Posts Tagged ‘Vitamins And Minerals’

Isn’t it time to reverse those negative life-stealing patterns

Friday, August 2nd, 2013

I’ve known Maryann since she was 9 years old.
She was always a very talented little girl. She
danced, sang, stared in plays and was highly
creative. She always demanded the best for herself
and so did her parents. As she grew-up all of her
friends knew she was an excessive compulsive type
with whatever she decided to do. It came natural
for her, as both of her parents are the same,
successful, and excessive with just about
Unfortunately Maryann has multitude hang-ups and
always had to push herself not allowing even a
smidgen for a mistake. If things didn’t go her
way she bitched and moaned making herself and
everyone around her miserable. At an early age she
developed a host of allergies and didn’t fit in
with other kids.
A year ago maybe a little longer she was at the
mall shopping and ate some ice cream. Within
minutes her throat started to close up and she was
whisked off to the hospital and filled up with
drugs to stop the allergic reaction, she just
doesn’t have good genes to eliminate toxins.

Although she has a strong will she has always been
highly susceptible to what she hears, reads and
watches on TV. Once she decides something was
good, or bad she went for it full force.
This can be a good quality or one that can pull
you apart.
Someone once told her that Honey was good for her
stomach and now she pours honey on everything she
eats- fruits, vegetables and even meat, and
chicken. When I asked her why all the honey she
said, “It’s good for my stomach.”
It’s true that all honey contains vitamins and
minerals, but some types of honey have a very high
glycemic index.

Honey has the same relative sweetness and chemical
structure as table sugar. One tablespoon is
considered a serving and it is not recommended
that you exceed 10 tbsp. in the course of one day.
This 10 tbsp. recommendation is for all added
sugars, including those hidden in foods.
Going over the 10 tbsp. daily limit causes gastric
problems such as stomach cramps, bloating and
diarrhea. Because of honey’s fructose content,
eating too much interferes with your small
intestines’ ability to absorb nutrients.

When you are consistently over-consuming honey, it
can have long-term negative effects on the
gastrointestinal tract. Nutrient absorption could
become a permanent problem. Honey also is slightly
acidic and prolonged exposure to acidic foods can
erode tooth enamel and the linings of your
esophagus, stomach and intestines, which can lead
to acid reflux disease. Excess honey consumption,
as with any excess sugar consumption, can result
in insulin insensitivity.

As with most excessive types it’s important to
pick your poison very carefully, as they will
dictate what kind of life you will have as well as
your mental and physical health.

To much of a good thing can kill you

To much of a good thing can kill you

someone suggests you change or stop a pattern,
your robot will fight tooth and nail not to change
its patterns. It happens with drugs, food,
alcohol, smoking and every little habit pattern
you have.
The same process goes on even when you establish a
good habit like practicing Qi Gong. You may excess
and spend hours a day practicing, go to every Qi
gong conference and then what happens you repeat
the healthy pattern over and over.
It’s a good habit and you will reap the benefits
of good health, longevity and a quality life.

Isn’t it time to reverse those negative
life-stealing patterns and feel good all over?
I invite you to join the growing group of students
who have discovered the benefits of Qi Gong and
Longevity today.

I will get you started today; get the Recharging
Qi Gong

the Flying Crane Qi Gong programs

I can guarantee you your life will change for the
better within weeks.
Order today and become younger tomorrow

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Stay Thin

Friday, July 26th, 2013

How to Stay Thin
The cheapest sweetener you can buy is High
Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn sweeteners are both
cheaper and sweeter and that’s why it is in just
about everything you buy.
I was in Michigan a few months ago and went to the
store to pick something up. My granddaughter and
her girl friend wanted to go with. When we got
there she asked. Can we get something? I told her
you can get what ever they want, as long as it
doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup. They
looked around the entire store reading labels and
they both came back to me and said everything has

I did some research my self and found out that
most corn in the USA is Genetically Modified and
that’s an entirely different problem that I will
address later.

I found an article by Dr. Mercola very
“A 2009 study from University of California, Davis
takes its place in a growing lineup of scientific
studies demonstrating that consuming high-fructose
corn syrup is the fastest way to trash your
health. It is now known without a doubt that sugar
in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is
taking a devastating toll. Fructose in any form —
including high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and
crystalline fructose — is the worst of the worst!
Fructose, a cheap sweetener usually derived from
corn, is used in thousands of food products and
soft drinks. Excessive fructose consumption can
cause metabolic damage and triggers the early
stages of diabetes and heart disease.
Some of the side effects are
Insulin resistance and obesity

• Elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL

• Depletion of vitamins and minerals

• Cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer,
arthritis, and gout

• High Blood Pressure

It isn’t that fructose itself is bad — it is the
MASSIVE DOSES you’re exposed to that make it
dangerous. There are two reasons fructose is so

1. Your body metabolizes fructose in a much
different way from glucose. The entire burden of
metabolizing fructose falls on your liver.
2. People are consuming fructose in enormous
quantities, which has made the negative effects
much more profound.

The FDA classifies fructose as GRAS: Generally
Regarded As Safe. Which pretty much means nothing
and is based on nothing. There is plenty of data
showing that fructose is not safe — but the
effects on the nation’s health have not been
immediate. That is why we are just now realizing
the effects of the last three decades of
nutritional misinformation.

If you really want to lose weight and keep it off
it’s easy if you are willing to make a life style
change. But if you are not about to change your
eating habits you may just be on the yoyo program
where you loose a few pounds and gain them right
back. I sure you know that one.
I have found that there are a few things that
really work well.

a. Read all the labels before you buy it. If you
see high fructose corn syrup don’t buy it.
b. If it’s pastoralized take it out of your
diet. Dairy products will make you fat.
c. Most of the wheat in the USA and Canada is
GMO. Forget it! They are not going to keep you
slim or healthy. Not only will you keep stacking
on pounds your health maybe in danger.
d. Start detoxing your body on a regular basic.
I do a detox every 3 months for a week or two.
Summer, fall, winter and spring are the best
times. If you haven’t ever detoxed , most likely
you are toxic from the air you breath, the water
you drink and the foods you are eating. I found
the core Restore Program to be one of the best and
easy to do.

e. Begin an exercise program and do it 4 times
a week for 90 days. I have found that the internal
exercises work wonders on balancing the mind and
the body. Yoga, Tai chi and Qi Gong keep you
strong and flexible in body, mind and spirit.
Start off with the Flying Crane Qi Gong it’s easy
to learn and will open up the hand centers in
weeks, and you will feel the Qi

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


How to Stay Bug Free While Traveling

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I am about to do some
holiday travel for a few days.
I will be flying up North for
some alone time to write,
meditate and relax.
Although I love to travel, air travel
isn’t as much fun as it used to be.
Especially if you’re on commercial
flights! There is no real food, small
seats and lots of time delays.
When you fly for hours with a group of
people from all over the
World, you never know what bug you can pickup.

Things like colds, flu’s, coughs
or something much worse. I am thinking of
wearing a mask so I am not breathing in
everyone’s germs.
We all know that the airports aren’t the healthiest
places with the over crowded planes filled to
capacity with a bunch of stressed out
people herded into flying machines with crying
babies, bad air, rude employees,
and pissed off passengers.

When I first took a flight years ago, you would
get dressed up to go somewhere and order your
food in advance. You felt you were one
of the privileged to fly. It’s still exciting to
travel for me and it’s one
of the keys to wealth and opportunities in the
Chinese Fung Shui—

Whenever I travel, I make sure I am
in tip top shape.
I always prepare for my trips in advance
to avoid getting
stressed out.

When traveling, you can avoid stressing out
and stay healthy as well.
Here’s how I do it:

1. A few weeks before I hit the road I
start my program.

I increase my meditation and my Qi gong,
paying special attention to the
water element- the Kidneys and the Adrenals,
this builds more internal power
and you can blow your stress away easily.

2. I really Beef-up on my vitamins and
minerals, especially the Vitamin B,
Vitamin C and I take the Chinese tonics
if I am going into the cold.

3. Sleep is really important to keep you stress free.
Get a good nights sleep the day before you travel.
I always travel with my own pillow that makes
every bed I sleep in feel comfortable.

4. Eat good meals with protein and veggies for a
few days before you travel and on the trip.
While traveling, make sure you’re well nourished
and stay light on the carbs, skip the coffee,
chocolate and alcohol.

5. I drink at least 2 quarts of pure water to stay
well hydrated. Flying will dehydrate
your entire system and prune you out.
You may not realize it, but you can easily
suffer from dehydration on airplanes,
especially on long flights. That’s because
air in an airline cabin is usually much dryer than the air on Earth.

6. Keep your colon healthy and your
bowels moving. I increase the amount of oil I ingest.
I like Udo’s oil 3.6.9, you can pick it up at the
health food store and good pure fish oil.

The vitamins and minerals that work the best
for my patients and me are:

Oxy-Hydrate; a powerful one that keeps
the colon healthy.

Adrenal Qi boosts your adrenal glands to keep you stress free.


If you are traveling this holiday season,
have fun and stay healthy!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi