Posts Tagged ‘Greens’

Is life Hitting you in the Schnozzle?

Friday, September 28th, 2012

One never knows what can happen from one moment to
the next, we plan our next move and then the
universe does what it wants and we either freak
out or go with the flow. Imagine for a moment that
something is flying at your nose at 100 miles an
hour. If you meet that force with your nose it’s
going to hurt. But if you move just slightly the
object will miss you and although it could have
landed on your noodle it didn’t.
Some people go through life face first; they are
always getting hit with whatever the universe
flings at them.
When I was in my twenties I spent a lot of time
practicing Aikido, a that
teaches how to use energy. The motion of the
attacker is redirected rather than opposing it.
Aikido training is mental as well as physical,
emphasizing the ability to relax the mind and body
even under the stress of dangerous situations.
That’s where I learned to redirect energy and not
oppose it.
If you are a Steven Seagal movie fan, Aikido is
his main fighting form.
If a force is coming at you it’s a form of energy
(Qi) there is no bad or good to it. Just pure
energy and when you learn to direct the force no
matter if it’s a punch or a verbal attack it can
be redirected to your advantage.
I grow an organic garden every year and harvest
tomatos, radishes, 3 or 4 different kinds of
greens, lettuce, plus a lot more food.
I live in Florida so my gardening usually gets
going around the winter solstice and goes strong
until late May.

If there is no rain, the soil dries out and there
are a ton of bugs that love to munch on my organic
garden and this is bad. But if you come to Florida
during the winter and you live in the north you
surely don’t want rain. You are hoping for sunny
beach days. So the dry warm weather is good. See
there’s really no good or bad it just is……..

There is always good to be found in everything.
You just have to stay on top of things so you can
know where, when and how.

I have been training and practicing internal
exercises, meditation and working on my health for
years and it has paid off big time.
People my age are on a slew of medicines from
anti- depression to sleeping pills. They are
taking medicine to take a dump, regulate their
blood pressure, control their cholesterol and make
their weenie hard.

I haven’t taken any of that stuff and I am healthy
and strong. I exercise everyday and have a smile
on my face a bounce in my step and so do my
students and patients.

That’s how it’s supposed to be.

If you are stuck in the drug cultures, seeing one
doctor after another and sick and tired of being
there, lets work together to get healthy strong
and happy.

There are a few ways you can get started.
Join the Qi Gong Inner Circle and receive a
teaching every month on internal exercises,
meditations and healing techniques to keep you
stay healthy, young and vibrant or if you are
ready for a total change with the quickest results
sign up for the private coaching program and
receive a one-on-one coaching and training for the
entire year.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

In search of a Good Meal

Friday, January 27th, 2012

For the last few years I have been looking
for a good breakfast place near my house.
God knows I have tried everyone within a 5 mile
radius of my house and I am sorry to say there just
aren’t any good ones, but I kept on searching.

I knew there must be something around.
Most restaurants serve eggs, bacon, toast and coffee
but they don’t think about health. Breakfast is often
called the most important meal of the day and there
are good reasons for that.
When you wake up in the morning, your body has
been fasting, for hours.
Breakfast literally means, “Break the fast.”
A good breakfast gives your body and brain
the energy they need to function.
By eating breakfast, you’ll be less likely to overeat
later in the day. If you’re trying to lose weight,
don’t try to cut calories by skipping breakfast.
Studies have shown that most people who have lost
weight and kept it off eat breakfast every day.
Research has shown that those who eat a healthy
breakfast are more productive than those who don’t.
We know school reports that children who eat
breakfast get higher test scores and perform
better all year long.

What I prefer in the morning is protein like eggs at
least a few days a week with vegetables and
occasionally I’ll add some smoked salmon or turkey.
I usually do 2 whites to one whole egg.
A few mornings I just eat fruit and drink tea, and
this really gets the bowels moving and keeps the
system clean. As for the other days I drink a good
protein drink like I-5 from Zymogen -16 grams of
protein, all of the amino’s and the necessary vitamins.

I’ll add a scoop of “Greens First,” it’s filled with all of
the fruits and vegetables you’ll need for the entire day
in 1 scoop and I make sure I take my vitamins with it.

You can order the I5 and the Greens First
by letting me know and I’ll send it out the next day.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Setting A Positive tone for your life will make you Healthy

Friday, October 28th, 2011

What you do the first thing
in the morning will set the
tone for the rest of the day.

This is why it’s important to begin
your day with thoughts
of perfect Health, Wealth and Happiness.
Even before your feet hit the floor, you want to start
programming yourself into the realm of success.

No more procrastinating- get things done now!

The key to putting you on success course is
your daily goal – and that goes for
your fitness, health and diet.
The best way to achieve your target is to hit it first
thing in the morning, the earlier the better, and
then the rest of the day will be tremendous.

Before I go to bed I decide
what I want to accomplish the
next day and when I wake up I
know what I am going to do and hop right on it.

I not only stretch my body –
but my mind and spirit as well.

It’s the same with your food, the first thing you
put in your mouth will set your mood for the day
as far as your nutrition goes.

Here is what I do:
I start by drinking a few glasses of pure room
temperature water.
Then I begin my workout before any solids and
as soon as I am done, guess what?
More water!
This way I re-hydrate my body and flush my system
before I start eating anything.
Breakfast is a really important meal so don’t mess
it up with sugar and coffee.
Start out with a protein power drink with some
greens in it or maybe a few eggs, meat, or vegetable juice.
When I was in China we would start out the day with a
bowl of soup, although it’s not the typical Westerner’s
diet- it’s a good one especially as the days get colder,
try it once in awhile and see how you feel.

I bet you’d like some of that good old fashioned ENERGY.
Well, get it the old fashioned way!
Move, hydrate and nourish your body first
thing in the morning.

I recommend the
Recharging Qigong program
to all my patients and students to get a full workout
every day physically, mentally and spiritually.

Get this program and you will also receive a hoist of
free gifts that comes with the book and DVD’s.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

**The contents of this daily
email are not to be considered as medical advice.
Always consult a physician before
beginning or changing any fitness