tongues over the years
and once you know what you are looking for you
can nail the problem.

It is the same with Qigong practices after you have
been practicing for years you can know if the teacher
and the practice have any value for you.

When I was in China I trained with many different groups.
Some just had Maoist exercise programs,
that’s right Maoist – A No energy water down program.

On the other hand I spent some time at the
monastery at Long Hu Shan and I got some real gems.

If you don’t know, ya just don’t know.
I have been practicing, training and teaching for
decades and I can assure you I’ve got the real goods.
Practice and you will feel the Qi flowing through your
channels and meridians right away.

For more information on it go to:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

The Keys to Vital Energy

Friday, April 13th, 2012

I want to thank all of you who wrote to me
asking for more information about the meridians
and how they are used in Chinese medicine and how
all of this applies to Qi Gong longevity practices.

Lets face it, we are all getting older every day and
unless you do something about it you are headed for the
traditional medical treatments, that’s a program that we
would all like to avoid. A lifetime of drugs and surgery
can and will ruin the quality of your life and make you old.

We all know the symbol for Yin and Yang –it’s very popular today
in Kung Fu schools, tattoo parlors and even in the media.
But do you know what the real meaning of the symbol is?

“The ancients envisioned their world in two halves – masculine and feminine.
Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power, Yin and Yang.
When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world.
When they were unbalanced there was chaos.”
― Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

In Chinese medicine it stands for two of the most important organs in our
bodies, the Kidneys water and the Heart Fire.

The kidneys are considered the root of life, the Yin aspect of life.
They store the jing (our sexual energy) they are ruled by the water
element and if your kidneys are weak you’ll most likely have a sore back,
loss of your libido, hearing problems, hair loss and even sore knees.

The kidneys are the source of all Yin and Yang in the body.
The kidneys also have to do with psychic authority or will,
memory, cleverness and knowhow.

If you are having problems with your bones, and teeth, the root
cause can be the kidneys.

People that come into my office every day
with one big problem, BACK PAIN.

Here is what they say, “I can’t do the things I used to because
I have no Umpf, my get up and go has got up and gone.”

Most of these problems come from weak kidneys. But you can rejuvenate
and revitalize your kidneys and your back and improve your energy from
the inside out. I put together a program in the seventies that restores
your back and gives you your power back and I still use it
today with amazing results.

Yes I updated it and added more exercises and now it’s being used by
thousands of people all over the world to eliminate their back pain and
regain their energy. I will show you how you can instantly strengthen
and relax the muscles, tendons and ligaments of your back with simple
but highly effective exercises that you can do in just a few minutes every day.
I’ve made this program so easy for you to get.

You will receive Dr. Wu Dhi’s
“Eliminate your Back Pain DVD” within days.

Enroll NOW by placing an order for the
‘Eliminate Back Pain’ and feel good again.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happinss

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Smart Way to Get Healthy and Stay Healthy

Friday, April 13th, 2012

Everyday I get a slue of questions
from students and patients about acupuncture and
meridian systems. For the most part, most people
are OK with my explanation of the meridians, but when
I start talking about the triple warmer, I can see peoples
eyes roll. So it’s time that I try to unmask what the
mysterious Triple Warmer is all about.

In China it’s called the San Jiao and controls water ways of the body.
The triple warmer has a name but no form. They say the (TW) implies
fire and fire is necessary to control the water in the body.
It controls the water and water movement, thus balancing the
water and heat in the body.

The triple heater connects with all of the other meridians,
it is the over structure laying over all specific organ functions.

They call it the Triple burner because there are three different parts.
The upper burner is in the area of the Lungs and the heart.
It comes in like a mist or a fog and it spreads out and fills in
things, it is in charge of nourishing the flesh, bones and joints
and it regulates the pores.

The middle burner is the stomach, spleen and intestines.
It corresponds to foam and has a churning effect. It is said to
be the part that cooks the grains and filters down wastes and residues.

The lower burner corresponds to the Kidneys, Urinary bladder and the
liver and is said to be like a swamp. It is responsible for separating
the clear from the murky and evacuates the waste materials.

According to Donna Eden, it is our primal survival system, it fights
off illness in our bodies and is also known as our flight or fight response.
Unfortunately, it has not evolved along with the changes in our society.
Keeping the triple warmer balanced is especially important because many
aspects of our modern way of life are registered as invaders by our
triple warmer causing it to fight. You know your triple warmer is
overloaded if you can’t ever relax, even after meditation, or if you
generally feel anxious all the time. 

Because triple warmer is a survival function it can pull energy away from
other systems leading to immune disorders, stress, chronic fatigue
and many other uncomfortable emotions/actions.

Although it’s a little known meridian, I use it every day balancing out
health problems in young and old.
If you’re having a health issue and you haven’t been getting the results
you want from your treatments, contact me at 305-466-1977
(ask for Anastasia and she will transfer you). I have been doing
alternative health care for years and there may just be a treatment for you
that can turn your health picture around 360 degrees.

If you are in Florida we can set up a private weekend or a Skype
consultation where we can actually see each other and go over your
health needs. We may be able to unravel hidden problems.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

“Life is a Beach! -I’m Just Playing in the Sand !”

Friday, January 13th, 2012

This morning I was walking with a few
friends down to the sea. The weather was just
perfect- around 65 degrees with no humidity
and fluffy white clouds in the sky. As I looked over
the ocean, I saw the beautiful morning sun peeking
its radiant head, I automatically went into a meditation
and started doing my internal Qi Gong practices.

My friends joined in and after a few minutes I could
sense that there was an incredible amount of energy
around me. I turned around and there was a group of
strangers that joined in. The energy was intense and I
could feel the Qi moving in all of my meridians as if I
were lit up like a Christmas tree. The practice went on
for about 45 minutes although it seemed like it was only
a few minutes. When I came out of the practice I could see the
entire group had a special glow around them.

I introduced myself and everyone had a slew of questions on
what just happened, what we just did and how he or she
could get more information and learn more about it.

“Well everyone,” I said, “You have just experienced the
power of Qi Gong and the energy that you are feeling
comes from all of the internal energy centers opening
up. It’s an ancient Taoist longevity practice that has
kept me far younger than my years and if you practice
these special moves you can actually retard the aging
process and keep you young, more flexible and youthful!!”

Check it out and get started today.
You’ll be glad you did.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Eating your Stress?

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I spent the last 4 days in
Boston, Massachusetts.
The weather is a lot cooler than
Miami this time of the year and
although the leaves haven’t turned
different colors yet, it’s a heck of a
lot cooler and low humidity.

One of my patients that I see in the
winter in Florida lives here. She asked
me to come up and give her a good
tune up. For no apparent reason to her,
her back went out and for the last 4
days she has been bed ridden.

When I arrived at her home we went
over her last few weeks activities.
There didn’t seem to be any physical
reason that she is in so much pain.
No falls, no strains, nothing broken,
she said she didn’t lift anything and
didn’t remember bending over or even
tripping on anything. As I question her
on different things we hit on a BIG one.

She has been over worked and stressed to the max.
Stress can knock you for a loop and
cause you to tighten up your muscles
and then even a micro movement can
cause a muscle to lock up and push
against a nerve and then you’ve had it.
PAIN! The pain causes the muscle to lock
up more and then the body will swell to try
and protect itself and it all comes from stress.

Before we began the treatment we went
over a series of exercises found in the
Turn Stress into Power program.

We went over the Tension Release Exercise
until she could clear all of the accumulated
negative emotional stress out of her system
and then I showed her a few of the
protections so she would let the same
stresses sneak back in and cause both
emotional and physical pain.

What was the most amazing part of
the treatment was before I could do
any treatments of acupuncture or,
Medical Qi Gong, she said the pain
had completely vanished.

The emotions and the Stress were the culprits.
They had her so locked up that the Qi and blood
couldn’t run through the meridians and get to
the organs and extremities causing all the pain.

If you have a blockage in any part of your
body, mind or spirit don’t you think it’s
the right time that you release it?

Get the program today at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. If you have an active life,
Stress goes along with the territory.
You can use those stresses to gain more energy.
Order your copy today

Dr. Wu Dhi

Happy Camper gets Rid of Flu in One Day

Monday, August 15th, 2011

Here is a letter that I got today
from a young woman who is
visiting from Caracas, Venezuela.
She joined me one Saturday
morning for a Qi Gong workout.

Here is what she said:

“About ten days ago, my nose
began to run, because a couple of
days before I was exposed to somebody
who was very sick. I realized that
I would also be sick very soon.
I decided not to take any medicine; instead,
I did Qi Gong with the intention to
mobilize energy that could heal my sickness.
What happened was kind of a miracle
for me, because normally a flu usually
lasts for at least a week to ten days,
but this time, the Qi Gong practice
knocked it out of me in only one day.
I felt so healthy!
I have been receiving your daily stories,
and let me tell you that I enjoy them very much!
Thank you for all the great
information and knowledge! :-)”

People are always surprised when they
first start practicing Qi Gong and what a
difference it makes in your overall
health and energy.

If you have a blockage in Qi flow,
you will defiantly have a blockage in
the way your blood is flowing as well,
as blood follows Qi.

When you start to practice Qi Gong, you
get the energy moving in all the meridians.
Some students report a rush of energy,
and that’s because the blood follows the
Qi and blood is rich in oxygen.
This flow of oxygen will make you
feel supercharged and the more you
practice the more energy you will feel.

One of my students was so energized
that I had to tell him to only practice
in the morning as he wasn’t sleeping
and yet he wasn’t tired at all.
After about 30 days he was able to
go back to his morning and evening

It takes about 30 days for the body to
get used to the increase of energy and
flow of oxygen rich blood.

You may be wondering what kind of
Qi Gong he was practicing, and for how long?
Where can you practice to receive and benefit from?

You can find out today by ordering
the Recharging Qi Gong program
and get your Qi moving.
You will tap into the unlimited energy flow.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi