Posts Tagged ‘Chinese Medicine’

Protect Yourself From Evil Wind Disease

Monday, October 26th, 2015
Stay out of the wind it can make you sick

Stay out of the wind it can make you sick

Protect Yourself From Evil Wind Disease

This week in Miami we have been having strong winds
coming from the East and Northeast at 10 to 15 KTS
with gusts of 20 to 25 KTS.  In traditional
Chinese medicine, wind causes considerable
difficulty. It is one of the six external causes
of disease. Wind is a word that is widely and
freely used in Chinese medicine in relation to
health and disease while it has no equivalent
meaning or implication for the Western medical
field. External wind can cause diseases that are
acute, like the common cold, influenza, sinus
infection, skin eruption, sore throat, cough, and
eye disorders.

Now, we are in the season that’s ruled by the
metal element affecting both the lungs and large
intestines. Autumn, which means it’s a windy
season and a time when cold and flu are easy to
catch. According to Chinese Medicine, we are all
most susceptible to catching a wind at the change
of seasons. Here are some tips to help you avoid a
wind attack:

I can remember my friend, Ronny, would always
wear a scarf around his neck in a windy weather.
When I asked him why, he said, to prevent an evil
wind invasion. According to Su Wen, “Wind-evil is
the main factor to induce various diseases, and
has many variations and no regular pattern when it
turns into other diseases. But, in the last
analysis, the diseases are stemmed from the
invasion of wind-evil.” Traditional Chinese
Medicine teaches that external pathogens (bugs)
are carried in the wind and that they enter our
bodies at the back of our necks. We have
acupuncture points that “expel wind” used to treat
a cold. If you cover your neck when going out in
the wind, you can actually help to prevent
catching a cold.
•       During the windy season, we are more prone to
wind disorders. Things are changing in the
environment and for our bodies as well. Our bodies
are changing from the warm weather to the cold of
winter, and this change leaves us more vulnerable
to getting sick. It’s time to change your diet to
foods that are warm, oily, and slightly heavier to
help to counteract the drying, rough, and cold
quality of wind. It is essential not to let our
digestion get cold as we head into fall and winter
seasons. Our digestion is the key to our immune
system. Start adding winter squash, soups, whole
grains, and root vegetables. This is the time of
the year that I change my oil from coconut oil,
and apply sesame oil on my skin before taking a
bath or shower. It’s good to ward off stiff joints
and it puts a little more heat in the body.
•       It’s also the best time to place more of your
intention into your meditation practices. The
Internal Mantra Program will
give you instructions and exercises to strengthen
yourself for the fall and winter internal work.
Get it today, and I will send you a FREE
meditation CD to enhance your practices.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Be sure to ask for the FREE meditation
program when you order.

What the heck is a Shen disorder?

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

You may be wondering what exactly is a Shen
disturbance or Shen disorder and how it can affect
you. What your traditional doctor calls a ‘mental
illness,’ or ‘psychiatric disorders,’ Chinese
medicine calls that a Shen disorder.

The term Shen
has a wide range of meaning, and may refer to:

• A persons spirit -the aliveness of mind
• The psycho-spiritual aspect of the Heart, as
the heart rules the mind
• The liveliness and sparkle in one’s eyes, or
the color in one’s complexion are good indicators
if your Shen is good or not.

When I think of a Shen disorder, it most often
is about our spirit, either as a reference to the
whole psycho-spiritual nature of a person, or as
the spirit which resides in the heart. When you’re
in love, your Shen is usually good and when you
experience emotions of jealousy your Shen is most
likely out of balance and disturbed. Each organ
system in Chinese medicine has a psycho-spiritual
component to it.
Here is a list of things that you could experience with a Shen problem
1. Kidneys- fear, fright and the lack of courage
2. The Lung- has to do with depression sadness and
3. Spleen –Worry, it controls focused thought
4. Liver –anger, Indecisiveness, confusions, lack
of courage and rage
5. Heart –Anxiety and restlessness

Unknown-1 If there is an imbalance in an organ
there is an imbalance in the Shen and vise versa.
The Shen is the spirit of the Heart organ and
governs all the other psycho-spiritual elements of
the body. It enables a person to be calm and have
a good sense of humor, and plays a big part in
your creativity and expression of love. When the
Shen becomes disturbed, one may experience
delirium, anxiety, nervousness and del usional
behavior. To balance Shen disorders the Shen must
be rooted again by anchoring the Shen, and enables
the healing of the Spirit.

Treating these conditions involves working at
several levels at the same time. The symptoms must
be eased, whether they are anxiety, worry, fear or

The eradication of ‘mental illness’ is possible
without drugs but it’s a project and takes time.
I believe we can heal anything if we feed it with
the right diet, exercise and treatments, any
condition can be improved substantially, or
eradicated altogether with the right program.
I’ll use treatments of acupuncture and herbs but
most often the Medical Qi Gong is the key to
releasing the blockages and restoring the body,
mind and spirit to health again.

Call the office at 305-407-0120 and set up an
appointment today, if you are not able to come to
Florida we can set up a long distance treatment.
We will meet on Skype to go over your condition
and symptoms and determined a treatment plan that
will work for you.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Labor Day 2013

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Labor Day

Its Labor Day and the last days of summer are here
and gone; we are about to move into Indian summer.

In Chinese medicine, they say it’s the time for
the earth element. It affects mostly the stomach
and the spleen. The negative emotion would be
worry; the positive emotion would be nurturing,
balance and cultivation. This is the time of the
year to start putting more root crops in your diet
like beets, squashes, and getting those soup
recipes out! We want to start feeding the earth
element at this time. If we strengthen the earth
element we can avoid colds, flues, coughs, as well
as avoid anxiety and keep ourselves strong and
healthy this entire fall.

1.)Wash you hands as often as possible

2.)Put a quarter of a cup of vinegar in a pan and
put it on the stove and let it boil. Although your
house will smell like vinegar, it will eliminate
many of the germs, and keep you healthy

3.)Walk everyday and get plenty of fresh air. Not
only will this build the lungs, but you can throw
off any viruses

4.)Make sure you keep your neck covered. Wind
cold invasion is when a cold breeze chills the
body and the next thing you know; you have a sore
throat or a cold. Keeping the neck covered will
help you avoid neck pain, colds, and sore throats

5.)This is a great time of the year to detoxify
the body. Clear out all the excess junk we ate all

This is the time of the year when we start putting
away the tools in the yard and harvesting things
from the garden, a quieting time before the long
winter. It’s a time to go more internal in your
body, mind, and soul. It’s a great time to set
your goals. I’m having all of my students and the
patients that come into the office use the One
through Nine goal setting program that is part of
the Bagua. If you are not familiar with this, pick
up a copy of the Magic Square workshop and I will
send you the two DVDs and all the notes.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

What are those Big Red Spots all over his back?

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

The rage in Hollywood is Cupping.
….And the movie stars are looking like an octopus
kissed them.
Cupping is one of the oldest methods of healing
used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

The earliest recorded use of cupping dates to the
early fourth century; one textbook included an
entire chapter on “Fire Jar Qi,” a type of cupping
that could alleviate headaches, dizziness and
abdominal pain.

Originally, practitioners would use hollowed-out
animal horns for cups, and place them over
particular points or meridians. When I lived in
Maui I went to see a healer who only used the
horn, a single edge razor blade and a candle to
create the suction needed for the treatment.

I have been using a hand pump to pull out all the air
inside the cup to create the vacuum instead of fire.

Some years ago my mother had a bad backache and
although she wasn’t really sure about all this new
Chinese work that I learned but she let me try cupping
on her. Any way I was a little nervous myself as
at that time I learned the technique but didn’t
have much practice.
I got everything ready,the cups, a candle, some
alcohol and a lighter. I did everything that I
learned, but I didn’t realize that the cups got
hot, so when I placed them on my mom’s back she
yelled, “You burnt me, you burnt your own mother”.

The next day I bought the cups with the suction
bump and eliminated fire once and for all.
The vacuum created by the lack of oxygen anchors
the cup to the skin and pulls it upward on the
inside of the glass, as the air inside the jar is
gone. Drawing up the skin is believed to open up
the skin’s pores, which helps to stimulate the
flow of blood, balances and realigns the flow of
Qi, breaks up obstructions, and creates an avenue
for toxins to be drawn out of the body.
The cups are usually left on the skin for about 5
to 10 minutes. Several cups may be placed on a
patient’s body at the same time. Sometimes I will
put some oil or medicine on the skin so I can move
the cups around to loosen up things and bring more
energy to the body.

Cupping is used to treat respiratory conditions
such as bronchitis, asthma, and congestion;
arthritis; gastrointestinal disorders; and certain
types of pain. I have also use cupping
to treat depression and reduce swelling.

Cupping is safe, if you don’t burn your
mother by mistake, it can cause some swelling and
bruising on the skin but thats normal. The spots are gone in a few days.
The skin under a cup is drawn up, the blood vessels at the surface of the
skin expand. thats why why we get circular
bruises on the areas where the cups were applied.
These bruises are painless and are a good topic of conversation

Cupping is becoming very popular these days. Stars
like Victoria Beckham, Geri Halliwell, Paris
Hilton, David Arquette, Lady Gaga and Andy Murray
they all have one thing in common – circular marks
on their back that looks an octopus was sucking on
them. Even Jennifer Aniston was seen with some
circular marks on the red carpet.

I use cupping in my office just about every day to
treat colds, coughs, asthma, back pain and pain
with great success. If you come into my office be
sure to ask for a cupping treatment along with
your acupuncture treatment.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Call my office and set up an appointment today

PSS check out the pictures on youtube

Your Body needs a Spring Cleaning

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

I am expecting Dr. Cuenca from Santa Cruz
California to be in my office on April 4th for a
few days to test patients and determine where the
blockages are held in the body. I have had this
test numerous times over the years and it gives
you a picture of your health long before any
symptoms show up.

By the time you are getting symptoms the dis-ease
is well rooted in your body and much harder to
The beauty of images-1is
that you can find hidden blockages and treat it
6 months to a year before anything shows up.

CRT is a test is used in most clinics in Europe and is then
treated naturally with homeopathic, herbs, neural therapy and diet
to keep healthy and dis-ease free.

Dr. Cuenca forwarded this spring cleaning for me
to share with you.

Are you suddenly having the urge to organize the
closets, start a new project, or begin a cleanse?
If so, you are in alignment with the energy of
Spring. It’s the time for spring cleaning out
your closets and detox your liver, too!
During this time of year, the body naturally
begins cleansing itself from excess oils, fats,
salt, carbohydrates, and animal proteins by
releasing a flu or cold. Some may suffer
mysterious bodily aches and pains, and don’t
understand why. This is the liver’s way of
releasing toxins and cleaning house.

We can aid our liver through this natural
cleansing process by eating lightly prepared
meals, less food overall, eliminating animal
products for a specific period of time, and/or
fasting from food entirely.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spring
correlates with the Liver and Gallbladder
meridians. Fasting can help relieve the pent-up
stagnation of winter (physically, emotionally and
spiritually). Spring-cleaning the body is
essential for physical and spiritual healing.
Every spring, begin to eat lighter foods (salads,
sprouts, spring soups, fish) and reduce heavy
animal proteins and fats for a few weeks. You
could follow that up with three days of The Master
Cleanser (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne
pepper, water).

While doing the Master Cleanser, abstain from food
entirely and only drink the liquid for a short
period of time (three days). I feel that the body
and soul are pretty clear and 72 hours works
perfectly for most body systems.

Here is a partial list of what you can do to start
your “Spring Cleaning”:

Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Add ¼ tsp.
vitamin C crystals to each glass of water (it’s a
natural heavy metal toxin chelator).
Have a dark leafy vegetable salad every day
One cup of miso soup with sea vegetables the night
before you begin the cleanse
Make a liver tonic: 4 oz hawthorn berries, 2 oz
red sage (salvia), and 1 oz of cardamom seeds.
Steep 24 hours in 2 qts. Water. Add honey. Take 2
cups daily.

For the next 3 days…

On rising: take 1 lemon squeezed in water; or 2
tbsp. cider vinegar in water with 1 tsp. honey.
Breakfast: carrot-beet-cucumber juice. Add 1 tsp.
spirulina to any drink.

Mid-morning: take a green veggie drink; or an
organic green super food powder in water or
vegetable juice.

Lunch: have a glass of fresh carrot juice, or
organic apple juice, or a cup of liver tonic.

Mid-afternoon: mint or green tea.

Dinner: have another carrot juice or a mixed
vegetable juice, or hot vegetable broth

Before bed: a pineapple/papaya juice with 1 tsp.
Royal Jelly

The best detox foods for spring:
▪ Asparagus
▪ Dandelion
▪ Dark greens tender leaves
▪ Scallions
▪ Strawberries
▪ Cabbage
▪ Broccoli
▪ Leeks

Avoid “bad” fats:
Avoid trans fats and saturate fats and choose
cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive,
hempseed or flaxseed oils.

Eat what’s in season: Seasonal cooking is one of
the best way to eat fruits and vegetables at their
peak freshness, making them more delicious and
nutritious than ever.

Eat more raw food:
Raw food brings you vitamins, minerals and
precious enzymes that could otherwise be
destroyed by cooking. Eating more raw fruits and
vegetables is also a great way to detox

Go vegan:
Heavy food such as meat can be difficult to

It also creates more metabolic waste that
your body has to detox afterward. Give your body
a break by introducing more vegan and
vegetarian meals in your diet.

Drink water:
Water is the ultimate detox food. It’s probably
one of the easiest and cheapest things to do to
kick-start a healthy detox diet; drink more water.

Lemon water:
Start out the day with a half glass of warm lemon
or lime water without any sweetener. The warm
lemon/lime water stimulates a sluggish liver and
alkalizes your tissues.

Tender greens:
Spring brings bright green new shoots. It’s the
ideal time to introduce you to new delicious and
alkalizing greens. Dark leafy greens have a
milder flavor when they are young. Add baby
spinach and other young field greens for a
mineral-rich liver cleansing diet.

Milk thistle and dandelion root:
These two natural herbs are commonly used to
protect and cleanse the liver. Milk thistle is the
protector, and dandelion root is the cleanser.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is great for liver health. Studies have
shown large quantities of vitamin C flush out
fats and repair liver damage.

B complex:
All the B’s are helpful, especially B12, which
has been used to help hepatitis patients.

Avoid or minimize alcohol and all over the
counter and prescribed pain suppressant drugs
containing acetaminophen, a known liver toxin.

This toxic world stresses our livers. Restoring a
tired liver and maintaining its healthy cleansing
functions are vital for overall health.

If you would like to begin your journey into a
younger you contact my office and schedule an
appointment for the testing and treatments.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

If you haven’t been tested yet, call me today 305-407-0120 and
discover your anti-aging program today.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to End Pain and get Healthy again

Wednesday, February 20th, 2013

imagesHow to end pain and get Healthy again

When a patient comes in to my office for their
initial examination, there are many factors to
consider beside just their symptoms.

We go over some critical points that some doctors
over look like:

• Do you exercise?
• Do you have a spiritual practice?
• Do you meditate or pray on a regular

• What kind of diet are you eating?
• Do you take supplements?
• Where do you live and how long have you
lived there?
• How much stress do you have?
• How is the health of your family and people
living with you?

• Have you had any operations, scars, cut
accidents or injuries?

All of these items affect our health, our moods,
and how we live our lives.
If there is a blockage of any kind it will affect
us mentally, physically, emotionally, and

I hear this all the time.
“I got X-Rays, MRI and blood work, plus tests that
I have never heard of and my doctor says there is
nothing wrong with me, but I know there is.”

Scars are one of the first things I look into.
Not only are scars unsightly and a constant
reminder of painful accidents or surgeries, they
can block the natural flow of energy and give you
a hoist of hidden symptoms.

In Chinese Medicine there are a series of rivers
of energy running through the entire body. They
are called meridians; along these pathways are the
acupuncture points. If there is a cut in one of
these meridian lines, the energy slows down or is
disrupted causing an energy blockage. It doesn’t
make a difference if you are cut in a hospital or
by a thug on the street. All your body knows is
you have been cut…

This will without a doubt cause some blockage or
dis-ease in the flow of energy. These scars can be
treated and opened up with Neural Therapy

I was blessed to learned from one of the top
German and Swiss doctors, Dr. Rau at the
Paracelsus clinic in Switzerland, and many others.

Neural Therapy involves the injection, into
various but very specific areas. Neural Therapy is
based on the theory that trauma can produce
long-standing disturbances in the electrochemical
function of tissues affected by trauma and scars.
An injection can often instantly and lastingly
resolve chronic long-standing illness and chronic

Scars tissue can create an abnormal electric
signal. In turn this signal is transmitted
throughout the rest of your body via the autonomic
nervous system. The injection into scars travel
into deeper scars through tiny tubules in the
cellular matrix to these areas of bioelectrical
disturbance for treatment.

As a result,
eliminating autonomic regulatory dysfunctions. The
autonomic nervous system is the master controller
of the body; Neural Therapy can have a profound
impact on your condition and your ability to heal.
Here are some of the interference fields that can
be affected:

• Infections
• Emotional trauma
• Physical Trauma from any type of surgery,
accidents, deep cuts, biopsies, childbirth, dental
procedures, vaccinations, burns, tattoos, etc.

A scar or infection is an interference field;
general stress from illness, malnutrition,
emotional stress, food allergies, pregnancy,
chronic bowel problems, kidney disease, prostate
and female problems, infertility and tinnitus.
Scars can cause pain and lead to other dysfunction
in the body and need to be treated. If you have a
scar anywhere on the body that is painful to the
touch, this could indicate interrupted blood flow,
or Qi.

I offer treatments like these in my office and my
patients are finding that their health is
improving by leaps and bounds.

Call and schedule an appointment today and feel
good again.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

These treatments are safe, effective and painless.
Call today and regain your most valuable asset,
Your Health!

How to look younger Naturally: Part A

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Natural Facial Rejuvenation

Over the last 2 decades I have had more than 1,000
patients come into my office and ask me the same
question over and over. “What can I do to slow
down the aging process? Their skin is wrinkling,
their brains don’t function as quick as it used to
and they hardly have energy to get through the

Sex? Well forget it, they have no interest at all.
Long ago the Chinese developed a system that’s now
thousands of years old. It was an achiest secret
that was only for royalty and wealthy to retain
their youthful appearance. Facial rejuvenation-
the muscles in our face lose the tone and collagen
over time. We all want to be young and eliminate
wrinkles, facial rejuvenation bring more collagen
into the skin and keep you looking younger
naturally. Forget about the knife, it can cause
more harm and aggravation than it’s worth. When I
lived in Venezuela years ago, one of my patients
got a full face lift and unfortunately it got
infected. Her face was swollen up like a chipmunk
and she was on antibiotics for a years just to get
back to where she was.

A natural face lift does more than just your mask.
It detoxes the entire body and rejuvenates your
skin as well as your internal organs.
The treatment is done in 3 pillars.
1st pillar: involves detoxification and drainage
and continues for 6-12 weeks. It involves
injections, oral drops and homeopathic medicine.
2nd pillar: involves creams, exercise and
treatments 1-3 times a week
3rd pillar: works on the cellular level and organ
support. In this way the treatment is long lasting
with no side affects.

images and Traditional
Chinese Medicine (TCM) can provide a safe,
effective, natural, and drug-free approach to
reducing the signs of aging. A facial rejuvenation
using this ancient technique can improve muscle
tone of the face and neck while addressing
underlying imbalances that may have contributed to
the aging process.
Why does skin sag?

Wrinkles begin internally from a constitutional
imbalance and fundamental weakness of Qi. Flowing
through these pathways, Qi provides nourishment,
support, and energy to every cell, tissue, muscle,
and organ.

This leads to inadequate muscle tone, and over
time, wrinkles and sagging skin.
A facial rejuvenation using our system tightens
pores, improves muscle tone and dermal
contraction, while enhancing and increasing the
elasticity of the skin. It can reduce signs of
aging by strengthening and stimulating the
circulation of Qi within the meridian pathways,
especially those of the face. You will look and
feel more energetic, calm, vibrant and healthy.
Facial rejuvenation is virtually painless, and a
non-surgical method to reduce the signs of aging.
This Natural Face Rejuvenation has the promise to
bring back youth to your face without undergoing
the pain and risks of the traditional plastic
surgery face lift.

Once again, on the request of so man of my
patients I am offering the natural face lift in my
office. Because of my tight schedule I can only
offer these to the first 12 people who call in and
reserve their space. The programs are divided up
into both 6 week and 12 week program depending on
the patient’s condition of their skin and what
damage has been done. I am going to write more
about this on Wednesday and give you more insight
on how you can stay young, healthy and looking the
best you can.

Call today to schedule your FREE telephone
consultation or you can come in to the office but
be sure to call 305-407-01-20

Consultations are limited so call ASAP

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Black Snake Year can take a bite out of your wallet

Monday, February 4th, 2013

This February 10, 2013 is Chinese New Year which
is the year of the Water Snake. They say that it’s going to be
a year of conservation, a year of rebuilding and
a year of changes.
If you were born in any of these years, you’re a

HEALTH – Be aware of having small ailments,
including accidents. Drive carefully! Avoid
unnecessary surgeries and exercise more.

WEALTH- Your wealth is related to people, contacts
and relations. The harder you work, the more you

RELATIONS- Your relations tend to be better
outside your home than inside. There may not be
many romances, make it a lot of fun.

There are antidotes for just about everything. In
Chinese Medicine, if there is too much anger it
can be balanced by kindness. Sadness and grief can
be transformed into valor and courageousness. Rush
and hastiness can alchemically be transformed into
love and respect. Worry changes into balance,
being grounded and centered. Fear can be changed
into gentleness. It’s just a matter of staying in
flow. This year of the Snake can be filled with
worries or transformed into what ever you aim for.

I want to give you more this year than ever to
make your year of the Snake the best. As a great
way to bring in the New Year all my products are
now on sale for the entire week!

Check it out!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Act now! The Black Snake sale only lasts a few days!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sexual Power is Power

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

I know a group of guys who are years younger than
me and work hard and also have an active family
life. One is in his mid 50’s, two in their mid
40’s and a younger guy who just turned 26. They
golf, lift weights, Ski and play sports. But, for some
reason all of their blood work came back showing
low testosterone (LOW -T). They are now
all on supplements and some of them are even
injecting themselves with testosterone to try and
bring their levels up to normal. I find this very
unusual. Could it be their diet? Their stress
level? Or the wrong type of exercises?

When you start artificially feeding your body with
testosterone, what happens is your body actually
becomes lazy and stops producing it. This causes
the old ‘No Led in you pencil” syndrome. Although,
I am years older I have been focusing on internal
exercises that stimulate and strengthen the
kidneys, move the energy and keep the led sharpened.

It’s highly unusual for the 26 year old but he has
been losing too much Jing. In Chinese Medicine,
the Jing feeds your sexual energy, your internal
fluids, your vitality and keeps you young! If you
do the correct exercises, you can strengthen your
internal organs but if you are not paying
attention, losing vital fluids every time you make
love, believe it or not you are draining yourself,
aging yourself and you can end up with low back
pain, hair loss, knee pain, tinnitus and sexually

, order this
program today!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS Sexual vitality is the secret to a long life
and an exciting one as well. Learn and practice
click on the link and learn more.

How to stay warm this Winter

Friday, December 28th, 2012

Winter is here again and now the days are getting
longer in the Northern hemisphere. Depending where
you live you could see as much as 8 minutes more
of light a day.
I have already started my winter organic garden
with lettuce, onions, garlic and tomato’s as well
as a host of herbs. My organic garden will produce
food for about 5 months and I know it’s organic
for sure. The garden does more for me than just
produce food; it is a way to stay in touch with
nature, stay grounded and a wonderful way to

In Chinese Medicine, the different seasons of the
year are associated with certain organs of the
body. Winter is ruled by the Water element, which
is associated with the Bladder and the Kidneys.
Chinese Medicine sees that the internal organs are
related to the physical symptoms of a person. For
example, the bladder and the kidneys are nourished
by the cold climate in the winter, but extreme
coldness or wetness can also injure them like deep
stiffness or pain, especially in the low back and

The ears are the sense organs
associated also with the Water element.
Interesting enough, the kidneys and ears are
shaped similarly. A water element disharmony in
the cold season can cause problems of the ears or
hearing. Another association to the water element
is the bones and any changes in the head ike hair
loss and premature graying may also suggest an
imbalance of the water element.

The specific
emotional imbalance associated with water element
is fear; and fear can itself injure the Bladder
and Kidney organs. On a brighter note, the
positive emotion is gentleness; being gentle to
yourself as well as to others.

I like to go to sleep early in the winter and
sleep in a little later. During this time of year
it helps the immune system keep everything strong
and healthy.

I’ll eat more root vegetables and have a hardy
soup for dinner at least a few times a week. Here
is one of my favorite recipes that will keep you
warm all winter and the kidneys tonified and warm.

Dr. Wu’s Tonifying Lamb Stew
I made this recipe many times in the colder months
and it keeps your entire system warm. The Lamb
stew is excellent for stomach problems, a good
source of iron and essential oils. It nourishes
the liver, kidneys, tendons and strengthens the

2 lbs. of lamb
1 Garlic head
1 kohlrabi cubed
Fresh Rosemary (excellent stomach and nerve
Burdock Root (source of iron and essential oils)
Lotus Root (crunchy texture cools the blood and
stimulates the appetite)
1 Parsnip
1 cup of Sliced Carrots
2 Red potatoes
2 Cubed Turnips
2 cups of fresh Okras cut in half
2 cups Shou wu chih (tonifies blood, nourishes the
liver, kidneys, tendons and strengthens bones)
¼ cup Brags liquid amino acids
1 Tsp. Olive oil
Himalayan Sea Salt to taste
A Few shakes Cayenne pepper
Pure filtered or spring Water
¼ cup of Black fungus

Cooking instructions
1. Cut the lamb into about 1 inch squares. Place
on a skillet, I prefer the old iron ones, and add
about a cup full of olive oil. Add ½ of garlic and
cook in the skillet till meat is brown. Next,
place the browned meat in a large pot. Add about ½
gallon of water. Cook for about an hour or 2 until
the meat is nearly done.

2. While it’s cooking, add a sprig of fresh
Organic Rosemary. Then add the sliced thinly
Burdock right after; it takes the longest to cook.
Stir in the turnip and kohlrabi at the same time.
Let it boil for a while and then add the potatoes
and lotus root and then the 2 cups of Shou wu
chih. Stir in the other half of the garlic and the

3. Once it’s cooked, add the sea salt, cayenne and
olive oil. Serve.

In the past I have made this dish with venison, or
elk it’s just as good but you may have to add more
olive oil.

Winter is my favored time in South Florida. The
temperature is in the high sixties and the low
seventies and the humidity is low. I am on the
beach every morning doing the Recharging Qi Gong
program. It works on keeping all the organs
healthy and keeps me limber. If I only had one
exercise program to do for my overall health this
would be it, The Recharging Qi Gong program is the
first choice with thousands of people now
practicing in 7 different continents.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi