Posts Tagged ‘Insurance Companies’

Is your Doctor Burnt-out?

Monday, March 4th, 2013

Did you realize that Doctors are more likely to be
burned out from their work than people in other

Around 50% of the doctors in practice today have
a serious problem, they are all burnout:

•Emotionally exhausted
• Work and family -life
•Poor job satisfaction and poor
•Lack of sleep
•Feeling detached from their patients

Did you know that Medical Doctors have high rates
of depression alcoholism, drug problems and even
suicide compared to the general public?

Being a doctor is certainly a great honor, it
takes years of education and a huge investment to
become a physician, but it is also an enormous
toll on the emotions. The pressure a doctor is
under is a frightening:

1. The pressure to see a high volume of patients,
thanks to the HMO’s just to keep his job

2. A heap of paperwork for insurance companies,
lawyer’s and not to mention hours explaining stuff
to patient’s families

3. All the restrictions, rules and regulations

4 Untrusting patients

5. The advertising of medicines by drug companies
on TV forces the doctor to give medicines that
they may feel isn’t the best for the patient

6. Having responsibility without any power is a
big stressor

7. Never knowing if their practice and repetition
can all crash at any moment by making a wrong

If my doctor was burnt-out I may just pass on
seeing him for a few reasons. Energy moves from
the highest to the lowers point, that’s just plane
If you are seeing a doctor that is burned-out,
stressed or maxed out, most likely their energy is
compromised. They are drained of Qi, energy,
juice, whatever you call it and they may just be
going through the paces when working with you.
They need to be recharged.

There is an apparent incongruity between what
doctors are trained to do and what they are
required to do. Medical school prepares the doctor
to focus on the disease model, diagnosis and
treatment. But now there is now increasing
emphasis on communication skills, law, ethics and
Holistic medicine. These skills have not been part
of the training and can cause even more stress.
Doctors are almost forced to practice either
emergency medicine, pain control, working for a
medical corporation or teach for a lot less money.
Most doctors don’t have a way of de-stressing from
this demanding pace.

That’s why I put together a coaching program to
keep people healthy, no mater if you are a doctor
or work with any segment of the public. Stress is
there, it’s at the forefront of all disease or at
least a big contributing factor to illness.
We all need a coach to guide us, ask any
professional athletic.

The private coaching
program can turn your life around.

You can change your stress into power and you can
recover your health and well-being. The coaching
program is taught over 10 months and gives you the
tools to handle stress and nip it in the bud,
before it causes dis-ease to any part of your
system –body, mind or spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi
The Private program is a one on one personally
designed program for your needs. It includes all
of my CD’s, DVD’s, Books and of course my personal
sessions will be held in the Miami Beach area and
follow up’s will be online as well as Skype calls.

Which do you choose, HEALTH or sickness?

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Julia called my office this morning
and asked if she could talk to me.
I had a few minutes so I took her call.
She was beside herself! She has some real
issues about her health that I am not going to
go into and her insurance company will not
pay one thin dime to help her out.

She asked me why not?

The typical patient that is using
western medicine doesn’t understand
why most insurance companies don’t
cover preventive health care, anti aging or
any kind of longevity practices.
The reason being the system is set up
for sickness Not Health!

Usually people in the western world are
trained to see their doctor for sickness.
You can get pain pills, chemotherapy or
have your leg cut off and most likely your
insurance company will pick up the expenses
after you meet your deductible that could be
up to $10,000 if it is approved.

My usual patient is from Europe,
South America or has been educated to
know western medicine doesn’t do well
with curing any disease. They manage disease.
Americans have been brain washed into thinking
that the health industry, the government or food
companies are interested in their health
–It’s not true at all.

Real Health Care is different!

The client that comes into my office knows
that they are coming to be Educated and Learn
how they can avoid getting sick, avoid being put
on medicine and enjoy a healthy life.
All the treatments are natural.
I use homeopathic medicine, natural herbs,
diet, nutrition and vitamins.
Some of the treatments involve acupuncture,
muscle release techniques, laser, structural
realignment, prescriptive medical Qi gong longevity
exercises as well as anti-stress therapy.

I use the same tests that the western doctor uses
plus many testing processes only used in Europe and China.
Julia asked me if I looked at the blood? Yes! Of course I do.
Going over the blood work is an important indicator,
so is the balance of Ph and what you eat on a daily basis.

I also host a meditation class for my patients once a
week as part of their treatment and teach a Qi Gong
class once a week to encourage health and longevity.
This form of treatment gives the patient more
responsibility for his or her own health.
The doctor becomes more of a health coach.
My patients have found this kind of health care
pays in many aspects.
The # 1 goal is to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I practice this kind of health care on my family,
my friends, my students and my patients and I
boldly practice Health Care on myself.

Exercise, Diet, Nutrition, Qi Gong,
Meditation, Self-Cultivation
Smiles, Laughter, Love, Gratitude,
Forgiveness, Giving Back to the Community,
Sharing, and Caring

I wish you the best in your
HEALTH, Wealth and Happiness

Thank you

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS If you want to be more alive and live a
fuller, happier, life filled with the joy of health
start today. Get involved in things.
If you feel you don’t have enough money, time
or energy start giving more of yourself to others and be more loving.

Pick up one of my programs today.
Where should you start?
I recommend starting with the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
practice that for 90 days and you will
see the difference in your life.

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Most Important Blood Work

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

Examinations at a doctor’s office are important to
determine what a persons
health picture is all about, and I do some very
traditional ones as well as more esoteric tests
like Medical Qi Gong,Chakras testing and
Applied kinesiology to determine what
needs to be addressed first.

I’ll use the Chinese pause technique, look at the
tongue, and observe the quality of the skin, nails, hair.
I’ll go over every inch of the body, looking for
clues on how to open the blockage and I ask a
ton of questions to see what’s going on internally.

On the physical level from a scientific stand point
there is no general screening test
that is more efficient, effective and affordable
than a comprehensive blood chemistry panel.
It allows me to quickly assess what’s going
on with your health at a glance.
It is the ultimate tool in biomedical laboratory
sciences to evaluate patients.

Your blood test can be the answer to identifying
imbalances in the body’s metabolism. If you’re
healthy, you should get your blood work done at
least every year. I get mine done every six months
and have the two tests compared to see if there are
any changes for better or worse.

Things like diet, exercise, stress and illness
will show up. If you are going
through a health crisis,
I’d check every three months just
to stay on top of things.
Many health problems can be
prevented and
managed effectively with early

In general we are not up to date on what’s going on
inside and a blood test will show the function
of the immune system, thyroids and if you
have a tendency for any hidden illnesses it
can be a good way to get an early look.

The longevity system in the USA hardly exists.
We are on a program of:
‘If it isn’t broken, don’t fix’ it and the
insurance companies like it just the way it is.

A decade ago the average annual lab work
ordered in a physical exam included a
Chem-24, CBC with differentials, TSH, and
a lipid panel. However, the healthcare model
today customarily performs a simple chem-7
and lipid panel. The addition of a TSH, a CBC,
or other tests are no longer a routine.
Physicians who order extra tests are
considered unqualified providers.
Who do you think is judging them?
Whoever they are, it’s not about your
health and longevity or the quality of your life.

I understand that many of us have given up on
the current healthcare model and are sick and tired
of being over-medicated. Many of us are now
looking for a more natural approach.
A comprehensive healthcare evaluation
and blood chemistry panel is a good place to
start and get you back on the road to good health.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

My office offers a complete
nutritional evaluation from your blood
work and if you aren’t able to visit my
office we can set up a consultation on
Skype or over the phone.
Contact Anastasia at 941-275-5105
and set up an appointment today.