Posts Tagged ‘Dairy Products’

Thinking outside the Box of Fear

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Making a shift in your thinking as the images-1
revolution and the Darwinian revolution did for
people in the 1600 changed how we look at life in
general. Prior to those revolutions people
explained the world around them in terms of a God
that makes specific decisions. If you fell and
broke your arm it was considered an act of God. If
you were a farmer and your crops failed it was an
act of God. People thought of an omnipotent God
who made everything happen.

Then people shifted and they started looking at
things differently and started to take more
responsibility for their own actions. The new
belief was that God is the one to put in place a
universe with certain principles and what we need
to do is to figure out those principles. That’s
what the Newtonian revolution was all about.

On the other hand Darwinian revolution gave us a
shift in thinking about biological species and
natural history.

Today the Gods seem to be the doctors and the
large corporations telling us what is good for us,
what we need to buy, what medicines we need to
take even what foods we need to eat.
I believe these false Gods are leading us down a
narrow path of destruction, like scared sheep with
false fears of our demise.

I have a patient who came into my office a year
ago with a bloated stomach, which is usually an
easy fix, but after seeing her just a few times
there was no change. I referred her to a medical
doctor and after extensive testing they
discovered she had ovarian cancer. She was
operated within days and then she was told if she
didn’t start chemo right away she was going to

The patient decided not to go the traditional
route and changed her diet removing all sugars,
all carbs, and all dairy products. She began doing
the Recharging Qi Gong program daily.
She stopped stressing out and believing that she
was going to die. The decision she made was to
live a healthy drug free life and to take
responsibility for her own health and not leave it
up to the medical doctors and the drug companies.
Her family thought she was totally out of her

It’s been a year since the operation and according
to her blood work and the cancer markers she is
Cancer FREE. She lost 30 unneeded pounds, works
full time, is happier than she has ever been and
doesn’t miss any of the cancer producing foods.
She practices her Qi Gong daily and always has a
smile on her face.

Don’t wait for a disease to bite you in your
rear-end and start practicing today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Do You Know What You Are Being Fed?

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

take a lot of time and energy to
seek out the best foods to put into
my body and avoid things that could
potentially cause health problems.
The food industry is trying to hide
something Big from us.

There is a health risk in what
they are feeding us with the
so-called scientific advances in
the food industry. For sure they
are not health driven. Whether
genetically modified (GM) foods
are safe or harmful is still controversial.
I believe they are harmful and I do
everything I can to avoid foods that
are genetically modified.

Interestingly enough the large
commercial farms don’t want to
even label foods GMO.

We all know why.
People wouldn’t buy it. In
Europe foods have to be
labeled GMO, don’t you
wonder why the food industry
is trying to hide the truth from us?
I know that I want to know what is
in my food. Don’t you? We can
make an intelligent choice on what I
want to put in my body.

I generally
don’t take any sweeteners that have
corn syrup in them. I made that choice
just like I made a choice not to eat dairy
products. That was my choice.
That doesn’t mean that I don’t get
some corn syrup or dairy once in
awhile in my diet, but for the most
part I avoid it. I don’t think you
should be sucking on a cow’s
tit or eating sugar products in general.

Why do you think your food isn’t
being labeled to tell you what’s in
it? 85% of Americans want to
know if the food is being tampered with.
They say that now most foods we
eat may contain ingredients derived
from genetically modified organisms
(GMOs)–everything from baby food
to our dairy to even our meat. If you
live in Europe, avoiding GMO foods
is easier since laws require labeling.
However in the US and Canada food
manufacturers are not required to label
if their food is genetically modified or not.
Here are some of the foods to steer
clear of in your diet.

The worst of the bunch:

1. Soybeans
2. Corn – high fructose corn syrup and glucose/fructose
3. Canola oil
4. Sugar beets
5. Rice
6. Cotton- the seeds are pressed into cottonseed oil, you may know it as vegetable oil.
7. Dairy – the cows are fed GM grains and hay.
8. Aspartame
9. Papayas
10. Farm Raised Salmon

What can you do to protect
yourself and family?

•Grow an organic garden
(you can get seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds)
and other seed companies, look for seeds that are
organic and GMO free

•Buy foods labeled 100% organic.
But be aware just because something
says “organic” on it does not mean
that it does not contain GMs.

•Start eating and growing organic sprouts

•eat home more often and start avoiding
restaurants that are not organic

You may be saying Dr. Wu, I’d like to
eat organic but it’s too expensive!
True! In the short run organic is more
expensive , but there is no free lunch!
You will have to pay sooner or later and
paying with bad health isn’t any fun at all.
Start that sprout garden this week, avoid
junk food, clear up your diet and start a
detox program.

I like both the 7-day Core restore liver detox program

and the Detox kit

They both come with full
instructions and everything
you will need for a safe detox program.
They will help to keep you healthy
and disease free.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr Wu Dhi