Posts Tagged ‘Earth Element’

Labor Day 2013

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Labor Day

Its Labor Day and the last days of summer are here
and gone; we are about to move into Indian summer.

In Chinese medicine, they say it’s the time for
the earth element. It affects mostly the stomach
and the spleen. The negative emotion would be
worry; the positive emotion would be nurturing,
balance and cultivation. This is the time of the
year to start putting more root crops in your diet
like beets, squashes, and getting those soup
recipes out! We want to start feeding the earth
element at this time. If we strengthen the earth
element we can avoid colds, flues, coughs, as well
as avoid anxiety and keep ourselves strong and
healthy this entire fall.

1.)Wash you hands as often as possible

2.)Put a quarter of a cup of vinegar in a pan and
put it on the stove and let it boil. Although your
house will smell like vinegar, it will eliminate
many of the germs, and keep you healthy

3.)Walk everyday and get plenty of fresh air. Not
only will this build the lungs, but you can throw
off any viruses

4.)Make sure you keep your neck covered. Wind
cold invasion is when a cold breeze chills the
body and the next thing you know; you have a sore
throat or a cold. Keeping the neck covered will
help you avoid neck pain, colds, and sore throats

5.)This is a great time of the year to detoxify
the body. Clear out all the excess junk we ate all

This is the time of the year when we start putting
away the tools in the yard and harvesting things
from the garden, a quieting time before the long
winter. It’s a time to go more internal in your
body, mind, and soul. It’s a great time to set
your goals. I’m having all of my students and the
patients that come into the office use the One
through Nine goal setting program that is part of
the Bagua. If you are not familiar with this, pick
up a copy of the Magic Square workshop and I will
send you the two DVDs and all the notes.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Happy New Year

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

Getting ready for the water Dragon year
I started by inviting the Dragon into my home
last week. I hung up red Chinese lanterns,
bought all of the incenses, wine, and sweets and
set up the dragon fountain to honor and invite the
legendary animal in 2012. I woke up at 4:00 am to
honor the dragon energy and the new moon into my
home for good luck, health and wealth for the year.

Noodles are the traditional dish for the New Year
and I’ll cook fish for dinner. The Dragon is coated
with mysterious colors. Chinese consider that the
dragon is unpredictable, untouchable and people
cannot see its head and tail at the same time.
Therefore, we might see something unexpected
happening in 2012.
The water Dragon is an energetic year characterized
by movements and changes.

The Fung Shui experts are predicting an
increase in epidemics and health risks involving viruses.
Therefore, diet, hygiene and exercise will be very
important this year. The more responsibility you take
for your own health the better off you will be in the Dragon year.
As it’s a water dragon, pay more attention into
keeping your kidneys and bladder healthy.
There can also be stomach problems so eat healthy,
fresh and clean food. Get a good vegetable wash and
clean your fruits and veggies very well.
The water element sits on the earth element which
sounds like there will be a lot of mud stirred up.
I always urge you to practice, this year it will be the year to do so.

“Hang a metal wind chime in the South-East of
your home,”-that’s a Fung Shui protection.
We can expect more natural calamities such as
floods and earthquakes. The water element have
to do with fear on the negative side and gentleness
on the positive side, so be more gentle with yourself
and others and the year will be a lot smoother for you
and your family.
I have been spending more time working on
Yin practices like the Yin set that clears and tonifies
the internal organs. It is very gentle, calming and
works wonders on the
Lungs, Kidneys, Heart, Liver and Spleen.

You’ll find these magical exercises in the
Recharging Qi gong program.

Go to:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth ad Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Best is Yet to Come

Friday, October 28th, 2011

Did you know that originally the days
were named after the planets in the night sky?

In Chinese Medicine most of the planets
are also related to the 5 elements and you
can plan your days according to the planets
to give you the maximum insight and personal power.

Monday is ruled by The Moon.
Many of the lunar Goddesses,
like Hecate and Cerridwen are also associated with
magic and the intuitive nature of women. The moon
represents the emotional side of our existence. It is
unconscious, introverted, negative,
and female side of yourself.

Tuesday is ruled by the Fire element
which is the planet Mars.
It’s considered independent and quick,
and when activated, nothing stops it.

Wednesday is ruled by the planet
Mercury -the God of Games, Business, and
Story Telling. Mercury rules communications,
travel, the intellectual part of your personality,
and the functioning of the mind.

Thursday is ruled by The Planet Jupiter which
represents expansion and spiritual growth, –
The Wood Elements. Thursday is named after
THOR, the strongest of all the gods, a protector
of mankind since with his magic hammer; he fought
the battles of the good gods and mankind against the evil giants.

Friday is the metal element and ruled by Venus.
Venus is all about fertility, love and pleasure.
Venus is the goddess of Love, Beauty and a metaphor
for sexual love. Venus shows the ability of relating
to others, and the nature of the desire.
Venus can indicate the type of people we are
attracted to, or the nature of our sense of attraction.
It rules close partnerships and also marriages.

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn and the
Earth Element is linked to your Karma. Saturn deepens
feelings of isolation, sadness, and depression.
Once the dark side of Saturn is recognized; its bright
side can be brought into view and enhanced. Saturn is
the symbol for Father Time, for he brought all things to
an end that have a beginning. Saturn’s domain is patience,
stability, maturity and realism. Saturn affects us by
delaying rewards until they are earned.

Sunday: The name comes from the Latin dies solis,
meaning “Sun’s day:” The Sun is about Energy- the god
of gift and sight. The sun represents your will or life force.
It is the conscious, extroverted, positive,
male side of yourself.

I like to cross train and I often break up my routines.
Doing something different each day of the week
It keeps my training exciting and can be a
lot more fun as well as an incentive to ‘keep on keeping on.’
Monday and Friday I put more emphasis on Yin
practices as it relates to the moon and Venus.

Tuesday is a much more vigorous workout because
it’s a Mars day and there is a lot of raw Yang energy.

Wednesday I spend more time practicing and studying
as communications are ruled by Mercury and it’s the time
for travel studying, learning or teaching.
This is the day that I do my ‘out of the office stuff.’

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter and this is my day for
expansion and meditation of all internal practices.

Saturday is my day for discipline’s holding my Qi Gong
stances as well as lots of reading and studying.

Sunday is full of energy as it’s ruled by the Sun and although
it is typically a day of rest in the western world, I do most
of my aerobic exercises on Sunday to recharge my heart.

This is a good way to schedule your week and get
the maximum practice.
One of the reasons behind the creation of the
Recharging Qi Gong set
is that it encompasses all of
the planetary aspects of a great workout.

Order it now and have a great week every week!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi