Posts Tagged ‘First Signs’

What is your ALTERNATIVE to the FLU SHOT

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

I have an important message to share with you, on
how to stay healthy during the fall and winter

The Flu and Cold Season is upon us! In Sunny
Florida, fall and winter are our most desirable
times of the year. Not only for the locals but for
the snowbirds as well, the travelers who are
escaping the nasty winter cold. As the Northerners
invade the Sunbelt so do the colds, coughs and

Why is it that some of us seem to always get sick
and others appear to never get sick? The answer
lies in our immune system. If your immune system
is, stressed or weakened, you will have a tendency
to get sick more often and that’s a fact.
Sometimes even when we are feeling good, a strong
virus may even sneak in and Boom!– You got the
BUG. In the fall and winter months, this happens
more often because of weather changes, stress and
a poor diet. In Florida we get people from all
over the world bring in new strains. If you think
the Wal-Mart or grocery flu shot is going to help
you wake up, it can do more harm that a condom
with a hole in it.

• There are few ways you can help reduce your
chances of catching a cold or the flu.
• Get more rest

• Wash your hands often

• Avoid sudden temperature changes

• Stay out of the wind

• Drink plenty of water

• Exercise daily

• Get outside and Breathe fresh air

If you get sick, a hot bath with Epsom salts and
baking soda helps to relieve the aches and pain.
If you are getting treatments that build your
immune system, chances are you won’t get sick at
all. Patients report that when they receive an
acupuncture treatment at the first signs of a cold
or flu it can be stopped and the symptoms can be
lessened by as much as 80%.
Call today for an appointment! Phone: 305-407-0120
PS: Come in today for a natural alternative to the
flu shot that will boost your Immune system and
keep you healthy With NO SIDE Effects!

…..And say Good Bye to the flu
Call – Whole Life Health and Wellness Center, Your
home for natural health care in Aventura, Florida.
Call: 305-407-0120

Your health is our wealth,
Dr. Wu Dhi


If you live out of town and want to have a
weekend of Qi Gong and treatments give me a call
and we can schedule an intensive weekend health
program. 305-407-0120

Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t Get another Cold!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

How many times do you get a cold in a year?
Ones, twice or more?
I used to get a cold every fall and usually a whopper in
the spring as well and I’d be out of commission for at least a
week and if I wasn’t careful I’d end up with a lingering cough to boot.

Usually a person gets a cold when their immune system is
run down and they come in contact with the colds virus.
If you are burning the candle at both ends, stressed to the
max it seems like it’s much easer to pick up a cold.

There are many myths of the common cold.
The fact is, most of them are wrong.
Things like: You can sweat it out– unfortunately,
this does not work – it is completely ineffective.
The Flu Shot can prevent a cold—wrong, sometimes
people get worse colds from the darn shot.
Cold weather can give you a cold—wrong again most
colds are caught in the Spring/Fall seasons.

There is a popular myth that kissing a person with a cold
will cause you to catch it—nope a kiss won’t kill you,
but watch out it is the nasal mucous you have to worry about.
So don’t lick any noses.

The good News when you get symptoms of a cold
(runny nose, coughing, aching body and wiped out)
it can be stopped in its tracks.
If you feel that you are coming down with something don’t
wait another minute, and if you are in the midst of a bad cold
you can lessen the symptoms and duration by days.
Yes, you can get over the sickness quickly… And the treatment is all natural.

I have recommended Vira-Qi to patients, students and
my own family and they are amazed how quickly you can free yourself
of cold symptoms. In fact, take it at the first signs and like magic you will be
feeling great in the morning. Vira Qi is the name, get it today and keep it in
your medicine chest –you will be glad you did.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi