Posts Tagged ‘Qi’

Don’t Get another Cold!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

How many times do you get a cold in a year?
Ones, twice or more?
I used to get a cold every fall and usually a whopper in
the spring as well and I’d be out of commission for at least a
week and if I wasn’t careful I’d end up with a lingering cough to boot.

Usually a person gets a cold when their immune system is
run down and they come in contact with the colds virus.
If you are burning the candle at both ends, stressed to the
max it seems like it’s much easer to pick up a cold.

There are many myths of the common cold.
The fact is, most of them are wrong.
Things like: You can sweat it out– unfortunately,
this does not work – it is completely ineffective.
The Flu Shot can prevent a cold—wrong, sometimes
people get worse colds from the darn shot.
Cold weather can give you a cold—wrong again most
colds are caught in the Spring/Fall seasons.

There is a popular myth that kissing a person with a cold
will cause you to catch it—nope a kiss won’t kill you,
but watch out it is the nasal mucous you have to worry about.
So don’t lick any noses.

The good News when you get symptoms of a cold
(runny nose, coughing, aching body and wiped out)
it can be stopped in its tracks.
If you feel that you are coming down with something don’t
wait another minute, and if you are in the midst of a bad cold
you can lessen the symptoms and duration by days.
Yes, you can get over the sickness quickly… And the treatment is all natural.

I have recommended Vira-Qi to patients, students and
my own family and they are amazed how quickly you can free yourself
of cold symptoms. In fact, take it at the first signs and like magic you will be
feeling great in the morning. Vira Qi is the name, get it today and keep it in
your medicine chest –you will be glad you did.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Clean your Spiritual Objects

Monday, May 28th, 2012

Whenever I bring something new into
my home or office, if it is going to be
used for healing or spiritual purposes,
I make sure that I take the time to clean
it energetically.

The other day I was at the organic market in
Coconut Grove and there is a guy there that sells crystals,
Shiva lignums, gems and a host of unusual things.
I was eyeing a little Buddha for some time that seemed to
have some extraordinary Qi. Its cast of combination of
different metals seemed to resonate with interesting energy.
So, we cut a deal with the merchant and it’s
now part of my collection.
Before I brought it into my home I made sure it
was cleansed of any negative energy.

Here’s what I did:
Once you have cleaned an object physically, the next step is
to cleanse it of unwanted vibrations and energies that come from
other people handling it in packing, transportation, unpacking and
display before it has actually reached to you. With all the people
at the market touching, holding and looking at this Buddha, it needs
to be cleaned. Objects tend to take on energy indiscriminately and
like wearing someone else’s shoes, you can feel what’s not
the right energy for you.

I like to use a salt-water bath to purify these types of objects.
I live a few short blocks from the Ocean so going down to the
beach and cleaning my spiritual and healing objects is quite
easy for me. Salt is really good for removing negative
energy from most things.

You don’t need to soak the objects very long in salt water.
If it has a good vibe in the first place I’ll hold it in the
Ocean water for just a few minutes or sometimes I’ll bring home
a bucket of water and soak the object for a day or so.
When I do some really, really heavy clearing, I will soak the
objects in salt water for 3-4 days. Usually, an 8-hour bath every
now and then is just fine. If you don’t have access to seawater get
a bowl large enough to hold what you want to purify and fill the bowl
with water to cover it by about 1 inch. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
But if you have genuine seawater, that’s the best!

When you pour off the salt water, do not touch the water or you can
transfer the negative energy back on yourself. Remember to thoroughly
rinse off any salt residue.

I’ve also smudged different objects with sage, sweet grass or
incense to cleanse them. This is especially good for things
that cannot be soaked in salt water.

After it’s clean I’ll put the object in the Sunlight.
It re-charges the ultraviolet light from the sun and
restores the depleted energy.
There are many other methods of cleansing spiritual
and healing objects. Some with water, sounds, light,
earth, color and fire. I share these spiritual teachings
with the members of the Qi Gong Inner circle as well as how
to use the tools methods and internal practices.

If you are seeking these teachings join us at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

Are You Too Overwhelmed To Looking Younger?

Friday, March 2nd, 2012

In my office, I get questions every day
from patients with all kinds of health problems:
Low energy, feeling bad, joints hurting, skin
looking older, it goes on and on.

I always give the best advice I can, but most of
all set a good example by practicing what I preach
and teach. Every day I work on myself, meditate,
and do exercises to keep my Qi flowing strong.
The downside is that it works so well, some of my
patients look at me and feel like there’s no hope for
them and that I’m too advanced or dedicated and
they can’t relate.

In fact, when you read my newsletter, you might feel
the same – like there’s no way you can practice
everything I do, and that I’m somehow special and different.

Believe me, that is not true.
Wait, actually I AM special and YOU are too!
What I mean is, the dedication I have is something
anyone can achieve as well if they want it enough.)

The truth is, I learned all of these techniques and
secrets over the years. I may look and feel young,
but I am a baby boomer so I’ve had plenty of time for studying.

When I first started, I focused on the few things which
would make the most difference. Only later on, when I
wanted to, did I add in more exercise, meditations,
and positive habits.

What I’m trying to say is: You can build a younger,
more energized, healthier body by starting with just one thing.

Just like one snowflake can start an avalanche, you can
cascade into the body you want.

So I understand you might feel overwhelmed, yet still
ready to take charge of your health, as long as you
know exactly what the first step to take is. Well, a man
I know was in the same position as you. In fact, he
used to be a total skeptic, and had tried all kinds of
methods to improve his health but didn’t stick with any
of them. Then he turned his health around with
just one exercise.
He made a video about it you can watch here:

If you get started with the one secret my friend discovered,
you’ll be so far ahead of the game, just weeks from now
you’ll be getting comments on how much younger and
healthier you look.

I wish you the Best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Eating your Stress?

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

I spent the last 4 days in
Boston, Massachusetts.
The weather is a lot cooler than
Miami this time of the year and
although the leaves haven’t turned
different colors yet, it’s a heck of a
lot cooler and low humidity.

One of my patients that I see in the
winter in Florida lives here. She asked
me to come up and give her a good
tune up. For no apparent reason to her,
her back went out and for the last 4
days she has been bed ridden.

When I arrived at her home we went
over her last few weeks activities.
There didn’t seem to be any physical
reason that she is in so much pain.
No falls, no strains, nothing broken,
she said she didn’t lift anything and
didn’t remember bending over or even
tripping on anything. As I question her
on different things we hit on a BIG one.

She has been over worked and stressed to the max.
Stress can knock you for a loop and
cause you to tighten up your muscles
and then even a micro movement can
cause a muscle to lock up and push
against a nerve and then you’ve had it.
PAIN! The pain causes the muscle to lock
up more and then the body will swell to try
and protect itself and it all comes from stress.

Before we began the treatment we went
over a series of exercises found in the
Turn Stress into Power program.

We went over the Tension Release Exercise
until she could clear all of the accumulated
negative emotional stress out of her system
and then I showed her a few of the
protections so she would let the same
stresses sneak back in and cause both
emotional and physical pain.

What was the most amazing part of
the treatment was before I could do
any treatments of acupuncture or,
Medical Qi Gong, she said the pain
had completely vanished.

The emotions and the Stress were the culprits.
They had her so locked up that the Qi and blood
couldn’t run through the meridians and get to
the organs and extremities causing all the pain.

If you have a blockage in any part of your
body, mind or spirit don’t you think it’s
the right time that you release it?

Get the program today at

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness,

Dr Wu Dhi

PS. If you have an active life,
Stress goes along with the territory.
You can use those stresses to gain more energy.
Order your copy today

Dr. Wu Dhi

Do you think you can build Power? Do You think you can Build Personal Power?

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

How consistent are you in following
a daily routine that will lead you
where you want to go?

When you want to build something,
like a muscular body, personal power
to improve your finances, or to be able
to project your Qi, it takes consistent
practices. People who focus on one
thing at a time get superior results,
and that’s a known fact.

You have to be consistent with
your practice. When you put in the
time day after day the skill is developed.
When you focus, a break through
happens mentally, emotionally and physically.

If you go from one project to the next
never finishing what you start- you will
end up exhausted with little results.
But when you dedicate yourself you
become an unstoppable force.

It’s as simple as changing your Stops into STEPS,
taking a step at a time until you get to the top.
When the master was asked,

“How do you eat an elephant?”
He replied, “One bit at a time.”

Every day I see students and patients
who complain that they don’t have the
energy to move forward.

They can’t sleep, their attitude is poor,
their diet sucks and they can’t get focused.
Yet they all claim that they want to
change their lives. But there is no
consistent action to move forward.

The Key here is: “ACTION!”
Don’t be the “hit and miss” type.

They hit it and quit it and try to get
back wit it.
They practice a few days
here and there and hope to make
some miraculous changes.
It ain’t gonna happen!

I have a patient that wants to
lose weight but every time she
gets upset she falls off the wagon.
Her upset steals all of her power
and the results are in her ass and belly.
Last week I asked her, if I gave her
a brand new car, a Ferrari 599 GTB Fiorano,
the one that costs $320,000.00, would
she go to the cheapest gas station she
could find and fill it up with ‘regular?’

I don’t think so.

You would put in the best fuel
you could possibly find!
And would you get a $20.00 oil change?

Never in your life!

But she treats her
body like it’s just an old junker,
Putting the worst fuel.
Our bodies are like temples, they
need to be cleaned, polished and given
the best we can find, no matter if it’s exercise,
water, diet or the thoughts and ideas we put inside.

“Change your emotion to devotion”
-Yoga Bhajan

The easiest way to make change is
get it in your body, exercises like
the Flying Crane Qi Gong program

Thousands of people are doing it all
over the world. This will restore your
health and give you the structure and
focus you need to make and keep those changes.
The program is easy to learn, it
generates Qi and opens up the
channels quicker than any other
Qi Gong I have practiced
over the last 30 years.
The students that have trained
with me in person and who have the
Flying Crane Qi Gong Program
l know, have changed more aspects in their life
quicker than any other Qi Gong practice.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi

Restoring balance to a sick child in Record Time

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

I received this letter from Elizabeth after working on
her son Gryphon.

Elizabeth has been a patient for many years and
although her family is very conservative and believes strongly
in Western medicine, as a mother she knew that her only child
was in trouble and traditional medicine wasn’t working.
Liz brought the boy into see me last week
and he is now doing find.

I was able to restore his health in one treatment and although
that doesn’t happen all the time,
this time it did. Healing happens quicker in children.

Although western medicine has it’s place sometime they are to busy
looking at the problem and not the cure.

Here is what Elizabeth said in her kind letter.
“My son Gryphon who is 9 years old has been sick with stomach
problems since September 2010.
After each meal he eats he feels sick to his stomach.
In late April, 2011 the issue escalated that he was throwing up
after every meal.

We went for special testing in January 2011 to
All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Florida
which is 3 hours away from our home in Naples.

The doctors did numerous tests at the hospital,
and the only report they could give us was reflux of the
upper GI tract.
We were told to give my son Prevacid which he threw up as
well when he took the medicine.
After a month of throwing up, I finally got in touch with
my alternative doctor.

Dr. Wu Dhi and told him that I needed help with Gryphon,
and that it was an emergency as Gryphon was now losing weight
due to throwing up.
He met us at his office in Aventura.

Dr. Wu Dhi’s treated my son. He massaged him, did Medical Qi Gong
work and put him under a special machine he called
“the Light Beam Generators” (LBG)
to take the pain away from his aching belly.
Finally, he gave him some low potency medicine, and he gave us some
drops to do at home for a week.

That was 30 days ago and my son has never thrown up again.
My son wants to go back and see him as he said it felt so
good to be healed and massaged by
Dr. Wu Dhi In my opinion as a mother he is a miracle healer.
I have experienced his healing personally as a patient
myself 11 years ago, and I have been a follower ever since.

I highly recommend Dr. Wu to you too.
He is truly a healer who can help with all ailments and disease.
He has studied Chinese, homeopathic, acupuncture and
energy medicine plus so many alternative nature cures for
a long long time.

You can trust him to heal you as he is an expert in his field.
I now know that I should always start healing by seeing him.
Our medical bills from All Children’s Hospital have
exceeded $20,000 with no results.
One visit to Dr. Wu Dhi’s clinic for $300 and my son is healed.
It is a simple decision for me today to call Dr. Wu Dhi and we
drive 3 hours round trip to see him. Use Dr. Wu, and you will
experience the miracle too.

A Happy Mother
Elizabeth Ganzi
Naples, Florida

I truly thank Elizabeth for taking the time to write me and share the
experience with her son.
When it comes to our children it makes no difference if their
are infants or adults as concerned parents we will do all we can to
make their lives better.

That’s exactly what a worried mother did she protected her child.
She reached out to who ever and where ever she could to find a
cure for her child…

When it comes to health I always looking for balance mentally,
physically,emotionally and spiritually.

If the person is out of balance there is always some kind
of dis-ease.
Once the system is brought back into balance health is
easily restored.

Some times its just a change in diet, a realignment of the physical
body, the right nutrition, or giving the patient new possibilities and
teaching them how to stay healthy .

This will bring a person back to balance and restore their health.
The Qi Gong programs I teach and practice are all about bring
your body, mind and spirit into balance.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to work with any of my programs
I encourage you to get one today.

I suggest you start with the Flying Crane Qi Gong program
and then start to move up the latter by getting
the Recharging Qi Gong program.
I have entire families practicing these wonderful exercise
program together
and finally become a member of the Qi Gong Inner Circle. .

There are many other programs that can work to keep
you in balance, but if you want to take advantage of my
40 some years of expertise order today.

You can make a big difference in your own health and
the health of your family.

I wish you the Best in your Health wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why some acupuncture doctors suck

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

Yesterday a new patient left my office and you will never guess what she told me as she stepped out the door.
She leaned in close and said –
“I never knew how powerful an acupuncture treatment could be. I’ve been to several acupuncturists and I thought it was all basically the same, put the needles in, let them sit and take them out. Your treatment is not like any other acupuncture I’ve had before. This was different – REALLY DIFFERENT!”

Believe it or not I hear this sort of thing quite often.
AND believe it or not, it’s not my acupuncture that’s – REALLY DIFFERENT.

Many years ago while in acupuncture school I noticed that some acupuncturists gave really great treatments and got incredible results while others did all the same things (apparently) but didn’t get any results at all.

Some doctors did everything by the book, needled all the right points, and prescribed all the right supplements but still nothing – no results. Their patients might as well have been randomly sitting on tacks or jabbing themselves with push pins and swallowing wooden pills instead of valuable herbs, the results would have been the same.

How is it some doctors use acupuncture needles and release the pain and suffering in a patient’s body while others did what seemed to be the exact same treatment and nothing happened?
One of the very first concepts they teach in Chinese Medicine, if you get in to a real school, is the Qi.

Qi is the vital force in the body and the flow of this force governs the overall health of the individual.

I was a student of Qi Gong for years, even before studying acupuncture, so I had firsthand experience of the Qi but I still had many questions.

How could certain sounds help patients recover?
Why are the internal meridians so important?
What is the energetic of an acupuncture point?
Where did this knowledge come from and how could I get it?

Through years and years of Qigong practice, I got the answers to all of these questions and more. I understood that ancient practices are the root of Chinese way of life, which includes Qigong, Nei Gong, Shen Gong   and classical Chinese medicine.  Learning the Qigong healing system has deepened my spiritual practices as well as given me the ability to heal myself and others.

What is very strange to me that there are many people that go to acupuncture school or schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine that do not believe in Qi.

How is this possible?

Many people that grow up in the United States have very linier thinking, it’s all cause and effect they diagnose the patient, look up the point, needle the point and that’s it. Whether or not the treatment works is dependent on how receptive the patient is.

I’m telling you that there is way way way more to it than that.
Chinese Medicine is all about Qi.
The most powerful martial artists talk about Qi.
And the greatest meditation masters all talk about how the Qi moves.

The difference between an acupuncturist that sucks and the Master of acupuncture is that the Master is guided by the Qi.
The Master has an intimate understanding of how the Qi works and can tell what’s happening in a patient before the formal diagnosis.

The secret of these abilities is that ALL of the Masters of acupuncture know and practice Qi Gong.

Someone who is a Master of both Qi Gong and Acupuncture can give an acupuncture treatment without using any needles or even touching the patient’s body but that’s a story for another time.

Wishing you the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness,

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS: my one day seminar on Protecting yourself from Pathogenic Energy is going to be held very soon in Miami. Here’s that info again:

How to protect yourself from Pathogenic Energy
A exclusive one day intensive training teaching how to recognize, disarm, and discharge the negative psychic energy that is unconsciously directed at you as a Healer or Service Professional.
As a Physician I see many people during the week, many of them a sick, weak, or have disturbed shen all of them carry pathogenic energy that is a potential threat to me but over the years I have learned several techniques to clear this energy instead of unconsciously bringing that energy and tension home with me or even into my own body.

When I teach the healing I always first teach these essential skills as a way to protect the person doing the healing. This is common sense. Just as a surgeon takes precautions to protect their physical body, it is necessary to protect your energetic / emotional / psychic systems.
Without this training you may be causing great harm to yourself by taking on the energy of your patients and clients.

If you feel an energy drain or irritability after working with clients it a sure sign that there is a negative exchange of this Pathogenic Energy happening.

By mastering these skills you will increase your own ability and the results your clients experience.
It’s designed for professionals in the Health, Beauty and service industry, Body Work & Massage Professionals, Estheticians Cosmetologist and those in the Healing Arts
I am extending this training to anyone who would like to attend as this is a must if you work with people.
As the holidays get near we all become busier and as Health Care Professionals we are the ones to clear out the stresses of others. We all have stress and so do our clients. People come to you to clear, cleanse, restore their energy, health and beauty and you get left with their emotional baggage.
Who is keeping you Stress Free during the season?
You will Learn How to :
*  Keep your energy sparkling
* Have more energy ,never get fatigue
*   Purge yourself of stale energy
*   Avoid picking up your clients emotional baggage
*   Never lose your energy again
*  Avoid psychic drainage
*  Cork up your energy leaks
* Increase your intuitive healing power
*  Enhance your creativity
*  9-Point balancing System

There is a limited space (only 12 people) Only $99.00 for the entire day
When: Sunday November 16, 2008    9am to 5 pm
Where: Whole Life Health & Wellness Center (in the Fresh Market Plaza)
 18205 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 2214
 Aventura Florida 33160
  Phone 305 932-2202 or 786-271-0325
I Wish you the Best in Health,Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi