Posts Tagged ‘Daily Basis’

Which do you choose, HEALTH or sickness?

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Julia called my office this morning
and asked if she could talk to me.
I had a few minutes so I took her call.
She was beside herself! She has some real
issues about her health that I am not going to
go into and her insurance company will not
pay one thin dime to help her out.

She asked me why not?

The typical patient that is using
western medicine doesn’t understand
why most insurance companies don’t
cover preventive health care, anti aging or
any kind of longevity practices.
The reason being the system is set up
for sickness Not Health!

Usually people in the western world are
trained to see their doctor for sickness.
You can get pain pills, chemotherapy or
have your leg cut off and most likely your
insurance company will pick up the expenses
after you meet your deductible that could be
up to $10,000 if it is approved.

My usual patient is from Europe,
South America or has been educated to
know western medicine doesn’t do well
with curing any disease. They manage disease.
Americans have been brain washed into thinking
that the health industry, the government or food
companies are interested in their health
–It’s not true at all.

Real Health Care is different!

The client that comes into my office knows
that they are coming to be Educated and Learn
how they can avoid getting sick, avoid being put
on medicine and enjoy a healthy life.
All the treatments are natural.
I use homeopathic medicine, natural herbs,
diet, nutrition and vitamins.
Some of the treatments involve acupuncture,
muscle release techniques, laser, structural
realignment, prescriptive medical Qi gong longevity
exercises as well as anti-stress therapy.

I use the same tests that the western doctor uses
plus many testing processes only used in Europe and China.
Julia asked me if I looked at the blood? Yes! Of course I do.
Going over the blood work is an important indicator,
so is the balance of Ph and what you eat on a daily basis.

I also host a meditation class for my patients once a
week as part of their treatment and teach a Qi Gong
class once a week to encourage health and longevity.
This form of treatment gives the patient more
responsibility for his or her own health.
The doctor becomes more of a health coach.
My patients have found this kind of health care
pays in many aspects.
The # 1 goal is to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I practice this kind of health care on my family,
my friends, my students and my patients and I
boldly practice Health Care on myself.

Exercise, Diet, Nutrition, Qi Gong,
Meditation, Self-Cultivation
Smiles, Laughter, Love, Gratitude,
Forgiveness, Giving Back to the Community,
Sharing, and Caring

I wish you the best in your
HEALTH, Wealth and Happiness

Thank you

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS If you want to be more alive and live a
fuller, happier, life filled with the joy of health
start today. Get involved in things.
If you feel you don’t have enough money, time
or energy start giving more of yourself to others and be more loving.

Pick up one of my programs today.
Where should you start?
I recommend starting with the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
practice that for 90 days and you will
see the difference in your life.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is your garbage can full?

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

This week I’ve been seeing more patients
than one could imagine with environmental
diseases, allergies, and hives. It seems to be
all stemming from the excess pollution in our
food, water, air and plastics. We are being
poisoned on a daily basis and our government
agencies aren’t doing anything to change it.
It seems to me that the old mighty dollar is
taking precedent over our health and well-being.

I had a patient just today who was violently
allergic to peanuts, sesame oil and all types of
nuts in general! Not only does she break out in hives,
her respiratory system closes down to the point where
she needs to be rushed to the emergency to save her life.
Although, we have all heard of instances like this,
it seems like in today’s world, it’s happening more
often and to more people than one would ever imagine.

What can you do to protect yourself and your family?

It’s hidden everywhere!
In Rachel Carson’s book, The Silent Spring,
she warned us back in the 60’s that we were going
to have a big problem with pesticides, herbicides,
mercury, hydrocarbons, and more carcinogenic material.
Did we listen?
Heck NO!

Every day I see people with lung disease, cancer,
gulf war syndrome, birth defects, and chemical poisoning.
There is also the Sick building syndrome- that’s
when the building has so many pollutants in it,
poor ventilation, poor temperature control, and
pollution from outdoor sources, chemicals like
cleaning supplies, and copier machines. All of this
lowers our immune system and before we know
it we are sick as dogs!

Imagine that you have a garbage can in your house
and every day you throw garbage into the can,
eventually the garbage can will fill up and you will not
be able to close it with a lid and then the next thing
you know -you have flies, maggots, roaches and rats!!

That’s disgusting!
Now, you can do one of two things:
You can poison the pests and spray the bugs, but in
no time they will come back. If you want to get rid of
the pests what you need to do is empty and clean the
garbage can. It’s the same in our bodies! If you have some
dis-ease and you are trying to cover it up with antibiotics,
steroids and over the counter medicine, it’s just not going to work!

You need to change your internal environment.
You need to detox and you need to detox NOW!
Don’t hesitate; don’t wait until you get sick!

The Detox-Kit

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi