Posts Tagged ‘Detox’

Your Body needs a Spring Cleaning

Friday, March 22nd, 2013

I am expecting Dr. Cuenca from Santa Cruz
California to be in my office on April 4th for a
few days to test patients and determine where the
blockages are held in the body. I have had this
test numerous times over the years and it gives
you a picture of your health long before any
symptoms show up.

By the time you are getting symptoms the dis-ease
is well rooted in your body and much harder to
The beauty of images-1is
that you can find hidden blockages and treat it
6 months to a year before anything shows up.

CRT is a test is used in most clinics in Europe and is then
treated naturally with homeopathic, herbs, neural therapy and diet
to keep healthy and dis-ease free.

Dr. Cuenca forwarded this spring cleaning for me
to share with you.

Are you suddenly having the urge to organize the
closets, start a new project, or begin a cleanse?
If so, you are in alignment with the energy of
Spring. It’s the time for spring cleaning out
your closets and detox your liver, too!
During this time of year, the body naturally
begins cleansing itself from excess oils, fats,
salt, carbohydrates, and animal proteins by
releasing a flu or cold. Some may suffer
mysterious bodily aches and pains, and don’t
understand why. This is the liver’s way of
releasing toxins and cleaning house.

We can aid our liver through this natural
cleansing process by eating lightly prepared
meals, less food overall, eliminating animal
products for a specific period of time, and/or
fasting from food entirely.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the spring
correlates with the Liver and Gallbladder
meridians. Fasting can help relieve the pent-up
stagnation of winter (physically, emotionally and
spiritually). Spring-cleaning the body is
essential for physical and spiritual healing.
Every spring, begin to eat lighter foods (salads,
sprouts, spring soups, fish) and reduce heavy
animal proteins and fats for a few weeks. You
could follow that up with three days of The Master
Cleanser (lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne
pepper, water).

While doing the Master Cleanser, abstain from food
entirely and only drink the liquid for a short
period of time (three days). I feel that the body
and soul are pretty clear and 72 hours works
perfectly for most body systems.

Here is a partial list of what you can do to start
your “Spring Cleaning”:

Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Add ¼ tsp.
vitamin C crystals to each glass of water (it’s a
natural heavy metal toxin chelator).
Have a dark leafy vegetable salad every day
One cup of miso soup with sea vegetables the night
before you begin the cleanse
Make a liver tonic: 4 oz hawthorn berries, 2 oz
red sage (salvia), and 1 oz of cardamom seeds.
Steep 24 hours in 2 qts. Water. Add honey. Take 2
cups daily.

For the next 3 days…

On rising: take 1 lemon squeezed in water; or 2
tbsp. cider vinegar in water with 1 tsp. honey.
Breakfast: carrot-beet-cucumber juice. Add 1 tsp.
spirulina to any drink.

Mid-morning: take a green veggie drink; or an
organic green super food powder in water or
vegetable juice.

Lunch: have a glass of fresh carrot juice, or
organic apple juice, or a cup of liver tonic.

Mid-afternoon: mint or green tea.

Dinner: have another carrot juice or a mixed
vegetable juice, or hot vegetable broth

Before bed: a pineapple/papaya juice with 1 tsp.
Royal Jelly

The best detox foods for spring:
▪ Asparagus
▪ Dandelion
▪ Dark greens tender leaves
▪ Scallions
▪ Strawberries
▪ Cabbage
▪ Broccoli
▪ Leeks

Avoid “bad” fats:
Avoid trans fats and saturate fats and choose
cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive,
hempseed or flaxseed oils.

Eat what’s in season: Seasonal cooking is one of
the best way to eat fruits and vegetables at their
peak freshness, making them more delicious and
nutritious than ever.

Eat more raw food:
Raw food brings you vitamins, minerals and
precious enzymes that could otherwise be
destroyed by cooking. Eating more raw fruits and
vegetables is also a great way to detox

Go vegan:
Heavy food such as meat can be difficult to

It also creates more metabolic waste that
your body has to detox afterward. Give your body
a break by introducing more vegan and
vegetarian meals in your diet.

Drink water:
Water is the ultimate detox food. It’s probably
one of the easiest and cheapest things to do to
kick-start a healthy detox diet; drink more water.

Lemon water:
Start out the day with a half glass of warm lemon
or lime water without any sweetener. The warm
lemon/lime water stimulates a sluggish liver and
alkalizes your tissues.

Tender greens:
Spring brings bright green new shoots. It’s the
ideal time to introduce you to new delicious and
alkalizing greens. Dark leafy greens have a
milder flavor when they are young. Add baby
spinach and other young field greens for a
mineral-rich liver cleansing diet.

Milk thistle and dandelion root:
These two natural herbs are commonly used to
protect and cleanse the liver. Milk thistle is the
protector, and dandelion root is the cleanser.

Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is great for liver health. Studies have
shown large quantities of vitamin C flush out
fats and repair liver damage.

B complex:
All the B’s are helpful, especially B12, which
has been used to help hepatitis patients.

Avoid or minimize alcohol and all over the
counter and prescribed pain suppressant drugs
containing acetaminophen, a known liver toxin.

This toxic world stresses our livers. Restoring a
tired liver and maintaining its healthy cleansing
functions are vital for overall health.

If you would like to begin your journey into a
younger you contact my office and schedule an
appointment for the testing and treatments.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr Wu Dhi

If you haven’t been tested yet, call me today 305-407-0120 and
discover your anti-aging program today.

Dr. Wu Dhi

Detoxify for the Fall season!

Friday, September 21st, 2012

I have a good friend who has been involved in
the military for years. He fought in the Korean War
when Douglas MacArthurthe was the president.
He actually did battle on the
front line to defend our country and has the
battle scars to prove it.

He has been retired from active duty for years now
and seldom talks about his war experiences, but
whenever he does he says it was heavy.

He has been seeing a doctor at the Veterans
administration (VA ) for his health care and up
until the last year everything has been OK– just
the usual aches and pains but nothing else.
But as time goes on unless you are actively
involved in keeping your body, mind and spirit in
tip top shape systems can fail.

Last week he went to the VA for a problem that he
was having with his digestive system, the dreaded
constipation syndrome that led to a painful
It seems that he wasn’t moving his bowls for 4 or
5 days in a roll. You can imagine
the toxins that back-up, ferment and rot when
there is no release. It affects the liver and
causes problems with the kidneys and even the
brain is effected.
In his
unfocused state he plowed into a can in the
parking lot of the VA. He not only totaled his
car, the air bag opened with an explosion crushed
his chest, fractured his hand and sprained his
neck. He lost his hearing in the left ear and
broke his new glasses.
What a mess!
All of this could have been avoided if only he had
followed the simple rules of detoxing the body.
1. Drink a minimum of 4 glasses of pure water
a day and not more that 8
2. Eat 2 heaps of fruit a day and the same
with veggies
3. Exercise daily it helps massage your
internal organs and keeps the Qi and blood moving
4. Don’t wait for the pain to come before you
do something about your health
5. Detox at least 4 times a year

I have been keeping my body and mind in great
shape by doing exercises that keep my internal
organs healthy to balance my Ph and detoxing my
body every season change.

As we move into fall the detox, it is more
important than ever to keep you healthy all
winter. You can avoid the cold and flu season and
stay fit as a fiddle!

Get on the program today and order the Core detox!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

PS. He’s doing much better, still some pain in the chest
He is doing the detox program and he reports that everything is
along moving.

Golden Rule of Longevity

Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

The golden rules of having good health are diet, exercise,
drinking clean water, avoiding toxins and avoiding injury.

Some of the “Golden Rules” are in our power and some
you have to work on dutifully, in order to achieve-
When I was younger, a lot of time was spent practicing
the Martial Arts.
One of the most valuable lessons I learned was to duck.
If you can duck and avoid the hit, it makes no difference
if the punch or kick, comes at you at a thousand mph.

No contact you’re cool.

Just like a car or a train, if it doesn’t hit you you’re okay.
Now, when it comes to toxins, the story changes.
The toxins can be hidden in your food, water and the air
you breathe. They can be tucked in our medicine, in the
building materials our homes are made from and even our
clothing can be filled with hidden poisons.
For the most part, our body processes things and pulls it
out through the skin, liver, kidneys and lower intestinal

The problem is that when we get blocked up, the toxins
accumulate in our cells, blood, tissues and organs.
Then they are stored there for any length of time and all
kinds of health problems rear their ugly heads.

I hear complaints from patients all of the time. From gas,
bloating,constipation, headaches, indigestion, fatigue to
weight gain.
They are mostley due to a build up of fecal matter on the
colon walls, causing the body to reabsorb toxins.

Basically our digestive track is a large tube running from
the mouth to the anus. If you put in good fuel (food) and
clean water, everything does it’s job and moves through
the tube unobstructed.

When you don’t follow the “Golden Rules “of health,
you start to breakdown the system and illness is
bound to follow.

That’s when a detox program can save you from
getting sick.
And is a pre-cursor to longevity. Detox is short for
detoxification and involves the removing of toxic
substances from your body.
As we age our bodies are exposed to so many toxins
that our natural fight mechanism breaks down – and we
experience some form of dis-ease. With obesity becoming more
and more of a major health concern there has been a renewed
focus on the link between the build-up of toxins and weight
gain, especially with belly fat and waist size.
Globally, there are more than 1 billion overweight adults,
at least 300 million of them are obese.

Don’t let your diet plug you up, make you sick and fat.
There is a product that I have been recommending to my
patients and hundreds of them are getting great results.
It’s call Oxy- hydrate By Qi Essentials it oxygenates your
body as it detoxes.

Oxy- hydrate magnesium peroxide compound contains
detoxification properties that are a revolutionary in
colon care.

A Natural detoxifier Oxy- hydrate works with nature’s
own powerful detoxifiers—oxygen and minerals —
to create the perfect detoxification.
These two natural elements remove toxins,
heavy metals, and other pollutants from the body
quicklyand with no adverse side effects. Oxy- hydrate –
actions quickly aid in the eradication of harmful substances
from the body, yet will not harm friendly intestinal flora.

It naturally increases bowel activity as it detoxifies and
oxygenates the entire colon. It breaks down the hardened
deposits built up on the colon walls and facilitates easy,
regular elimination.

Best of all, it is not a harmful laxative.
The innovative formula helps to put needed moisture into
the intestine, unlike other colon products, Oxy- hydrate
will not weaken the colon muscle.
It provides superior cleaning ability, yet is safe and gentle
on all systems.

I wish you the best in your health, Wealth and Happiness.


The Nectar of the God’s

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009

The Nectar of the God’s


Jackie got the body that every girl wants and when she walks by, everyone takes a look and I am no exception. She is HOT!

 It’s no accident she really works hard to keep everybody looking.

She is about 39 years old; at least that’s what she will admit too.  

 Jackie has been an athlete all of her life, as a child she danced 5 days a week

 and did Martial Arts until she was fourteen.

Three years ago she was running four miles a day and ten on the weekends; she went to the gym three days a week for weight training and did yoga or Pilates at least 2 evenings a week.

It was Two years ago, when she started having some problems with her balance and as well as migraines. She said that she seemed to be OK in the morning but as the day went on her balance got worse and by the evening she had a headache, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps, vertigo, dizziness , joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, and  memory loss.

Her doctors thought it may be early sign of multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia or maybe systemic lupus.

 They ran a battery of test on her and came up with nothing.

 Jackie’s life seemed to be going down the tubes with no cure in sight.

 When she came into see me she reported that her energy seemed to be OK in the morning until afternoon, when it dropped, her sleep was horrible, hard to fall asleep and woke up often. She said that she ate a balanced diet and her digestion worked well.

Then she told me this. The only thing that I do that may not be exactly healthy is to drink an Ambrosia it’s what I call, The Nectar of the Gods.

 I asked her, what is this so called Nectar of the God’s that you drink?   She said. Diet Pepsi and I drink 4 to 6 of them a day.

Hello Jackie, what were you thinking?  

Diet Pepsi is filled with aspartame and you have aspartame poisoning.

The first thing we did was to get Dear Jackie off the Pepsi Cola and into a detox program.

There are three different aspects to doing a good detox program

1.    Detox of Kidney

2. Detox of the Liver

3.    Detox of the Large intestine and Lymph system

Jackie was put on all three and within 30 days the symptoms were totally gone.

To find out more about this program write me at


I wish you the Best in your Health , Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi


PS If you are not part of the

 But you are reading the blog that I send out what are you waiting for?

 Try it for 90 days do the exercises and you will see big changes in your life. I guarantee it!

Get ready it’s ah coming

Thursday, March 19th, 2009







There are rituals and traditions that have been practiced for thousands of years surrounding the coming of spring it’s the most treasured season change.


There is poetry and art that is inspired by spring, these anticipation of the new lives that would blossom both in nature, in spirit and even in the home. And for many, the term spring cleaning is not just a physical activity. It’s cleaning up the negative energy build up over the winter months and prepares for the positive budding energy of spring and summer. That’s just what the Recharging Qi Gong Program does, Opens your energy to let the Qi flow.


 It’s also a very important turning point health wise; a time to clean and detoxify the body of all the toxins accumulated.


The first day of spring is called the Vernal Equinox, which lands this year on March 20th, at 11:44 UT



 Just as the dawn is the time of new light, so the vernal equinox is the time of new life.



 This is when the sun is positioned above the equator; day and night are about equal in length all over the world, and the days become longer again at last.


According to Chinese medicine, people are equally affected by the environment. Living in harmony with the change in seasons can help one find balance throughout the year.


The Vernal equinox initiates change and helps clean up after the winter’s clutter and inactivity to set you up for spring. Love and Anger are both active at the same time. It’s a time to rise early with the sun and start your Qi Gong. The Recharging Qigong package offers more of energy enhancing, Qi moving exercises you have ever practiced.


 If you haven’t started this is the time to Spring into action. That’s exactly what I am doing with the program and everything that will be offered by Dr. Wu Dhi and order to day.


PS. Spring is ruled by the Wood element and is related to the liver and its complimentary organ, the gallbladder. This is the season when the two organs energy is most active. Its an ideal time for a transformation of the liver since it’s responsible for the flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. Schedule a treatment today and get your Qi flowing. Call for an appointment today 305-932-2202