Posts Tagged ‘Learning Experience’

A Soul Mate with benefits

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

They say that soul mates are those beings that we
have had connections with from our past lives.
They may have been our parents, relatives, spouses
or a lover and they have come back to join us
again. The reason for this rejoining is not always
as pleasant as you would imagine.

My master once said, “If you are sitting in a bar
and you see someone that you feel you have known
from a past life, RUN For It.”

Most of the time when we think of soul mates we
are thinking of love relationships, but we can
have soul mates that join us to heal old karmic
relationships as well. Any relationship is a
possibility to the ring of soul mates. Your Sole
mate might be a Master, Guru, Lama or counselor
that comes into your life to teach you something.
They may show up as a love relationship to help us
in a particular learning experience and then

Whatever the purpose, it’s always to teach us a
lesson so that we can grow. I believe that when
you connect with your Soul mate in a love
relationship, you have, in effect, found your
perfect mate for your development and growth.

Here are a few tips to recognize and re-connect
with your soul mate:
1.First know yourself

2.A soul mate should make you feel

3.A relationship with a soul mate is
more than likely to be a natural fit and a good

4.A soul mate should be overflowing
with goodness and support

5.There is a sense of familiarity and

6.An awesome partner that you can get
a lot accomplished with working together

7.Couples who are soul mates often
take joy in watching the growth of one another

8.A soul mate will accept who you are
and will bring out the best in you and be your
best friend

9.A soul mate will not require you to

When the genuine feeling comes along there is no
mistaking it, there is a mystical, magical sign
that lets you know if it’s real. A deep sense of
knowing in other words a “gut feeling,” that you
feel inside and out.

Looking at the Chinese system of fung shui (the
magic square) it shows that if you are working on
cultivating yourself, and make it your mission to
pursue a path of self-improvement your mate will
come sooner than you could believe. Things like
knowledge, health, exercise, and self worth will
draw your mate to you like a giant electromagnet.

If you have been looking for love in all the wrong
places, STOP! START spending time fine-tuning your
skills, nurturing interests, and having
adventures. Study, take courses, and do things
that help you grow personally, spiritually, and
professionally. Work on creating the life you want
to be leading–even if there is no one to share it
with yet–and in the process, you will create a
fuller, richer, and breathtaking life.

Both men and woman may be shy because of sexual
hang-up and withdraw when Mr. or Miss perfect
shows up. Don’t run away run and get Dr. Wu Dhi’s
Sexual Qi Gong and be ready, locked and loaded for
the magic to start.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Meet-Up or Not

Friday, August 17th, 2012

I learned about Meet up a few months ago and felt
that it had a lot of merit so I joined. Meetup is
the world’s largest network of local groups. More
than 9,000 groups get together in local
communities each day, each one with the goal of
improving themselves or their communities.
Our group meets up once a month, there are 15
people in this one and we are sharing information
on a host of subjects. After going to the group
for the last three months and enjoying the
networking and sharing of ideas, I talked to a few
healers and holistic doctors in the area and
decided to host a group.

The focus will be Health care, stress reduction,
Mediation, longevity practices and anti-aging.
(Not sickness care) the group will meet the last
Wednesday of the month for a few hours and share
alternative techniques to stay healthy and avoid
illness. Meetup’s mission is to revitalize local
community and help people around the world to
self-organize. Meetup believes that people can
change their personal world, or the whole world,
by organizing themselves into groups that are
powerful enough to make a difference.

Click on the website and signup!

If you want to learn some interesting stuff about
your inner self, how to heal yourself and your
family, this meet-up will be a fun and a great
learning experience for all of us.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

Don’t Ever limit your training.

Monday, July 11th, 2011

Don’t limit your training.

For the next few weekends I am
totally engaged in seminars on
meditation, acupuncture, nutrition
and Medical Qi Gong.
I am always training my
body mind and spirit.

“He who fails to train,
Trains to fail.”

This is the way we grow by working
outside of the box and pushing ourselves
to learn and get trained as often as we can.

If you ever took a peek at my Biography on
you will see that I am no stranger when it
comes to trainings, seminars or educating myself.
I have spent years being coached, practicing
and training myself and I continue where
I can and whenever I can.

It’s not always about just physical training and
energetic training, it’s about training in all aspects
of your life. To grow we need to touch on
every aspect of our lives and use all the
tools that are available.

“It takes two wings to fly.”
One is the training and the
other is the practice.
If you just have one wing
you just flop round on the ground.


For over 4 decades, I spent every
summer doing spiritual retreats.
Trainings that involved standing
practices, sitting practices and
chanted prayer or mantra which
is what they are called in the
eastern systems.

I learned to incorporate many of the
different modalities to enhance my
mind and over the years I learned how
to develop my learning and growing
experiences. Learning how to learn is an art.

In Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)
they call that VAC (visual, auditory and kinesthetic).
This way you start to get as many modalities
as you can involved in learning experience.

1. Visually- you want to be able to
picture it in your minds eye.
See it, see yourself already having it.

2. Auditory- hear it.
What does it sound like?
Does it ring a bell?
Sing it, hum it play it on the piano.

3. Kinesthetic- feel it.
Get some movement into the learning experience.
Dance it, run it, touch it,
and get it into your body.

The more of the senses you can
activate the quicker you can learn
and retain that information.
Years ago I asked my Master to
teach me the inner workings of a
special meditation; he agreed but
told me that I had to repeat the
mantra 100,000 times before he
would give me the entire teaching.
I thought about it for a few days and
did the math. I wasn’t going to get
the teaching for over a year and this
didn’t sit well with me at all.

The next day I met with a friend for
dinner and he was telling me about a
doctor that he met, who was working
on “subliminal programming” of the mind.

The following day I contacted his doctor
and made an appointment.
When I got to his office I
had 100,000 questions.

He explained to me what subliminal
programming could do and how
it worked.
He said, “Our minds have so called
guards that block out useless and
harmful information, sometimes this
is good and some times not so good
as we are always get programmed
by outside influences.”

He gave me the analogy of a guard
standing at a guardhouse, who only
lets in the right things for us, but
sometimes things sneak in from
our subconscious mind, our guard
doesn’t even see it. He told me this
can be easily done with the right
suggestions to the subliminal mind.
He went on to say that the advertising
industry does this all the time to sell us
product that we had no idea we even wanted.”

I asked him if I plan to get the 100,000
repetitions of the mantra in my mind
could it be done?

He said, “I don’t see why not.
Just have a subliminal CD made and
listen to it over and over and you will
program your mind.”

I learned that I could have my own
custom subliminal program CD made
to get the mantra into my mind in
record time, so I set up an appointment
to meet with the recording company
and I explained what I wanted to do.

I wanted to produce a subliminal
program that would repeat the mantra
100,000 times in one hour. I worked
with them on getting the exact mantra
played down on the tracks and then waited.

It was a few weeks before they got it
back to me with the finished product
and then I got to work, I spent the
next few weeks listening to the
program for only an hour a day
1/2 hour when I woke up and
1/2 hour just before I went to sleep.

When I returned to see my Master,
I told him that I had completed the task.
He doubted me at first and said that it was
impossible, until I explained what I did.

He congratulated me on my unique
approach and said, “This was definitely
thinking outside of the box.”
He gave me the entire teaching!

Since that time I have taught hundreds
and hundreds of students
“The Internal Mantra Program” and
gave them the CD. I recommend this
program for all beginners as well as
well seasoned mediators to deepen the
understanding of the teachings as well
as the subliminal practice CD to
embody the practice.

The Internal Mantra program teaches
you the six most powerful words that
will reprogram your mind and open up
your locked spiritual energy. This is
not about any religion, it’s about
unlocking your spirit to receive more
energy no matter what your tradition
and training is.

Order your program today and
reprogram your body, mind and spirit.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi