Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

A Soul Mate with benefits

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

They say that soul mates are those beings that we
have had connections with from our past lives.
They may have been our parents, relatives, spouses
or a lover and they have come back to join us
again. The reason for this rejoining is not always
as pleasant as you would imagine.

My master once said, “If you are sitting in a bar
and you see someone that you feel you have known
from a past life, RUN For It.”

Most of the time when we think of soul mates we
are thinking of love relationships, but we can
have soul mates that join us to heal old karmic
relationships as well. Any relationship is a
possibility to the ring of soul mates. Your Sole
mate might be a Master, Guru, Lama or counselor
that comes into your life to teach you something.
They may show up as a love relationship to help us
in a particular learning experience and then

Whatever the purpose, it’s always to teach us a
lesson so that we can grow. I believe that when
you connect with your Soul mate in a love
relationship, you have, in effect, found your
perfect mate for your development and growth.

Here are a few tips to recognize and re-connect
with your soul mate:
1.First know yourself

2.A soul mate should make you feel

3.A relationship with a soul mate is
more than likely to be a natural fit and a good

4.A soul mate should be overflowing
with goodness and support

5.There is a sense of familiarity and

6.An awesome partner that you can get
a lot accomplished with working together

7.Couples who are soul mates often
take joy in watching the growth of one another

8.A soul mate will accept who you are
and will bring out the best in you and be your
best friend

9.A soul mate will not require you to

When the genuine feeling comes along there is no
mistaking it, there is a mystical, magical sign
that lets you know if it’s real. A deep sense of
knowing in other words a “gut feeling,” that you
feel inside and out.

Looking at the Chinese system of fung shui (the
magic square) it shows that if you are working on
cultivating yourself, and make it your mission to
pursue a path of self-improvement your mate will
come sooner than you could believe. Things like
knowledge, health, exercise, and self worth will
draw your mate to you like a giant electromagnet.

If you have been looking for love in all the wrong
places, STOP! START spending time fine-tuning your
skills, nurturing interests, and having
adventures. Study, take courses, and do things
that help you grow personally, spiritually, and
professionally. Work on creating the life you want
to be leading–even if there is no one to share it
with yet–and in the process, you will create a
fuller, richer, and breathtaking life.

Both men and woman may be shy because of sexual
hang-up and withdraw when Mr. or Miss perfect
shows up. Don’t run away run and get Dr. Wu Dhi’s
Sexual Qi Gong and be ready, locked and loaded for
the magic to start.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is life Hitting you in the Schnozzle?

Friday, September 28th, 2012

One never knows what can happen from one moment to
the next, we plan our next move and then the
universe does what it wants and we either freak
out or go with the flow. Imagine for a moment that
something is flying at your nose at 100 miles an
hour. If you meet that force with your nose it’s
going to hurt. But if you move just slightly the
object will miss you and although it could have
landed on your noodle it didn’t.
Some people go through life face first; they are
always getting hit with whatever the universe
flings at them.
When I was in my twenties I spent a lot of time
practicing Aikido, a that
teaches how to use energy. The motion of the
attacker is redirected rather than opposing it.
Aikido training is mental as well as physical,
emphasizing the ability to relax the mind and body
even under the stress of dangerous situations.
That’s where I learned to redirect energy and not
oppose it.
If you are a Steven Seagal movie fan, Aikido is
his main fighting form.
If a force is coming at you it’s a form of energy
(Qi) there is no bad or good to it. Just pure
energy and when you learn to direct the force no
matter if it’s a punch or a verbal attack it can
be redirected to your advantage.
I grow an organic garden every year and harvest
tomatos, radishes, 3 or 4 different kinds of
greens, lettuce, plus a lot more food.
I live in Florida so my gardening usually gets
going around the winter solstice and goes strong
until late May.

If there is no rain, the soil dries out and there
are a ton of bugs that love to munch on my organic
garden and this is bad. But if you come to Florida
during the winter and you live in the north you
surely don’t want rain. You are hoping for sunny
beach days. So the dry warm weather is good. See
there’s really no good or bad it just is……..

There is always good to be found in everything.
You just have to stay on top of things so you can
know where, when and how.

I have been training and practicing internal
exercises, meditation and working on my health for
years and it has paid off big time.
People my age are on a slew of medicines from
anti- depression to sleeping pills. They are
taking medicine to take a dump, regulate their
blood pressure, control their cholesterol and make
their weenie hard.

I haven’t taken any of that stuff and I am healthy
and strong. I exercise everyday and have a smile
on my face a bounce in my step and so do my
students and patients.

That’s how it’s supposed to be.

If you are stuck in the drug cultures, seeing one
doctor after another and sick and tired of being
there, lets work together to get healthy strong
and happy.

There are a few ways you can get started.
Join the Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive a
teaching every month on internal exercises,
meditations and healing techniques to keep you
stay healthy, young and vibrant or if you are
ready for a total change with the quickest results
sign up for the private coaching program and
receive a one-on-one coaching and training for the
entire year.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

How to Stay Healthy all Fall and Winter

Monday, September 17th, 2012

It won’t be long before we get deluged
again with reports and appeals by federal
offices and other institutions concerned with
public health. They are going to frighten us with
the threatening flu season, which they claim we are
facing and will advertize that this year’s seasonal
flu vaccine will protect us. Honestly, how many
people do you know get vaccinated against the flu?

And get sick with worse symptoms then they ever had.
I know many people who told me they would never expose
themselves to it again after having suffered from
profuse influenza after vaccination!

I have a completely different approach to this issue,
and one that is promising and well-tolerated.
We all know if our immune system is working well we just don’t get sick.
The question is which preventive measures should be taken
in order to reduce our exposure to potential health hazards?

• Are there ways to enhance the early detection of these hazards?
• What measures can be taken to improve the immune system in order to circumvent a potential illness?
• Now is the time to prepare your immune system to avoid colds and flu’s this Winter.

For one I do not recommend the annual influenza immunization.
For two good reasons:
1. The vaccine contains only one strain of an
attenuated virus and the vaccine contains often a
heavy metal stabilizer typically
thimersol which contains mercery.

2. The vaccines over the years
have the wrong viral strain most of the time, and hence,
no protection was offered.How would the drug company know what
flu is coming next year anyway? Answer they don’t it’s a shot in the dark .
Consequentially, the question has been raised as to
whether the injected material had itself lowered the
recipient’s immune defense, and led then to an increased
susceptibility to contracting the flu.
The traditional flu vaccination does not
provide any protection against viruses
that cause most common colds.but it’s a million
dollar business and they are going to sell , sell
sell. and it’s not for your health…

As an alternative I can provide you and your family with
the most advanced immune builders that are used by the most
precious Health Clinics in Europe. I have been working with
the most advanced clinics in Europe that has created an
immune stimulant which provides good protective coverage
from viruses and is free from any adverse side effects.

Call my office and schedule an appointment today!

If you don’t live in Florida and you want to keep yourself healthy,
pick up a bottle of Vira-Qi

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Free yourself from negative reactions

Monday, September 10th, 2012

There is a story about a princess who had a small
eye problem that she felt was really bad. Being
the King’s daughter, she was rather spoiled and
kept crying all the time. When the doctors wanted
to apply medicine, she would invariably refuse any
medical treatment and kept touching the sore spot
on her eye. In this way it became worse and worse,
until finally the king proclaimed a large reward
for whoever could cure his daughter. After some
time, a man arrived who claimed to be a famous
physician, but actually was not even a doctor.

He declared that he could definitely cure the
princess and was admitted to her chamber. After he
had examined her, he exclaimed, “Oh, I’m so
sorry!” “What is it?” the princess inquired. The
doctor said, “There is nothing much wrong with
your eye, but there is something else that is
really serious.” The princess was alarmed and
asked, “What on earth is so serious?” He hesitated
and said, “It is really bad. I shouldn’t tell you
about it.” No matter how much she insisted, he
refused to tell her, saying that he could not
speak without the King’s permission.

When the King arrived, the doctor was still
reluctant to reveal his findings. Finally the king
commanded, “Tell us what is wrong. Whatever it is,
you have to tell us!” At last the doctor said,
“Well, the eye will get better within a few days –
that is no problem. The big problem is that the
princess will grow a tail, which will become at
least nine fathoms long. It may start growing very
soon. If she can detect the first moment it
appears, I might be able to prevent it from
growing.” At this news everyone was deeply
concerned. And the princess, what did she do? She
stayed in bed, day and night, directing all her
attention to detecting when the tail might appear.
Thus, after a few days, her eye got well.

This shows how we usually react. We focus on our
little problem and it becomes the center around
which everything else revolves. So far, we have
done this repeatedly, life after life.– Driven by impulses of
desire and rejection without finding a way out. As
long as attachment and aversion are our sources of
living and drive us onward, we cannot rest. To
free yourself of being a slave to your likes and
dislikes first set your goals. To travel a new
road in life you need to know where you want to
go. Then you can make the best choices to get
yourself there.

I have found the Chinese system of the Magic
square can give you the directions you need to get
on course and bring you to what you want the

Every season I review and update my direction on
all nine aspects of life’s directions. This is the
most precise and fastest way of getting what you

Get a copy of the entire program today and start
the journey into your success mentally,
physically, financially and spiritually.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi


To find out how you can transform your life into
the life you want click here

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to start a Good Ass Day (GAD)

Friday, September 7th, 2012

It’s Doctor Wu Dhi and today is going to be an
excellent day, a
day for you to take all of your internal energy
and focus on it like a laser.

Start your day by popping out of bed and get out
the door within ½ hour of the time your feet hit
the floor to exercise – walk, run, yoga, swim or
Qi Gong, some thing to get your blood moving. A
real warrior comes from the inside and proclaims

-Know what you want

-Turn and face it

-Then move without hesitation

You will get it!

When you are on fire nothing can stick to you or
slow you down.
This is the fire of enthusiasm. As soon as you get
back home take a refreshing shower and then
breakfast. Look at your goals for the day and get
a move-on

That’s the way to start a GAD!

It’s the same as the internal Energy (Qi).

This is the day you move closer to what you want.

By moving closer to what inspires you, the
cultivation of even more Qi is easy.

Qi Cultivation is more than work.

When you are really being moved by Qi you are
being worked!

This is Dr. Wu Dhi wishing you an excellent day.
Get out there and move your body and breath.

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: If you’re not a Qi Gong Inner Circle Member
— what are you
waiting for?

Get started by going to
and sign up for a monthly subscription. It’s only
$29.97 to get started
and you can cancel anytime.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is it better to be where you are or where you want to be?

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

Two friends encountered each other traveling in
opposite directions on a street.
They each asked where the other was going. One
said, “To see a woman,” and the other said, “To a
religious gathering.”

The first friend said to the other, “Why are you
going to go see that woman. Come to the religion
gathering—there will be a preacher, singing,
dancing, storytelling, and more.”
The other replied, “You should come with me. I can
hook you up with my woman’s sister—she is really

They both presented their cases, but both friends
decided to go their originally planned way.

When the first friend went to the , he was preoccupied thinking about what
a good time his friend must be having with his
woman, and he regretted his decision to come to
the religious gathering.
And while the second friend was with his woman, he
was preoccupied thinking of how his friend was
having fun at the religious gathering and doing a
good deed, and he regretted not going with him.

What is better for you? Getting the Recharging Qi
Gong program and practicing everyday or getting
the Recharging Qi Gong program and not practicing
at all?
I believe you would be better off practicing every
day and making your life better and feeling more
in charge of everything you do.

Why? Because you will be more decisive, more
grounded and your decision making skills will be

Order it now

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Which do you choose, HEALTH or sickness?

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Julia called my office this morning
and asked if she could talk to me.
I had a few minutes so I took her call.
She was beside herself! She has some real
issues about her health that I am not going to
go into and her insurance company will not
pay one thin dime to help her out.

She asked me why not?

The typical patient that is using
western medicine doesn’t understand
why most insurance companies don’t
cover preventive health care, anti aging or
any kind of longevity practices.
The reason being the system is set up
for sickness Not Health!

Usually people in the western world are
trained to see their doctor for sickness.
You can get pain pills, chemotherapy or
have your leg cut off and most likely your
insurance company will pick up the expenses
after you meet your deductible that could be
up to $10,000 if it is approved.

My usual patient is from Europe,
South America or has been educated to
know western medicine doesn’t do well
with curing any disease. They manage disease.
Americans have been brain washed into thinking
that the health industry, the government or food
companies are interested in their health
–It’s not true at all.

Real Health Care is different!

The client that comes into my office knows
that they are coming to be Educated and Learn
how they can avoid getting sick, avoid being put
on medicine and enjoy a healthy life.
All the treatments are natural.
I use homeopathic medicine, natural herbs,
diet, nutrition and vitamins.
Some of the treatments involve acupuncture,
muscle release techniques, laser, structural
realignment, prescriptive medical Qi gong longevity
exercises as well as anti-stress therapy.

I use the same tests that the western doctor uses
plus many testing processes only used in Europe and China.
Julia asked me if I looked at the blood? Yes! Of course I do.
Going over the blood work is an important indicator,
so is the balance of Ph and what you eat on a daily basis.

I also host a meditation class for my patients once a
week as part of their treatment and teach a Qi Gong
class once a week to encourage health and longevity.
This form of treatment gives the patient more
responsibility for his or her own health.
The doctor becomes more of a health coach.
My patients have found this kind of health care
pays in many aspects.
The # 1 goal is to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I practice this kind of health care on my family,
my friends, my students and my patients and I
boldly practice Health Care on myself.

Exercise, Diet, Nutrition, Qi Gong,
Meditation, Self-Cultivation
Smiles, Laughter, Love, Gratitude,
Forgiveness, Giving Back to the Community,
Sharing, and Caring

I wish you the best in your
HEALTH, Wealth and Happiness

Thank you

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS If you want to be more alive and live a
fuller, happier, life filled with the joy of health
start today. Get involved in things.
If you feel you don’t have enough money, time
or energy start giving more of yourself to others and be more loving.

Pick up one of my programs today.
Where should you start?
I recommend starting with the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
practice that for 90 days and you will
see the difference in your life.

Dr. Wu Dhi

How much are you willing to pay for good health?

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Are you Willing to Pay for Good Health?

Health is a Gift

When we experience dis-ease, no matter
what it is it’s usually because our bodies
and minds are out of balance and have become
too toxic. Dis-ease is our body’s way of sending
us signals that all is not well and needs to be listened to.

Our health directly impacts our consciousness,
conduct, the choices we make, and how we present
ourselves to others.

Back in the mid 90’s there were nearly
twelve thousand people who were still alive at
the age of 100 in the USA. Today that’s no
longer true, the life expectancy is down to 78 years.

What happened in that 12-year cycle? Our world has
turned upside down. On September 11, 2001 the
World Trade Center was destroyed by hostile forces
and since then people in general are more stressed
than ever. You can’t even fly from one city to another
without being checked screened and sometimes probed.

The stock market left thousands of people
Penniless and we are all now 12 years older.
These stresses have rocked the boat big time,
our freedom and privacy in no longer sacred.
There is a lot more unemployment, insecurity and tension.
STRESS has shaken the nation.

When all this hit people in general tightened up
their pocket books, their trust in the system and
their bodies tightened up almost overnight and became
stiff and tense. Why? Stress and the fear of the unknown.

Unfortunately, this dynamic will affect us the rest
of our lives, and unless we take action and learn tools
to soothe and alleviate the stress, it will lead to
disease and eventually kill us.

People are fanatical about things like abortions,
dishonesty, pilfering, and betrayal. They casually
overlook things like over eating and drinking, food
addiction, and our political system and stay surprising
unaware in areas regarding health. If you bought a
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport car one of the most expensive
cars in the world, it costs somewhere around $2,400,000.00
you would be overseeing every single thing that went into
that car, down to the quality of the gas, oil, and lube.

You would want to manage the overall care; to the
smallest detail. However, with own body and health,
it’s a completely different story… Most people have no
idea what is in their food or what products they put on
their skin, if they are filled with toxic chemicals or
carcinogens they keep a blind eye to that.

In today’s toxic and high-stress world, taking care
of your health should be your #1 priority, If you don’t
think so just get hit with a disease — it will turn
your head around 360 degrees in less than one second.
Every ache and pain we experience is a result of toxins
in our body and our body’s way of communicating to us
that something is out of balance.

Detoxing will clear your most important organs, we
change and clean our oil filters and air filters in are
expensive cars. Are you cleaning your bodies filters?
The Liver Kidneys and the colon in our body has filters
that must be clean to prevent illness and disease.
Order your Detox cleansing kit today:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Natural Face-lift to stay younger looking

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

Last week the South Florida SunTimes
wrote a one-page article about our office.
Feel Good and Feeling Good about Yourself
They wanted to know how alternative medicine
can help with woman problems, things like
Hormone balancing, headache, PMS, how to have a
safe natural pregnancy; avoid morning sickness
and the things that my woman patients
are always interested in
Getting those extra pounds off and
those age telling wrinkles gone.
If we can lose a few unwanted pounds and
get rid of those wrinkles, and peoples ears perk up.

Every day I get calls from people wanting to reduce
the signs of aging. Some are Baby Boomers from all
walks of life and others are from the modeling
community that live and work in Miami.

Nobody wants to go under the knife, especially to get
rid of a few wrinkles and have their fat sucked out.
Especially if they are still young and we all know that
fillers and Botox can be dangerous.
There is something
about the TOX at the end of Botox that
just does not sound good to me.

When you see a model, you might think that their beauty
is all natural and they are just blessed people.
The truth is, modeling is one of the most challenging
jobs there is and those young woman work hard to keep
everything toned natural and stay young and beautiful.
Not everyone can keep up with the demands and succeed
in this high-pressure profession.

Here are some of the secrets from one of
my students who is one of Miami’s top model

Staying healthy on the inside and outside
demands a healthy diet with No junk food.
Junk food blocks up your intestines, causing
plaque to form in the arteries and age you way
before your years. I give all of my patients the
80/20 diet. Eight percent of the time you eat
fruits and vegetables and lean protein. Green
drinks are a must to staying healthy on the
inside and they will reflect in your skin.
The 20% is for fun foods. A girl gotta have some fun.

Exercise is the best- cardio, yoga and internal
exercises like Qi Gong. This way you cover all the bases.
You get a good sweat, stretch out and get a good
flow of Qi to your internal organs and brain.

Internal Work
Meditation will help to maintain a healthy
attitude towards yourself, establish a routine,
and stay on it. But don’t be too hard on yourself.
If you miss a day– just start again the next day.

Sleep is the key to healing and rejuvenating
your body, mind and spirit. Go to sleep at least
3 nights a week before midnight. That will reset
your internal clock and keep you beautiful and your mind sharp.
That saying about “getting your beauty sleep is for real.

Skin fitness
To be a successful model, you need to maintain healthy skin.
The best way to do this is to keep a beauty routine.
No harsh products and chemicals. Always wash your skin
every night. Remove make-up completely.
If you need moisturizer, only use a small amount.
A natural moisturizer is the best.

Stay Hydrated
One of the easiest things you can do to help
maintain healthy-looking skin is to make a habit
of drinking at least 6 glasses of water a day and
to stay glowing, drink 3 or 4 glasses of fresh
vegetable juice a week or more.

I have been doing The face -Lift acupuncture treatment
on hundreds of men and woman and it’s a real boom to a
working model, both men and women who just want to stay young.

If it’s done once or twice a week with some incredible results.
Its natural, safe and drug free. This proven technique improves
muscle tone of the face and neck while addressing underline
imbalances that can contribute to the aging process.
According to Traditional Chinese medicine a blockage of Energy
in our bodies will affect our cells, tissue muscles and the
organs and the next thing you know, you have wrinkles.
As we get older it becomes a little more difficult for that
energy called Chi in Chinese medicine to flow upwards to lift
the face.

This leads to inadequate muscle tone, and over time,
wrinkles and sagging skin.
A facial rejuvenation using acupuncture tightens pores,
improves muscle tone and dermal contraction, while enhancing
and increasing the elasticity of the skin.
My patients have found the treatments to reduce signs of aging
by strengthening and stimulating the circulation of Qi within
the meridian pathways, especially those of the face.

You will look and feel more energetic, calm, vibrant and healthy.

One of the products that I really like that keep your
intestines healthy and keeps the skin young and healthy is:

Fiber 1-2-3

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

If you want to schedule an
appointment for a natural face lift, contact Anastasia at

Motown Opened the Gates of my Ancestors

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

When you travel, no matter if it’s
to the other side of town or a trip
to ancient lands, there is always a
treasure of knowledge at your
fingertips if you know how to open up to it.

I was brought up in The Midwest, Detroit,
which is my hometown. Even though
I live in Miami I still cheer for the Tigers,
the Lions, Red Wings and the Pistons.
My parents were born there and so were
my ten aunts and uncles as well as 22 first
cousins, even my grandparents were born
here on my mothers side. Our family has
roots in Detroit since the 1800’s.

The purpose of this trip to the homeland
was to visit Mom for Mother’s Day.
I don’t get to these parts a whole a lot,
maybe once or twice a year at most, so
when I do, I make sure I reconnect with my roots.
Hopefully our ancestors have cleared the way for
us and they did what they could to make the path
easier for us to follow, not that we all listen, but if
you do you can unlock treasures of wealth,
health and happiness.

The importance of connecting with our ancestors
and doing the ancestor practices is that they can
make you powerful, successful and happy or haunt
you your entire life.

In Asia these practices are held sacred to all of
the members of the family. They pay great respect
to their parents and to their older brothers and sisters.
When I visited my friend Michelle’s parents home
I noticed that she always made sure that her father
and mother were always greeted first and with the
highest respect. She is the oldest sister and she
gets the same respect from her younger brother
and sister.

It’s said that when you acknowledge
and honor your ancestors, you help
ensure their happiness and well-being
in the afterlife. It is a way of continuing
to show respect toward them, and it
reinforces the unity of family and lineage.
Showing respect to ancestors is an ideology
deeply rooted in Asian society.

It is believed that despite the death of a
loved one, the original relationship remains
intact, and that the deceased possess more
spiritual power than they did during life.
In a sense, the ancestors became thought
of as deities who had the ability to interact
and have an effect on our life.

When I teach my students the Qi Gong practices,
one of the first things that I teach them is rooting and
grounding techniques to keep them
stable, grounded, strong and to stay
connected with your lineage.

I pray and meditate for my ancestors’
continued happiness and that they keep
ascending to a higher place. Connecting
to your ancestors and ancestor practices
go back thousands of years. This is a ritual
that I emphasize to all of my students.
It will build your foundation, and strengthen your practices.

All of us belong to a tribe. Our tribes
today are our friends, family and our community.

When you become a member of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle, you are

joining a Spiritual Tribe, whose focus is
Health, Spiritual Growth and

Longevity. I personally invite you to
join me and the other members of

Our Tribe and reconnect with your
internal spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health,

Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi