Posts Tagged ‘Drug Store’

Knowing when to Act in an Emergency

Thursday, August 2nd, 2012

Marissa is like a daughter to me. I’ve known her
since she was seven years old and we always adored
each. She is all grown up now and has kids, a
husband and all the trappings that go along with

She had some free time today. Her son was in camp,
husband went to work and she decided to take some
relaxing time and go to the mall.
Looking and shopping is fun when you aren’t
pressured for time or in a rush to buy a last
minute this or that.

It’s not my favorite activity but I suppose for
her it’s like hunting or maybe a walk in the woods
or the mountains.On her casual stroll she stopped for a delicious
little treat and that’s when all hell broke loose.
Marissa like millions of people is highly allergic
to Nuts!

The body’s immune system normally fights
infection, but when someone is allergic to tree
nuts or a peanut, the immune system overreacts to
proteins in these foods. Every time the person
eats a peanut or tree nut, the body thinks the
proteins are harmful invaders. The immune system
responds by kicking into high gear to fend off the
“invader.” This causes an allergic reaction, in
which chemicals like histamine are released in the

The release of these chemicals can cause
someone to have the following problems:
• Wheezing
• Trouble breathing
• Chocking
• Hoarseness
• Throat tightness

Nut allergies can cause a severe reaction leading
someone to have trouble breathing, and If it is
not treated, can be life threatening.

She knew she was having a reaction and went to the
drug store to get some Benadryl and lucky the
pharmacist saw what was happening and gave her a
Epinephrine injection for allergies’ and called

The ambulance was there in no time! They gave her
an IV and took her off to the hospital for
treatment. Thank God she is Ok! A little
drugged-up but safe and healthy.

The pharmacist was right on his game and knew
exactly what to do and did it; he may have saved
her life.

This is important in all aspects of life, knowing
when to act and doing it without any hesitation. I
am sure he saw this kind of thing before and was
trained to do what was needed.

When we are challenged with a situation that we
need to act upon, some people freeze up while
others take action.


It’s because of their training.

“If you fail to train, you are training to fail”

That’s why I train every day in Internal exercises
(Qi Gong), meditation and in my health and
wellness practice. When everything is going well
with blue skies above, nice breeze and there is no
stress in my life I am feeling great, there is no

But when you’re off your game and out of balance–
look out! You are bound to get a headache, a cold,
sore back, stiff neck, insomnia or worse. Stress
can do this to you in a New York second and that’s
fast. That’s why I train every day to Turn my
Stress into Power.


If you are like me you put a lot of importance on
your health and really can’t afford to be off your
game. That why I wrote the book “Turn Stress Into
Power” and then went back into the studio and made
a DVD of all the exercises so everyone would be
able to follow the easy to learn information. You
can simply order the program by clicking on the
order now and I’ll send it out today!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Want a nut? No thanks; hold on to your nuts!

Is Your Doctor Sick?

Friday, June 15th, 2012

I had lunch with Ricky last week.
He is a medical doctor that graduated from
Emory Medical School, a four year program of
intense studies covering everything about the
human body possible.

He also had a 2 year internship at
Mercy Hospital in Miami, Florida.
Ricky has always been a great student and
has a great memory for details. It seems
like he is always late. We decided to get
together for lunch at Anthony’s at 1:00 pm and
Ricky arrived at around 1:30 pm. I ordered a salad
and some unsweetened ice tea. As soon as Ricky got
there, he ordered a pitcher of diet coke, a pizza
with onions, peppers pepperoni and extra cheese.

As Ricky gulped down his diet cola and ate that
greasy pizza, he was telling me how many patients
he saw that day. I think he said 30 in the morning!

As we finished lunch, he decided to go next door to
the drug store to pick up a few things. To my surprise
he picked up a pack of Marlboro’s, some Tums for his
tummy and some medicine for lactose intolerant conditions.
I asked him what all of that stuff was for. He said that
whenever he eats pizza, he gets heartburn and the cheese
just kills him because he is lactose intolerant.

I asked him a simple question: if you get heartburn
and you are lactose intolerant, why would you eat that stuff?
He said, “mmmmmmhmmmmm, it’s good!” Although Rick’s a smart guy,
I don’t believe he has any sense at all. He is eating the same
diet that he had when he was in his twenties and now he is in his fifties.

He gets constant heartburn, has a cough and you really
don’t want to ride in the car with him with the windows up.

Personally, I wouldn’t see Rick if I were sick.
Sure, he knows everything about medicine and what
drug to put in the body to suppress any condition.
But, as far as health, he doesn’t have a clue!

I invited him to come to my class to learn some of
the prescriptive exercises for the organs, like the
ones in the Recharging Qi Gong program or the Yin set.
He told me that it is really not his thing. He is not
into exercise, he smokes, he has poor eating habits
and did you know that the average life expectancy of
a medical doctor in the USA is 58???
There is defiantly something missing in the system.

I don’t take any medicine myself.
I take vitamins and herbs.
I get up every morning, do my meditation
practices, my Qi Gong practices, and I have
been doing these practices for over 40 years constantly.

Yea, I went to acupuncture school for 4 years,
did an internship in China and another internship
at South Shore Hospital in Miami beach and then did
another 3 year study on medical Qi Gong. I don’t think
the pizza would be good for me either, so I don’t eat it.
I might be lactose intolerant, but I stay away from dairy.
Those brown carbonated drinks are something I always used
to polish my brass bed. I have made a decision long ago
to only put the best fuels in my body.

I know that if I bought an expensive sports car,
I certainly wouldn’t put in the cheapest gasoline I
could find and I surely wouldn’t put cheap fuel in my body.
If I had that sports car, I would make sure that it was
tuned up and all of the parts were working great! I do the
same for my body and I am thankful every day that my health
is good, that my energy and vitality are awesome and I don’t
have to mask problems with pills for my ills.

If your are like me and you want to have a body, mind and
spirit like a fine racecar, start making choices to put only
the best in your body, mind and spirit. Get on the right track!
Order the Recharging Qi Gong program today
and change your life (health) forever!

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi