Posts Tagged ‘Having Fun’

Can LOVE keep you healthy?

Monday, October 8th, 2012

Yesterday in the Sunday review I talked about
dodge ball.
It’s natural that when someone sneezes or coughs
we all like to avoid them and getting sick.

In traditional medicine, we are always trying to
kill the germ or avoid the germ.
But that’s not really the problem. It all has to
do with our immune system.

when I was a kid, I did all the wrong things! I ate
junk food, stayed up all night and I never got
sick! I hardly ever got a cold!

I will tell you why. I have always been active,
exercised and generally found life to be fun. When
you are having fun and especially when you are in
love, you just don’t get sick. All of the cells in
your body are moving and grooving and you are
feeling good all over. I can remember when I was
20 years old. I was living in Michigan and gong to
school. My girlfriend called me; she was at the
University of Colorado in Boulder.

She said this to me: “I miss you so much, I wish I
could see you this weekend!”

The next thing I knew I was driving to Boulder, CO
– it was a 36 hour trip. I didn’t bother to sleep,
I ate all of my meals at the 7/11 and when I got
there I felt great! I was in LOVE!

When you are in love, every cell in your body is
smiling and vibrating. You are feeling great! The
old stale cells are kicked out and the new live
strong cells are vibrating! Your immune system is
at peak performance! So if you think about it,
it’s not all about diet, sleep, but it’s about
having a strong immune system and feeling good all

Now, we all know that diet and exercise is
important. When I put together the DVD’s every
month for the Qi Gong Inner Circle, I am vibrating
with energy. I love doing this stuff! Once you
become a member and start watching the DVD’s and
start practicing the exercises and meditations,
you will notice a shift in your mental, spiritual
and emotional bodies. If you are not a member yet,
now is the time to join and feel good all over.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is it better to be where you are or where you want to be?

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

Two friends encountered each other traveling in
opposite directions on a street.
They each asked where the other was going. One
said, “To see a woman,” and the other said, “To a
religious gathering.”

The first friend said to the other, “Why are you
going to go see that woman. Come to the religion
gathering—there will be a preacher, singing,
dancing, storytelling, and more.”
The other replied, “You should come with me. I can
hook you up with my woman’s sister—she is really

They both presented their cases, but both friends
decided to go their originally planned way.

When the first friend went to the , he was preoccupied thinking about what
a good time his friend must be having with his
woman, and he regretted his decision to come to
the religious gathering.
And while the second friend was with his woman, he
was preoccupied thinking of how his friend was
having fun at the religious gathering and doing a
good deed, and he regretted not going with him.

What is better for you? Getting the Recharging Qi
Gong program and practicing everyday or getting
the Recharging Qi Gong program and not practicing
at all?
I believe you would be better off practicing every
day and making your life better and feeling more
in charge of everything you do.

Why? Because you will be more decisive, more
grounded and your decision making skills will be

Order it now

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

When Life Throws You a Curveball

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Natasha is one of my long term patients.
She would always come to see me for an
acupuncture face lift and treatments to
boost her immune system. Her whole life
has been focused around the arts, beauty
and having fun. She is married to a guy who
manages one of the top Rock and Roll groups
in the world and she is really good looking,
tall, slender and bubbly.

I have never seen her with any tensions,
stresses and she always has a smile on her face.
But, sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Some situation comes out of nowhere and can
turn your life upside down.

Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and has
been in and out of the hospital for the last
6 months. He is now fighting for his life and
Natasha is in charge of everything like paying
the bills, doing the taxes, driving back and forth
to the hospital, informing his family and friends
as to what is going on and his health!

She is now stressed to the max!
Her arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs, and feet
are clenched. That beautiful smile is gone.
There are dark bags under her eyes. She is
having trouble sleeping, has no appetite and
she is a wreck. I made a house call today and after
the treatment we talked a lot about how she is going
to handle the situation. I gave her some guidelines
and some exercises to help free up the tensions,
loosen up her body and give her some tools so she
can process all of this stress and handle everything
she has to handle.

It’s not like she can leave right now and go on
vacation. She is 100% in charge. I am sure many of
you have been in a situation similar to this where
you have to take charge even if you don’t want to.
I went over the tension release exercise and showed
her how to use the stress receptors to relieve the
tension and stress from her body. Although they say
that stress is a killer, if you use it to your advantage,
you can come out of the other end of a stressful situation.

You will be more energetic with more personal power no
matter what the situation if you have the right tools.
Natasha like so many of us certainly didn’t choose the
situation and never had to handle something quite as
challenging before in her entire life.

I spent about an extra half an hour with her today
showing her these exercises, meditations and stress
busters for her to be able to handle any situation
that may be thrown at her. If by chance you get
yourself into a situation or the universe puts you
in a situation that’s uncomfortable for you, there
are teachings and tools that can keep you stress
free so that you can transform your stress into Power.

Things like this happen to all of us now and then in
life and after teaching thousands of people these
exercises, I sat down and wrote the program
Turn Stress into Power. It consists of meditations,
exercises, and solutions that no matter what life
throws you, you can handle it! Most of my patients
say that this program is a MUST.

You can order today!

Turn Stress into Power

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Making Life Fun

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

I Wish all of you a Happy New Years
I got a call this morning from John who was
bummed out.
He was complaining that he had to work today and
when on and on on how it was unfair.

So John I am sending out this blog to
let you know what the true meaning of work is
and how I feel about work, by the way I am at the
office working and having fun.

When I was a small boy growing up in Detroit
my father would come home every night after
work around 6:30 and before dinner he would  
play with my brother and me before doing
anything else.

We would beg him to stand on his head and
Dad who was in good shape would do a head
stand for us. He loved to stand on his head
like a yogi right in the middle of the living

Every time he did this, coins would fall from his

My brother and I would scurry around and grab
as much loose change as we could while my father
pretended to protest, “give me back my money” from
his inverted position.

In truth it was as much fun for him as it was
for us.

My father was the youngest of a family of eight
and being the baby of that family was always having
fun with siblings even into adulthood.

Life for him was about play and having fun.

Dad successfully instilled this outlook of life
onto me and my brother.

Even when we would go with him to work in downtown
Detroit we had fun, maybe even the most fun of all.

The word work and the drudgery that goes along with
it never made any sense to me or my brother because
of this.

People hate to work but they use this word for
stuff that isn’t even work. Did you ever notice
that everywhere it does get used people are really

Serious people in the gym are Working Out.
For serious training you go to a Workshop.
When you’re serious about beauty you call
it a Work of art. If you’re serious about
your Work they say you have Work ethic.
Some even practice Spiritual Work.

I’ve done my best to work and be conscious
over the years,I really have, but most of
the time I can’t help but
consider how much fun I’m having.

If I’m not having fun or moving to a higher
level of “fun”in the sense of being able to
contribute; making a difference; learning;
growing and to feel that I am  part of a
successful group that is making a difference
in the world, it’s usually not fun and I am
not doing it or at least not for long.

What I’ve learned is that you can’t push
other people to work they are either workers
or not, but you can make it rewarding and Fun.
This gets you and others to be much more protective.
Everyone loves to have Fun.

Sometimes it’s just a matter of reminding ourselves
that we’re having fun.

Try it.

There are many situations that are supposed to be
fun that we often add tension to and they instantly
become serious situations or work.

At these times simply say aloud “This is fun”.

You’ll either break the tension in the room or
you’ll actually change the
orientation of yourself and others from one of
seriousness to one of FUN.

If you saw me doing Recharging Qi Gong with my
students on the beach I doubt you’d say that looks
like a lot of work. It’s actually a lot of fun and
it looks like fun, feels life Fun and it is Fun too.

Big smiles on everyones face and some occasional
laughter is normal.

This is not your usual “Workout” and so far it’s been
producing unusual results in those that have gotten
the program
and started to use it.

If you want more vitality and pep in your step I
encourage you to make a change.

Go to
and find out how you can use these simple and gentle
movements every day to pump up you Qi power and invigorate
your internal organs

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

Sunday Review

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011

Dr. Wu’s Sunday Review

It’s yet another Sunday!
I hope that all of you are enjoying
your weekend as it is a very interesting
and wonderful time of the year!
So many holidays are coming up and I
am sure all of you are preparing for them.
It is important to keep on practicing and
looking after your health through all of this
‘hectic’ time. During the holidays, we usually
tend to give our families and close ones
special attention. Well, consider your body,
mind and spirit part of your family,
because -well it is!

Over the past week we have learned
many wonderful things.
I encourage you to read these blogs today.
I am also reminding you to check your
emails every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday because that is when they come out.

Enjoy these blogs today and follow along
next week as I will have some very
interesting things to say.
Stay tuned :)

Change your Stops to Steps
“Then I wrote:
The “5 Things I Can Improve”
Let me tell you, I improved by leaps and
bounds in my practice,
my energy levels and by aliveness…..”

Psychic Energy
“Whenever you’re stuck in a
place in your
life where you’re not having fun,
it means that
you are not open to the people and
things around you.
Your creativity is cramped, your
flexibility is stifled
and most likely you are living
in a…..”

The Sky is Falling
“Students and patients often ask
me, “How can I control my life, so
situations like this don’t cause me
excess stress and ill health?”
I’ve been teaching these precious
exercises to thousands of students
and patients throughout the years
to teach them how…..”

Happy Sunday everyone!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Psychic Energy!

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Last Thursday evening I drove to the
Miami International airport to pick up
one of my good friends from Michigan.
He is an international known palmist and
psychic, a very interesting chap that you don’t
run into every day. He specializes in planetary
events and how that affects individuals.

Whenever I have a guest in my home I always
know that I am in for a unique experience and
when the guest is a psychic you can count on more
growth physically, mentally and spiritually.
Since he’s been here I’ve changed my entire
workout as well as meditations, practices, diet
and sleeping patterns.
Although this is a disturbance in my usual life
style it forces growth and flexibility for everyone.
One of the most important lessons I have been
learning from him is his dedication to service and love.
We have been going to all of the tourist spots around
Miami Beach and everywhere we go Frank stops
to help someone or give them a kind word.
Every time he sees someone that’s homeless or
having a hard time, he gives them either a positive
suggestion, a heart felt prayer or some change out
of his pocket.

When I asked him why he does this with everyone
he meets, he told me that life is all about serving
others and ending suffering wherever you can.
What he is doing is living life to its fullest and
showing others how to do the same.
I was talking to a good friend in Nevada this
evening and I asked him if he was having fun
and he replied NO!
Talking to a young lady I asked her the same
question, are you having fun? She also said NO!

Whenever you’re stuck in a place in your
life where you’re not having fun, it means that
you are not open to the people and things around you.
Your creativity is cramped, your flexibility is stifled
and most likely you are living in a closed system.
This is definitely not fun! When you are living in an
open system, you have flexibility, freedom, joy, love,
and you can be of service to others. This frees
you of worry, struggle, blame and can transform
your life into aim, contribution, and participation.
When I created the program Turn Stress into Power,
I had patients and students coming to me and asking
how can they change, how can they get out of their predicament?
I teach hundreds of people these meditations,
practices and exercises.

Like the tension release exercise, it clears blockages,
cures insomnia, relieves anxiety, calms the mind, and
eliminates stress. This powerful and spiritual exercise
has transformed people’s lives in less than 48 hours!
There are techniques like the Neuro-Vascular points – a unique
set of stress receptors that relaxes the body, clears the stresses,
reboots your system, and gives you more energy.
The book is crammed with exercises like these
that can transform your life!

Order today at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Build Strong Yin Qi All Summer

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

The first day of summer
is just about here!

The Summer Solstice
This is the longest day of the year.
Summer begins in the Northern Hemisphere
on June 21, 2011, at 1:16 p.m.

The word solstice comes from the
Latin words for “SUN” & “TO STOP,”
as the Sun appears to stop in the sky.

This is one of the most important days
of the year for Energy Work.

Like Meditation,Qi Gong and Yoga practices,
the Energy is at its highest.

In fact, if you are thinking of getting an
Acupuncture treatment, a Medical Qi Gong
treatment or any kind of Energy Work,
the Summer and Winter Solstices
(June 21 and December 21)
are the strongest days to move the Qi.

My calendar gets totally booked up a few
days before the solstice,the day of the solstice
and the week after. It seems like everyone who
knows anything about Energy work is at my office that
week to get a treatment and for good reason a treatment
done at the Solstice can last up to three months.

The six weeks leading up to and directly
after the summer solstice is ruled by the
Fire element. This is the season for a lot of fun.
The Fire Element relates to communication
and community. It’s the time when people
travel, have family reunions, plan June
weddings and spend lots of time outside
having FUN.

The Qi is moving better than
ever and we usually feel great.

As for diet:
It’s better to eat light, more fruits and
vegetables, to keep the body from over heating.
and drink lots of H2O

My Qi Gong practices are focused more on the
Yin element,as the days get hotter.
This helps to cool the body down and quit
the mind.
In China, the summer solstice was observed
by a ceremony to celebrate the earth, femininity,
and the “Yin” forces.

I’ll increase my practice of Flying Crane Qi Gong
for the next few months to build more Yin and stay cool
If you don’t know this style get this
one today it’s great.

I am spending more time on the automatic move
and the Yin set from the Recharging Qi Gong Program

They both increase the Yin quality and
keep the heart in balance, the mind
calm and the body cool.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi