Posts Tagged ‘Goodness’

Get ready for some Big changes on our Planet

Friday, April 19th, 2013

imagesIt seems like the world is getting stranger and
stranger; the Boston bombing, the explosion in
Texas and the 7.8 earthquakes in Iran all in a

I hate being the messenger of doom and gloom,
that’s not what I am about because I know that in
reality we are very fortunate to be born at this
time and grow from all these lessons.

We are constantly being bombarded with calamity
and disaster and it seems like it will continue
until we make a shift in the global consciousness.

Doesn’t it seem like everyone is just going
bonkers or could it just be a shift to planet
Earth as a whole? Appropriately enough in the year
of the snake we are molting our old skin of the
past and feeling growing pains into our new
planetary conscious, (Grow pains). The lesson at
hand is to nurturer each other and ourselves.

Stay on the path, practice daily, eat clean
healthy food, drink clean water , take vitamins,
exercise and meditate. These are no longer an
option, they are mandatory to stay healthy in
body, mind and spirit. One thing that I am certain
of is if you and I don’t start connecting to
others and yourself on a conscious level, you are
going to feel the intense insanity and pressures.

There is good news, if you have been on a path of
goodness; it is going to become easier as we are
propelled into the new age. All the work you have
been doing will pay off. You will be Healthier,
Happier and Wealthier.

I met with Carola last week and I couldn’t help
noticing how she looked really good and really
optimistic about life.

She told me she was keeping up with everything:
diet, supplements, exercise, and meditation. She
said, ” I am doing everything I can do to make my
life better daily. Even though there are some
obstacles in the way, now and then. I keep a
positive and enthusiastic attitude. I am changing
my Stops into Steps.

She continued, “I’m definitely at the healthiest
I’ve ever been physically, mentally, emotionally
and spiritually and I feel better than ever.”

Our conversation was elevating and inspiring for
both of us to keep on keeping on, we inspired each
other to keep getting better and better.

Every day I meet with people from all over the
world at my office on the phone, Skype and Email
to support them in their practice, their health
and their meditations.

The ones who work on themselves daily are reaping
the rewards in all aspects of their lives.

Are you ready to get it on?

Join me in a private coaching session

If you can’t come to Miami right now, pick up my
three best selling programs

Recharging Qi Gong

Flying Crane Qi Gong

Turn Stress into Power

and I’ll go through them in a one on one Skype
call with you for an hour to go over all the fine

Dr. Wu Dhi

A Soul Mate with benefits

Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

They say that soul mates are those beings that we
have had connections with from our past lives.
They may have been our parents, relatives, spouses
or a lover and they have come back to join us
again. The reason for this rejoining is not always
as pleasant as you would imagine.

My master once said, “If you are sitting in a bar
and you see someone that you feel you have known
from a past life, RUN For It.”

Most of the time when we think of soul mates we
are thinking of love relationships, but we can
have soul mates that join us to heal old karmic
relationships as well. Any relationship is a
possibility to the ring of soul mates. Your Sole
mate might be a Master, Guru, Lama or counselor
that comes into your life to teach you something.
They may show up as a love relationship to help us
in a particular learning experience and then

Whatever the purpose, it’s always to teach us a
lesson so that we can grow. I believe that when
you connect with your Soul mate in a love
relationship, you have, in effect, found your
perfect mate for your development and growth.

Here are a few tips to recognize and re-connect
with your soul mate:
1.First know yourself

2.A soul mate should make you feel

3.A relationship with a soul mate is
more than likely to be a natural fit and a good

4.A soul mate should be overflowing
with goodness and support

5.There is a sense of familiarity and

6.An awesome partner that you can get
a lot accomplished with working together

7.Couples who are soul mates often
take joy in watching the growth of one another

8.A soul mate will accept who you are
and will bring out the best in you and be your
best friend

9.A soul mate will not require you to

When the genuine feeling comes along there is no
mistaking it, there is a mystical, magical sign
that lets you know if it’s real. A deep sense of
knowing in other words a “gut feeling,” that you
feel inside and out.

Looking at the Chinese system of fung shui (the
magic square) it shows that if you are working on
cultivating yourself, and make it your mission to
pursue a path of self-improvement your mate will
come sooner than you could believe. Things like
knowledge, health, exercise, and self worth will
draw your mate to you like a giant electromagnet.

If you have been looking for love in all the wrong
places, STOP! START spending time fine-tuning your
skills, nurturing interests, and having
adventures. Study, take courses, and do things
that help you grow personally, spiritually, and
professionally. Work on creating the life you want
to be leading–even if there is no one to share it
with yet–and in the process, you will create a
fuller, richer, and breathtaking life.

Both men and woman may be shy because of sexual
hang-up and withdraw when Mr. or Miss perfect
shows up. Don’t run away run and get Dr. Wu Dhi’s
Sexual Qi Gong and be ready, locked and loaded for
the magic to start.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi