Posts Tagged ‘Pain Pills’

Are you aging too fast?

Friday, April 12th, 2013

images-1Every Wednesday night for the last 5 years I have
been teaching a meditation class and sharing the
teachings of Internal Qi Gong work as well as
incorporating mythology like the use of imagery,
ritual, and metaphor. When we exercise our will in
such a manner as to bring about changes in one’s
state of mind and body, we Subtle the Body through
the practices involving the use of imagination and
perception to open chakras, meridian channels, and
energy flows.

This rare work impacts our life in such a way that
we grow beyond our old patterns. We move outside
the norm and begin to experience life differently.
We gain purpose, mission and self-worth outside
our own limitations and the limitations of
society. We reach a form of so called insanity.
We actually become in-sane rather than out–of-
sane, our view of the world changes and so do we.

In today’s world the pace has quickened, the old
patterns of life no longer work. We are forced to
become a-new or struggle with habits and patterns
that no longer work.

Just yesterday I had a lady referred to my office
with a common cold. She was brought up in a system
that her belief structure (BS) led her to believe
she needed only two things, Pain pills and

She had a fever and wanted it gone and didn’t want
to deal with any of the discomforts. As we went
over her medical history she shared that she was a
smoker and has been smoking for 40 years and
wasn’t about to quit. She also complained of a bad
cough and a chronic sinus condition. But her (BS)
wouldn’t let her change.
Fortunately, her sister insisted that she open up
and try something new.

That’s how I came into the picture. I explained
that although the antibiotics may eliminate the
symptoms temporally, they were not a cure and she
was going to wipe out her digestive system. We
needed to build up her immune system and change
her biological terrain. I explained that if we
look at the body as a garden and the soil is not
balanced in our garden, we will only grow inferior
plants. To grow health plants we need to balance
the PH of the garden, feed the soil proper
nutrients, which give it water and stay away from
poisons. Our body is the same. We need the right
stuff to stay healthy, exercise, drink water, good
food and right thinking, and to be able to handle
our stresses.
This made sense to her and we treated her with all
natural medicine, teas, herbs, homeopathic
medicine, heat acupuncture and massage.
I called her this morning and guess what? To her
amazement she got better!
The smoking will be the next challenge. She has
been using cigarettes for years to ovoid
confronting her emotions. I’ll let you know how it

If you are going through some health challenges
yourself, let me know about them. There may be
ways to let go of your own Belief Structure (BS)
and renew yourself.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. I have a group of serious students and
patients who are working hard to reverse their
aging bodies. They meet with me for an intensive
weekend of treatments, exercises and lifestyle
changes and we communicate via e-mail and Skype to
support the changes every month.
Are you ready to let go of your BS? Check out the private
coaching program
You will be glad you did! If you qualify for this
kind of program, you can reverse the aging process
in less than a year.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Which do you choose, HEALTH or sickness?

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Julia called my office this morning
and asked if she could talk to me.
I had a few minutes so I took her call.
She was beside herself! She has some real
issues about her health that I am not going to
go into and her insurance company will not
pay one thin dime to help her out.

She asked me why not?

The typical patient that is using
western medicine doesn’t understand
why most insurance companies don’t
cover preventive health care, anti aging or
any kind of longevity practices.
The reason being the system is set up
for sickness Not Health!

Usually people in the western world are
trained to see their doctor for sickness.
You can get pain pills, chemotherapy or
have your leg cut off and most likely your
insurance company will pick up the expenses
after you meet your deductible that could be
up to $10,000 if it is approved.

My usual patient is from Europe,
South America or has been educated to
know western medicine doesn’t do well
with curing any disease. They manage disease.
Americans have been brain washed into thinking
that the health industry, the government or food
companies are interested in their health
–It’s not true at all.

Real Health Care is different!

The client that comes into my office knows
that they are coming to be Educated and Learn
how they can avoid getting sick, avoid being put
on medicine and enjoy a healthy life.
All the treatments are natural.
I use homeopathic medicine, natural herbs,
diet, nutrition and vitamins.
Some of the treatments involve acupuncture,
muscle release techniques, laser, structural
realignment, prescriptive medical Qi gong longevity
exercises as well as anti-stress therapy.

I use the same tests that the western doctor uses
plus many testing processes only used in Europe and China.
Julia asked me if I looked at the blood? Yes! Of course I do.
Going over the blood work is an important indicator,
so is the balance of Ph and what you eat on a daily basis.

I also host a meditation class for my patients once a
week as part of their treatment and teach a Qi Gong
class once a week to encourage health and longevity.
This form of treatment gives the patient more
responsibility for his or her own health.
The doctor becomes more of a health coach.
My patients have found this kind of health care
pays in many aspects.
The # 1 goal is to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I practice this kind of health care on my family,
my friends, my students and my patients and I
boldly practice Health Care on myself.

Exercise, Diet, Nutrition, Qi Gong,
Meditation, Self-Cultivation
Smiles, Laughter, Love, Gratitude,
Forgiveness, Giving Back to the Community,
Sharing, and Caring

I wish you the best in your
HEALTH, Wealth and Happiness

Thank you

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS If you want to be more alive and live a
fuller, happier, life filled with the joy of health
start today. Get involved in things.
If you feel you don’t have enough money, time
or energy start giving more of yourself to others and be more loving.

Pick up one of my programs today.
Where should you start?
I recommend starting with the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
practice that for 90 days and you will
see the difference in your life.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why is Back pain so Common?

Thursday, September 1st, 2011

This problem is never ending!
You bend or reach for
something and you end up with a
sharp pain that feels like a knife is stabbing you.


It’s a fact that you will
experience back pain at some
point in your life, no matter
how healthy and fit you are.
I know I have!

It can happen from over reaching,
an unexpected sneeze, or lifting
even the lightest thing and there it

Why is back pain so common?
Our muscles have to work constantly to hold
us upright against gravity and to move us around.
These muscles can get tired,
and being overweight as well as out of shape
causes even more problems.
Strong muscles, in the central part of the body,
(the core muscles) help to carry body weight and
to prevent the spine from getting overloaded.
When, these core muscles get weak,
the spine must compensate and do extra work,
therefore causing pain.

Things like over sitting, muscle spasm and stress can be a real pain.

* Sitting is worse for the back than standing.
The load shifts onto the disc as you lean
forward causing more strain and the muscles become tired.

* When less oxygen reaches the muscle,
there is more waste built up.
These changes trigger the muscle to go
into a spasm; it keeps firing on its own.

* Stress and tension tighten up the muscles,
making them more susceptible to injury.

I have found that for the most part,
people don’t stretch enough
or they stretch wrong.
As soon as they make a wrong movement,
their back starts to hurt.

Stretching is one of the best solutions to a healthy
and pain free back!

You’ll need no dangerous pain pills,
no smelly creams and no Chiropractor.

Granted, it takes work, but remember there is
no free lunch.
You have to pay either way–
with the pain or by doing the work.

Back pain can be a never ending problem
or no problem at all.

Most traditional doctor’s treatment for back pain is
-pain-killers and anti-inflammatory, which will
jack-up your stomach.
Next, physical therapy, and if that
doesn’t work, surgery.

As we age our flexibility decreases and
our joints lose their range of motion.
This can cause tightness, spasms and a
number of back problems.

You can regain and maintain the
flexibility, as well as prevent nagging
back pain in only a few minutes a day.
I have unlocked stiff painful muscles in
only a few minutes with the right exercises
and nipped back pain in the bud with
long-term relief.

Here are a few exercises I recommend
that have worked wonders for
me and many of my patients:

1. Lying on the floor, place your right foot on the left knee.
Using your left hand, gently pull your right knee
towards the floor, twisting your spine and keeping
the left arm straight out, hips and shoulders on the floor.
Switch sides. Repeat 10 times.

2. Lie on your back and
bend both knees. Feet flat
on the floor, arms out at shoulder level.
Now, let your knees
drop to the left and turn your head to the right.
Repeat on the right side.
Repeat 25 times on both sides

3. Lie on the floor and place
your hands behind your head
with your legs touching each other
straight out. Begin to move your
Upper body from side to side.

4. Get a large rubber ball, around 3 feet
(you can find them at most sport stores).
Sit on the ball and then slowly
start to lie down on your back using the ball
for support. Lie on the ball from 1 to 3 minutes.

People are always pulling their backs
out, but if you get on a
good maintenance program and do the
correct exercises,
you can end your back pain forever.

Years ago, I hurt my back doing a flip on a trampoline
and no mater what I did I couldn’t seem to shake the pain.

I researched everything I could find about
back injuries and put together a program that really
works to keep the body flexible and pain free.

Dr. Wu Dhi’s “Eliminate Back Pain”
-How to strengthen your back naturally

I have students and patients who have been doing the
program for years and are pain free.
Order today and I’ll send you the
archive edition with your order-
Absolutely Free!

If you are suffering from pain, don’t
delay another day.

Get rid of pain now!

I with you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi