Posts Tagged ‘immune system’

Look to the Sky

Friday, September 20th, 2013

This full moon will be the brightest Wednesday night
and will be full on Thursday the 19th of September.
They say it’s a strong “karmic” moon where we are
challenged with stuff from our past.
It’s also the harvest moon that night.
The harvest moon gets its name by being so bright
that it helped farmers work late into the night to
harvest their crops.

But don’t worry you will have a lot of energy to complete
the things you need to do.
If there is something that you have out grown let it go
it’s a time to free yourself of all your bad habits.

This full moon is the last one before the Autum equinox
arrives on Sunday, September 22, and officially brings
in the fall season .
It’s a great time to prepare for the new season and 
your goals.
Take a good look at the new habits you want to create.

“Good Luck= Knowing what you want and working toward it”.

-Dr. Wu Dhi

As you know the fall is a busy time for everybody.
There is a lot going on
at my Miami office and
Golden Skies Productions, my web
Everything is going well, new product, classes
much more will be announced soon.

I am teaching a meditation class every Wednesday
at 7pm at
my office 18205 Biscayne Suite 2215
Aventura, Florida. 
If you are in the area
make sure you come by, 
you’ll be glad you did. 

The fall is the time that colds and flus are in the air.

Keeping your neck covered will help to avoid wind invasion.
It’s time to build up your
 immune system and
keep healthy and stay healthy.

Call Anastasia and book an appointment today
for your fall tune up. (305) 407-0120

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth
and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have a lot more to share with you,

but my web guy told me to keep them
secret for now.

Enjoy the Harvest Full moon!

Longevity Walking Add Years to Your Life

Monday, August 19th, 2013

My early morning training involves walking; in
fact I walk every day for at least 30 minutes.
Sometimes it’s fast other times it’s a slow
meditation walk and I always include at least 250
steps backwards. You may be asking yourself, why

When you walk backwards it brakes up different
patterns in your body and mind. The more different
possibilities you add to your body and or mind
makes you more flexible, improves your balance and
gives you a new way of looking at the world.

When I was in China I would see people walking
every morning in the parks and many of them were
walking backwards. I asked my Master, “Why are
they walking backwards? Was it a meditation, some
kind of Chinese exercise or what?” He laughed and
explained in his best English, “It’s for many
things, walking backwards not only improves your
balance, but it opens up your vision and
strengthens the kidneys and relieves back and knee
pain.” I tried it and was amazed at how well it

Try it !

You will be surprised how fast your body will heal
and how much sharper your mind will become.
Walking no matter how you do it can make a big
difference in your health picture. Even just
taking a short walk for 30 minutes a day cuts the
chances of becoming diabetic by more than half.

The Benefits of Walking:
• Cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 %
• Reduces hypertension
• Walk ing cuts the risk of cancer
• Women who walk have a 20 % lower possibility of
getting breast cancer
•Improves the immune system
• Men who walk 30 minutes a day have a
significantly lower level of prostate cancer
• Strengthens the heart
• Strengthens bones
• Improves the circulatory system
• Generates positive neuro chemicals
• When you walk every day, your body is healthier
and stronger. A single 30-minute walk can reduce
your blood pressure by five points for over 20
• Reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs
• Walking helps the body heal quicker. It keeps
the body healthy. It improves our biological
health, our physical health, our psychosocial
health, and helps with our emotional health.
Walking will add year’s to your life and a smile
to your entire being.

Walking is just one of the ways I stay young and
healthy, add the Qi Gong, meditation and proper
diet and your chances of a long healthy life will
increase by 50% or more.
I’ll teach my students how to do, what to do, and
why we do it in the Qi Gong Inner Circle

Join us today and get on with it ASAP.
Hurry, your time is running out!
Find out more here

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Balance your Body

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Just this morning I had a lady come into my
office who was suffering from symptoms connected
to her menopause. She said, “I can’t
sleep, I wake up every few hours and I am burned
up, I sweat so much I feel like I am sleeping in a
sauna bath and it’s been going on for months.

We went over her medical history and she reported
that she has a cold right now, but doesn’t want to
take any medicine, no matter if it’s natural or not.
She reported having a chronic back problem and doesn’t
want address it either.
She also said that she is gaining weight and is
really depressed about that but not willing to
change her diet.
She said, “I drink coffee all day
and I am not willing to change my coffee drink
habits at all! I love my coffee, and will drink
6 to 7 cups a day.

It sounds to me that she loves her habits much
more than her sleep, her health, or the way she
looks. There is a mental emotional imbalance here
and she isn’t willing to look at it.

There are many different ways to treat illness and
balance the body and mind. Our body and mind are
so tightly coupled you would be amazed how much
one affects the other. There is a scientific name
for it; it’s called psycho-neuro immunology.
There is now a huge body of published evidence
documenting at the neurological and biochemical
level, how states of mind such as anxiety,
depression and anger affect the functioning of
immune system.

This patient really didn’t want to hear about that
either. I didn’t tell dare tell her this in her
delicate state, but I’ll tell you.

That coffee habit she has is warming up her entire
body, as well as over stimulating her mind and is
a stronga diuretic. Coffee has been used to
stimulate the mind and wake you up. It’s also
considered a mental stimulant, but if you are having extreme
night sweets it’s a No, No .

If the coffee isn’t organic they are using
poisonous herbicide and pesticide sprays. If you
think decaf is a good alternative, wake up and
smell the coffee. Petroleum based solvents are
used to make the stuff and it’s not the best for
your health.

Let’s get back to the patient; she drinks coffee
all day long, caffeinated until 3 or 4 in the
afternoon and decaf at night.
She can’t sleep why?
According to Chinese medicine she is damaging the
water element the kidneys and bladder. The excess
of coffee can be acting as a diuretic injuring the
balance between fire and water that’s the yin,
yang balance of the body.

When there is an imbalance in the water element
the fire element goes wild. As we all know if you
make a fire the heat will rise. In the body if
there is too much heat it goes upward as well and
will disturb the mind, hence the insomnia. Too
much heat could be the cause of the excess
sweating as well. If she wants to get back to a
good nights sleep she needs to cut down on her
beloved coffee and start loving herself.

When we practice Qi Gong and meditation a few
great things happen. We cool the body down. This
relaxes the mind and will allow for a better
nights sleep as well as harmonizing the balance of
our fire and water element.
Start practicing today.
I made it easy; you can now download the Yin Set
Right Now and begin.
Get Started, Get Balanced and Stay Healthy.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. The Yin Set is a Medical Qi Gong prescription
that will balance and detox the major organs of
your body.

Get it now

How to detox in only 7 days

Friday, June 7th, 2013

If you realize it or not your health is one of the
most valuable things you possess.

It’s more important than money or your
relationships.If you lose your health you lose

Do you know how much money Steve Jobs left when he

Well he left all of it!

Many of us spend very little time understanding
how to maintain our bodies in optimal health. We
don’t pay attention to our health until it begins
to fail and then it can be too late.

Our main detox organs are our Liver, Kidneys and
the Intestine. If they are too toxic you will
notice a bunch of nasty stuff you never wanted to

Our liver works to remove toxins that we encounter
from the food we eat as well as toxins produced by
our bodies. When the gastrointestinal tract is not
functioning optimally, your liver has to work over time.
Normally, the immune system, liver
and kidneys work together to remove toxins at the
same rate as they are encountered.

When toxic levels are too much our body’s capacity to
remove fails and we get sick. We can have toxins
stored in our bodies for years without
experiencing any negative symptoms, but once the
toxins becomes too high, we are in for big problems.

These days toxins come everywhere-from the air we breathe, the water
we drink, the food we eat and the emotional toxins
we are continually bombarded with.

We are exposed to more pollution today
than any other period in history. During the past
100 years, approximately 75,000 new
chemicals have been released into
 environment. Our body
 was not
designed to deal with all these toxins. By
lowering the amount of exposure to these
environmental toxins and taking steps to cleanse
out those that have accumulated in your body, you
will feel better and reduce your risk of illness.
Toxic over load can cause:
• Constipation

• Chronic diarrhea

• Food allergies

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Malabsorption syndromes-
a decreased
ability of the digestive tract to digest and
absorb nutrients from food

• Poor digestion

• Stomach acid

• Bad breath

The liver is the main organ of detoxification in
your body. When it’s not in tip top shape
Every other system in our body is
compromised. Most of the toxins we
are exposed to are fat-soluble –they stay in our
systems permanently and start to negatively affect
on your organs and age you before your time.
The liver, colon, kidney,
heart, brain, lungs, skin and endocrine system
(hormones)are all effected.

I have seen hundreds of people suffering from
various health problems and most of the problems
come from the gut. By detoxing the Liver, Kidneys
and large intestine you can restore your health
the quickest.

The Liver is the key to starting
your detox program. I start my patients on a 7-day
program called the Core Restore Program

In just one week you will Reduce incoming toxins in
to the body and boost the liver’s ability to
eliminate the incoming toxins. There are three
main goals of the Core Restore Program:

1. REMOVE – By eliminating the incoming burden
of toxins from your diet and lifestyle

2. RESTORE – supporting the processing and
elimination of toxins achieve this.

Drinking Core Support and taking PhytoCore
capsules will help to enhance Phase I and II
detoxification pathways in your liver, as well as
support healthy functioning of your digestive
system during the detoxification process.

The detox program will help you move forward in
body, mind and spirit.

Get started Now
and stay healthy and we will grow younger

Lets get started.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


June 21st is the Summer Solstice, a time to spend
in meditation, and restore your health. I suggest you
get up early that day before the sun comes up and
you begin your day with a meditation and Qi gong practice
and drink 3 quarts of pure
water. That will set your day. Than you can party
on and bring in the summer in a healthy way.

Are you aging too fast?

Friday, April 12th, 2013

images-1Every Wednesday night for the last 5 years I have
been teaching a meditation class and sharing the
teachings of Internal Qi Gong work as well as
incorporating mythology like the use of imagery,
ritual, and metaphor. When we exercise our will in
such a manner as to bring about changes in one’s
state of mind and body, we Subtle the Body through
the practices involving the use of imagination and
perception to open chakras, meridian channels, and
energy flows.

This rare work impacts our life in such a way that
we grow beyond our old patterns. We move outside
the norm and begin to experience life differently.
We gain purpose, mission and self-worth outside
our own limitations and the limitations of
society. We reach a form of so called insanity.
We actually become in-sane rather than out–of-
sane, our view of the world changes and so do we.

In today’s world the pace has quickened, the old
patterns of life no longer work. We are forced to
become a-new or struggle with habits and patterns
that no longer work.

Just yesterday I had a lady referred to my office
with a common cold. She was brought up in a system
that her belief structure (BS) led her to believe
she needed only two things, Pain pills and

She had a fever and wanted it gone and didn’t want
to deal with any of the discomforts. As we went
over her medical history she shared that she was a
smoker and has been smoking for 40 years and
wasn’t about to quit. She also complained of a bad
cough and a chronic sinus condition. But her (BS)
wouldn’t let her change.
Fortunately, her sister insisted that she open up
and try something new.

That’s how I came into the picture. I explained
that although the antibiotics may eliminate the
symptoms temporally, they were not a cure and she
was going to wipe out her digestive system. We
needed to build up her immune system and change
her biological terrain. I explained that if we
look at the body as a garden and the soil is not
balanced in our garden, we will only grow inferior
plants. To grow health plants we need to balance
the PH of the garden, feed the soil proper
nutrients, which give it water and stay away from
poisons. Our body is the same. We need the right
stuff to stay healthy, exercise, drink water, good
food and right thinking, and to be able to handle
our stresses.
This made sense to her and we treated her with all
natural medicine, teas, herbs, homeopathic
medicine, heat acupuncture and massage.
I called her this morning and guess what? To her
amazement she got better!
The smoking will be the next challenge. She has
been using cigarettes for years to ovoid
confronting her emotions. I’ll let you know how it

If you are going through some health challenges
yourself, let me know about them. There may be
ways to let go of your own Belief Structure (BS)
and renew yourself.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have a group of serious students and
patients who are working hard to reverse their
aging bodies. They meet with me for an intensive
weekend of treatments, exercises and lifestyle
changes and we communicate via e-mail and Skype to
support the changes every month.
Are you ready to let go of your BS? Check out the private
coaching program
You will be glad you did! If you qualify for this
kind of program, you can reverse the aging process
in less than a year.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are you preparing for your health or for your sickness?

Friday, November 30th, 2012

It was a cold trip in to the Northern lands, wind,
and snow and to top it off there was even a few
hours of sleet, a cold wet freezing ice like
substance that rained down on my bald head. It was
the first time I ever got a brain freeze on a
I’ll visit my family in Michigan again but not
until next July or August. Living in the North
takes a lot more preparation than my home in
Florida. Every crack in the house must be sealed
up tight to stop old man winter from blowing a
cold chill through every bone in your body. The
heating system has to be in great working
condition and lots of clothing to endure the
winter cold. People must prepare on every level to
survive the winter without drafts and chills and
all kinds of ills…

It’s the same with our health. You have to prepare
to stay healthy. I hear people say this all the
time “why should I see a doctor? I feel fine.”
If you are feeling fine and want to stay that way
you need to prepare just like those Hardy
Northerners do with their homes. You need to make
sure that there are no cracks in your picture of
health. It takes work to stay healthy; it’s all
about our immune system. If our immune system is
in tip top shape, we don’t get sick and we slow
down the aging process.

There’s a famous fable about an ant and a
grasshopper that shows us how important it is to
prepare yourself and strengthen you immune system…
Once there lived an ant and a grasshopper in a
grassy meadow.
All day long the ant would work hard, collecting
grains of wheat from the farmer’s field far away.
She would hurry to the field every morning, as
soon as it was light enough to see by, and toil
back with a heavy grain of wheat balanced on her
head. She would put the grain of wheat carefully
away in her larder, and then hurry back to the
field for another one. All day long she would
work, without stop or rest, scurrying back and
forth from the field, collecting the grains of
wheat and storing them carefully in her larder.
The grasshopper would look at her and laugh. ‘Why
do you work so hard, dear ant?’ he would say.
‘Come, rest awhile, and listen to my song. Summer
is here, the days are long and bright. Why waste
the sunshine in labor and toil?’
The ant would ignore him, and head bent, would
just hurry to the field a little faster. This
would make the grasshopper laugh even louder.
‘What a silly little ant you are!’ he would call
after her. ‘Come, come and dance with me! Forget
about work! Enjoy the summer! Live a little!’ And
the grasshopper would hop away across the meadow,
singing and dancing merrily.
Summer faded into autumn, and autumn turned into
winter. The sun was hardly seen, and the days were
short and grey, the nights long and dark. It
became freezing cold, and snow began to fall.
The grasshopper didn’t feel like singing any more.
He was cold and hungry. He had nowhere to shelter
from the snow, and nothing to eat. The meadow and
the farmer’s field were covered in snow, and there
was no food. ‘Oh what shall I do? Where shall I
go?’ wailed the grasshopper. Suddenly he
remembered the ant. ‘Ah – I shall go to the ant
and ask her for food and shelter!’ declared the
grasshopper, perking up. So off he went to the
ant’s house and knocked at her door. ‘Hello ant!’
he cried cheerfully. ‘Here I am, to sing for you,
as I warm myself by your fire, while you get me
some food from that larder of yours!’
The ant looked at the grasshopper and said, ‘All
summer long I worked hard while you made fun of
me, and sang and danced. You should have thought
of winter then! Find somewhere else to sing,
grasshopper! There is no warmth or food for you
here!’ And the ant shut the door in the
grasshopper’s face.
Although this story may sound a little harsh if
you’re not preparing for your health NOW you will
end up in the cold just like the grasshopper.
Things like diet, exercise, vitamins and staying
in the right head space are most important to keep
your system running well. I make sure that I get
a treatment at least every week during the winter
months. I don’t spend as much time at the gym, but
I increase my internal exercises. I get a lot more
sleep and eat warmer foods like stir fried
vegetables more soups and less cold foods like
salads and I stay away from cold drinks all

Sometimes we need encouragement to stay on a
program and not junk out for the holidays. You
can do it yourself but if you have a coach that
can keep you on track mentally, physically
emotionally and spiritually it’s a good idea to
have someone going over your programs to keep you
on track. I belong to a few groups and get coached
on my business, my health, and even my diet. I
make sure that I check in with them often to keep
balanced, healthy and centered. The people who
belong to my coaching group are members of the Qi
Gong Inner Circle.

Every month the members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle receive a DVD on meditation, internal
exercises, diet, and much more to keep them and
myself in the best shape! Are you prepared for the
winter inside and out?

Join me and the members of the Qi Gong Inner
Circle and we will work together to be the ant and
kill our grasshopper consciousness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Stay Healthy all Fall and Winter

Monday, September 17th, 2012

It won’t be long before we get deluged
again with reports and appeals by federal
offices and other institutions concerned with
public health. They are going to frighten us with
the threatening flu season, which they claim we are
facing and will advertize that this year’s seasonal
flu vaccine will protect us. Honestly, how many
people do you know get vaccinated against the flu?

And get sick with worse symptoms then they ever had.
I know many people who told me they would never expose
themselves to it again after having suffered from
profuse influenza after vaccination!

I have a completely different approach to this issue,
and one that is promising and well-tolerated.
We all know if our immune system is working well we just don’t get sick.
The question is which preventive measures should be taken
in order to reduce our exposure to potential health hazards?

• Are there ways to enhance the early detection of these hazards?
• What measures can be taken to improve the immune system in order to circumvent a potential illness?
• Now is the time to prepare your immune system to avoid colds and flu’s this Winter.

For one I do not recommend the annual influenza immunization.
For two good reasons:
1. The vaccine contains only one strain of an
attenuated virus and the vaccine contains often a
heavy metal stabilizer typically
thimersol which contains mercery.

2. The vaccines over the years
have the wrong viral strain most of the time, and hence,
no protection was offered.How would the drug company know what
flu is coming next year anyway? Answer they don’t it’s a shot in the dark .
Consequentially, the question has been raised as to
whether the injected material had itself lowered the
recipient’s immune defense, and led then to an increased
susceptibility to contracting the flu.
The traditional flu vaccination does not
provide any protection against viruses
that cause most common colds.but it’s a million
dollar business and they are going to sell , sell
sell. and it’s not for your health…

As an alternative I can provide you and your family with
the most advanced immune builders that are used by the most
precious Health Clinics in Europe. I have been working with
the most advanced clinics in Europe that has created an
immune stimulant which provides good protective coverage
from viruses and is free from any adverse side effects.

Call my office and schedule an appointment today!

If you don’t live in Florida and you want to keep yourself healthy,
pick up a bottle of Vira-Qi

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Qi Gong longevity practices don’t always look like what they really are

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

I was training this morning with a group of
students and a noisy crowd of people were playing
volleyball not to far from us. They came over
after their game and wanted to know why we were
doing these strange looking exercises with such
leisurely movements.

One guy said,
It reminded me of a fable that my father read to
me when I was a young child.

An Ant nimbly running about in the sunshine in
search of food came
across a Chrysalis that was very near its time of
The Chrysalis moved its tail, and thus attracted the
attention of the Ant,
who then saw for the first time that it was alive.
“Poor, pitiable
animal!” cried the Ant disdainfully. “What a sad
fate is yours!

While I can run hither and thither, at my
pleasure, and, if I wish,
ascend the tallest tree, you lie imprisoned here
in your shell, with
power only to move a joint or two of your scaly
tail.” The Chrysalis
heard all this, but did not try to make any reply.
A few days after,
when the Ant passed that way again, nothing but
the shell remained.
Wondering what had become of its contents, he felt
himself suddenly
shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a
beautiful Butterfly.

“Behold in me,” said the Butterfly, “your
much-pitied friend! Boast
now of your powers to run and climb as long as you
can get me to
listen.” So saying, the Butterfly rose in the air,
and, borne along
and aloft on the summer breeze, was soon lost to
the sight of the
Ant forever.

Some times things don’t appear to look like much
until you start to explore deeper into the
purpose. Qi Gong exercises work on the internal
Organs like the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and
the spleen to feed the organs with energy, oxygen
and blood to retard the aging process. Hence Qi
Gong is considered a Longevity practice. The
purpose is to cultivate “Life Energy” and keep you
healthy from the inside out. Qi Gong has roots in
Chinese medicine dating back thousands of years.
It’s an anti aging practice of aligning breath,
movement, and awareness for, healing, and
meditation. Traditionally it’s viewed as a
practice to cultivate and balance Qi “Intrinsic
Life Energy.”

There is an ancient Chinese saying:
“If you practice external exercises you have to
practice internal exercises, but if you practice
internal exercises you don’t have to practice
external exercise.”

Qi Gong practice involves rhythmic breathing
coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid
movement, to guide Qi (Energy “through the body.”

If you practice on a regular basis you can develop
a super human energy, which allows access to
higher realms of awareness, and awaken one’s “true

I use a combination in my training of both
external exercises and internal to stay young and
healthy. The visualizations combined with the
actual exercises will work on changing your
internal channels and open up your energy flow.
The Yin set is a series of exercises that will
enhance the internal organs as well as open up
visual pathways to enhance your health and
wellbeing in a shortest amount of time.

The program is downloadable for instance access.

In short, you’ll make so much progress so fast
you’ll probably shock yourself as well as your

Get the program now and practice it daily for the
next 4 weeks and you will feel the difference in
how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Knowing when to Act in an Emergency

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Marissa is like a daughter to me. I’ve known her
since she was seven years old and we always adored
each. She is all grown up now and has kids, a
husband and all the trappings that go along with

She had some free time today. Her son was in camp,
husband went to work and she decided to take some
relaxing time and go to the mall.
Looking and shopping is fun when you aren’t
pressured for time or in a rush to buy a last
minute this or that.

It’s not my favorite activity but I suppose for
her it’s like hunting or maybe a walk in the woods
or the mountains.On her casual stroll she stopped for a delicious
little treat and that’s when all hell broke loose.
Marissa like millions of people is highly allergic
to Nuts!

The body’s immune system normally fights
infection, but when someone is allergic to tree
nuts or a peanut, the immune system overreacts to
proteins in these foods. Every time the person
eats a peanut or tree nut, the body thinks the
proteins are harmful invaders. The immune system
responds by kicking into high gear to fend off the
“invader.” This causes an allergic reaction, in
which chemicals like histamine are released in the

The release of these chemicals can cause
someone to have the following problems:
• Wheezing
• Trouble breathing
• Chocking
• Hoarseness
• Throat tightness

Nut allergies can cause a severe reaction leading
someone to have trouble breathing, and If it is
not treated, can be life threatening.

She knew she was having a reaction and went to the
drug store to get some Benadryl and lucky the
pharmacist saw what was happening and gave her a
Epinephrine injection for allergies’ and called

The ambulance was there in no time! They gave her
an IV and took her off to the hospital for
treatment. Thank God she is Ok! A little
drugged-up but safe and healthy.

The pharmacist was right on his game and knew
exactly what to do and did it; he may have saved
her life.

This is important in all aspects of life, knowing
when to act and doing it without any hesitation. I
am sure he saw this kind of thing before and was
trained to do what was needed.

When we are challenged with a situation that we
need to act upon, some people freeze up while
others take action.


It’s because of their training.

“If you fail to train, you are training to fail”

That’s why I train every day in Internal exercises
(Qi Gong), meditation and in my health and
wellness practice. When everything is going well
with blue skies above, nice breeze and there is no
stress in my life I am feeling great, there is no

But when you’re off your game and out of balance–
look out! You are bound to get a headache, a cold,
sore back, stiff neck, insomnia or worse. Stress
can do this to you in a New York second and that’s
fast. That’s why I train every day to Turn my
Stress into Power.


If you are like me you put a lot of importance on
your health and really can’t afford to be off your
game. That why I wrote the book “Turn Stress Into
Power” and then went back into the studio and made
a DVD of all the exercises so everyone would be
able to follow the easy to learn information. You
can simply order the program by clicking on the
order now and I’ll send it out today!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Want a nut? No thanks; hold on to your nuts!

The Best Foods for the Summer

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

The seasons are about to change again.
The summer solstice is upon us. It’s a time to
start eating more fruits and vegetables. One of
my favorite drinks in the summer is to take a
watermelon, cut it up and put it in the blender,
seeds and all. Then I strain it and drink it down.

It’s refreshing and cooling!

I’ve had many students ask me what type of
exercises they should be doing for the summer.
What I suggest, if you’re new and you really want
to start a great program, get the bundle packages.
You can download it right on your computer so that
you’ll get it instantly and start the program on
the first day of summer and keep it up until fall.

It will do a few things:
-Keep your healthy
-Build your immune system
-Start to change you from the inside out

Most of the exercises that we have learned in
school, like lifting weights, jumping jacks,
jogging- work well to keep your external body
looking good but they don’t really work on your health.
The internal exercises like Qi Gong are the exercises
that will give you a longer life and perfect health.

Here is how you order:

Happy Summer!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi