Posts Tagged ‘Stresses’

Do kids actually grow more in the summer?

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013

I was talking to my buddy Matt the other day and
we both noticed that in the summer kids seem grow
more than any other time of the year, they seem to
be the same size all year long and over the summer
they sprout up a few inches over night.

Maybe it’s because they get more sleep and
relaxation. They don’t have the stresses of
school, studies, peer pressure or are forced to
have constant supervision by parents and teachers.

They get a lot more sleep, more play time and
relaxation without the stresses and pressures of
the school year.

We all need down-time in order to have our body
and mind function to its peak. I know if I am
stressed or if don’t get a good nights sleep, my
mind doesn’t function as well and if I am
overworked or overloaded by too many projects that
aren’t being completed, I just don’t function as

Stress and sleep are big factors and can cause
major imbalances in the body, mind and even affect
our spirit. One of the major complaints I hear
from patients is they are stressed, filled with
anxiety and can’t get a good nights sleep.

images-3 is a common problem that takes a toll on
your energy, mood, health and ability to function
during the day. Chronic insomnia can even
contribute to serious health problems.

In order to properly treat and cure your insomnia,
you need to become an “Undercover Sleep
Investigator”. Emotional issues such as stress,
anxiety and depression cause half of all insomnia
cases but your daytime habits affect your sleep
routine, and physical health also plays a role.
Ask yourself these questions:

▪ Am I under a lot of stress?

▪ Do I feel depressed or feel emotional?

▪ Do I worry or feel anxious?

▪ Was there a traumatic experience that
wasn’t addressed?

▪ Are there any health problems that may
be interfering with sleep?

▪ Is your bedroom quiet and comfortable?

▪ Do you try to go to bed and get up
around the same time every day?

Following the rules can make a world of
difference in your sleeping patterns.

▪ Make your bedroom quiet,and dark.
Even those little lights on the phone
chargers and night lights can affect the brain and
disturb your sleep.

▪ Make a sleep schedule by going to sleep
at the same time every night. Our mind loves to be
on a scheduled pattern. Get up at your usual time
in the morning even if you’re tired. This will
help you get back in a regular sleep rhythm.

▪ Avoid stimulating activity and
stressful situations before bedtime. This includes
exercise, stressful discussions or arguments,
avoid TV, computer, and video games.

*Limit or avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Stop
drinking caffeinated beverages if you want the
Sandman to visit you.

*Quit smoking or avoid it, nicotine is a

Some years ago I had a group of patients come into
my office with stress related problems. They all
knew better and knew how to eliminate the stress
but for some reason they were frozen in their

They agreed to work with me one day a week for 6
weeks and learn and practice the meditations in
the ‘Turn Stress into Power book

Every one of them reported better sleep, more
energy during the day and were able to handle
their stress much better.

This isn’t unusual. I receive calls from people
from all over the world asking for my help as both
a coach and a doctor just to get a good night’s
sleep. I started teaching more and more people
these easy to learn techniques on how to use
stress to your advantage.

You can learn and practice these easy to learn
techniques and apply meditations and exercises to
Turn your Stress Into Power today.

Order here:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Has the ‘SANDMAN’ been passing you by?

Friday, August 31st, 2012

I have patients complaining that they can’t get a
goodnight sleep, and when that happens their body
just can’t recover from the stresses of life.
More than 50 % of Americans have trouble sleeping
at night.

Insomnia is such a huge problem that even the
famous Hollywood celebs like Elvis and
Michael Jackson who are
now pushing-updaisies died trying to
get a good nights sleep.

Our Sleep is a natural part of life. Our bodies
regulate sleep in much the same way that they
regulate eating, drinking, and breathing. Sleep
serves a critical role in our health and
well-being – but the drug companies don’t want you
to know that. They’d rather have you hooked on
sleeping pills for life. And they want you to believe
that their pills are a norm to
getting a good night’s sleep.

I have a friend who thought taking sleeping pills
was normal too until they almost killed him, too.

Then he discovered the secret to a sound sleep –
and his life changed for ever.

No more drugs. No more sleepless nights and his
stress seemed to just melt away.

He now sleeps through the night with ease, no
matter where he is
and he can show you the same method he uses.

Watch his video now and get rid of sleepless nights

Discover how to get a good
night’s sleep, every night, on command.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. By the way, stress and obesity is directly linked
Sleepless nights can make you fat.
The better you sleep the more fat you burn.

Check out his program is great
Dr. Wu Dhi

When Life Throws You a Curveball

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Natasha is one of my long term patients.
She would always come to see me for an
acupuncture face lift and treatments to
boost her immune system. Her whole life
has been focused around the arts, beauty
and having fun. She is married to a guy who
manages one of the top Rock and Roll groups
in the world and she is really good looking,
tall, slender and bubbly.

I have never seen her with any tensions,
stresses and she always has a smile on her face.
But, sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Some situation comes out of nowhere and can
turn your life upside down.

Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and has
been in and out of the hospital for the last
6 months. He is now fighting for his life and
Natasha is in charge of everything like paying
the bills, doing the taxes, driving back and forth
to the hospital, informing his family and friends
as to what is going on and his health!

She is now stressed to the max!
Her arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs, and feet
are clenched. That beautiful smile is gone.
There are dark bags under her eyes. She is
having trouble sleeping, has no appetite and
she is a wreck. I made a house call today and after
the treatment we talked a lot about how she is going
to handle the situation. I gave her some guidelines
and some exercises to help free up the tensions,
loosen up her body and give her some tools so she
can process all of this stress and handle everything
she has to handle.

It’s not like she can leave right now and go on
vacation. She is 100% in charge. I am sure many of
you have been in a situation similar to this where
you have to take charge even if you don’t want to.
I went over the tension release exercise and showed
her how to use the stress receptors to relieve the
tension and stress from her body. Although they say
that stress is a killer, if you use it to your advantage,
you can come out of the other end of a stressful situation.

You will be more energetic with more personal power no
matter what the situation if you have the right tools.
Natasha like so many of us certainly didn’t choose the
situation and never had to handle something quite as
challenging before in her entire life.

I spent about an extra half an hour with her today
showing her these exercises, meditations and stress
busters for her to be able to handle any situation
that may be thrown at her. If by chance you get
yourself into a situation or the universe puts you
in a situation that’s uncomfortable for you, there
are teachings and tools that can keep you stress
free so that you can transform your stress into Power.

Things like this happen to all of us now and then in
life and after teaching thousands of people these
exercises, I sat down and wrote the program
Turn Stress into Power. It consists of meditations,
exercises, and solutions that no matter what life
throws you, you can handle it! Most of my patients
say that this program is a MUST.

You can order today!

Turn Stress into Power

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How much are you willing to pay for good health?

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Are you Willing to Pay for Good Health?

Health is a Gift

When we experience dis-ease, no matter
what it is it’s usually because our bodies
and minds are out of balance and have become
too toxic. Dis-ease is our body’s way of sending
us signals that all is not well and needs to be listened to.

Our health directly impacts our consciousness,
conduct, the choices we make, and how we present
ourselves to others.

Back in the mid 90’s there were nearly
twelve thousand people who were still alive at
the age of 100 in the USA. Today that’s no
longer true, the life expectancy is down to 78 years.

What happened in that 12-year cycle? Our world has
turned upside down. On September 11, 2001 the
World Trade Center was destroyed by hostile forces
and since then people in general are more stressed
than ever. You can’t even fly from one city to another
without being checked screened and sometimes probed.

The stock market left thousands of people
Penniless and we are all now 12 years older.
These stresses have rocked the boat big time,
our freedom and privacy in no longer sacred.
There is a lot more unemployment, insecurity and tension.
STRESS has shaken the nation.

When all this hit people in general tightened up
their pocket books, their trust in the system and
their bodies tightened up almost overnight and became
stiff and tense. Why? Stress and the fear of the unknown.

Unfortunately, this dynamic will affect us the rest
of our lives, and unless we take action and learn tools
to soothe and alleviate the stress, it will lead to
disease and eventually kill us.

People are fanatical about things like abortions,
dishonesty, pilfering, and betrayal. They casually
overlook things like over eating and drinking, food
addiction, and our political system and stay surprising
unaware in areas regarding health. If you bought a
Bugatti Veyron Super Sport car one of the most expensive
cars in the world, it costs somewhere around $2,400,000.00
you would be overseeing every single thing that went into
that car, down to the quality of the gas, oil, and lube.

You would want to manage the overall care; to the
smallest detail. However, with own body and health,
it’s a completely different story… Most people have no
idea what is in their food or what products they put on
their skin, if they are filled with toxic chemicals or
carcinogens they keep a blind eye to that.

In today’s toxic and high-stress world, taking care
of your health should be your #1 priority, If you don’t
think so just get hit with a disease — it will turn
your head around 360 degrees in less than one second.
Every ache and pain we experience is a result of toxins
in our body and our body’s way of communicating to us
that something is out of balance.

Detoxing will clear your most important organs, we
change and clean our oil filters and air filters in are
expensive cars. Are you cleaning your bodies filters?
The Liver Kidneys and the colon in our body has filters
that must be clean to prevent illness and disease.
Order your Detox cleansing kit today:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Eating your Stress?

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I spent the last 4 days in
Boston, Massachusetts.
The weather is a lot cooler than
Miami this time of the year and
although the leaves haven’t turned
different colors yet, it’s a heck of a
lot cooler and low humidity.

One of my patients that I see in the
winter in Florida lives here. She asked
me to come up and give her a good
tune up. For no apparent reason to her,
her back went out and for the last 4
days she has been bed ridden.

When I arrived at her home we went
over her last few weeks activities.
There didn’t seem to be any physical
reason that she is in so much pain.
No falls, no strains, nothing broken,
she said she didn’t lift anything and
didn’t remember bending over or even
tripping on anything. As I question her
on different things we hit on a BIG one.

She has been over worked and stressed to the max.
Stress can knock you for a loop and
cause you to tighten up your muscles
and then even a micro movement can
cause a muscle to lock up and push
against a nerve and then you’ve had it.
PAIN! The pain causes the muscle to lock
up more and then the body will swell to try
and protect itself and it all comes from stress.

Before we began the treatment we went
over a series of exercises found in the
Turn Stress into Power program.

We went over the Tension Release Exercise
until she could clear all of the accumulated
negative emotional stress out of her system
and then I showed her a few of the
protections so she would let the same
stresses sneak back in and cause both
emotional and physical pain.

What was the most amazing part of
the treatment was before I could do
any treatments of acupuncture or,
Medical Qi Gong, she said the pain
had completely vanished.

The emotions and the Stress were the culprits.
They had her so locked up that the Qi and blood
couldn’t run through the meridians and get to
the organs and extremities causing all the pain.

If you have a blockage in any part of your
body, mind or spirit don’t you think it’s
the right time that you release it?

Get the program today at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. If you have an active life,
Stress goes along with the territory.
You can use those stresses to gain more energy.
Order your copy today

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why do I need Supplements? I eat only Organic.

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

Joe’s energy was sagging for weeks on end. He called and made an appointment for some one-on-one coaching and we got together on “Skype”.  After going over his medical history and life style habits, we came up with a plan that pulled him out of his slump.   

This is what he said:
“Dr. Wu, for the most part, my energy is good and I am in good health.
Sure I get those nagging pains here and there, but all in all my systems are


Approximately 3 months ago I started noticing that after work I would come home and that was it. I didn’t want to go out, see people or even read a book. In fact every time I started to read I’d fall asleep.
This was unusual for me, as I am very social most of the time.
I would even train after work but that was no longer possible.
I had no idea what happened.
When you told me  about your Multi-Four vitamin pack I decided to try it and see if it would help.

Well, it did and I am back.
My energy is good again, I am working out every night and reading, as I just finished another novel .
I am back to my old self  again! 


I have found a common denominator in most of my patients.
They lack in energy, vitality and stamina for the most part.
They blow their Qi, and lack in good nutrition. 
We all start off fine, however with the poor food choices, stresses in our daily life, pollution in the air, water and food we eventually suffer.
Our health mentally, physically and spiritually needs to be nurtured.
It takes more than your workout, more than your loving relationships and more than your internal practices to make the right choices in your exercise, food, drink and the quality of both of these.

That’s why I spent hundreds of hours working on this vitamin pack to give you the extra boost you need to continue at full blast without burning out. 

Here is what is in the Multi-Four pack: 
These high powered  Multivitamins are a combination of three targeted nutritional formulas  to provide a comprehensive nutritional support.

Each packet has 4 pills in it containing:
  A high quality, hypoallergenic, proprietary Multi-vitamin mineral blend, activated vitamin co-factors and patented Albion chelated mineral complexes in easy to swallow vegetable capsules. 
This formulation is specifically designed to maximize energy
and optimize body composition by providing therapeutic levels
of specific nutrients for insulin and glucose utilization.
 The  Antioxidant Formula has a blend of RosemarinXTM and Berr-XTM ORAC botanicals to provide comprehensive nutritional support. 
  An ultra-pure, cold water fish oil sourced from the arctic
water of Norway.
This highly concentrated and cholesterol-free natural oil, provides 300 mg of EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, which are a critical component to any foundation nutritional program.  It is stabilized with Vitamin E to maximize freshness.  For optimal compliance and absorption, it has been provided in a pleasant non-smelling enteric-coated soft gel.

The “Multi-Four” formula has been specially blended to give you all you will need to keep your system running smoothly and supplement your diet naturally. All come from the purest sources with the highest standards possible. 
The formula by Qi Essentials- “Multi-Four”
 They come individually packaged for freshness and quality.
Easy to swallow and all vitamins are 100% pharmaceutical quality.
All Qi Essentials Dietary Supplements are made according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) strictly followed to ensure that
Qi Essentials products are safe, properly identified, and of the highest quality.

Order now and receive your 30 day supply every month for optimum convenience and freshness.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness, 

Dr. Wu Dhi 
PS. Even eating all organic will not give you all the essential vitamins
and minerals we need now.
Supplements are now a must in todays world.

If you have questions please write me at

Opening Up to New Possibilities

Monday, June 20th, 2011

In 1977 I was invited to come
to Park City, Utah with a group
of healers and meditation students
for a month to study with
Virginia Satir.
She was a great psychotherapist, known
especially for her approach to family

She was regarded as
The “Mother of Family Therapy.”

When you are working with people,
(No matter if you are doing massage,
medical qi gong or acupuncture)
when you open up to new modalities
in your practice it will make you a
better doctor, healer or therapist.

One of Satir’s most novel ideas at
the time, was the “presenting issue”
or surface problem – that the presenting
issue itself was seldom the
real problem; rather, how people coped
with the issue is what created the problem.
She also offered insights into the
particular problems that self-esteem
could cause in relationships.

Whenever I work with a patient or a
student, I start with a process that
Virginia developed called:

“The Five Freedoms”.

*The freedom to see and hear what is
here, instead of what “should” be, was,
or will be.

*The freedom to say what you feel and think,
instead of what one should.

*The freedom to feel what you feel,
instead of what you “ought.”

*The freedom to ask for what you want,
instead of always waiting for permission.

*The freedom to take risks on your own
behalf, instead of choosing to be only
“secure” and not rocking the boat.

What The Five Freedoms will do
for you is open you to new possibilities
in your life and give you a way to look
at the world differently.

Applying the five freedoms in your
life can give you different twist
to think outside of the box and
free up your stresses.

In the Turn Stress into Power Program
I incorporated the Five Freedoms
in my writing and presented a new way
of looking at stress.
How to use your stresses to transform your
life and get on top of the wave of stress,
instead of being flipped, rolled and pulled
under by every day stresses.

Open up to new possibilities in
your life and order the program today.
It will transform your Stress into Power.

I Wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi