Posts Tagged ‘immune system’

When Life Throws You a Curveball

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Natasha is one of my long term patients.
She would always come to see me for an
acupuncture face lift and treatments to
boost her immune system. Her whole life
has been focused around the arts, beauty
and having fun. She is married to a guy who
manages one of the top Rock and Roll groups
in the world and she is really good looking,
tall, slender and bubbly.

I have never seen her with any tensions,
stresses and she always has a smile on her face.
But, sometimes life throws you a curveball.
Some situation comes out of nowhere and can
turn your life upside down.

Her husband was diagnosed with cancer and has
been in and out of the hospital for the last
6 months. He is now fighting for his life and
Natasha is in charge of everything like paying
the bills, doing the taxes, driving back and forth
to the hospital, informing his family and friends
as to what is going on and his health!

She is now stressed to the max!
Her arms, shoulders, neck, back, legs, and feet
are clenched. That beautiful smile is gone.
There are dark bags under her eyes. She is
having trouble sleeping, has no appetite and
she is a wreck. I made a house call today and after
the treatment we talked a lot about how she is going
to handle the situation. I gave her some guidelines
and some exercises to help free up the tensions,
loosen up her body and give her some tools so she
can process all of this stress and handle everything
she has to handle.

It’s not like she can leave right now and go on
vacation. She is 100% in charge. I am sure many of
you have been in a situation similar to this where
you have to take charge even if you don’t want to.
I went over the tension release exercise and showed
her how to use the stress receptors to relieve the
tension and stress from her body. Although they say
that stress is a killer, if you use it to your advantage,
you can come out of the other end of a stressful situation.

You will be more energetic with more personal power no
matter what the situation if you have the right tools.
Natasha like so many of us certainly didn’t choose the
situation and never had to handle something quite as
challenging before in her entire life.

I spent about an extra half an hour with her today
showing her these exercises, meditations and stress
busters for her to be able to handle any situation
that may be thrown at her. If by chance you get
yourself into a situation or the universe puts you
in a situation that’s uncomfortable for you, there
are teachings and tools that can keep you stress
free so that you can transform your stress into Power.

Things like this happen to all of us now and then in
life and after teaching thousands of people these
exercises, I sat down and wrote the program
Turn Stress into Power. It consists of meditations,
exercises, and solutions that no matter what life
throws you, you can handle it! Most of my patients
say that this program is a MUST.

You can order today!

Turn Stress into Power

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

Don’t Get another Cold!

Wednesday, June 6th, 2012

How many times do you get a cold in a year?
Ones, twice or more?
I used to get a cold every fall and usually a whopper in
the spring as well and I’d be out of commission for at least a
week and if I wasn’t careful I’d end up with a lingering cough to boot.

Usually a person gets a cold when their immune system is
run down and they come in contact with the colds virus.
If you are burning the candle at both ends, stressed to the
max it seems like it’s much easer to pick up a cold.

There are many myths of the common cold.
The fact is, most of them are wrong.
Things like: You can sweat it out– unfortunately,
this does not work – it is completely ineffective.
The Flu Shot can prevent a cold—wrong, sometimes
people get worse colds from the darn shot.
Cold weather can give you a cold—wrong again most
colds are caught in the Spring/Fall seasons.

There is a popular myth that kissing a person with a cold
will cause you to catch it—nope a kiss won’t kill you,
but watch out it is the nasal mucous you have to worry about.
So don’t lick any noses.

The good News when you get symptoms of a cold
(runny nose, coughing, aching body and wiped out)
it can be stopped in its tracks.
If you feel that you are coming down with something don’t
wait another minute, and if you are in the midst of a bad cold
you can lessen the symptoms and duration by days.
Yes, you can get over the sickness quickly… And the treatment is all natural.

I have recommended Vira-Qi to patients, students and
my own family and they are amazed how quickly you can free yourself
of cold symptoms. In fact, take it at the first signs and like magic you will be
feeling great in the morning. Vira Qi is the name, get it today and keep it in
your medicine chest –you will be glad you did.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi

How to Cultivation Qi

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

he last three weekends have been incredible!
I traveled to Boston, Gainesville, and last
weekend I was in a great workshop on
biological medicine, right here in Miami.
You would think that
maybe I would get tired.
I’m feeding on the energy and the
energy is feeding me.
When you can get in flow with
energy, miracles happen. The
energy pushes you along like a
giant wave. Most of us,
when we have too much to do- we
get stressed out and a wave washes
over our body and bounces us to the
point where we don’t know what’s up
or down.
It took me many years to learn
how to work with energy and how to
ride the wave of continuous flowing Qi.
It takes the cultivation of Qi, practice
and training. Once you have trained
yourself, you will be able to use the
energy at will.
There is a story about the Master and a man,
who were stranded at sea.
Each both found a piece of wood floating
and climbed on it. The student just sat on
the piece of wood and the waves crashed
him into the rocks and he was killed.
The master on the other
hand, used his foot as a ruder to steer himself
into calm waters.
It’s the same in our lives.
If we are thrown into the sea of energy and
yet we don’t know how to use it, we too can
be thrown into the rocks of life and destroyed.

Qi Gong can move you away from the pitfalls
and teach you how to use the energy for your
health and well-being. Qi Gong is perhaps the
most important aspect of internal energy.
Benefits of Cultivating Qi:
Quiets the mind
Strengthens and corrects the skeletal system
Balances the nervous system
Improves and strengthens the heart
Strengthens and improves the digestive system
Increases Qi flow in the lungs and large intestines
Improves and strengthens the immune system
The Recharging Qi Gong program that
comes with a book, 2 DVD’s and 5 CD’s,
gives you:
-The Three Internal Secrets of Qi Gong
-The Spiritual Keys to Qi Gong,
-The 5 elements of Transformational Power
-The Compassion, the path to mental Well-being,
(and one of the most important aspects of Qi Gong and Longevity)
-10 Secrets to Sexual Vitality.
Order your copy in the month of September and
I will send you absolutely free,
a power amulet for protection and Qi cultivation.
I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth and Happiness
Dr. Wu Dhi

Truth about Common Colds

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Having a chronic cold and cough sucks big time. I know because
growing up in Detroit Michigan I went through the same thing
and in part its the reason I became a healer.

A few years ago I read an article by Dr. Zand she said” There’s
nothing common about the common cold and no two viruses are the
same”. She when on to say Colds can be caused by over 100
different types of viral pathogens, remember flu virusesfrequently mutate from year to year. That makes it
tricky for one to develop a strong immunity to these ailments
to say the least. Why is it that some of us get colds all the
time and others seem to never get sick?

The answer lies in our immune system, we all get exposed to
colds and flu’s daily.

If you have a strong immune system it knocks them out with no
problem. But If our immune system is compromised or we are
under a lot of stress, Flu’s colds and coughs seem to slip by
our defenses and were sick.

Quite a few people are coming into my office at this time of
the year with colds, sore throats, coughs, runny nose’s,
sneezing all related to the lungs. It happens whenever we have
a season change, especially fall to winter the changes in
temperature, long standing stress, poor diet all weaken the
immune system and can trigger a cold, in a New York second.

In my clinic I use various techniques to build up the immune
system naturally like acupuncture, herbs, homeopathic formulas,
vitamin therapy and detoxification protocols.

In India there are doctors of Ayurveda (Devanāgarī,
the ‘science of life’) medicine, that work with the chakras to
open up the blocks so a disease will stop reoccurring.  Similar
techniques are used in Chinese medicine to open up the meridian
and Qi flow. All of these help to build our immune systems

There is another important factor to look at;. The emotions
play a key part in any dis-ease, colds and coughs are no
exception. They have to do with an imbalance the Metal

The Metal element controls both the Lungs and Large Intestine
they have an emotional component attached to them its sadness
and grief. When you signed up for Dr. Wu Dhi’s Health and
Longevity tips  I sent you a
great exercise to clear sadness and grief the old man by the
sea exercise.

When you build up to ½ of the exercise a day for 30 days you
can clear sadness and grief out of your system that you have
been holding onto for years.

There is something else I should tell you about that program.

In the Recharging Qi Gong Program you’ll find at the end of the
book a set of exercises called the Yin Set. This alone is worth
the price of the entire package.

These are Super Powered exercises that will scoop up, mop up
any negative emotion and transform them into an everlasting
positive state of mind.

I wish you the Best in Health Wealth and Happiness

Dr. Wu Dhi