Posts Tagged ‘Flu’

Protect Yourself From Evil Wind Disease

Monday, October 26th, 2015
Stay out of the wind it can make you sick

Stay out of the wind it can make you sick

Protect Yourself From Evil Wind Disease

This week in Miami we have been having strong winds
coming from the East and Northeast at 10 to 15 KTS
with gusts of 20 to 25 KTS.  In traditional
Chinese medicine, wind causes considerable
difficulty. It is one of the six external causes
of disease. Wind is a word that is widely and
freely used in Chinese medicine in relation to
health and disease while it has no equivalent
meaning or implication for the Western medical
field. External wind can cause diseases that are
acute, like the common cold, influenza, sinus
infection, skin eruption, sore throat, cough, and
eye disorders.

Now, we are in the season that’s ruled by the
metal element affecting both the lungs and large
intestines. Autumn, which means it’s a windy
season and a time when cold and flu are easy to
catch. According to Chinese Medicine, we are all
most susceptible to catching a wind at the change
of seasons. Here are some tips to help you avoid a
wind attack:

I can remember my friend, Ronny, would always
wear a scarf around his neck in a windy weather.
When I asked him why, he said, to prevent an evil
wind invasion. According to Su Wen, “Wind-evil is
the main factor to induce various diseases, and
has many variations and no regular pattern when it
turns into other diseases. But, in the last
analysis, the diseases are stemmed from the
invasion of wind-evil.” Traditional Chinese
Medicine teaches that external pathogens (bugs)
are carried in the wind and that they enter our
bodies at the back of our necks. We have
acupuncture points that “expel wind” used to treat
a cold. If you cover your neck when going out in
the wind, you can actually help to prevent
catching a cold.
•       During the windy season, we are more prone to
wind disorders. Things are changing in the
environment and for our bodies as well. Our bodies
are changing from the warm weather to the cold of
winter, and this change leaves us more vulnerable
to getting sick. It’s time to change your diet to
foods that are warm, oily, and slightly heavier to
help to counteract the drying, rough, and cold
quality of wind. It is essential not to let our
digestion get cold as we head into fall and winter
seasons. Our digestion is the key to our immune
system. Start adding winter squash, soups, whole
grains, and root vegetables. This is the time of
the year that I change my oil from coconut oil,
and apply sesame oil on my skin before taking a
bath or shower. It’s good to ward off stiff joints
and it puts a little more heat in the body.
•       It’s also the best time to place more of your
intention into your meditation practices. The
Internal Mantra Program will
give you instructions and exercises to strengthen
yourself for the fall and winter internal work.
Get it today, and I will send you a FREE
meditation CD to enhance your practices.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. Be sure to ask for the FREE meditation
program when you order.

How a Cold can make you Feel Better

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Last week was a rough one for me. I had a
cold/flu/fonk thing that knocked my socks off and
put me in bed for 4 days, I haven’t had a cold in
the last 6 to 10 years and this one hit me like a
ton of bricks. Sometimes when one gets sick it all
starts when you’re pushing your self too hard or
get off your program- that’s when we are the most
I am a doer and sometimes I am so into my doing no
matter what it is.
I forget to just STOP and Recharge.

These last few days were out of control, I wanted
to keep on going but the universe took over and
stopped me, if I liked it or not…..

A special friend sent me this You Tube link to
remind me to relax and enjoy.

It’s a good reminder to open up, be more flexible,
(not as ridged), understanding and loving.
Although it’s just a little cartoon it has a big
message for all of us who get so focused on this
or that and forget to give more love to oneself
and others and to be flexible in body mind and

I am back to full power again a lesson well
learned. I thank all of you for cards and emails
wishing me well.
Thank you,
Thank You,
Thank you!

Although I was knocked down for a few days, it
allowed me to reflect relax, rest, sleep and to go
deeper in my meditations.
The down time started with a day of TV which was a
big brain suck, so I turned that sucker off and
went back to the basics.

• Meditation
• Relaxing
• Centering
• Grounding
• Soft music

The basics brought it all back together and what
emerged was a healthier stronger me. I am back to
training practicing, writing, teaching and sharing
this increasable work with you again.
It is a pleasure to give to others as we receive
more every time we give. It’s a universal law
“What ever you give, whether it’s money, time,
donations, labor or anything else within your
life, including love, you will receive the same
back multiplied 10 times.” I am not sure who wrote
that one but it works.
I encourage you to stop everything right now. Take
a deep breath and be thankful for your health and
all you have.
You can change your stress into power by just
opening up to it.
In the Turn Stress into Power program, I show you
techniques to transform stress into useable

Practices to get on top of the wave of life and
feel great.
Order the program today and transform your stress
into POWER!
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and
Dr Wu Dhi

How to Stay Healthy all Fall and Winter

Monday, September 17th, 2012

It won’t be long before we get deluged
again with reports and appeals by federal
offices and other institutions concerned with
public health. They are going to frighten us with
the threatening flu season, which they claim we are
facing and will advertize that this year’s seasonal
flu vaccine will protect us. Honestly, how many
people do you know get vaccinated against the flu?

And get sick with worse symptoms then they ever had.
I know many people who told me they would never expose
themselves to it again after having suffered from
profuse influenza after vaccination!

I have a completely different approach to this issue,
and one that is promising and well-tolerated.
We all know if our immune system is working well we just don’t get sick.
The question is which preventive measures should be taken
in order to reduce our exposure to potential health hazards?

• Are there ways to enhance the early detection of these hazards?
• What measures can be taken to improve the immune system in order to circumvent a potential illness?
• Now is the time to prepare your immune system to avoid colds and flu’s this Winter.

For one I do not recommend the annual influenza immunization.
For two good reasons:
1. The vaccine contains only one strain of an
attenuated virus and the vaccine contains often a
heavy metal stabilizer typically
thimersol which contains mercery.

2. The vaccines over the years
have the wrong viral strain most of the time, and hence,
no protection was offered.How would the drug company know what
flu is coming next year anyway? Answer they don’t it’s a shot in the dark .
Consequentially, the question has been raised as to
whether the injected material had itself lowered the
recipient’s immune defense, and led then to an increased
susceptibility to contracting the flu.
The traditional flu vaccination does not
provide any protection against viruses
that cause most common colds.but it’s a million
dollar business and they are going to sell , sell
sell. and it’s not for your health…

As an alternative I can provide you and your family with
the most advanced immune builders that are used by the most
precious Health Clinics in Europe. I have been working with
the most advanced clinics in Europe that has created an
immune stimulant which provides good protective coverage
from viruses and is free from any adverse side effects.

Call my office and schedule an appointment today!

If you don’t live in Florida and you want to keep yourself healthy,
pick up a bottle of Vira-Qi

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Ways to Succeed

Friday, March 23rd, 2012

Yesterday I went to a new restaurant
that one of my friends suggested.
They said the food was really awesome!
When I walked into the place it looked a
little sabby to me so the first thing I did was
head to the restroom to wash my hands.
A man was walking out of the restroom just then.
No big deal, except I got a whiff of
what he was cooking.

Not pleasant.

It brought all sorts of ideas about
germs, disease and flu to mind.

My natural instinct was to get out of there;
I knew this was not the place for me.

My friend said I was just being negative and
I should have just burned through the
negativity and stayed.

What to do in the face of negativity?

Ignore it or do something about it?

The answer: Both.

You focus on what you want
instead of what you don’t
want – and then you take immediate
action to get what
you do want.

A restaurant is a good place to start.
So you picture it then go into your mind’s
eye and rearrange it the way you want it.

The same goes with any area of your life.
You close your
mind to the images and pictures of
negativity – you do
what is necessary to stop the
damage – and while doing
you open your mind to images of what you do want.

This formula works in good
times as well as bad. It
Works when you want to be in a
new career – and it
Works when you want to earn more money.

When your mind is open to possibilities,
you have freedom
To move and find a way to win.

So where do you find ways to succeed then?

In the Turn Stress into Power program

This book and CD program will open your
mind and give you new tools on how to
handel any stressful situation

Grab your copy now:

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Party Day & Night and Still Stay Healthy

Friday, December 16th, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly,
Fa la la la la, la la la la!!!!

You know what that means?
We eat, eat, eat and drink, drink, drink!

Over the holiday season, with all of
the festive activities and fun, we all have
the tendency to over-eat; over-drink, and
worst of all, eat all of the wrong foods.

Sugar cookies, sticky eggnog, basically
all fat and sugar!

This is a great way to spike your insulin
levels, clog your arteries and set you up for
the February Flu. It’s not that any of us are
going to miss any of the parties or any of the fun!
We are all going to eat some junk and enjoy it!
Let me tell you a little trick!

NEVER EVER put anything into your mouth
that you say is not good for you.
Let me give you an example:

I was out with Sherly the other day, and we
stopped at a little coffee shop to chat.
She ordered a big piece of chocolate cake
and a double espresso. She sat down and with
a big grin on her face, she said, “I know I shouldn’t
eat this, it will probably go right to my thighs!”
So, what Sherly did is she actually cursed the cake
and instructed it to make her thighs fat by eating it.
So many people do this, it’s amazing to me!!!

If you are going to eat something, the best thing
you can say is, “this is going to make me feel good,”
or that “this is going to make me healthy!”

That’s why it’s so important to say a little prayer
before you put anything in your mouth. It’s the
same with medicine, you never want to take a pill
and say, “this is killing me!”

When taking your medicine or your vitamins, you
should instruct the pill to do what you want it to do.

Let me give you an example:
When I take my vitamins, and I take them every day,
I always say to myself as I swallow them;
“I feel good, I feel great, these vitamins
will make my body radiate!”

You can tell your medicine or your vitamins
what you want them to do for you. You can use the
little jungle that I always use, or make up your own.

Over the holiday season, we all party and have fun,
but the one thing that you want to do is you want to
keep up on your nutrition. When we deprive
our body of good food, proper sleep, and days of
partying, we need to supplement. The easiest and
fastest way to keeping yourself healthy and vibrant,
is to get proper nutrition into your body.
Every day, I take my
vitamin packs in the morning and in the evening.

The Multi-Four is incredible!
Order yours today and stay
healthy all season long!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness!

Dr. Wu Dhi

It’s worth 1,000 flu shots!

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

It’s starting to get cold up north and the
snow birds are flocking up to Florida once again.
Today I was busy with colds, flu’s, back aches,
sinus congestion, knee pain, and allergies.
When people come down to South Florida for the
first few weeks, no matter if they’re coming from
Europe or the northern states, when they get down
here they change their diet, their dress, and they are
exposed to all of the flowering plants and trees of
South Florida. That’s what keeps me busy all day.

My office is busy all day with people from all
over the world trying to balance their health issues.
The type of medicine that I practice is far different
than the traditional doctors. I never try to kill a disease,
a germ, or a virus. My practice is based on strengthening
the immune system. If you have a strong immune system,
you don’t get sick – you stay young, strong and vibrant!

Western medicine is built around the germ theory.
Trying to kill that germ, trying to kill the cancer,
trying to kill the bacteria or whatever the disease is.
To me there is really no logic in that medicine.
We’ve all been exposed to colds and flu’s before
and if we are emotionally upset, stressed out, or not
in balance, we end up with a disease. If you’re happy,
in love and filled with joy, even if you’re exposed to
the worst colds and flu’s, you usually don’t get it!

When you’re stressed out – that’s the time that
Dis-ease hits you. You’re not yourself.
You don’t have your usual strengths and power
that you usually have -you’re just out of balance!
And the slightest breeze or an unwanted sneeze can
make you sick. I have had patients report to me that
by doing the exercises and the meditations in the
Turn Stress into Power program, they eliminated
all of their colds, flu’s and fevers the entire winter!

This information is worth 1,000 flu shots!
Stay healthy all winter and order the
Turn Stress into Power program today!

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Happy Camper gets Rid of Flu in One Day

Monday, August 15th, 2011

Here is a letter that I got today
from a young woman who is
visiting from Caracas, Venezuela.
She joined me one Saturday
morning for a Qi Gong workout.

Here is what she said:

“About ten days ago, my nose
began to run, because a couple of
days before I was exposed to somebody
who was very sick. I realized that
I would also be sick very soon.
I decided not to take any medicine; instead,
I did Qi Gong with the intention to
mobilize energy that could heal my sickness.
What happened was kind of a miracle
for me, because normally a flu usually
lasts for at least a week to ten days,
but this time, the Qi Gong practice
knocked it out of me in only one day.
I felt so healthy!
I have been receiving your daily stories,
and let me tell you that I enjoy them very much!
Thank you for all the great
information and knowledge! :-)”

People are always surprised when they
first start practicing Qi Gong and what a
difference it makes in your overall
health and energy.

If you have a blockage in Qi flow,
you will defiantly have a blockage in
the way your blood is flowing as well,
as blood follows Qi.

When you start to practice Qi Gong, you
get the energy moving in all the meridians.
Some students report a rush of energy,
and that’s because the blood follows the
Qi and blood is rich in oxygen.
This flow of oxygen will make you
feel supercharged and the more you
practice the more energy you will feel.

One of my students was so energized
that I had to tell him to only practice
in the morning as he wasn’t sleeping
and yet he wasn’t tired at all.
After about 30 days he was able to
go back to his morning and evening

It takes about 30 days for the body to
get used to the increase of energy and
flow of oxygen rich blood.

You may be wondering what kind of
Qi Gong he was practicing, and for how long?
Where can you practice to receive and benefit from?

You can find out today by ordering
the Recharging Qi Gong program
and get your Qi moving.
You will tap into the unlimited energy flow.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness.

Dr. Wu Dhi