Posts Tagged ‘Environmental Toxins’

How to detox in only 7 days

Friday, June 7th, 2013

If you realize it or not your health is one of the
most valuable things you possess.

It’s more important than money or your
relationships.If you lose your health you lose

Do you know how much money Steve Jobs left when he

Well he left all of it!

Many of us spend very little time understanding
how to maintain our bodies in optimal health. We
don’t pay attention to our health until it begins
to fail and then it can be too late.

Our main detox organs are our Liver, Kidneys and
the Intestine. If they are too toxic you will
notice a bunch of nasty stuff you never wanted to

Our liver works to remove toxins that we encounter
from the food we eat as well as toxins produced by
our bodies. When the gastrointestinal tract is not
functioning optimally, your liver has to work over time.
Normally, the immune system, liver
and kidneys work together to remove toxins at the
same rate as they are encountered.

When toxic levels are too much our body’s capacity to
remove fails and we get sick. We can have toxins
stored in our bodies for years without
experiencing any negative symptoms, but once the
toxins becomes too high, we are in for big problems.

These days toxins come everywhere-from the air we breathe, the water
we drink, the food we eat and the emotional toxins
we are continually bombarded with.

We are exposed to more pollution today
than any other period in history. During the past
100 years, approximately 75,000 new
chemicals have been released into
 environment. Our body
 was not
designed to deal with all these toxins. By
lowering the amount of exposure to these
environmental toxins and taking steps to cleanse
out those that have accumulated in your body, you
will feel better and reduce your risk of illness.
Toxic over load can cause:
• Constipation

• Chronic diarrhea

• Food allergies

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Malabsorption syndromes-
a decreased
ability of the digestive tract to digest and
absorb nutrients from food

• Poor digestion

• Stomach acid

• Bad breath

The liver is the main organ of detoxification in
your body. When it’s not in tip top shape
Every other system in our body is
compromised. Most of the toxins we
are exposed to are fat-soluble –they stay in our
systems permanently and start to negatively affect
on your organs and age you before your time.
The liver, colon, kidney,
heart, brain, lungs, skin and endocrine system
(hormones)are all effected.

I have seen hundreds of people suffering from
various health problems and most of the problems
come from the gut. By detoxing the Liver, Kidneys
and large intestine you can restore your health
the quickest.

The Liver is the key to starting
your detox program. I start my patients on a 7-day
program called the Core Restore Program

In just one week you will Reduce incoming toxins in
to the body and boost the liver’s ability to
eliminate the incoming toxins. There are three
main goals of the Core Restore Program:

1. REMOVE – By eliminating the incoming burden
of toxins from your diet and lifestyle

2. RESTORE – supporting the processing and
elimination of toxins achieve this.

Drinking Core Support and taking PhytoCore
capsules will help to enhance Phase I and II
detoxification pathways in your liver, as well as
support healthy functioning of your digestive
system during the detoxification process.

The detox program will help you move forward in
body, mind and spirit.

Get started Now
and stay healthy and we will grow younger

Lets get started.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


June 21st is the Summer Solstice, a time to spend
in meditation, and restore your health. I suggest you
get up early that day before the sun comes up and
you begin your day with a meditation and Qi gong practice
and drink 3 quarts of pure
water. That will set your day. Than you can party
on and bring in the summer in a healthy way.

The Future Picture of your Health!

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

There is a lot going on right now,
It must be a seasonal change.

I get a full check up a few times a year
and this year is no exception.

I have invited Dr. Carola Cuenca
to come to Miami.
Starting on April 4th she will be doing testing
and evaluations
using “Computerized Regulation Thermography,”

This is a testing device used all through
Europe in the major clinics to assess the
state of health of the internal organs.
I use it to see what’s going on inside
the body 6 months before anything shows up.

Computerized Regulation Thermography (CRT)
is a safe, radiation-free, non-invasive,
painless, whole body scan method for
discovering hidden dysfunctions and
infections that monitor the treatment

It can see problems before they
manifest into a palpable mass, or,
into health problems that may be

Using the CRT, internal organs
can be ‘seen’ digitally through the
nervous system. Connections with
the skin surface and, in many cases,
can help move the person
out of the danger zone, saving both
time and preserving health.

Dr. Carola Cuenca is a homeopathic
physician, her insights and understanding
of the holistic nature of human physiology,
mind and spirit are part of her talent in
helping people heal, she specializes in
women’s issues and immune system

The Causes of Breast Cancer:

1. Prescriptions Drugs, especially Synthetic
Hormones, e.g., birth control pills,
non-human estrogen, etc.

2.Exposures to Plastics and Plasticizers
that may act like Toxic Foreign Estrogens

3.Hidden and Chronic Infections of the
Teeth, Tonsils and/or Lymphatic and
Internal Organs

4.Toxic Heavy Metal Exposures
(mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium)

5.Improper Diet and Nutritional Deficiencies

6.Liver Metabolism Defects

Breast disease is not a disorder of the
breasts alone, but of multiple, systemic,
physiological malfunctions such as:

•Abnormal liver detoxification
•Hormonal imbalances
•Environmental toxins
-Mercury, lead, arsenic, plastics
•Dietary carcinogens(oxidized,
rancid fats, processed foods,
artificial food colors and

•Unresolved chronic infections
•Trauma and x-rays (30% of all breast
cancers may be triggered by the crush
trauma and radiation exposure of
repeated mammograms).

75% of women who get breast
cancer have no family history of the disease.
Moreover, 23% of all breast cancers occur in
women under 49. The most common
cancer in women is in this age group.
Breast cancers in younger women are
usually more aggressive and have poorer
survival rates.

Mammography and digital infrared image
thermography, as well as MRI and ultrasound,
can help to study the breasts and other parts
of the body, but only Computerized Regulation
Thermography (CRT) can help pinpoint and
explain the relationship and impact of all
the other body systems and their particular
influences on breast health on an individual

To secure your space call today!
305-407-0120 or

Office Address:
18205 Biscayne Blvd.
Suite # 2214
Aventura, FL 33160

Call today, as space is really limited!

I Wish You the Best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

News from Bean Town

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012

It was last year around this
time that I wrote you and told you that
I got some fabulous new equipment in the office.

“A Light Beam Generator”
As far as I am concerned
it is an indispensable tool that
I use daily for Detoxification,
to restore and maintain proper
functioning of its immune system.
Its main work- is to relieve
lymphatic congestion and toxicity issues.
The LBG® removes unnatural additives in
our food, including steroids that mimic
hormones and attach to proteins.
With proper lymphatic drainage,
they can be flushed out of your system.
My students and patients have been
complaining to me that I am leaving
them just before the Big Easter/Passover
holiday and going to Bean Town.

Well you’ll all be happy to hear that I am
off to Boston to get the latest and greatest
New Light Beam Generator, The Master Series.
The new one is twice as powerful
than the one I have. Plus other
pieces of equipment that works to
relieve pain in the bones and
another one to open up the
bronchial passageways of the
lungs and the best part they
are all natural with no side effects.
I wish all medical treatments
worked as well with no toxic side effects.
Over the years my patients are getting
healthier quicker
and freeing their bodies of dis-ease
quicker than I have ever seen
and with no side effects.
That’s a blessing for them and me.

We are getting hit with so many
Environmental toxins-in the air
and the chemicals in our
food, water, houses, and workplaces
and the so called
“New-and–Improved” products we put into
our bodies all expose us to environmental

If you are in the Miami area give me a call
786-271-0325 and I’ll
Help you stay healthy.
The Big Word here is HELP!

If you want to stay healthy it takes
both of us working together to achieve one goal.
Your Perfect Health.

I can’t do it for you. I can be your coach and
steer you in the right direction but it takes
both of us working together.

Get started now. I tell all my patents to
I start out with the Flying Crane Qi Gong program
and if you already have the program,
move into the Recharging Qi Gong Program.

I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Avoiding the Flu without a Shot

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

We are in the first week of the New Year
and I’m about to start an intensive
Cleansing Practice.
My good friend Frank has returning to Miami for 2
weeks to join me on this practice.
After the holidays, we all have a tendency to go
off our regular programs, because of family obligations,
travel and special holiday ritual, etc.
The celebrations usually bring us joy, happiness and
more stresses and work than we can shake a stick at.  
We over eat at thanksgiving, sugaring up our system for
Christmas and over drinking to celebrate the New Year,
although that was a lot of fun. For the last month or so it’s
now time to get on top of our health mentally, physically,
emotionally and spiritually.
Over the next 90 days I will see more people with
colds and flu’s, than I see the entire year.  I believe part
of the problem comes from all of  the overindulging and
just having too much fun.  
The runny nose, loose stool and aching muscles are the
body’s way of detoxing from all the holiday cheer.
But there are ways to avoid all the misery and stay healthy.
We are constantly exposed to numerous toxic
substances without even knowing it. Our body has
to defend itself against environmental toxins in the air,
water, poor nutrition and drugs, viruses and bacteria.
Our body has a sophisticated detoxification system to
neutralize the toxins. But when we overload the system,
our detoxification organs cannot handle them.
Resulting in symptoms like constant tiredness, colds,
flu’s as well as more serious acute and chronic conditions.
Detoxification is one of the most important natural
processes going on in our body every day. I recommend to
all my patients, students, friends and family that they detox
at least a few times a year. Personally I detox my entire
system four times a year.
A good detox program clears out the lymphatic system, the
liver, kidneys and the bowels.
 Some of the benefits that you’ll receive are your lungs will
function better, your skin will look younger, your brain will
function better and your energy levels will go way up.
Hear are some useful tips to keep your system clean and
functioning well:
·      Exercise daily
·      Get proper sleep
·      Maintain a positive attitude
·      Reduce your intake of coffee and black tea
·      Cut back on alcohol and for sure stop smoking
·      Eat a balanced diet
·      Drink at least two quarts of pure water a day
·      Reduce stress and learn how to turn it into personal power
This is one of the easiest and most effective detox
programs that I do and recommend.
The Homeopathic Detox Kit.
These Three Specific Powerful Homeopathic preparations
are easy to use and well tolerated with no bad side effects.
Avoid getting the winter blues, colds and flu’s!  
Get your kit today!!
I wish you the best in your Health,
Wealth and Happiness