Archive for the ‘Flying Crane Qi Gong’ Category

How A Dragon Can Keep You Younger

Friday, July 29th, 2016
Dragon Energy 

I go to the Farmers Market all the time. It's
part of my anti-aging lifestyle. The other day, I
was looking for organic produce, and I met a
couple of die-hard organic farmers from Homestead,
This time of the year, they have mangoes,
avocados, lychees, longans, jackfruits, durians,
and dragon fruits. An unusual variety of fruits to
someone who was brought up with apples, pears, and
cherries. I asked why they chose to grow these
fruits, and they said it reminds them of home.
They are originally from the Philippines and, when
they came to Florida thirty years ago, they bought
a ten-acre organic farm and have been working the
land ever since. I asked them what their favorite
fruit was, and they said, We love them all, but
dragon fruit has a special place in our hearts.
Most people don't have a clue what dragon fruit
is, or even what it looks like, and they know
nothing about its health benefits. When you look
at a dragon fruit, the origins of its name may
appear obvious. Dragon fruits are actually native
to Central and South America. The color of dragon
fruit flesh varies from white to red or deep
magenta. Just like Lycopersicon esculentum, or
tomatoes, the red-fleshed varieties contain
lycopene  a natural antioxidant known to fight
cancer, heart disease, and lower blood pressure.
Lycopene is the focus of recent research for its
connection with anti-ageing. According to legend,
the fruit was created thousands of years ago by
fire-breathing dragons. During a battle, when the
dragon breathed fire, the last thing to emerge
would be the fruit. When the dragon was slain, the
fruit was collected by the victorious soldiers and
presented to the Emperor as a coveted treasure.
The soldiers would then butcher the dragon and eat
the flesh. It was believed that those who feasted
on the flesh would be endowed with the strength
and ferocity of the dragon and that they, too,
would be coveted by the Emperor.
That was a great story for a delicious, sweet
fruit with many health benefits.
Dragon fruit has an amazing superpower that helps
decrease bad cholesterol levels and replenishes
good cholesterol levels. Dragon fruit is an
excellent source of monounsaturated fats, helping
the heart stay in great condition. They have a
high fiber content which can assist with poor
digestion and constipation, and can also
ultimately help regulate diabetes, stabilizing
blood sugar levels by suppressing sugar spikes.
Eating the flesh and seeds, which contain good
protein, will keep your body fortified and
satisfied. The dragon fruit is filled with
antioxidants to rid the body of free radicals and
cancer-producing properties, and will keep your
skin tight and young-looking. Slice up a ripe
fruit, put it in the blender with honey, and use
it as an anti-aging face mask to get rid of
wrinkles. Dragon fruit also has anti-inflammatory
action that will help your joints from arthritic
pain. My students have reported that by practicing
Flying Crane Qi Gong
daily and eating these wonderful anti-aging fruits
on a regular basis has reversed the trap of
premature aging.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How To Build Yin Energy In The Summer Heat

Monday, July 11th, 2016

How To Build Yin Energy In The Summer Heat

It’s really HOT in the USA, and some idiots are

still claiming that there is no global warming. I

have lived in South Florida for over twenty years,

and this is the hottest summer I can ever


Hot Summer

Hot Summer

Your body just starts acting weird. Your

balance is affected and wobbles from side to side

like you are drunk. You can start losing your

equilibrium all together. Your muscles can start

to cramp up with just a temperature increase of

one or two degrees and can affect you even if you

have been drinking water to replace what you

sweated out. When you get overheated, your blood

vessels dilate to release as much heat away from

your system as possible, causing blood to pool in

your ankles which is not good. According to

the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, if you are

exposed to extreme heat for a prolonged period,

you may stop sweating altogether. This is

potentially fatal leading to heat stroke. Also,

brain fog is common from heat exhaustion and you

are apt to make unwise and unsafe decisions. It is

a real hazard for workers who need to keep their

concentration. Aside from increased irritability,

you start losing the ability to do skilled or

mental tasks. As your core temperature rises

further above the body’s natural temperature, you

can get nausea to the point you start to vomit,

and diarrhea may set in. Those muscle cramps I was

talking about earlier may happen more frequently,

you’ll experience palpitations, and tingling or

numbness of the hands or feet.

After work today, I came home and decided to work

in the garden. I was removing a fence post and,

after only twenty minutes, my strength started to

falter and I sat down for a few minutes. That’s

when I started to get somewhat nauseous, and I

knew I had to take some action. First, I moved to

a cooler, shaded location, went in the house

and  removed my clothes including socks and

shoes. Then, I applied cool, wet cloths to my

head, face, and neck, and started to drink water

with just a little salt in it to replace the

electrolytes. If this happens to you, you’d better

do this fast. Without treatment, you may find

yourselves in the grip of potentially deadly heat

stroke. They say that heat stroke takes you to

death’s door. If you think you’re seeing signs of

full-fledged heat stroke, all medical authorities

say to call 911. It is that serious. If someone is

at the stage of heat stroke, their core

temperature is at 104 F or higher, and their

body’s mechanisms for handling the heat have

failed. That can include the loss of so much body

fluids that sweating stops altogether. Here are

some signs of heat stroke or heat exhaustion to

watch out for: hot, dry skin, profuse sweating,

confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures, and

very high body temperature.

As soon as I cooled down, I started to practice

the; Flying Crane Qi Gong

to regain my balance and to add more yin (cooling

energy) back into my body. This time of the year

when the temperature soars, it’s best to practice

your Qi gong early morning before the sun comes up

and a few hours after sunset to gather more Qi and

to cool down the body/mind and spirit. I am really

doing the Flying Crane Qi Gong set both early

morning and after the sunsets. Try it for thirty

days and you will notice the energy shift without

a doubt.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi

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Summer Solstice Self-Love

Friday, June 24th, 2016

Summer Solstice Self-Love

It’s June 22nd and summer is here. The summer

solstice just happened, and the days are getting

longer. I am just returning to South Florida, and

it’s HOT and humid here. I guess I’ve forgotten

for a moment how hot a Florida summer can be. I

was in Michigan last week, and it was in the

mid-sixties, perfect for doing my Qi gong

practices. I visited my kids and went to a

beautiful summer day wedding in the park. The

reception was a fun picnic with music, dancing,

and the celebration of love and happiness to the

newlyweds and to everyone who was there.

Recently, one of my students came to me, and said,

I am no longer in love with my husband, and I

feel ashamed and guilty for not loving him

anymore. She asked me to tell her what love was

to me. I had to think about that, and I looked it

up on the Internet. Here is something that I


Summer Solstice For

example, we may care for our partner as long as we

feel that he or she makes us happy. When we no

longer feel our partner is able to give us

happiness, we find fault in him or her and lose

our caring mind. This mind that wishes for

happiness from others is called attachment, and

causes a lot of problems in our romantic and

personal relationships.

When our personality is dominated by desire, we

are never satisfied with what we have. She asked

me, What should I do now? I told her that she

first needed to love herself. Make a list of all

the things that you like about yourself: what

makes you happy, what makes you feel good about

yourself, the things you like about your physical

appearance, what have you accomplished in the last

ten years, what education you have, what are your

best qualities, how many friends do you have, how

many people love you, why do you think they love

you, what are you grateful for, what is funny to

you, what makes you laugh and smile, who are the

kind people you know, and who are your heroes.

All these questions will start to redirect the

mind back to balance and love of oneself.

Sometimes, we forget that if we want to be happy

and in love, we have to love ourselves first. If

you don’t love you, why would someone else love

you? I get up every morning and practice my Qi

gong and practice my meditation. Who do I do it

for? ME. It’s a form of self-love and gratefulness

for who I am and what I have.

Practice gratitude. You, yourself, and all you

have, and you will love yourself more and more. I

suggest you start with an easy-to-learn Qi gong,

The Flying Crane Qi Gong. It will change patterns

and habits, and this is a form of deep self-love.

Get a copy now and start practicing.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and


Dr. Wu Dhi

What do you Think about Astrology?

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

What do you Think about Astrology?

I know quite a few professional astrologers, and
every one of them has a unique system  that they
have studied and are expert in. Did you realize
that there are many different kinds ?
There is Agricultural , Arab and Persian
, Islamic astrology, Babylonian
, Burmese , Egyptian,
Hellenistic, Judicial , Autarchic
, Mayan , Medical y,
Meteorological , Mundane , Nadi
astrology, Political , Tibetan ,
Western astrology, and Christianity astrology, as
well as Esoteric astrology and Kabbalistic
astrology. That’s a whole lot of people believing
in astrology to predict events and make decisions.
Although mankind has used astrology for thousands
of years, one has to remember this about
astrology: “The map is not the territory.” You can
check your astrology forecast, but you still have
to live your life.

I believe the reason we just read about the
astrology in the newspaper to see what our day may
be like is because they want to hide its real
value. When Christianity became the Roman state
religion in the 4th century, there were opposing
pagan religions that practiced magic. The pagan
religions were prohibited, and the prohibitions
extended to divination and magic. For the most
part, the Church dropped astrology like a hot
potato, calling it anti the word of God. When I
was in Switzerland a few years back, I visited a
church built in the year 1700’s. The stained glass
windows had the complete zodiac signs. So we can
see from history that astrology was part of the
church way, way back. We have, for one reason or
another, tried to get rid of the old ways,
sometimes successful, but not very often. Many
powerful traditions have been lost, but they can’t
be destroyed. For many years, certain traditions
have gone underground, only to resurface later and
be stronger than they were before they
disappeared. In the late forties, Mao Zedong and
his colleagues caused all esoteric practices like
Qi Gong, Nei Gong, and Shen Gong to flee to Japan,
Taiwan, and move into the woodwork of mainland
China. This may have been a good thing as now we
have Qi Gong in the USA and many other places in
the world. When Qi Gong first came to the USA, I
was fortunate enough to meet a Master that taught
me the Flying Crane Qi Gong form. This has been a
godsend to me, my students, and my patients.

Want to learn and start reversing your ageing
process? If you are ready to learn and practice,
check out this time-tested anti-ageing technique
Pick up a copy today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Do you believe in the stars?

Do you believe in the stars?

A lost Love can be a Real Blessing

Thursday, November 12th, 2015

A lost Love can be a Real Blessing

Ellen lives in the Western part of the USA and has
been dating Jack for many years. Last week, Jack
decided to move out and find a new lover. Ellen
fell to pieces, she was heartbroken, pissed off,
and called me crying. After she finally stopped
crying and yelling at Jack for leaving her, I told
her what one of my Masters told me years ago when
I broke up with the love of my life, “Girlfriend,
boyfriends, husbands, and wives are not property.”
At that time, I really didn’t want to hear that,
but I knew what the Master meant. I moved on, and
my life turned out 1,000 times better than it was
with my ex.

Moving along takes maturity, and true maturity
knows what we really want in life. For Ellen, it
wasn’t Jack that she really wanted at all. What
she wanted was a loving, responsible, caring,
mature, and successful partner to share her life
with. He wasn’t! So, like the words in Ray
Charles’ hit song, I suggested to her to tell Jack
to “Hit the road, and don’t you come back no more,
no more, what you say?” As soon as Ellen woke up
and took responsibility for herself, she realized
that she alone was the source of unlimited
possibilities and was actually the mature one in
the relationship.

Being mature is not only the expression of our
true values, it is also not avoiding what we don’t
want. If we are able to receive what is presented
to us with joy, miraculous things will happen.
Ellen is a talent in many aspects of her life. She
has been in movies, plays, performed for thousands
of people all over the world, and is a creative
genius on her own. Now she is opening up to her
own power, and a new source of possibilities are
flowing in. Years ago, Ellen was one of my first
students when I moved to Florida. She embraced the
spiritual work with open arms and an open heart.
She learned the Flying Crane Qi Gong and committed
to the practice to memory. She totally embodied
the work. Jack never seemed to wake up as Ellen
continued to mature in her spiritual growth. Like
an old sweater, she grew out of that part of her
life. Now I can’t say that the Flying Crane Qi
Gong pulled them apart, or make her grow beyond
Jack. Nevertheless, she worked her spiritual
muscles and build a spiritual life, and Jack is
off trying to find himself.

Don’t be like Jack, off on his own. Learn and
work your spiritual muscles and get the Flying
Crane Qi Gong program today.

I wish you the Best in your Health, Wealth, and
Dr. Wu DhiIMG_2369

Over- Training is as Bad as No Training

Friday, October 9th, 2015

Over- Training is as Bad as No Training

I received an emergency call today from a massage
therapist. She makes her living by going to
people’s homes and doing deep tissue work on them.
She is very good in what she does. The reason she
got in touch with me is

 Over Training is   as Bad as No Training.

Over Training is
as Bad as No Training.

 She is

burning up her yin (water), and the yang (fire)
energy is over the top.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition of
the hand and fingers caused by compression of a
major nerve which passes over the carpal bones
through a passage at the front of the wrist,
alongside the flexor tendons of the hand. It may
be caused by repetitive movements over a long
period, or by fluid retention, and is
characterized by sensations of tingling, numbness,
or burning. This is a common problem for people
who do a repetitious job or work with their hands
a lot. I usually don’t see this kind of syndrome
in women, but men get it all the time from
overtraining and not nurturing the yin. The
treatment consists of acupuncture and myofascial

I have found that the Flying Crane Qi Gong  restore the yin and keep the
body and mind in balance within weeks. Check it
out and you will notice the difference within

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

30 days to a Powerful Stress Free You

Tuesday, July 21st, 2015

30 DIMG_0610ays to a Powerful Stress Free You

My normal exercise and meditation program start
every day at 5:45 in the morning to De-stress. I know that
sounds early, but if you want to get a fabulous
day every day, you have to make it that way. Early
morning is the best time to program your body,
mind, and spirit.

Here is how my program goes:

I get up and, after splashing some water on my
face and brushing my teeth, I have a big glass of
water with a lemon or two squeezed into it. Then,
I sit for anywhere from ½ hour to an hour to
meditate and open up the spiritual centers.
Afterwards, I take off for my morning walk down to
the beach. I am about five blocks from the ocean,
and you can even smell the sea early in the
morning. It’s still dark most of the time. There’s
no traffic, and it’s very, very quiet – perfect
for meditation, relaxing, and getting in touch
with the cosmos. In most days, you can see the
stars and, sometimes, I even get lucky and see a
shooting star or two. Once I am at the water’s
edge, I do the protections and surround myself
with light, and then, go into the Recharging Qi
Gong exercise set As soon as
I finish, I go into the Flying Crane Qi Gong set which takes around 45 minutes
to an hour. Then, I’ll walk down the beach
backwards for 500 steps, stop, and spin 21 times
in each direction, and start my internal
exercises, opening up the 14 meridians and the
chakras. After that, I return home for breakfast.

It’s a great workout that calms the mind, protects
you from physical vampires, and recharges the
entire body.

Become Stress Free

Stress kills

But, if you can’t, and
still want the juice, join the Qi Gong Inner
Circle and learn the secrets
to stay young.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

P.S. If you haven’t started doing the advanced Qi
Gong internal practices, get a copy of the
Recharging Qi Gong and the
Flying Crane Qi Gong

This Is The Time For Maximum Growth

Friday, June 19th, 2015

This Is The Time For Maximum Growth!


This is a letter from Sara….
Hi Doc
“I have been practicing both of your programs the
Recharging Qi Gong and flying crane QiGong for a few
years and they are great.
I want to report that I have turned my life
around 200%. I no longer have stomach pain, I went
back to school and I am in the top 10% of the
class and my head is clearer than ever. When I
first thought about getting involved in Qi Gong
and your work I had a lot of fears, doubts and was
not willing to spend the money or make the time
commitment. But I knew I needed to do something.
So I took a chance and of course bought the
cheaper of the two programs to test it out. I
really didn’t have the money, the time or the
energy to do any of this stuff, but I threw the
dice and I am glad I did. After practicing for
around 3 months I noticed some big changes in my
life: I no longer had cramps every time I had a
meal and the only thing I changed was to practice
Qi gong every morning. Hello! What’s that about? I
have seen doctors, taken tests after tests,
swallowed handfuls of pills and no one has come up
with anything to fix the problem; I started doing
Flying Crane Qi Gong and no pain. I then purchased
the Recharging Qigong program and like magic I
have more money, more friends more energy and I am
happier and healthier.”

Thank you, Thank you a million times.

-Sara Belle
Park City, Ut


Many of you have been working really hard to move
beyond your limitations, and I congratulate all of
you. I know it’s not easy to keep it together
physically, mentally, and spiritually. It takes
real work.

Over the last 9 years, I have been putting
together programs, writing books and blogs, and
teaching as often as I can. I have dedicated my
life to these practices, and I’ll do my best to
share them with all of you for the rest of my
life. I will assist you in moving through a lot of
stuff that I went through over the last 45 years
of spiritual work, physical training, and mental

Has it been easy? Hell, no! Would I do it again?
In a New York second and you know that’imagess quick.

The adventure of working with masters, lamas,
gurus, martial artists, experts in communications,
Qi Gong, and Chinese Medicine, artists,
metaphysicians, doctors, scientists, and many
different therapists has been challenging,
growth-producing, fun, and enlightening. I will
continue to give what I can to all of you who ask.
I have written a ton of blogs. There is also a
YouTube channel (Dr. Wudhi). All is for FREE.

If you are a little more serious about your
growth, get the Flying Crane Qi Gong
and Recharging Qi Gong
programs. And start practicing.

If you want more step-up to the plate, enlist
yourself in the Qi Gong Inner circle and join the

Now is the time to get involved. Mercury is now
direct and the planets are in alignment for your
maximum growth.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Reverse your Age

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

One of the chief things that you learn when you
study Medicine is the importance of observation.
I am always looking at people from a different
perspective. I observe people’s speech patterns,
facial expressions, and even the lines on their
faces. It is important in making an accurate
diagnosis. In Chinese medicine, we learn to listen
to the quality of a person’s voice and to look at
the color of his or her nails. Even the smells
that a person gives off are important in
determining what is going on with his health. The
significance of observation will make all the
difference in a good or fair doctor.

As a person ages, he starts to lose his
coordination, and the body has a lot more fear.
You see older people shuffling their feet as they
walk and are going very slow. This has a lot to do
with the fear of falling. Fear affects the water
element which rules both the kidneys and the
urinary bladder.

If you are wondering how to overcome this kind
of fear and stay years younger than your actual
age, there is a way. In fact, there are a few ways.
I do a series of exercises every day and, if you
are consistent, these will reverse the aging process.

1. Take at least 50 steps backwards a day and
build it up to 500 steps.

2. Hold your hands out to your sides and spin
clockwise 3 times. Build it up to 21 times and
then reverse and spin counterclockwise.

3. Learn the Flying Crane Qi Gong. It’s easy to learn
,fun and will keep you younger,flexible and sexy
and practice it 5 days a week for 90 days and you will be
amazed how good you will feelUnknown

These exercises will change you from the inside
out. Don’t delay. Start today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Why Sleep Is Precious

Friday, January 23rd, 2015

If you’re not getting enough zzz’s at night, or if
you’re one of those night owls who are spending
hours in front of the television or browsing the
Internet, you are causing more damage to your
brain than you would think. If you’re sleeping
less than seven or eight hours a night, it has
been linked to memory loss and even Alzheimer’s
disease. One would assume that when they go to
sleep, their brain goes to sleep, too. But, it’s
not true. Your brain is actually more active at
night than it is during the day. It’s the time
that it clears out toxins and recharges itself. No
one is claiming that Alzheimer’s disease comes
from sleep deprivation but it may be a key factor.
We all know that sleep deprivation causes
irritability and grouchiness, and they say that a
shorter sleep cycle may be linked to a shrinking
brain volume. I have found from personal
experience that when I have a poor night’s sleep,
I am dragging all day mentally, physically, and
emotionally. Little things seem to disturb me more
than usual. Here’s what I do to balance myself out
even if I don’t get a good night’s sleep:

1. First thing in the morning, eat a hearty
breakfast. Protein and vegetables seem to be a key
2.Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Forget
about the coffee. It dehydrates the body.
3.Get a 15-minute power nap during the day.
4.A 5-minute meditation focused on relaxing and
recharging the body can make a difference.
5.Get out in nature and take a 10-15 deep
breaths. Pull the nature spirit into my body.
6.Do at least one set of Qi Gong. It restores my
energy, revitalizes my brain, and gets the Qi
moving through my body.

Many of you have asked what type of Qi Gong do I
suggest to give you the most bang for the buck.
Flying Crane Qi Gong will wake up the meridians,
move the energy, and balance you out in the
shortest amount of time. Here’imagess how you can get
the program:

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi