Posts Tagged ‘High Fructose Corn’

How to Stay Thin

Friday, July 26th, 2013

How to Stay Thin
The cheapest sweetener you can buy is High
Fructose Corn Syrup. Corn sweeteners are both
cheaper and sweeter and that’s why it is in just
about everything you buy.
I was in Michigan a few months ago and went to the
store to pick something up. My granddaughter and
her girl friend wanted to go with. When we got
there she asked. Can we get something? I told her
you can get what ever they want, as long as it
doesn’t contain high fructose corn syrup. They
looked around the entire store reading labels and
they both came back to me and said everything has

I did some research my self and found out that
most corn in the USA is Genetically Modified and
that’s an entirely different problem that I will
address later.

I found an article by Dr. Mercola very
“A 2009 study from University of California, Davis
takes its place in a growing lineup of scientific
studies demonstrating that consuming high-fructose
corn syrup is the fastest way to trash your
health. It is now known without a doubt that sugar
in your food, in all its myriad of forms, is
taking a devastating toll. Fructose in any form —
including high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and
crystalline fructose — is the worst of the worst!
Fructose, a cheap sweetener usually derived from
corn, is used in thousands of food products and
soft drinks. Excessive fructose consumption can
cause metabolic damage and triggers the early
stages of diabetes and heart disease.
Some of the side effects are
Insulin resistance and obesity

• Elevated triglycerides and elevated LDL

• Depletion of vitamins and minerals

• Cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer,
arthritis, and gout

• High Blood Pressure

It isn’t that fructose itself is bad — it is the
MASSIVE DOSES you’re exposed to that make it
dangerous. There are two reasons fructose is so

1. Your body metabolizes fructose in a much
different way from glucose. The entire burden of
metabolizing fructose falls on your liver.
2. People are consuming fructose in enormous
quantities, which has made the negative effects
much more profound.

The FDA classifies fructose as GRAS: Generally
Regarded As Safe. Which pretty much means nothing
and is based on nothing. There is plenty of data
showing that fructose is not safe — but the
effects on the nation’s health have not been
immediate. That is why we are just now realizing
the effects of the last three decades of
nutritional misinformation.

If you really want to lose weight and keep it off
it’s easy if you are willing to make a life style
change. But if you are not about to change your
eating habits you may just be on the yoyo program
where you loose a few pounds and gain them right
back. I sure you know that one.
I have found that there are a few things that
really work well.

a. Read all the labels before you buy it. If you
see high fructose corn syrup don’t buy it.
b. If it’s pastoralized take it out of your
diet. Dairy products will make you fat.
c. Most of the wheat in the USA and Canada is
GMO. Forget it! They are not going to keep you
slim or healthy. Not only will you keep stacking
on pounds your health maybe in danger.
d. Start detoxing your body on a regular basic.
I do a detox every 3 months for a week or two.
Summer, fall, winter and spring are the best
times. If you haven’t ever detoxed , most likely
you are toxic from the air you breath, the water
you drink and the foods you are eating. I found
the core Restore Program to be one of the best and
easy to do.

e. Begin an exercise program and do it 4 times
a week for 90 days. I have found that the internal
exercises work wonders on balancing the mind and
the body. Yoga, Tai chi and Qi Gong keep you
strong and flexible in body, mind and spirit.
Start off with the Flying Crane Qi Gong it’s easy
to learn and will open up the hand centers in
weeks, and you will feel the Qi

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


Do You Know What You Are Being Fed?

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

take a lot of time and energy to
seek out the best foods to put into
my body and avoid things that could
potentially cause health problems.
The food industry is trying to hide
something Big from us.

There is a health risk in what
they are feeding us with the
so-called scientific advances in
the food industry. For sure they
are not health driven. Whether
genetically modified (GM) foods
are safe or harmful is still controversial.
I believe they are harmful and I do
everything I can to avoid foods that
are genetically modified.

Interestingly enough the large
commercial farms don’t want to
even label foods GMO.

We all know why.
People wouldn’t buy it. In
Europe foods have to be
labeled GMO, don’t you
wonder why the food industry
is trying to hide the truth from us?
I know that I want to know what is
in my food. Don’t you? We can
make an intelligent choice on what I
want to put in my body.

I generally
don’t take any sweeteners that have
corn syrup in them. I made that choice
just like I made a choice not to eat dairy
products. That was my choice.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t get
some corn syrup or dairy once in
awhile in my diet, but for the most
part I avoid it. I don’t think you
should be sucking on a cow’s
tit or eating sugar products in general.

Why do you think your food isn’t
being labeled to tell you what’s in
it? 85% of Americans want to
know if the food is being tampered with.
They say that now most foods we
eat may contain ingredients derived
from genetically modified organisms
(GMOs)–everything from baby food
to our dairy to even our meat. If you
live in Europe, avoiding GMO foods
is easier since laws require labeling.
However in the US and Canada food
manufacturers are not required to label
if their food is genetically modified or not.
Here are some of the foods to steer
clear of in your diet.

The worst of the bunch:

1. Soybeans
2. Corn – high fructose corn syrup and glucose/fructose
3. Canola oil
4. Sugar beets
5. Rice
6. Cotton- the seeds are pressed into cottonseed oil, you may know it as vegetable oil.
7. Dairy – the cows are fed GM grains and hay.
8. Aspartame
9. Papayas
10. Farm Raised Salmon

What can you do to protect
yourself and family?

•Grow an organic garden
(you can get seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds)
and other seed companies, look for seeds that are
organic and GMO free

•Buy foods labeled 100% organic.
But be aware just because something
says “organic” on it does not mean
that it does not contain GMs.

•Start eating and growing organic sprouts

•eat home more often and start avoiding
restaurants that are not organic

You may be saying Dr. Wu, I’d like to
eat organic but it’s too expensive!
True! In the short run organic is more
expensive , but there is no free lunch!
You will have to pay sooner or later and
paying with bad health isn’t any fun at all.
Start that sprout garden this week, avoid
junk food, clear up your diet and start a
detox program.

I like both the 7-day Core restore liver detox program

and the Detox kit

They both come with full
instructions and everything
you will need for a safe detox program.
They will help to keep you healthy
and disease free.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Is the Government Making you FAT?

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

I was in Michigan with my friend
Frank eating breakfast in a little
Greek place located in Royal Oak.
I picked up the morning newspaper
and read this article by Dr. Paul Donohue
from Orlando, Florida.

“High – fructose corn syrup a
factor in obesity.”

“Dear Doctor,
I don’t remember you ever
discussing high-fructose corn syrup and
condensed corn syrup. Almost every product
includes these ingredients. Please let us know
the dangers and why the government allows it.

Fructose is the sugar found in fruits. Table
sugar is sucrose, a combination of fructose
and glucose .Up to the 1980s, sucrose was the
universal sweetener. In the 1980s, a process was
discovered that turned cornstarch into corn syrup
and then into fructose. Fructose was then combined
with glucose to produce a sugar product with the
terrible name of high- fructose corn syrup. It’s very
similar to sucrose, table sugar. High – fructose corn
syrup consists of 45 percent glucose and 55 percent
fructose. Table sugar is 50 percent glucose and 50
percent fructose.

High-fructose corn syrup is as sweet as and cheaper
than table sugar, the sugar that comes from
sugar cane and sugar beets. Manufacturers use it
in commercial products like soft drinks, baked goods,
energy bars and many candies.
So why all the fuss? People have increased their
consumption of high-fructose corn syrup foods and
drinks so much that they have become a main source
of their calorie intake. Some think it is the reason that
the obesity epidemic has struck North America. Like
other sugars, this can lead to problems like diabetes.
Excessive amounts cause fat accumulation in the liver.

One 12-ounce can of most soft drinks has the equivalent of
10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories – a large sugar load
and a large calorie load. The average American drinks
36 gallons of soft drinks in a year.”

Lately, the corn industry has been running ads saying
that high fructose corn syrup is like a healthy vegetable.

I don’t think so!
Eating and drinking High-fructose corn syrup affects
your health way more than you can imagine. Read all
labels before you put anything in your mouth. Here are
just a few of problems caused by the intake of
High-fructose corn syrup.

* Weight gain
* Heart disease
* Increases in body fat
* Higher levels of triglycerides
* Bad cholesterol, the type that sticks to your arteries!
* Diabetes
* Makes people want to eat more
* Osteoporosis
* Gout
* Fibromyalgia

You may be asking yourself right now, why would
our government allow something to be put in our
foods that would do so much harm?

Big corporations have strong lobbyists who work to
get legislation through. They pay lots and lots of
money to give big business what they want –and
they want money and power. It doesn’t have
anything to do with your health or wellbeing.
What can you do?

1. Read all labels
2. Ask for healthy products in your super market
3. Don’t buy foods or drinks with high fructose corn syrup
4. Avoid restaurants that use that stuff in their kitchen
5. Stop drinking all sodas
6. Keep reading Dr Wu’s blog
7. Get your friends to read Dr. Wu’s blog

The more locally grown fresh food you put into
your diet, the better chances you have of staying
healthy and dis-ease free.

I thank you for reading my new letters and please tell
your friends to sign up for them.
They will be thanking you for years.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Remember next week, on October 6th we will
start the Health and Wellness program.
The first lecture, held in my office in Aventura, FL
is on detox. Don’t miss this one!
It can save your life!
Call for Anastasia for reservations –941-275-5105

Toxic overload causes Weight Gain

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

I am totally amazed when patients
come into my office and tell me that
they only have a BM once or twice
a week. They eat 3 times a day and
yet nothing is moving out.

People eat a diet mostly made up of
the wrong stuff and wonder why they
have gas, bloating and constipation.

What are people thinking?

When you only have a BM a few
times a week, that’s considered
constipation in my book. You should
have a BM at least once or twice a day.

If you don’t, the Qi flow is blocked.
The organs are not getting the right
nourishment and you’re going to be a
toxic mess if you’re not already.
Even the brain gets fogged up from the
amount of toxins stuck in the intestines.
I hear people say that it’s normal to only
have a bowel movement a few times a
week–maybe that’s normal for them but
it’s not normal to have rotting food stuck
in your intestine. If you eat a meal and it
isn’t moving through your system with hours—
you can be getting a toxic overload and it
affects every function in the body.”

These foods could be the culprit and
should be avoided or at least cut down.

Red Fatty Meats –
Steak, veal, brisket, pork

Fast & Fried Foods –
Pizza, burgers, tacos, fried chicken

Caffeinated Drinks –
Sodas, coffee, energy drinks

Dairy Products –
Milk, butter, ice-cream

Carbonated Drinks High in Sugar –
High fructose corn syrup

Refined Sugars –
Milk chocolate, cake, pie, candy-bars

Alcohol –
Beer, wine, mixed drinks

Enriched White Flour –
White bread, doughnuts, and tortillas

We need green leafy vegetables,
fresh fruits, clean water and pure
clean air. If you are getting them
daily, your digestion system will
start to work better and better in a
very short time.

There are a few things to start
doing right a way that can get
your gut healthy again.
FRUIT and DRINK 8 glasses

I put all my patients on these two
wonderful products as well and
they get unbelievable results.
First- The best and purest fiber
product I have ever found.


and next


The combination of these two
products works wonders!
I have hundreds of patients taking
them daily.

Here is what a few of them
have reported:

“Dr. Dr Wu, I have taking both
Fiber 1-2-3 and Oxy-Hydrate
for 6 months now and I am a
regular for the first time in years.
My complication has cleared up
and I have dropped 18 un-needed
pounds in 6 months. I take it every
day and I am grateful I found it.
Thank you.”

“I feel younger and better!
After only two weeks of taking
Oxy-Hydrate, while eating a
normal healthy diet, I feel at least
10 years younger, my eyes are bright,
whiter and no longer sunken in my
head with dark rings around them.
The aches and pains that
I’ve had are gone.”
-Jane Westley, Florida

“I Lost 18 Pounds!
About ten years ago, I was involved
in a motor cycle accident that left me
with pain all over my body. I took so
many pain pills and anti inflammatory
pills that my entire digestive system
was screwed up. Until I took Oxy-Hydrate,
and Fiber 1-2-3! I would have bowel
movements only once every two or three
months. I now lost 18 pounds and I feel
better every day! It was quite a shock to
me to find that I had that much waste
in my body!”
-James Holt, Boston, Massachusetts

If your digestive system isn’t working
100%–you are building up toxins in your
system daily and aging yourself quicker
than you could imagine.
Keeping your system open on every
level is the anti- aging secret we all have
been looking for. Moving the bowls is as
important as moving the Qi. If there is a
blockage in any part of our system,
we are blocked. Opening up the flow
in your entire body, mind and spirit
will keep you much younger than your
years and feeling good.

I Wish you the best in your
Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi