Archive for the ‘Detox’ Category

Detoxify for the Fall season!

Friday, September 21st, 2012

I have a good friend who has been involved in
the military for years. He fought in the Korean War
when Douglas MacArthurthe was the president.
He actually did battle on the
front line to defend our country and has the
battle scars to prove it.

He has been retired from active duty for years now
and seldom talks about his war experiences, but
whenever he does he says it was heavy.

He has been seeing a doctor at the Veterans
administration (VA ) for his health care and up
until the last year everything has been OK– just
the usual aches and pains but nothing else.
But as time goes on unless you are actively
involved in keeping your body, mind and spirit in
tip top shape systems can fail.

Last week he went to the VA for a problem that he
was having with his digestive system, the dreaded
constipation syndrome that led to a painful
It seems that he wasn’t moving his bowls for 4 or
5 days in a roll. You can imagine
the toxins that back-up, ferment and rot when
there is no release. It affects the liver and
causes problems with the kidneys and even the
brain is effected.
In his
unfocused state he plowed into a can in the
parking lot of the VA. He not only totaled his
car, the air bag opened with an explosion crushed
his chest, fractured his hand and sprained his
neck. He lost his hearing in the left ear and
broke his new glasses.
What a mess!
All of this could have been avoided if only he had
followed the simple rules of detoxing the body.
1. Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of pure water
a day and not more that 8
2. Eat 2 heaps of fruit a day and the same
with veggies
3. Exercise daily it helps massage your
internal organs and keeps the Qi and blood moving
4. Don’t wait for the pain to come before you
do something about your health
5. Detox at least 4 times a year

I have been keeping my body and mind in great
shape by doing exercises that keep my internal
organs healthy to balance my Ph and detoxing my
body every season change.

As we move into fall the detox, it is more
important than ever to keep you healthy all
winter. You can avoid the cold and flu season and
stay fit as a fiddle!

Get on the program today and order the Core detox!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. He’s doing much better, still some pain in the chest
He is doing the detox program and he reports that everything is
along moving.

Are Organic Foods a Scam?

Friday, August 10th, 2012

There are people who just think that the entire
organic thing is a scam.
To sell food at a higher price and rip the public
off and play on their fears of sickness.

Well it’s time to wake up!
When you are buying conventional foods you are
getting much more than you think. Conventional
could be interpreted as pumped up with chemicals,
sprayed with poisons and picked green.

I know sometimes you don’t have a choice. When I
go into a restaurant, for the most part I know
that I am not going to get organic food but there
are some foods that are really heavily sprayed and
fertilized and should be avoided.

Here is a list of the worst foods to eat if they
are not certified organic:
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Strawberries
4. Peaches
5. Nectarines
6. Spinach, Kale, collard greens
7. Grapes
8. Sweet bell peppers
9. Potatoes
10. All lettuces
11. Cherries
12. Blueberries

Environmental groups say the worst foods contain
47 to 67 pesticides per serving and although our
government says consuming pesticides in low
amounts is not harmful- don’t believe them for one
It is critical that you know what you are eating
if you want to maintain good health.

The list is based on pesticide tests conducted
after the produce was washed with USDA
high-powered pressure water system. So for the
most part you can’t wash it off.
Peeling can help, although you have to take into
account that the pesticides are in the water so
the fruits and vegetables suck up the pesticides
through the roots and they can’t be removed.

What can you do if you want to eat those foods?
Plant your own fruit trees and grow an organic
garden and if you don’t have the room you can
always grow organic sprouts in your own kitchen
like lentil, radish, sunflower, mung bean alfalfa,
broccoli, peas and wheat sprouts. They are all
live foods and really healthy for you and a good
source of nutrition.

The body ages from having too many toxins
affecting our organs, (Toxin overload).

Now if you could imagine having a garbage can that
you keep throwing things in it, eventually it will
get full. When that happens, garbage starts to
spill out and the next thing you know you will
have flies, rats and pests. You can spray, and
poison as much as you want but the pests will
eventually come back as long as there is garbage
to eat. If you want to eliminate the problem, the
garbage has to be removed and the can cleaned out.

The human body is the same. These days we can’t
avoid toxins. It’s in the air, water and the
foods we eat.

Our system tries to filter it out through the
liver and the kidneys but eventually our bodies’
filters get filled up with toxins and the pests we
get come in the way of disease.

But don’t worry there is a solution that has
worked for thousands of health conscious people.

The Core Restore Liver Cleanse Kit:

It is a comprehensive 7-day diet, lifestyle and
nutrition program to reduce your toxic burden. The
program will improve hormone balance, reduce total
toxic burden and reveal chemical sensitivities as
well as food allergies. It will give you a
scheduled health maintenance program, simplify
complex gut issues and reinforce healthy lifestyle

We all do regular maintenance on our cars. Are you
doing the maintenance you need to do on your body?

Detox now and stay healthy

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

How your body Rots

Friday, July 27th, 2012

If you’ve ever taken a bite from an apple and then set it down on a table for a bit, you probably know what happens:

The part you bit into begins to turn mushy. And the taste goes bad if you leave the apple out in the air long enough
without eating the rest.

Why does this happen?

Because of free radical damage. The apple is made up of molecules, which contain
electrons. The oxygen in the air rips these electrons away from the apple, causing it to decay before your very eyes.

And guess what? The same thing is happening to your body.

Right now.

Every moment of your day – and while you sleep.

Free radical damage causes you to age, and look older, far faster than you should. Some say it IS the major cause of
aging period.

This is why it’s so important to consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. These contain anti-oxidants, which I’m sure
you’ve read about. Anti-oxidants “donate” electrons so free radicals take them instead of rip away at your cells, which is
what makes them so important.

But it’s tough to consume enough. The good news is, there’s a natural liquid source of extremely potent anti-oxidants. Men
and women who drink from this “fountain of youth” sometimes end up looking 10-20 years younger. My friend discovered this
fountain of youth a couple of years ago and made a free video you can watch right here:
It reveals exactly what this fountain of youth is and the story of how he discovered it.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Which do you choose, HEALTH or sickness?

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Julia called my office this morning
and asked if she could talk to me.
I had a few minutes so I took her call.
She was beside herself! She has some real
issues about her health that I am not going to
go into and her insurance company will not
pay one thin dime to help her out.

She asked me why not?

The typical patient that is using
western medicine doesn’t understand
why most insurance companies don’t
cover preventive health care, anti aging or
any kind of longevity practices.
The reason being the system is set up
for sickness Not Health!

Usually people in the western world are
trained to see their doctor for sickness.
You can get pain pills, chemotherapy or
have your leg cut off and most likely your
insurance company will pick up the expenses
after you meet your deductible that could be
up to $10,000 if it is approved.

My usual patient is from Europe,
South America or has been educated to
know western medicine doesn’t do well
with curing any disease. They manage disease.
Americans have been brain washed into thinking
that the health industry, the government or food
companies are interested in their health
–It’s not true at all.

Real Health Care is different!

The client that comes into my office knows
that they are coming to be Educated and Learn
how they can avoid getting sick, avoid being put
on medicine and enjoy a healthy life.
All the treatments are natural.
I use homeopathic medicine, natural herbs,
diet, nutrition and vitamins.
Some of the treatments involve acupuncture,
muscle release techniques, laser, structural
realignment, prescriptive medical Qi gong longevity
exercises as well as anti-stress therapy.

I use the same tests that the western doctor uses
plus many testing processes only used in Europe and China.
Julia asked me if I looked at the blood? Yes! Of course I do.
Going over the blood work is an important indicator,
so is the balance of Ph and what you eat on a daily basis.

I also host a meditation class for my patients once a
week as part of their treatment and teach a Qi Gong
class once a week to encourage health and longevity.
This form of treatment gives the patient more
responsibility for his or her own health.
The doctor becomes more of a health coach.
My patients have found this kind of health care
pays in many aspects.
The # 1 goal is to stay healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I practice this kind of health care on my family,
my friends, my students and my patients and I
boldly practice Health Care on myself.

Exercise, Diet, Nutrition, Qi Gong,
Meditation, Self-Cultivation
Smiles, Laughter, Love, Gratitude,
Forgiveness, Giving Back to the Community,
Sharing, and Caring

I wish you the best in your
HEALTH, Wealth and Happiness

Thank you

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS If you want to be more alive and live a
fuller, happier, life filled with the joy of health
start today. Get involved in things.
If you feel you don’t have enough money, time
or energy start giving more of yourself to others and be more loving.

Pick up one of my programs today.
Where should you start?
I recommend starting with the
Flying Crane Qi Gong
practice that for 90 days and you will
see the difference in your life.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Do You Know What You Are Being Fed?

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

take a lot of time and energy to
seek out the best foods to put into
my body and avoid things that could
potentially cause health problems.
The food industry is trying to hide
something Big from us.

There is a health risk in what
they are feeding us with the
so-called scientific advances in
the food industry. For sure they
are not health driven. Whether
genetically modified (GM) foods
are safe or harmful is still controversial.
I believe they are harmful and I do
everything I can to avoid foods that
are genetically modified.

Interestingly enough the large
commercial farms don’t want to
even label foods GMO.

We all know why.
People wouldn’t buy it. In
Europe foods have to be
labeled GMO, don’t you
wonder why the food industry
is trying to hide the truth from us?
I know that I want to know what is
in my food. Don’t you? We can
make an intelligent choice on what I
want to put in my body.

I generally
don’t take any sweeteners that have
corn syrup in them. I made that choice
just like I made a choice not to eat dairy
products. That was my choice.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t get
some corn syrup or dairy once in
awhile in my diet, but for the most
part I avoid it. I don’t think you
should be sucking on a cow’s
tit or eating sugar products in general.

Why do you think your food isn’t
being labeled to tell you what’s in
it? 85% of Americans want to
know if the food is being tampered with.
They say that now most foods we
eat may contain ingredients derived
from genetically modified organisms
(GMOs)–everything from baby food
to our dairy to even our meat. If you
live in Europe, avoiding GMO foods
is easier since laws require labeling.
However in the US and Canada food
manufacturers are not required to label
if their food is genetically modified or not.
Here are some of the foods to steer
clear of in your diet.

The worst of the bunch:

1. Soybeans
2. Corn – high fructose corn syrup and glucose/fructose
3. Canola oil
4. Sugar beets
5. Rice
6. Cotton- the seeds are pressed into cottonseed oil, you may know it as vegetable oil.
7. Dairy – the cows are fed GM grains and hay.
8. Aspartame
9. Papayas
10. Farm Raised Salmon

What can you do to protect
yourself and family?

•Grow an organic garden
(you can get seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds)
and other seed companies, look for seeds that are
organic and GMO free

•Buy foods labeled 100% organic.
But be aware just because something
says “organic” on it does not mean
that it does not contain GMs.

•Start eating and growing organic sprouts

•eat home more often and start avoiding
restaurants that are not organic

You may be saying Dr. Wu, I’d like to
eat organic but it’s too expensive!
True! In the short run organic is more
expensive , but there is no free lunch!
You will have to pay sooner or later and
paying with bad health isn’t any fun at all.
Start that sprout garden this week, avoid
junk food, clear up your diet and start a
detox program.

I like both the 7-day Core restore liver detox program

and the Detox kit

They both come with full
instructions and everything
you will need for a safe detox program.
They will help to keep you healthy
and disease free.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Is Your Doctor Sick?

Friday, June 15th, 2012

I had lunch with Ricky last week.
He is a medical doctor that graduated from
Emory Medical School, a four year program of
intense studies covering everything about the
human body possible.

He also had a 2 year internship at
Mercy Hospital in Miami, Florida.
Ricky has always been a great student and
has a great memory for details. It seems
like he is always late. We decided to get
together for lunch at Anthony’s at 1:00 pm and
Ricky arrived at around 1:30 pm. I ordered a salad
and some unsweetened ice tea. As soon as Ricky got
there, he ordered a pitcher of diet coke, a pizza
with onions, peppers pepperoni and extra cheese.

As Ricky gulped down his diet cola and ate that
greasy pizza, he was telling me how many patients
he saw that day. I think he said 30 in the morning!

As we finished lunch, he decided to go next door to
the drug store to pick up a few things. To my surprise
he picked up a pack of Marlboro’s, some Tums for his
tummy and some medicine for lactose intolerant conditions.
I asked him what all of that stuff was for. He said that
whenever he eats pizza, he gets heartburn and the cheese
just kills him because he is lactose intolerant.

I asked him a simple question: if you get heartburn
and you are lactose intolerant, why would you eat that stuff?
He said, “mmmmmmhmmmmm, it’s good!” Although Rick’s a smart guy,
I don’t believe he has any sense at all. He is eating the same
diet that he had when he was in his twenties and now he is in his fifties.

He gets constant heartburn, has a cough and you really
don’t want to ride in the car with him with the windows up.

Personally, I wouldn’t see Rick if I were sick.
Sure, he knows everything about medicine and what
drug to put in the body to suppress any condition.
But, as far as health, he doesn’t have a clue!

I invited him to come to my class to learn some of
the prescriptive exercises for the organs, like the
ones in the Recharging Qi Gong program or the Yin set.
He told me that it is really not his thing. He is not
into exercise, he smokes, he has poor eating habits
and did you know that the average life expectancy of
a medical doctor in the USA is 58???
There is defiantly something missing in the system.

I don’t take any medicine myself.
I take vitamins and herbs.
I get up every morning, do my meditation
practices, my Qi Gong practices, and I have
been doing these practices for over 40 years constantly.

Yea, I went to acupuncture school for 4 years,
did an internship in China and another internship
at South Shore Hospital in Miami beach and then did
another 3 year study on medical Qi Gong. I don’t think
the pizza would be good for me either, so I don’t eat it.
I might be lactose intolerant, but I stay away from dairy.
Those brown carbonated drinks are something I always used
to polish my brass bed. I have made a decision long ago
to only put the best fuels in my body.

I know that if I bought an expensive sports car,
I certainly wouldn’t put in the cheapest gasoline I
could find and I surely wouldn’t put cheap fuel in my body.
If I had that sports car, I would make sure that it was
tuned up and all of the parts were working great! I do the
same for my body and I am thankful every day that my health
is good, that my energy and vitality are awesome and I don’t
have to mask problems with pills for my ills.

If your are like me and you want to have a body, mind and
spirit like a fine racecar, start making choices to put only
the best in your body, mind and spirit. Get on the right track!
Order the Recharging Qi Gong program today
and change your life (health) forever!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Eat, Smile, Stay, Happy and Detox from Sickness

Friday, June 15th, 2012

lan came in to the clinic 2 days ago to
get tuned up and see if he could get his emotions
under control. He was losing his temper all of the time,
he’d get in fights at least once a week and couldn’t stay
in any relationship for more than a few months without blowing up.
He’s got his own business and works hard as a professional diver
and is intense when it comes to work and just can’t leave the
intensity when he goes home.

I thought to myself why is he so wound up? What a cool job
he has, diving, looking for treasure, and seeing the beautiful
marine life and all of the romantic things that remind us of the sea.

As I questioned Al about his work, diet and activity he told
me that he really works hard spending most of his days under
boats scrubbing clean debris and barnacles from the bottom of the sea.

As we went over his medical history and what he was experiencing
he told me this. My problem is I work in water that is dirty
sometimes polluted and filled with oils, gas even raw sewage.
That’s why I came to see you– I know my system is toxic.

“Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves
of the sea, at the long courses of the rivers, at the vast compass of the
ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by
themselves without wondering.”
-Saint Augustine

As soon as I laid my eyes on him I knew there was a problem,
he was loud, his nails are all gnarly, his jaw was clenched
and his complexion was chalky looking.
Although Alan doesn’t have any symptoms of any disease,
we all know he will sooner or later unless he makes some changes.

Al’s system is toxic from his environment. The skin is our
biggest detox organ and also absorbs toxins that will affect
the liver, kidneys and the colon.

The liver and kidneys are like large filters that clean
the toxins out but those filters get filled up with
poisons and then the entire body and mind will be affected.

The emotion of the liver is anger on the negative side and
kindness on the brighter side. Alan is exposed to toxins on a
daily basis and it is starting to show. He’s angry and really
doesn’t have any real reason to be. He makes good money, owns his
own business and is a friendly outgoing guy.
Nevertheless he’s pissed at the world.

In Chinese Medicine all of the signs point to a
toxic liver and liver Qi stagnation.
This can be easily he addressed. The first thing to do
is detox the liver and change his diet and move him out
of the polluted water at least a few days a week.
I put Alan on the 7 day Core detox program

I also got him to lay off the booze and caffeine for 30
days and changed the brown carbonated drinks for fresh clean water.
Although he moaned and groaned for the first 3 or 4 days of the
program he reported that he is starting to feel great and
he isn’t having fits of anger.

If you are feeling out of control, holding on to excess
weight and pissed there is an escape route for you that
will calm things down and it only takes a week to get it going.

The Core restore liver detox program:

You can order it right now and get started in a few short days.

Go to:

and order today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Don’t Get another Cold!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

How many times do you get a cold in a year?
Ones, twice or more?
I used to get a cold every fall and usually a whopper in
the spring as well and I’d be out of commission for at least a
week and if I wasn’t careful I’d end up with a lingering cough to boot.

Usually a person gets a cold when their immune system is
run down and they come in contact with the colds virus.
If you are burning the candle at both ends, stressed to the
max it seems like it’s much easer to pick up a cold.

There are many myths of the common cold.
The fact is, most of them are wrong.
Things like: You can sweat it out– unfortunately,
this does not work – it is completely ineffective.
The Flu Shot can prevent a cold—wrong, sometimes
people get worse colds from the darn shot.
Cold weather can give you a cold—wrong again most
colds are caught in the Spring/Fall seasons.

There is a popular myth that kissing a person with a cold
will cause you to catch it—nope a kiss won’t kill you,
but watch out it is the nasal mucous you have to worry about.
So don’t lick any noses.

The good News when you get symptoms of a cold
(runny nose, coughing, aching body and wiped out)
it can be stopped in its tracks.
If you feel that you are coming down with something don’t
wait another minute, and if you are in the midst of a bad cold
you can lessen the symptoms and duration by days.
Yes, you can get over the sickness quickly… And the treatment is all natural.

I have recommended Vira-Qi to patients, students and
my own family and they are amazed how quickly you can free yourself
of cold symptoms. In fact, take it at the first signs and like magic you will be
feeling great in the morning. Vira Qi is the name, get it today and keep it in
your medicine chest –you will be glad you did.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

In search of a Good Meal

Friday, January 27th, 2012

For the last few years I have been looking
for a good breakfast place near my house.
God knows I have tried everyone within a 5 mile
radius of my house and I am sorry to say there just
aren’t any good ones, but I kept on searching.

I knew there must be something around.
Most restaurants serve eggs, bacon, toast and coffee
but they don’t think about health. Breakfast is often
called the most important meal of the day and there
are good reasons for that.
When you wake up in the morning, your body has
been fasting, for hours.
Breakfast literally means, “Break the fast.”
A good breakfast gives your body and brain
the energy they need to function.
By eating breakfast, you’ll be less likely to overeat
later in the day. If you’re trying to lose weight,
don’t try to cut calories by skipping breakfast.
Studies have shown that most people who have lost
weight and kept it off eat breakfast every day.
Research has shown that those who eat a healthy
breakfast are more productive than those who don’t.
We know school reports that children who eat
breakfast get higher test scores and perform
better all year long.

What I prefer in the morning is protein like eggs at
least a few days a week with vegetables and
occasionally I’ll add some smoked salmon or turkey.
I usually do 2 whites to one whole egg.
A few mornings I just eat fruit and drink tea, and
this really gets the bowels moving and keeps the
system clean. As for the other days I drink a good
protein drink like I-5 from Zymogen -16 grams of
protein, all of the amino’s and the necessary vitamins.

I’ll add a scoop of “Greens First,” it’s filled with all of
the fruits and vegetables you’ll need for the entire day
in 1 scoop and I make sure I take my vitamins with it.

You can order the I5 and the Greens First
by letting me know and I’ll send it out the next day.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Is your garbage can full?

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

This week I’ve been seeing more patients
than one could imagine with environmental
diseases, allergies, and hives. It seems to be
all stemming from the excess pollution in our
food, water, air and plastics. We are being
poisoned on a daily basis and our government
agencies aren’t doing anything to change it.
It seems to me that the old mighty dollar is
taking precedent over our health and well-being.

I had a patient just today who was violently
allergic to peanuts, sesame oil and all types of
nuts in general! Not only does she break out in hives,
her respiratory system closes down to the point where
she needs to be rushed to the emergency to save her life.
Although, we have all heard of instances like this,
it seems like in today’s world, it’s happening more
often and to more people than one would ever imagine.

What can you do to protect yourself and your family?

It’s hidden everywhere!
In Rachel Carson’s book, The Silent Spring,
she warned us back in the 60’s that we were going
to have a big problem with pesticides, herbicides,
mercury, hydrocarbons, and more carcinogenic material.
Did we listen?
Heck NO!

Every day I see people with lung disease, cancer,
gulf war syndrome, birth defects, and chemical poisoning.
There is also the Sick building syndrome- that’s
when the building has so many pollutants in it,
poor ventilation, poor temperature control, and
pollution from outdoor sources, chemicals like
cleaning supplies, and copier machines. All of this
lowers our immune system and before we know
it we are sick as dogs!

Imagine that you have a garbage can in your house
and every day you throw garbage into the can,
eventually the garbage can will fill up and you will not
be able to close it with a lid and then the next thing
you know -you have flies, maggots, roaches and rats!!

That’s disgusting!
Now, you can do one of two things:
You can poison the pests and spray the bugs, but in
no time they will come back. If you want to get rid of
the pests what you need to do is empty and clean the
garbage can. It’s the same in our bodies! If you have some
dis-ease and you are trying to cover it up with antibiotics,
steroids and over the counter medicine, it’s just not going to work!

You need to change your internal environment.
You need to detox and you need to detox NOW!
Don’t hesitate; don’t wait until you get sick!

The Detox-Kit

I wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi