Posts Tagged ‘Gut Feeling’

What’s your child’s health worth?

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

What’s your child’s health worth?

I treat a lot of little ones, kids from 6 months
old to teenagers. Their parents don’t want them to
get sick but they also don’t want their children
taking antibiotics, steroids or any other drug
that has side effects. I don’t blame them. I never
gave my kids drugs and to this day they are
healthy and drug free.
Last week a mother brought her 2 year old to see
me and within a ½ hour the little girl was feeling
fine. Here is the letter she sent me a few days
So I hear about antibiotic secondary effects and
how bad this treatment is for your body and yet
when there’s an infection, that’s how we treat it
and we just focus on the healing effects it has on
the infection, right?
“Last week my 2-year-old daughter had an ear and
throat infection and of course her pediatrician
prescribed her with antibiotics. This time I had a
gut feeling about treating her with alternative
medicine but with Dr. Wu Dhi instead. Once I left
the pediatrician I took my daughter to see Dr. Wu
Dhi. He treated her with many different things and
gave her homeopathic medication. The experience
was amazing and very different from how it is like
when I take her to her pediatrician. There was no
struggle or crying because he managed to make it
easy on her. I must say, Dr. Wu Dhi has a great
understanding of how these “big” minds in little
bodies work.
You know, my parents were always big believers in
alternative medicine. As a child, in Venezuela,
where I’m from, I was always treated with
homeopathic medicine unless I had an infection
resulting into taking antibiotic for that matter.

Going back to my daughter… when I told my
parents and ex-husband I wasn’t going to treat my
daughter with antibiotics but only with what Dr.
Wu Dhi had given her, everybody freaked out. So as
a single mother, having my parents in Venezuela
and a very difficult ex-husband, I must say there
was a lot of pressure on me. Always asking myself,
my God am I doing the right thing? What if she
gets worse? My poor baby, plus my whole family and
ex are going to jump at me, and so on. But I could
not shut that little voice in the back of my head
telling me I was doing the right thing. That voice
that would keep telling me Dr. Wu Dhi is going to
get her well without using antibiotics. I was
still nervous so I decided to make an appointment
with my daughter’s pediatrician 3 days later to
follow up even though she seemed fine.

The fever had stopped and she was acting fine. But
kids sometimes can fool you with all that energy
they have and still might be sick. To my surprise,
there was one big problem. This was Friday and her
doctor wasn’t going to be back to her office until
Monday. That meant I had to wait 3 more days to
know how her infection was doing. Every time I
would open the refrigerator, I would see the
antibiotic almost saying “hello?” but I stayed
firm and did NOT give it to her. Monday finally
arrived and I found out that after almost a whole
week whether she was ok or not. Well not difficult
to guess… my daughter has no infection
whatsoever!! I saved her from 20 dosages of

Thank you Dr. Wu Dhi! I am very grateful! This is

I’m taking the time to write my story for all of
you, especially the parents, hoping to encourage
you to use think outside the box and trust Dr. Wu

It’s totally worth it!”


Kids are more sensitive to the environment and the
vibes they pick up that’s why alternative medicine
works so well for them.

No one wants to take a chance that his or her
child will get sick and suffer. At my clinic
children get well without scary treatments and
drugs that can cause a problem in the future.
The treatments are about their wellness not their

Feel free to call my office and find out more
about your kids’ health and wellness programs.
Ask for Anastasia to schedule an appointment.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Soul Mate with benefits

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

They say that soul mates are those beings that we
have had connections with from our past lives.
They may have been our parents, relatives, spouses
or a lover and they have come back to join us
again. The reason for this rejoining is not always
as pleasant as you would imagine.

My master once said, “If you are sitting in a bar
and you see someone that you feel you have known
from a past life, RUN For It.”

Most of the time when we think of soul mates we
are thinking of love relationships, but we can
have soul mates that join us to heal old karmic
relationships as well. Any relationship is a
possibility to the ring of soul mates. Your Sole
mate might be a Master, Guru, Lama or counselor
that comes into your life to teach you something.
They may show up as a love relationship to help us
in a particular learning experience and then

Whatever the purpose, it’s always to teach us a
lesson so that we can grow. I believe that when
you connect with your Soul mate in a love
relationship, you have, in effect, found your
perfect mate for your development and growth.

Here are a few tips to recognize and re-connect
with your soul mate:
1.First know yourself

2.A soul mate should make you feel

3.A relationship with a soul mate is
more than likely to be a natural fit and a good

4.A soul mate should be overflowing
with goodness and support

5.There is a sense of familiarity and

6.An awesome partner that you can get
a lot accomplished with working together

7.Couples who are soul mates often
take joy in watching the growth of one another

8.A soul mate will accept who you are
and will bring out the best in you and be your
best friend

9.A soul mate will not require you to

When the genuine feeling comes along there is no
mistaking it, there is a mystical, magical sign
that lets you know if it’s real. A deep sense of
knowing in other words a “gut feeling,” that you
feel inside and out.

Looking at the Chinese system of fung shui (the
magic square) it shows that if you are working on
cultivating yourself, and make it your mission to
pursue a path of self-improvement your mate will
come sooner than you could believe. Things like
knowledge, health, exercise, and self worth will
draw your mate to you like a giant electromagnet.

If you have been looking for love in all the wrong
places, STOP! START spending time fine-tuning your
skills, nurturing interests, and having
adventures. Study, take courses, and do things
that help you grow personally, spiritually, and
professionally. Work on creating the life you want
to be leading–even if there is no one to share it
with yet–and in the process, you will create a
fuller, richer, and breathtaking life.

Both men and woman may be shy because of sexual
hang-up and withdraw when Mr. or Miss perfect
shows up. Don’t run away run and get Dr. Wu Dhi’s
Sexual Qi Gong and be ready, locked and loaded for
the magic to start.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi