Posts Tagged ‘Intestine’

How to detox in only 7 days

Friday, June 7th, 2013

If you realize it or not your health is one of the
most valuable things you possess.

It’s more important than money or your
relationships.If you lose your health you lose

Do you know how much money Steve Jobs left when he

Well he left all of it!

Many of us spend very little time understanding
how to maintain our bodies in optimal health. We
don’t pay attention to our health until it begins
to fail and then it can be too late.

Our main detox organs are our Liver, Kidneys and
the Intestine. If they are too toxic you will
notice a bunch of nasty stuff you never wanted to

Our liver works to remove toxins that we encounter
from the food we eat as well as toxins produced by
our bodies. When the gastrointestinal tract is not
functioning optimally, your liver has to work over time.
Normally, the immune system, liver
and kidneys work together to remove toxins at the
same rate as they are encountered.

When toxic levels are too much our body’s capacity to
remove fails and we get sick. We can have toxins
stored in our bodies for years without
experiencing any negative symptoms, but once the
toxins becomes too high, we are in for big problems.

These days toxins come everywhere-from the air we breathe, the water
we drink, the food we eat and the emotional toxins
we are continually bombarded with.

We are exposed to more pollution today
than any other period in history. During the past
100 years, approximately 75,000 new
chemicals have been released into
 environment. Our body
 was not
designed to deal with all these toxins. By
lowering the amount of exposure to these
environmental toxins and taking steps to cleanse
out those that have accumulated in your body, you
will feel better and reduce your risk of illness.
Toxic over load can cause:
• Constipation

• Chronic diarrhea

• Food allergies

• Inflammatory bowel disease

• Malabsorption syndromes-
a decreased
ability of the digestive tract to digest and
absorb nutrients from food

• Poor digestion

• Stomach acid

• Bad breath

The liver is the main organ of detoxification in
your body. When it’s not in tip top shape
Every other system in our body is
compromised. Most of the toxins we
are exposed to are fat-soluble –they stay in our
systems permanently and start to negatively affect
on your organs and age you before your time.
The liver, colon, kidney,
heart, brain, lungs, skin and endocrine system
(hormones)are all effected.

I have seen hundreds of people suffering from
various health problems and most of the problems
come from the gut. By detoxing the Liver, Kidneys
and large intestine you can restore your health
the quickest.

The Liver is the key to starting
your detox program. I start my patients on a 7-day
program called the Core Restore Program

In just one week you will Reduce incoming toxins in
to the body and boost the liver’s ability to
eliminate the incoming toxins. There are three
main goals of the Core Restore Program:

1. REMOVE – By eliminating the incoming burden
of toxins from your diet and lifestyle

2. RESTORE – supporting the processing and
elimination of toxins achieve this.

Drinking Core Support and taking PhytoCore
capsules will help to enhance Phase I and II
detoxification pathways in your liver, as well as
support healthy functioning of your digestive
system during the detoxification process.

The detox program will help you move forward in
body, mind and spirit.

Get started Now
and stay healthy and we will grow younger

Lets get started.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi


June 21st is the Summer Solstice, a time to spend
in meditation, and restore your health. I suggest you
get up early that day before the sun comes up and
you begin your day with a meditation and Qi gong practice
and drink 3 quarts of pure
water. That will set your day. Than you can party
on and bring in the summer in a healthy way.

Are you feeling stressed?

Friday, January 4th, 2013

I had a real scar the other day. It was the middle
of the day and my office was filled with patients,
when my mother called from Michigan and said, “The
ambulance is here I am on my way to the hospital”
and hung up. Damn Ma, what was I supposed to do
with that info? How was I going to get in touch
with her? At 92 years young she sure doesn’t carry
a cell phone. What hospital was she going too and
should I hop on a plane now? My head was spinning.
I immediately called my son who lives near her and
No answer! I called my daughter-in-law, No answer!
Finally I called a good friend who lives near by
and she got the details for me and later called me from
my Mom’s hospital room. It was a sever stomach
pain that was diagnosed as “Diverticulitis- (a
bulging sac of the inner lining of the
intestine that become inflamed and infected). No
one knows exactly what causes the sacs, or pouches
of diverticulitis to form but it is painful and
puts you on the toilet seat most of the day.

I’m sure it all started from the foods they have
at the assisted living facility my mother lives
in. People who eat mostly processed food, as many
Americans eat, do not get enough fiber in their
diet. Processed foods include white rice, white
bread, most breakfast cereals, crackers, and

As a result, constipation and hard stools are more
likely to occur – causing people to strain when
passing stools. This increases the pressure in the
colon or intestines and may cause these pouches to

Symptoms of diverticulitis are more severe and
often start suddenly, but they may become worse
over a few days. They include:
•Tenderness, usually in the left lower
side of the abdomen
•Bloating or gas
•Fever and chills
•Nausea and vomiting
•Not feeling hungry and not eating

Although I later discovered that Mom had a few of
these symptoms she didn’t let anyone know until it
was too late and she was whisked off to the
hospital. They gave her a handful of antibiotics
and sent her home. She was told to take 2 in the
morning and one at night and although it helped
with the infection, the medicine killed off all
the friendly bacteria as well as the bad stuff.
She spent the next 10 days on the potty still suffering
with stomach pain and now has pain where the sun
doesn’t shine.

Now Mom doesn’t know what to eat and is afraid to
eat at all. I sent her acidophilus but of course
her doctor didn’t recommend it so she wouldn’t
touch it.
I didn’t know that I was going to be STRESSED. I
thought everything was going well on my end and it
was, but you never know when the universe will
throw you a spinner.
Thank God Mom is feeling better! We are not out of
the crisis yet but things are sure better.
When we are faced with stressful situations we
immediately go into flight or fight mode.
This affects two important systems:
1. The sympathetic nervous system
2. The adrenal-cortical system.

The next thing you know, your heart is pounding,
hormones are releasing that gets the body prepared
to deal with the situation to help you survive by
organizing you to either run for your life or
fight for your life.

In situations where the tiger is about to rip you
to threads this is a good thing. But when you are
just threatened by things like Family, Work, or
Money that’s the time to use the energy of the
stressful situation to transform the “Stress Into
Power” We are all confronted with stressful
situations daily and if you are not eating the
stress it’s eating you.

Yep even when Mom calls!
Get a copy now! There is no doubt stress is coming
one way or another. This program can save you
hours of mentally, physically and spiritually
Order Now and turn your stress into power!

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and

Dr. Wu Dhi

“Yeh Ming Ju” The Energy Gem

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

It’s still hot here in South Florida.Today, the temperature was in the 90’s.
When you live in “The Sunshine State” you get use to the heat and the rain.
This weather will continue for at least another month or two until it starts to get cold up North. Then we will start to feel a sudden change of the
weather as we go from a hot and steamy summer to a more mild heat once the fall moves in.
The ocean will then cool off and I will again be living in paradise, a beautiful 70 degrees with no humidity. From November to May the weather here is perfect.This is when all the snow birds return to Florida and the tourist season begins again.

It’s strange to me that some people who live here all year long don’t venture outside in the summer to enjoy the energizing weather of the tropics.
It’s even harder to believe that some people never give
themselves the opportunity to swim in the ocean.
I make sure to spent much of my time outside.

In the early morning, long before the sun comes up,
even as we move into the winter months, I still go into the ocean.
The beautiful and rejuvenating ocean is why I moved to
South Florida many years ago. In fact, I tell most of my
patients to spend at least twenty minutes soaking in the ocean water, two or three times a week.

The salt water of the ocean has many healing and therapeutic qualities.

-It helps to detox the entire system.

-It keeps the lymphatic system moving and helps to
massage the intestine.

-It keeps the skin soft.

-It de-stresses the body, mind and spirit.

-Just standing in the ocean is the ultimate form of meditation
and provides your body with complete relaxation.

I spend most of my day busy with a full time Chinese
medicine practice, book and blog writing, DVD producing,
and personally training and coaching students and patients
in matters of health and longevity.
It makes no difference how busy I am or how many projects
I am involved in, I always make sure that my health is my number one priority.

When you spend so much time outside like I do, you not only
have the opportunity to experience nature, but also to become energetically sensitive.

The more energy you are aware of the more energy you can
cultivate and use for the growth of your health and spirituality.
You learn what kind of energy to avoid and when to put yourself
right in the middle of positive energy.

My friend Peter Dragon who trains in Qi Gong everyday,
knows how energy works and how to cultivate it.
I just received a new package from him today all the way from China.

I was happy to find that the package contained more of the
magical gems “. The Chinese know all about Yeh Ming Ju. Although most have never seen the gems in person, many would like to have one to enhance their Health, Wealth and Happiness.

When I wear my Yeh Ming Ju I feel like I am protected by body armor.
Since wearing these magical gems my energy and endurance
have increased greatly, I sleep better, and my creativity and awareness have been heightened.

Yeh Ming Ju is considered to be the ” King of the Energy Gems.”
These gems are infused with Rare Earth Elements and once they
are charged up by the Sun they hold and radiate Qi. In a sense they are alive and have their own awareness.
I was lucky enough to get a few of them for myself and some of my students. People have been writing to me from all over the world asking
how they can own one of these “energy gems”.
Like any rare gem they are hard to get and are “worth their
weight in gold”.
In ancient times only members of the Chinese Royal family
were allowed to own this rare gem and it has never left China until just recently. The last batch I received sold out in two days.

The more energy workers that become aware of the gems
the quicker the price will go up and the more difficult they
will become to obtain. It’s as simple as supply and demand.
In this recent shipment I was lucky enough to secure some
really choice pieces.
If you are interested in energy and better vitality you’ll definitely
want to own one of these amazing gems. Write me at
and reserve your energy gem today. I have small beads, large beads and
some really powerful necklaces available.
This is the last shipment I will receive until next year.
Don’t miss your opportunity to get one as they sell out fast.

Peter Dragon is currently finishing his first book on Energy
Gems and it will soon be available.
I’ll make sure that you are well informed as I get more information
on it’s release.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

Dr Wu Dhi