Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category

Honor our Warriors

Monday, May 27th, 2013

Today is Unknown
To honor our men and women who have served our country and lost their lives fighting for ourFreedom. There have been so many wars and so much loss of life in the name of Freedom that it is overwhelming.
One would think that this time in the evolution of man we would all work together asa world to make things better for all of us.

To make sure that everyone has food and shelter and good health instead of working to take advantageof others. Now, I am not a communist and I don’treally care for the way communism runs, but it seems that people are so jealous and so envious of others in the name of their God that they try to take advantage of one and another.

I personally thank all of the fallen soldiers who served our country to make this a better place.
This Memorial Day like most Memorial Day’s people forget the meaning and Partayyy! Partayy means BBQ’s, Pina Coladas, going to the beach, hangingout and relaxing.

Take a moment out of your long weekend and remember somebody served our country to make this a beautiful and safe place.

Freedom is not Free.
It is like our health. You have to work for your health and fight for your health. You only remember it when it’s gone and then it’s too late.

This weekend I will have more free time than usualand for sure I am going to train, work out,stretch more and relax. I will spend some of my day in meditation, some in relaxation and try to open up on every level to make my life and the people I come in contact with,like you better.

I spend a lot of time putting together programsand teachings to educate all of us about our health, what the best exercises are and what nutrition would be the best for us in order to give us a healthy and happy life. If you all ready have some of my programs, take the time on this long weekend to practice and if you don’t own any get one or two now, go to
And click the tab on top that says programs. There is a detox program, The Polynesian Salt WaterPurification
that works so incredible and you can do it at the beach and feel great!

If you don’t h ave the Yin set already, it’s a download, and you can order it and have it right now. It is instant gratification that will work on your heart, your spleen, your lungs, the kidneys and the liver to keep you healthy, strong, happy,and most of all well-balanced. These are only two of the products that will make your life better.

I wish all of you a happy and safe Memorial Day!
Keep on Practicing!
Dr. Wu Dhi

Free yourself from Mass Media

Monday, May 6th, 2013

images-2I was listening to Jared Cohen on TV today. He is
a brilliant guy who is a geopolitical advisor and
the Director of Google Ideas. Also known as Ideas,
it’s a cross-sector, inter-disciplinary “think
tank dedicated to understanding global challenges
and applying technological solutions. A few years
ago he predicted “Governments will be caught
off-guard when large numbers of their citizens,
armed with virtually nothing but cell phones, take
part in mini-rebellions. He went on to say that
the future revolutions will be easier to start but
they will be harder to finish. The accelerated
pace of movement making will get lots of people
into the streets, and even lead to more dictators
being toppled. But when a dictator falls and the
dust settles, technology can’t replace the need
for real leaders and functioning institutions,
both of which take many years to emerge and

I really agree with Mr. Cohen. Although technology
is making great changes all over the world and
making the planet a more global community, we will
always need strong leaders. The word Doctor, Guru
and Lama all come from the same root word TEACHER.
We will always need strong leaders to uplift us
and to educate the masses. If there is a
government, a leader or anyone who limits your
growth, or your education, BEWARE they have a
hidden agenda that is most likely not in your
interest. A dictator is basically someone who
wants to control you, keep you ignorant and
enslave you.

The reason I practice and teach Qi Gong and
Meditation is because it gives you away to free
your body, mind and spirit. A way to free yourself
from the machinery of enslaving your being.
An hour of practice a day can change the way you
see things and free you from being enslaved by the
media, government and the food Nazis who want to
keep you sick and stupid.

Free yourself, free your mind and body and get on
the program today. Join me and the members of the
Qi Gong Inner Circle and I’ll send you the latest
techniques in Qi Gong, Meditation and health care.

Join us now

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Are your loved ones Sucking your Energy

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

An Energy Vampire will spread fear around like
it’s going out of style, just to suck you in.
Their conversations are about fear that really
doesn’t exist and they set traps for others to
fall into so they can suck the Energy from you.
For the most part they lack close friends and any
kind of long lasting relationships. An Energy Vampire
will set up situations to suck others into their
negative energy to drain them of life, love and

Do you know anyone who carries fear around with
them like a bag of treats, ready to share it with
anyone who will to listen to your sad pathetic
Beware of those people who are always saying
things like- “I don’t know about you but if this or that
happens I’m really screwed.” “I don’t know what I
would do.” “I’m totally freaking out about it,
aren’t you?” They tell their Sad Sack story over
and over to whoever will listen and that’s one of
the ways they hook their teeth in to suck you dry.

I have seen them suck the joy out of their own
family, their mates and even their children. They
force friends and family to try and calm them
down, as they suck the life and energy out of the

Beware, if you have a clinging person around you
that needs to be constantly held or indulged like
a little baby, chances are they are sucking you
dry. They are drawing upon your strength to feed
and when you try to pull away they squeal and cry
like they are two years old even if they are

Well, it’s high time to take
responsibility for your own pile of dung and do
something about it before friends, family ditch
you totally. Your mother, father, sister, brother,
husband, wife and even your children may still be
with you physically but they will resent you for
stealing their life force.

We all get stubborn now and then but if you are
stubborn to the point of ridiculousness, it’s time
to wake up. The Tibetans say that all of this
comes from the “Three poisons” Worry, Struggle and
Blame. If you find yourself or friends who are
living in a place of doubt, not believing anyone
and always blame others for misfortune, chances
are they are caught in the endless circle of
Worry, Struggle and Blame others for their own

But you can change this pattern. images-1 That’s all one needs to
do, but you have to be the one who does it. No one
else can even help you. I know patients who see
physiologists, doctors and even healers but until
they take responsibility for their own health,
they will be stuck and be sucking on others
energy. I taught a class to a group of doctors,
healers and physiologists to give them tools to
keep themselves free of energy. Three Poisons
Sounds the program included the formulas on how to
recognize the patterns and how to pull yourself
and your clients, friends and family out of this

The entire program was recorded and put on DVD’s
to learn and grow out of old patterns. You can
order the program today by clicking here.

I Wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Long Distance Healing

Friday, April 5th, 2013

Long Distance Healing

I received an urgent call last week from a client
who lives in Santiago, Chile.
She was flipping out! Her boyfriend promised to
spend Holy week with her and her parents but he
didn’t show up and he didn’t call.
She was beside herself! She didn’t know if he was
hurt, dead or found another woman to shake up
with.She got so upset her blood pressure was over 200–
she couldn’t sleep and ended up with a bellyache.

I received her call early Good Friday morning
around 6:00 o’clock. At first I couldn’t understand
who it was or what she was saying. She was
sobbing, crying and yelling in Spanish and I dare
not spell out the words she was saying in any

After that, we talked for an hour or so on Skype.
I told her that she needed a clearing and
balancing and I could do it for her to clear the
space and bring in more harmony and balance in
their lives.

Remote or distance healing can be a little bit
difficult to comprehend for the Western mind. It’s
a form of healing, which brings similar results as
a one-on-one Medical Qi Gong healing in my office.
The only difference is the patients’ physical body
isn’t there. I would say that 15% to 20% of the
work I do with patients is distant healing.
Some patients are really doubtful at first when
they hear about long distance healing or healing
in any sense of the word, but it really works.
I am always asked questions like; how can you
possibly heal somebody without seeing them in
person. It does sound unbelievable in some ways,
but we get amazing results and that’s the bottom

I have heard that people who are incarcerated for
any length of time are affected physically and
emotionally and they need to have that energy
cleared as soon as possible. On the other hand if
an old friend or a lover calls to chat, by the
time you get off the phone your vibration is
changed and uplifted.

Let me explain how it works and why it works!
First, I gather as much information from the
person, the same as I would do in my office when I
make an initial consultation. This is done via
email; however it can also be done via regular
mail, or sometimes through phone contact. The
client also gives me an explanation of the
physical symptoms, as well as any disturbances
that they are feeling in their relationships,
their work, family and their spiritual life. I
begin each healing by going into a deep meditative
state. It usually takes around 30 minutes.
I’ll go into the persons’ direct Qi, into their
energy field and energy body. These thoughts are
transmitted through to hold the person in my
awareness while the healing takes place. The
transmission of Qi is directed to the area that
needs the healing. There is a veil of energy (Qi)
that protects both the patient and myself as we
are working and helps to facilitate the actual Qi
flow and any energy. This is all the protection
that is ever in need.

One thing I always impress on each person being
worked on is that the healing is being done no
matter how far away they may be. Energy has no
time, distance or boundaries. It’s limitless.
After the healing has been completed, I will
e-mail the patient, and tell them what I found and
what I did as well as what results they should
expect. People do not generally reply after I have
performed a distant healing, unless they
experience a further problem or if their problem
is quite severe.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Ps. To schedule an appointment call Anastasia at
She will send you the intake forms, give you a
personal appointment as well as my private Cell
phone number, Skype number or Viber number and we
can get started.

What the Heck is April Fools Day anyway?

Monday, April 1st, 2013

The beginning of April is the time of the year
that many different cultures have had days of
foolhardiness. The Romans had a festival named
Hilaria on March 25, rejoicing in the renewal of
Attis. The Hindu calendar has Holi, and the Jewish
calendar has Purim. Perhaps the ending of a long
winter and the beginning of spring lends itself to
lighthearted celebrations. April 1st is celebrated
in many countries and is referred to as All Fools’
Day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on
each other.

In the tarot deck, the Fool remains the most
controversial card in the deck. It is the only
card that has a zero on it; the other cards all
adhere to Roman numerals

The Fool is a powerful card because its
possibilities all start in nothingness and reach
into infinit, The Fool most likely represents you
enjoying a new life. It can also represent a
coming love interest that is not ordinary by any
of your measurements.
If you have been ignoring your health, you are
truly being played as the fool. There is large
book that lists all the medicines called the
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) and there is not
one single drug to promote longevity or anti

If you want to stay young, avoid being caught in
the loop of drugs and surgery wake up don’t let
anyone pull the wool over your eyes and make you a
fool. Learn what you can do and practice it like
it will save your life. This is no April fools day
joke. It’s the truth. If you train, practice and
are flexible, you have a good chance of living a
long healthy life mentally, physically and

Join me in staying healthy and we can all grow
younger together.
The private coaching program is designed to keep
you healthy, vibrant and aware.
Find out if you can qualify today

Dr Wu Dhi

Being proactive can give you years of good health.

Would you buy a Haunted House?

Friday, February 15th, 2013

Would you buy a Haunted House?

I happened to have some free time this morning so
I turned on the morning news. The news commentator
was reporting about a story that is now in court
in Pennsylvania. A family just bought their dream
house and moved in, after a few weeks of being
there they heard from the neighbors that the
previous owner committed suicide in the main
bedroom and now the family wants to move out and
be refunded.

What is a Real Estates agent’s obligation anyway?
The obligation of the house seller and agent
should have to be to reveal things like a broken
dishwasher or if the garage door can’t be open,
but what about a death, suicide, an ugly divorce
or even a brothel?

I know I’d like to know what and who was going in
the home I am about to buy, wouldn’t you? Do you
know who was in your house before you moved in or
what took place on the land that you are about to
settle down on?

Last Sunday I had a group of people meet at my
office for a lecture on clearing ones home and
property of old stale negative energy. For the
most part we don’t know the “what’s, when, where
and why’s” that previous owners left in our home
and the property as well.

In China no one would ever think of buying
property or moving into a home without first
having it cleared of bad Qi, stagnant energy or so
called haunting from negative entities. You maybe
laughing right now and saying Dr. Wu Dhi, you have
got to be kidding. But would you move into a home
where you knew that someone killed their family
and then hung himself or herself in your new
bedroom? I don’t think so. I know I would pass on
that one.

Do you remember the movie Beetle Juice? It was
about a young couple driving back from town, she
swerves to avoid a dog wandering the roadway and
crashes through a covered bridge, plunging into
the river below. They return home and based on
such subtle clues as their lack of reflection in
the mirror and their discovery of a Handbook for
the Recently Deceased, begin to suspect they might
be dead. The young couple’s peace is soon
disrupted when their house is sold to obnoxious
new residents. Although this is just a movie there
is more truth to it than you would imagine.

Clearing negative energies out of your home is as
important as making sure your home has a good
foundation. Negative energies are often
challenging to clear and often affect the
individual and their family. But once this energy
is cleared it can be completely eliminated.
When there is looming negative energy or even just
stale energy, it can affect your Body, Mind and
Spirit. I have worked with patients that just
couldn’t turn their health picture around until I
came to their home and cleared out the previous
owners negative energy and then like magic their
health improved dramatically.

There are many of us that are affected by
negative energy in our homes or at work and we may
just say it’s bad luck or a coincidence but
millions of people all over the world think that
there is much more to it. We can pick up
negativity from:

• Family members around us that are negative
• Co-workers who are negative
• Our work or business is negative
• Working in a place of high emotional

• Any business that deals with money
or where there are fears, worries, pain, suffering
individuals and extreme anger

We bring this energy home with us each day, even
if we use the clearing techniques. This type of
energy can be picked up on our clothes, leather
jewelry and our hair.

Whatever energy we have in our home will be
attracted to us. Old energy patterns can be
affecting anyone else living in our homes,
apartments or surrounding areas.

People who are sick or not feeling well and living
or staying with us also affect the energy of our
home. Cleaning and clearing techniques can easily
clear all these items and areas. One thing we can
agree on: If we are clearing ourselves, our home,
our business and are aware of the dynamics around
us, the energy around us can change and not build
up in our homes. We want to keep energy flowing
through our living spaces.

Over the last 25 years I have visited homes in
Canada, Venezuela and many parts of the USA
including Hawaii for the soul purpose of clearing
out the old negative energy and making peoples new
house their new home.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

If you or one of your friends are moving into a
new home or apartment or they are the type of
people who seem to always have a black cloud over
their head, you may just want to have them contact

Call the office at 305-407-0120

Dr. Wu Dhi

Black Snake Year can take a bite out of your wallet

Monday, February 4th, 2013

This February 10, 2013 is Chinese New Year which
is the year of the Water Snake. They say that it’s going to be
a year of conservation, a year of rebuilding and
a year of changes.
If you were born in any of these years, you’re a

HEALTH – Be aware of having small ailments,
including accidents. Drive carefully! Avoid
unnecessary surgeries and exercise more.

WEALTH- Your wealth is related to people, contacts
and relations. The harder you work, the more you

RELATIONS- Your relations tend to be better
outside your home than inside. There may not be
many romances, make it a lot of fun.

There are antidotes for just about everything. In
Chinese Medicine, if there is too much anger it
can be balanced by kindness. Sadness and grief can
be transformed into valor and courageousness. Rush
and hastiness can alchemically be transformed into
love and respect. Worry changes into balance,
being grounded and centered. Fear can be changed
into gentleness. It’s just a matter of staying in
flow. This year of the Snake can be filled with
worries or transformed into what ever you aim for.

I want to give you more this year than ever to
make your year of the Snake the best. As a great
way to bring in the New Year all my products are
now on sale for the entire week!

Check it out!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Act now! The Black Snake sale only lasts a few days!

Dr. Wu Dhi

Was the Sex Worth It????

Friday, January 11th, 2013

Frank and his wife moved to Florida for the
winter. They are typical snowbirds and come down
right after Thanksgiving and play in the sun until
Easter and then head back up north for the summer.
Nice way to live if you can pull that one off. A
few years ago Frank started training with me.
Although his concept of Qi was new and out of
context sort of thing, he never heard of Qi Gong.
He took to it like a duck takes to water.

Every day we got together he raved about Qi Gong,
energy work and how happy he is with this new found
energy. Last week his wife joined us for a
workout, although she claims working- out isn’t
her thing she said, “I had to come to see what
Frank was doing to be so frisky in bed after years
of “not much activity”

I explained that Qi Gong is one of the keys to
sexual power and that includes better orgasms.
The more you understand the relationship between
energy, your Qi and your sexuality, the easier it
is to convert the power and drive of sexual
When practicing with a trained and knowledgeable
partner it can lead to more satisfying, longer
lasting sex, and greatly add to your health and

When we get excited sexually, all our cells get
excited as well, almost to an explosive nature the
weak cells die off and the stronger ones get even
stronger. This excitement and increasable movement
of Qi reverses the aging process and keeps you
healthy and younger.

Sexual Qi Gong practice can help with such common
sexual dysfunctions as:
•Premature ejaculation
•Menstrual problems

Trying to understand, comprehend and get the most
out of your sexual experience without including
the energy work is like going to an Italian
restaurant and saying you don’t eat carbs. It can
be done but isn’t more than half as rewarding.

Qi Gong can open up a new world of sexuality for
you and your partner.
Sexual Qi Gong is well understood in the Oriental
system; for the most part in the West people don’t
have a clue about energy, they think the goal of
sex is to cum…that’s it.

Sexual Qi gong practices work on both self and
duel cultivation.
Developing the ability to practice Sexual Qi Gong
requires training in how to master particular
practices, it’s not all just in the mind’s ability
to control and direct the Energy/Qi, and it is
also in developing the strength and power in the
sexual muscles, pelvic muscles, and organs. There
are techniques that a couple can engage in, which
have been found to have numerous health benefits
and healing effects on particular organs and
bodily systems.

The most essential aspect of sex with a partner is
that there is a very specific energy exchange that
takes place. It is exchanged from each partner to
the other and this serves to “balance out” each
one. This is perhaps the most compelling aspect of
sexuality and the aspect that drives people to it.

If these abilities are not developed then it is
like sending a gift back unopened.
Dr. Wu Dhi’s sexual secrets program will give you
the tools you will need to make your sex life
better, stronger and keep you younger. Reserve
your copy today

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

The Importance of your Solar Return

Friday, December 14th, 2012

The astrologer finally got back to me about where
would be the best place to spend my Birthday. You
may be scratching your head right now and
wondering why Dr. Wu Dhi would have to ask an
astrologer about where he should be spending his

I am not an astrologer but I always like to take a
look at different modalities to make my life
better and astrology is one of them. It would be
silly to say that the planets do not have an
influence of one kind or another on this Earth of
ours. Just look at the influence that the moon has
on the tides, as well as on us.
Every year on ones birthday we have what is called
a “Solar Return.”

It’s literally when the Sun in the sky comes to
the exact degree it was at the moment we were
born. It’s a “Return” to its original position.
The significance of the Solar Return is that it
provides a map, which can give you an insight to
what possibilities are available for you for the
coming year. This shows what the tendencies will
be for the year. Things like . Wherever
you are on your birthday, can influence how your
year will be.

Let me explain the way astrologers make up an
accrued astrology chart. They take the date of
your birth, the time and the place you are born,
which will provide them with a formula. One gives
them the sun sign, one the moon sign and another,
the rising sign, or ascendant. From this
information they can construct a chart using
mathematical formulas that will give them
possibilities of how your life may go.

You have to remember the map is not the
territory, but can give you an indication of how
things will affect you. Although the modern church
denies and frowns on astrology, when I was in
Switzerland, in a church built in the 900’s – all
of the stained glass had astrology signs all over
it, and most of the books and teachings that are
not religious based use astrology as an indicator
for world events, and our lives. I think the
church threw it out for political reasons.

Nevertheless, wherever you are on your birthday,
you will be given a new chart for that year. It’s
like getting a new ascendant. That’s why I
contacted an astrologer and he told me where the
best place would be for me to have a better year
and this year it’s, New Orleans!

Now let’s say you think this kind of stuff is just
a bunch of bunk, but when you go some place on
your birthday and declare it will be a better
year, it will be. Why? Because you declared it,
it’s also a great way to celebrate the coming
year. You make that special day special, and there
for it is special.

My focus this year is my health and well-being, to
write more, teach more and to help more people get
healthy and stay healthy. This will be my year to
focus on those things so it will happen. Either
way it is going to be a great year!
I encourage you to also focus your life around
your health and well-being. Join me and the
members of the Qi Gong Inner Circle at
Stay healthy, happy and wealthy this year and
every year thereafter!!!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Click here and find out more

This is why I do what I do!

Thursday, October 25th, 2012

Elizabeth wrote and told me I can share it with you.

“My son Gryphon who is 9 years old has been sick with
stomach problems since September 2010. After each meal he
eats he feels sick to his stomach. In late April, 2011 the
issue escalated that he was throwing up after every meal.

We went for special testing in January 2011 to All
Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida, which is 3 hours
away from our home in Naples. The doctors did numerous tests
at the hospital, and the only report they could give us
was reflux of the upper GI tract. We were told to give our
son “Prevacid” which he threw up as well as soon as he took
the medicine. I looked up the side effects and found that the cure was worse than the problem some side effects could be serious. Things like, rash, blistering or peeling skin, hives, swelling of the eyes, face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat, difficulty breathing or swallowing. OMG the list went on and on and my son is only ten years old.

After a month of throwing up, I finally got in touch with
Dr. Swartz’s AKA Dr. Wu Dhi. I called the office and told him that I needed help!
…. and it was an emergency. Gryphon was now
losing weight due to throwing up.
He met us at his office
in Aventura the next day.

Dr. Wu has been practicing alternative medicine for decades. When we met the doctor he had a lot of unusual questions about diet, family life, exercise as well as standard questions about past illness and them He
did what looked like a massage, called Medical Qi Gong and put Gryphon under a special machine he called “the light beam generators” After about ½ the pain away from his aching belly. Finally, he
injected him with a homeopathic medicine directly into
his belly area on acupuncture points, and he gave us
Homeopathic drops to do at home for a week.

That was 30 days ago and my son has never thrown up again.

My Gryphon wants to go back and see Dr. Wu Dhi as he said, “Mom it felt so good to not be sick any more. In my opinion as
a mother Dr. Wu Dhi is a miracle healer. I have experienced his
healing personally as a patient myself 11 years ago, and I
have been a follower ever since.

I recommend Dr. Wu to you too. He is truly a healer who can
help with all ailments and disease. He has studied Chinese
and homeopathic medicine for a long, long time. You can
trust him to heal you as he is an expert in his field. I
now know that I should always start healing by seeing him.

Our medical bills from All Children’s Hospital have
exceeded $20,000 with no results. One visit to Dr. Wu
Dhi’s clinic was far less and my son is healed. It is a
simple decision for me today to call Dr. Wu Dhi and we
drive 3 hours round trip to see him. Utilize Dr. Wu, and
you will experience the miracle too.

Happy mother
Elizabeth Ganzi
Naples, Florida”

If you’re not in Florida, you can still get the power
to stay healthy every month with the Qi Gong Inner Circle:

I wish you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi