Posts Tagged ‘Germs’

Ways to Succeed

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Yesterday I went to a new restaurant
that one of my friends suggested.
They said the food was really awesome!
When I walked into the place it looked a
little sabby to me so the first thing I did was
head to the restroom to wash my hands.
A man was walking out of the restroom just then.
No big deal, except I got a whiff of
what he was cooking.

Not pleasant.

It brought all sorts of ideas about
germs, disease and flu to mind.

My natural instinct was to get out of there;
I knew this was not the place for me.

My friend said I was just being negative and
I should have just burned through the
negativity and stayed.

What to do in the face of negativity?

Ignore it or do something about it?

The answer: Both.

You focus on what you want
instead of what you don’t
want – and then you take immediate
action to get what
you do want.

A restaurant is a good place to start.
So you picture it then go into your mind’s
eye and rearrange it the way you want it.

The same goes with any area of your life.
You close your
mind to the images and pictures of
negativity – you do
what is necessary to stop the
damage – and while doing
you open your mind to images of what you do want.

This formula works in good
times as well as bad. It
Works when you want to be in a
new career – and it
Works when you want to earn more money.

When your mind is open to possibilities,
you have freedom
To move and find a way to win.

So where do you find ways to succeed then?

In the Turn Stress into Power program

This book and CD program will open your
mind and give you new tools on how to
handel any stressful situation

Grab your copy now:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Stay Bug Free While Traveling

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I am about to do some
holiday travel for a few days.
I will be flying up North for
some alone time to write,
meditate and relax.
Although I love to travel, air travel
isn’t as much fun as it used to be.
Especially if you’re on commercial
flights! There is no real food, small
seats and lots of time delays.
When you fly for hours with a group of
people from all over the
World, you never know what bug you can pickup.

Things like colds, flu’s, coughs
or something much worse. I am thinking of
wearing a mask so I am not breathing in
everyone’s germs.
We all know that the airports aren’t the healthiest
places with the over crowded planes filled to
capacity with a bunch of stressed out
people herded into flying machines with crying
babies, bad air, rude employees,
and pissed off passengers.

When I first took a flight years ago, you would
get dressed up to go somewhere and order your
food in advance. You felt you were one
of the privileged to fly. It’s still exciting to
travel for me and it’s one
of the keys to wealth and opportunities in the
Chinese Fung Shui—

Whenever I travel, I make sure I am
in tip top shape.
I always prepare for my trips in advance
to avoid getting
stressed out.

When traveling, you can avoid stressing out
and stay healthy as well.
Here’s how I do it:

1. A few weeks before I hit the road I
start my program.

I increase my meditation and my Qi gong,
paying special attention to the
water element- the Kidneys and the Adrenals,
this builds more internal power
and you can blow your stress away easily.

2. I really Beef-up on my vitamins and
minerals, especially the Vitamin B,
Vitamin C and I take the Chinese tonics
if I am going into the cold.

3. Sleep is really important to keep you stress free.
Get a good nights sleep the day before you travel.
I always travel with my own pillow that makes
every bed I sleep in feel comfortable.

4. Eat good meals with protein and veggies for a
few days before you travel and on the trip.
While traveling, make sure you’re well nourished
and stay light on the carbs, skip the coffee,
chocolate and alcohol.

5. I drink at least 2 quarts of pure water to stay
well hydrated. Flying will dehydrate
your entire system and prune you out.
You may not realize it, but you can easily
suffer from dehydration on airplanes,
especially on long flights. That’s because
air in an airline cabin is usually much dryer than the air on Earth.

6. Keep your colon healthy and your
bowels moving. I increase the amount of oil I ingest.
I like Udo’s oil 3.6.9, you can pick it up at the
health food store and good pure fish oil.

The vitamins and minerals that work the best
for my patients and me are:

Oxy-Hydrate; a powerful one that keeps
the colon healthy.

Adrenal Qi boosts your adrenal glands to keep you stress free.


If you are traveling this holiday season,
have fun and stay healthy!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi