Posts Tagged ‘Family Lineage’

Motown Opened the Gates of my Ancestors

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

When you travel, no matter if it’s
to the other side of town or a trip
to ancient lands, there is always a
treasure of knowledge at your
fingertips if you know how to open up to it.

I was brought up in The Midwest, Detroit,
which is my hometown. Even though
I live in Miami I still cheer for the Tigers,
the Lions, Red Wings and the Pistons.
My parents were born there and so were
my ten aunts and uncles as well as 22 first
cousins, even my grandparents were born
here on my mothers side. Our family has
roots in Detroit since the 1800’s.

The purpose of this trip to the homeland
was to visit Mom for Mother’s Day.
I don’t get to these parts a whole a lot,
maybe once or twice a year at most, so
when I do, I make sure I reconnect with my roots.
Hopefully our ancestors have cleared the way for
us and they did what they could to make the path
easier for us to follow, not that we all listen, but if
you do you can unlock treasures of wealth,
health and happiness.

The importance of connecting with our ancestors
and doing the ancestor practices is that they can
make you powerful, successful and happy or haunt
you your entire life.

In Asia these practices are held sacred to all of
the members of the family. They pay great respect
to their parents and to their older brothers and sisters.
When I visited my friend Michelle’s parents home
I noticed that she always made sure that her father
and mother were always greeted first and with the
highest respect. She is the oldest sister and she
gets the same respect from her younger brother
and sister.

It’s said that when you acknowledge
and honor your ancestors, you help
ensure their happiness and well-being
in the afterlife. It is a way of continuing
to show respect toward them, and it
reinforces the unity of family and lineage.
Showing respect to ancestors is an ideology
deeply rooted in Asian society.

It is believed that despite the death of a
loved one, the original relationship remains
intact, and that the deceased possess more
spiritual power than they did during life.
In a sense, the ancestors became thought
of as deities who had the ability to interact
and have an effect on our life.

When I teach my students the Qi Gong practices,
one of the first things that I teach them is rooting and
grounding techniques to keep them
stable, grounded, strong and to stay
connected with your lineage.

I pray and meditate for my ancestors’
continued happiness and that they keep
ascending to a higher place. Connecting
to your ancestors and ancestor practices
go back thousands of years. This is a ritual
that I emphasize to all of my students.
It will build your foundation, and strengthen your practices.

All of us belong to a tribe. Our tribes
today are our friends, family and our community.

When you become a member of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle, you are

joining a Spiritual Tribe, whose focus is
Health, Spiritual Growth and

Longevity. I personally invite you to
join me and the other members of

Our Tribe and reconnect with your
internal spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health,

Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi