Posts Tagged ‘Health Risk’

Do You Know What You Are Being Fed?

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

take a lot of time and energy to
seek out the best foods to put into
my body and avoid things that could
potentially cause health problems.
The food industry is trying to hide
something Big from us.

There is a health risk in what
they are feeding us with the
so-called scientific advances in
the food industry. For sure they
are not health driven. Whether
genetically modified (GM) foods
are safe or harmful is still controversial.
I believe they are harmful and I do
everything I can to avoid foods that
are genetically modified.

Interestingly enough the large
commercial farms don’t want to
even label foods GMO.

We all know why.
People wouldn’t buy it. In
Europe foods have to be
labeled GMO, don’t you
wonder why the food industry
is trying to hide the truth from us?
I know that I want to know what is
in my food. Don’t you? We can
make an intelligent choice on what I
want to put in my body.

I generally
don’t take any sweeteners that have
corn syrup in them. I made that choice
just like I made a choice not to eat dairy
products. That was my choice.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t get
some corn syrup or dairy once in
awhile in my diet, but for the most
part I avoid it. I don’t think you
should be sucking on a cow’s
tit or eating sugar products in general.

Why do you think your food isn’t
being labeled to tell you what’s in
it? 85% of Americans want to
know if the food is being tampered with.
They say that now most foods we
eat may contain ingredients derived
from genetically modified organisms
(GMOs)–everything from baby food
to our dairy to even our meat. If you
live in Europe, avoiding GMO foods
is easier since laws require labeling.
However in the US and Canada food
manufacturers are not required to label
if their food is genetically modified or not.
Here are some of the foods to steer
clear of in your diet.

The worst of the bunch:

1. Soybeans
2. Corn – high fructose corn syrup and glucose/fructose
3. Canola oil
4. Sugar beets
5. Rice
6. Cotton- the seeds are pressed into cottonseed oil, you may know it as vegetable oil.
7. Dairy – the cows are fed GM grains and hay.
8. Aspartame
9. Papayas
10. Farm Raised Salmon

What can you do to protect
yourself and family?

•Grow an organic garden
(you can get seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds)
and other seed companies, look for seeds that are
organic and GMO free

•Buy foods labeled 100% organic.
But be aware just because something
says “organic” on it does not mean
that it does not contain GMs.

•Start eating and growing organic sprouts

•eat home more often and start avoiding
restaurants that are not organic

You may be saying Dr. Wu, I’d like to
eat organic but it’s too expensive!
True! In the short run organic is more
expensive , but there is no free lunch!
You will have to pay sooner or later and
paying with bad health isn’t any fun at all.
Start that sprout garden this week, avoid
junk food, clear up your diet and start a
detox program.

I like both the 7-day Core restore liver detox program

and the Detox kit

They both come with full
instructions and everything
you will need for a safe detox program.
They will help to keep you healthy
and disease free.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

How to Keep Cool, Naturally

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

The National Weather Service
issued excessive heat warnings
for wide areas of central and
eastern United States, saying
that the combined heat and humidity
could push the “real feel” temperature
to 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 Celsius)
through Saturday.
The thermometer hit 91F (33C)
but it felt more like 112F (44C),
according to

By the weekend, the heat wave
is expected to cover half of the
United States and affect nearly
150 million people.


The low pressure system that
barreled east was expected to bring
powerful thunderstorms with hail
to northeastern states.

“Do not take this threat lightly,”
the National Weather Service

The extreme temperatures
are particularly dangerous.
When it gets that hot it’s really
important to stay hydrated, we
all know the importance of drinking
water, but there are some other
important things to know to keep
us from de-hydrating.
Drinks like alcohol,
soda,other high sugar drinks,
and even coffee will dry you out.

Pure H2O is the safest to drink
and water with electrolytes will
keep you cool and
well hydrated.

Eat fruit– this will also
help to cool your
body off, my favorites are:

Here are a few of my formulas
for cooling yourself down
when it’s this hot.

Buy an organic pineapple;
it’s really important that the
pineapple is organic. Pineapples
are so sweet and bugs love them
as much as we do, so they spray
them with poisoned chemicals,
lots and lots of sprays! When I
lived in Hawaii, you would see
them spray them all the time. My
friend Gail used to go down to the
tide pools that were below
the pineapple fields to soak every day.
Although the fields were a hundred
feet above little did she know that
all that poison was leaching down from
the pineapple field into the pools.
Before she knew it she was sick
from toxic poisons. She is still
beautiful on the outside, but her
internal organs are all suffering.

So make sure you get an Organic Pineapple.
cut off the outside skin and instead of
throwing it in the basket, wash it well
and then put it in water and boil it for
about ahalf an hour.
Then you strain it and
pour off the juice and put in the
It’s a very cooling drink for the summer,
needs no sweetener and will keep you
hydrated and cool.

Another one of my special cooling summer
formulas I learned from Dr. Fu Dhi he’s
from Harbin China. Although Harbin
is one of the coldest places in China in
the winter,the summers are hot and
humid and when I went to school,
there was no air-conditioner.

This recipe is most likely thousands of
years old.
We all like ice cold watermelon, the
sweet red meat is cooling and
refreshing and people all over the
planet eat it, drink the juice and
you may think that’s the trick.
But wait there is more to the watermelon
than you would ever think.

The rind is rich in silicon and its
outer green skin is concentrated
in chlorophyll.
Rind can be used to keep you
cool as well.
You can take the watermelon rind
which is the white part, cut it up
into about one inch squares, add a
little salt and put it in the refrigerator
to cool for an hour or so.
Once it’s chilled,
you can add it to either vegetable
or fruit salads.

Also watermelon
rind can be juiced and drunk 1 or
2 oz. of the juice 2 to 3 times a day-
it will also lower your blood pressure,
but if you have a heart condition
leave out the salt.

Stay hydrated can also keep you
When I’m doing my Qi Gong practice
this time of year,
I focus on the kidneys and the spleen.
That’s the water and earth elements.

The Recharging Qi Gong program
is the perfect program to do all summer.
It will tonify your organs and cool
down your body mind and spirit.

I wish you the Best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi